Requited (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance) (2 page)

Read Requited (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Danielle Lewis

Tags: #romance erotica

BOOK: Requited (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance)
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It was ridiculous. After all this was Beka. Perhaps it was just a post-divorce early midlife crisis attraction. That had to be it. He had not thought about any other woman since Jen left. Maybe that’s just what he needed, a meaningless weeklong fling.


The more he thought about, the more sense it made. He was a long way from home, so he knew that he and Beka would not be running into each other all the time. Another advantage was that he knew her. Clarke had never really been the type to jump into bed with a complete stranger. Yes, he decided. Beka would be the perfect rebound hookup.


Chapter 5

Dinner with Clarke went surprisingly well. Beka had felt butterflies in her stomach as she saw Clarke approach the little diner, but as the evening wore on they fell into a comfortable rhythm.


He was different now that they were older. Age had mellowed him a bit, and he was less reserved than she remembered. He also had some grey in his hair now. Even so, he still had the same effect he had on her when they were young. Just the sight of him caused her blood to feel warmer in her veins.


After they had finished eating, he suggested they go out for dessert, so she took him to an adorable little frozen yogurt place just down the road from her apartment. Talking with him was so easy that she could tell if she wasn’t careful she would fall right back into love with him again. It was time to take drastic measures.


“So how’s Jen?” she asked.

“We’re not together anymore,” he replied. Beka almost choked. Her heart started beating twice as fast.


“I’m sorry. I always thought you two would end up getting married.”

“We did,” he said. “It turned out to be a bad idea.”


“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” he answered frankly. Beka silently continued eating her yogurt and waited for him to decide. Finally he began to speak.


“I think it started falling apart when I graduated,” he said. “We talked about it, and we realized that the only way we could stay together was if she followed me to med school. We didn’t want to break up, so she moved to California with me.”

“Was she unhappy?” asked Beka.


“Not with California,” said Clarke. “She loved it there eventually. It took time though. I wasn’t enough to make up for the fact that she was so far from all of her friends and family. She moved for me, and then I was so busy with school that I couldn’t be there for her.” He fell silent for a few moments.


“But you got married?” Beka prodded.

“I guess I thought I could fix our relationship by marrying her,” he said with a shrug. “It was stupid. The wedding just made things worse. Then we had Connor ”


“I’m sorry, what?” interrupted Beka. “You have a son? How have you not mentioned that before?”


“Haven’t I?” he asked, sounding surprised. “I guess we were too busy talking about the past. Would you like to see him?” Before she could even answer, he was already pulling out his wallet. “Here,” he said, handing the picture. Connor was adorable. He appeared to be about three years old.


“He’s really cute, Clarke,” she said, smiling at the picture. “What’s he like?” Over the next few hours, Clarke told her all about his life. She learned about his failed marriage, the day Jen abandoned their family, and his decision to move back to the East Coast. She got the impression that Clarke had wanted to talk with someone about everything for a long time, so she listened attentively. It was good to know she could be there for him.


Chapter 6

They talked for hours. In fact, Clarke and Beka talked until the frozen yogurt shop closed. Clarke gallantly offered to walk Beka back to her apartment, and she accepted his offer. After all, the apartment was not far. When they got there, however, she wasn’t sure she was ready to say goodbye.


“Would you like to come in?” she offered. “You know I’m a tea drinker, but I think I have some coffee somewhere.”


“Tea would be fine,” he assured her. Once they got inside her apartment, Beka suddenly felt nervous. Had she made a mistake by inviting him up here?


“So I might be completely misreading this situation, and if I am, then I am very sorry,” Clarke said suddenly. Confused, she turned to face him, and as she did, he caught her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. Immediately her knees weakened. As he kissed her, every other than the feel of his lips on hers flew right out of her head.


After the kiss, he pulled back a bit to look at her and gauge her reaction. He looked at her questioningly for a moment, but she could not respond. Somehow she seemed to have forgotten every single word in the English language.


Since she couldn’t tell him about how the kiss made her feel, she decided to show him by kissing him back. She kissed him with all the passion and longing that she had felt for him in college and that he had reawakened in her now. Dimly, a more cautious part of her brain recognized that she was being impulsive and perhaps irresponsible, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to be with him.


As they kissed, she guided him toward the couch. When he bumped into it, he fell backwards onto it in surprise. Beka didn’t even give him time to get up.


Immediately, she joined him on the couch, placing one knee on either side of his legs so that she knelt on the couch, straddling him, and wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him. He certainly did not seem to mind, as he reacted by thrusting his tongue between her lips. She wondered if he could feel how she smiled as he explored her mouth with his tongue.


In her gut she knew he was rebounding. His wife had left him and he was looking for someone to make him feel special again. He certainly did not love her the way she loved him, and even if he did, it would be messy and complicated and it could never actually work. She pushed those thoughts aside. She wanted him, and quite frankly she had waited long enough. Tonight he was hers.


In college Beka had always been shy about asking for what she wanted. Tonight, she decided just to take it. As they kissed, she reached down and began pulling off his shirt. To her delight, he immediately began to help. Once his shirt was off, she began exploring the strong muscles of his chest and back with her fingers. It felt so good to finally be touching him.


His hand slipped under her shirt and found the clasp of her bra. He immediately unhooked it and then slid his hands around her body to her breasts. Beka broke off their kiss just long enough to take her shirt off to give him easier access. His touch was soft, his fingers brushing ever so lightly over her breasts. The delicate caress lit every nerve in her body on fire.


He broke off their kiss and replaced his fingers with his lips. She found herself moaning softly as he began to lick and tease her right nipple. Just when she thought she could take no more, he switched to the left. She found herself grinding her hips against his, trying to feel more. Frustratingly, both her jeans and his were in the way. Someone needed to fix that.


Beka carefully slid off of Clarke’s lap and onto the floor. She was pleased to see he looked confused. Good. It was time to get him a bit off balance. Kneeling in front of him on the floor, she began to unzip his jeans. His eyes grew dark with arousal as he realized what she was doing.


He lifted his hips to help her as she slid off first his jeans, then his boxers. His penis was already hardening, just as she could feel herself already growing quite damp. She began to slowly lick him from base to tip and then back down again. As her tongue moved across the shaft, she could feel the blood rushing toward her, making him hard. She loved being able to affect him just as much as he had always been able to affect her.


When she thought he was ready, she took him fully in her mouth. When her lips closed around him, she was gratified to hear him moan. She glanced up and met his eyes. They were wild, and she could tell he was close. With his cock still in her mouth, she smiled at him. For some reason that did it. He suddenly came, and as he did, Beka swallowed his seed. It was something she had never thought she would do for any man, but with him, everything just felt so natural. It felt right.


As he lay there on the couch, recovering from his orgasm, Beka stood and removed her own jeans and her panties.


“Your turn,” she told him, grinning mischievously as she sat down beside him on the couch. He turned his head toward her, and the determined look in his eye made her shiver with excitement. She remembered with some satisfaction that something Clarke always believed strongly in was reciprocity. If she helped him with a bulletin board, he would find a way to help her with hers. If she gave him a book, he would give her one. Now she had given him a damn good blow job…


“Lie back,” he ordered her, his voice husky. Without question, she obeyed. He turned so that he could look down on her. Gently but firmly, he pushed her knees apart. It felt strange to her to lie there so open and exposed before him, but she did not close her legs. Beka trusted Clarke completely. The sight of his face through her spread legs was the most erotic thing Beka had ever experienced. He looked her straight in the eye for a moment before leaning down to begin kissing his way down the inside of her thighs. She felt herself becoming wetter and wetter the closer he got to his destination. Then, finally, gloriously, he kissed her lower lips.


No one had ever kissed her there before. She found herself pushing her hips toward his mouth, begging for more. He used his hands to hold her steady as he began to expertly manipulate her clit with his tongue. She began to writhe under his skillful ministrations, but he held her fast, pushing her slowly and surely ever closer to an orgasm of her own.


When she was nearly there, he slipped a finger inside of her narrow passage. He paused for a moment and then gently began feeling around inside of her until he found her g-spot. His mouth tantalizing her clit and his finger teasing her g-spot were too much for Beka. She felt everything shatter as her own orgasm crashed into her. As the waves of pleasure coursed through her, Clarke shifted position. He covered his body with hers, and in one swift thrust, he was inside of her.


Clarke was relatively average sized; however, Beka had not had sex in a very long time. To her he felt huge. She gasped as he filled her and stretched her. Instinctively she bit his shoulder. For a second she froze, wondering how he would react, but to her surprise it seemed to arouse him even further and he began thrusting in and out of her body.


She wrapped her legs around his body, pushing him deeper and deeper. Slowly his rhythm increased as he came closer and closer to a second orgasm. She was amazed by his stamina. Soon she could feel him moving in and out of her more franticly as he neared his climax. Finally with a loud groan, he got there again, releasing his seed deep into her womb.


Spent, he collapsed on top of her. She found the weight of his body comforting. He was clearly exhausted. Nevertheless, Clarke was Clarke. He took a moment to rest before reaching down to begin stimulating her clit once more.


“It’s ok,” she murmured. “I know you’re tired.”

“I’m not that tired,” he assured her drowsily.


“It’s all right,” she disagreed. “Get some rest. You –.” He cut her off, stopping her mouth with a kiss. He kept it busy, so she could not disagree with him anymore as he began using his fingers to bring her the rest of the way. He knew what he was doing. He played her like an instrument and every note was perfectly in tune. Soon she found herself nearing the edge again, and then he pushed her over the brink. She clung to him as everything else faded away. For a moment she felt like the whole world was gone, and all that was left were the two of them, their bodies entwined.


Chapter 7

A few hours later, Clarke woke up with Beka still lying in his arms. Her head was resting gently on his chest, and she was fast asleep. As he lay there on the couch still holding her in his arms, he realized that he needed to reevaluate a few things.


First off, sex with Beka was nothing like he had expected. She amazed him with her passion and assertiveness. He realized now that he had assumed she would be much more passive because that was her personality in college. Clearly, she was not that girl anymore. She was a grown woman who was unafraid to express what she wanted and make sure she got it. He sort of loved that about her.


It was also beginning to occur to Clarke that he was stupid to think she could be just a casual hookup. He liked waking up with Beka in his arms, he loved talking with her, and he could not even begin to describe how he felt about the sex. He could not get the image of her sucking him off out of his head. The way he could tell she was smiling as her eyes met his when she knelt before him with his cock in her mouth – it was the sexiest thing he had ever seen.


Sexy. That was not a word he had ever used to describe Beka before. She was always just… Beka. She was clever and interesting and a great friend, but he had never ever looked at her as a woman before. Now all he wanted to do was wake her up and have sex with her again. Or maybe just wake her up to talk.

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