Rent Me By The Hour (8 page)

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Authors: Leslie Harmison

BOOK: Rent Me By The Hour
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He pays for our lunch, “Will I be seeing you again?”


I don’t know. Maybe if Paula feels ill again and you don’t answer your phone so we can reschedule. Then maybe” I’m such a smart ass. “We rescheduled your appointment with Paula for Monday afternoon.”


He raises his eyebrows, “Take care Tina. I’ll be seeing you around.” Then he winks.


Chapter 4


Barely made it to Jocelyn’s school. Since I still had to switch cars before I could come back to Baytown, I was cutting it really close. Shouldn’t have driven down here like I did. I really need to be more careful. I like showing up at Jocelyn’s school thirty minutes before the kids are let out. Waiting in the back of the line is such s dread. I fall in line with the other parents who pick up their kids from school. Martha parks right next to me again. I turn my back on her acting as if I did not notice she was pulling up. I jump as she blows her horn. This crazy bitch just honked. I start bopping my head pretending I’m jamming to some good ole country music. What the hell. She honks again. This deranged woman is persistent to tell me the latest news. But remember my radio is blasting, so I’m not supposed to be able to hear her honk. I pretend I don’t hear her. Hope she doesn’t get out of her car and knock on my window. I’m startled and nearly pee on myself when this bitch knocks on my window. I don’t know whether to laugh or be scared. Who gets out of their car to gossip? Persistent bitch.


Hey Martha. How are you doing?”


I kept honking, but I guess you didn’t hear it.”


Oh shit. I was bopping my head but the music wasn’t on. And I didn’t even pretend to turn off the radio before rolling my window down. She probably thinks I’m the crazy one. “I guess I didn’t hear.” I arch my eyebrows forcing myself from laughing. I’m so embarrassed.


It’s called getting older. It happens to me all the time. I can barely hear.”


Really? I thought you had Dumbo ears. You can hear gossip a mile away. You really want me to believe you can’t hear? “What’s going on Martha?”


I hear Matt and Victoria are going to have a crawfish boil this Sunday. I wonder why they didn’t invite Ted and me.”


Oh I didn’t know they’re having a boil.” Please don’t ask me to invite you.


Did I offend them in any way?”


They’re going to have big time oil business owners at their gathering. They don’t want you there to gossip about everything. You’re messy. That’s why they didn’t invite you. “No I don’t think so. I didn’t know they were having something going on Sunday.”


You’re her best friend and you don’t know?”


Her cellphone rings. Saved by the bell. She waves as she returns to her car. Back to enjoying peace and quiet. Just as I’m pulling my phone out of my purse to start reading on my Nook, the principle speaks on the intercom and students stampede to their parents’ cars. It’s nice to be able to spend time with my babies right after they get out of school and on the weekends.


Jocelyn hops in the car, “Hi mommy.”


Hi baby. How was school?”


Same thing, just another day.” She amazes me on how she talks. Sometimes I think she thinks she’s thirty or something.


I giggle, “How did you do with your math test?”


I passed.” She gives me the duh look. “Mom you should have already known that.”


Yes I should have huh?” I narrow my eyes in the rearview mirror, “Let me guess, you made a hundred on your spelling test too?”


Yes mom. Duh.”


We arrive at Jordan’s school, and he’s nowhere to be found. I park the car searching for him. He finally enters in the car.


Where were you baby?”


I forgot my backpack in gym, so I had to go back inside and get it.”


Oh ok. How was school?”


It was ok.”


Ok? Is everything alright?”




Are you sure?”


Yes mom.” He snaps. “Everything is ok.”


Since I’ve been in Houston all day, I need to go home and feed our animals. I think I’ll just order pizza while we tend to our pets. When we get home, we all change into our “home” clothes, I hide my business phone under my sock drawer, I order pizza, and Mufasa and Mulan stay outside with us while we interact with our animals.


The pizza man arrives with our pizzas while we’re outside. We eat outside on the patio watching the fireflies circle the light fixtures. We rock on the rocking chair while my kids talked up a storm. They’re all of a sudden talkative. Once we were done eating, I tell my kids I’ll order a movie if they go take their showers.


While I was discarding the pizza boxes in the trashcan outside, I hear my kids giggling. They were racing up the stairs, “Quit running before one y’all fall.”


I’m so tired. I hang onto the rails as I force myself to climb the stairs. I need a good shower. After we bathe, we grab pillows and blankets from our rustic wooden trunk, plop on the sectional, and get relaxed so can watch
Life of Pi
. On occasions I found myself daydreaming about Jeremiah. He’s so gorgeous with an awesome, sexy smile. And the way he licks his lips. What’s wrong with me? He’s a trick? But who am I to judge him.


When the movie was done, my kids were asleep under my arms again. There is no way I can help them upstairs especially how I’m feeling right now. I gently pull them on opposite sides of the sectional and lie between after I cover them up. I download the second series to
The Hunger Games
on my Nook, read for a little while until I doze off.


Jordan had another one of his nightmares. I must have been really tired because I didn’t hear him having his bad dreams that he falls onto the wooden floor. The thud wakes me. He lays there on the floor panting and sweating. Slowly scooping him up, I stay up rocking him back and forth comforting his horror.


Saturday morning, my alarm chimes and I do my mummy walk back upstairs to my room to turn it off. When I walk back to the living room, my kids are already dressed for the day. I must have slept hard because when I got up to turn the alarm off, I did not notice they were already sitting on the couch watching cartoons. I can barely open my eyes. I am moving slowly today, I think a snail can beat me in a race right now. Someone please help me up these stairs. I close my bedroom door and get ready.


I jump in the shower to help me wake up. I need to shots of espresso. Why am I so tired? When I managed to get my act together and hurry along, I slip on a flannel t-shirt dress and cowboy boots. I pull my hair into a pony tail and walk back to the living room. Jordan just came in from letting Mufasa and Mulan use the bathroom and now he’s feeding them. What a good son. I fix Jocelyn hair and put make-up on her for her cheer competition. Today will be the last day for her cheer and Jordan’s championship is today. Before leaving the house I made sure Jocelyn had her pom-poms and Jordan had his helmet and pads.


We stop by Denny’s to have breakfast. Some of Jordan’s football teammates are there with their parents. At times I get sad for him as I watch how he observes his teammates’ parents. Everyone in his team has a mother and father, and he feels left out. I can give him my love and every material thing possible, but my heart still aches because one thing he needs, I can’t provide. He needs that
guy figure
in his life like any teenage boy. I pull him towards me and I kiss his head. He looks up at me with his eyes glistening; he fakes a smile to let me know he’s alright but I know he isn’t. I’m his mother. I know him too well.


When we arrived at the game, it’s very chaotic; mothers pretend they do not notice their kids acting up, fathers are howling at the coaches, coaches are yelling at the referees, and the referees are calling fouls on the players. Jordan runs to his teammates, while Jocelyn helps me with the folding chairs. Some of the mothers chit chats with me, gossiping about the news going on in Baytown. And of course the biggest gossiper in Baytown is here running her mouth. Martha. Martha. Do I need to say more?


That’s one thing about small towns; everybody will know about your personal life whether you want them to or not. When you tell one person your deepest secrets, the whole town will hear about it, and the story will be twisted by the time it gets back to you. I sit there listening prudently while watching Jordan play. I do not like to get mixed up in all the hoopla, because I would never want anyone whispering about me.


After the snap, the quarterback throws the football to Jordan; he catches it, runs for the end zone and makes a touchdown. Excited for my son, I jump up leaping for joy. Me jumping up shocked Martha; causing her to jump back and the folding chair falls backwards. As much as I wanted to laugh at her for being messy, I decide to be nice and help her. During another play, Jordan gets tackled hard by the safety, causing him to hit the ground resulting in a fumble. He lies on the ground and doesn’t move for a good minute. I rush to his aid. He gets up slowly and is embarrassed by my actions.


“Mom I’m alright. Why did you come running like that? Quit babying me.” He walks away from me and heads back to the sideline with his teammates.


I felt like someone just pierced a knife through my heart. I never intended to embarrass him. Moisture starts to form, but I stiffen my eyes making sure the tears don’t fall. I head back to my seat, sit down; pull Jocelyn to sit on me and I hold her tight.


“Mom, you’re holding me too tight.”


Loosening my grip, I kiss Jocelyn on her cheek and continue to watch the game. At half time, Jocelyn and I stand in the concession stand line, and fathers eye me. I hate it when men disrespect their wives like that. They talk loud to get my attention, but I just roll my eyes. I continue to hold Jocelyn’s hand, wishing the line would move faster. After we eat our nachos, Jocelyn gets sleepy, so she sits on my lap and takes a nap. During the second half, Jordan makes two more touchdowns, and each time I jump up cheering joyfully. Of course Jordan’s team win their championship game and my son received the MVP award. The whole team, parents, and coaches are meeting up at Incredible World to celebrate, but I have to take Jocelyn to her cheer competition.


We had to drive to Houston since the competition will be held at the George R. Brown Convention Center. When we arrive the parking lots are packed. I find a tight spot and managed to squeeze my truck right in. When I bought my truck, it was very hard to maneuver at first, but eventually I got the hang of it.


The exuberant atmosphere is very chaotic. In every inch of the building you can see the girls very giddy with their pom-poms shaking, cartwheel flipping, and loud cheering. Jocelyn sees Stephanie and they join their other cheer mates. Cynthia walks up to me and gives me a hug.


She ruffles Jordan’s hair and he smiles at her, “How was your game bubba?”


It was good.”


Did y’all win?”


Yes ma’am.”


Cynthia winks at Jordan, “I should have known better to ask if you guys won huh?”


His mouth slants to the side as he turns his Gameboy on. He usually goes to Victoria’s house on Saturdays so he can play with Patrick, but since Matt and Victoria will be busy getting stuff done ready for their party on Sunday, Jordan had to tag along with me.


“Has Victoria called you?”


“Yes. She wanted me to bring an ice chest.”

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