Rescue Me (19 page)

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Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult

BOOK: Rescue Me
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“Now what?” Adam asks. Shayne lifts her finger and points at Jen.

“What did I do?” Jen slinks down in her chair as Shayne glares at her.

“You were laughing, little missy. If you don’t spill right now then I will.”

“Jen’s pregnant,” Bubba blurts out.

“You are?” I ask excitedly. “Oh, congrats you guys, that’s amazing! No wonder you aren’t drinking tonight. I just assumed you were the DD. I am so happy for you,” I beam.

Later as I am putting away some of the leftovers in the fridge, Bubba walks up to me.

“So how you really holding up?”

“I’m hanging in there, actually. I mean, what can I do, really?” I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly as I close the fridge and turn around to face him.

“Well I just want you to know that Jen and I are here for you if you ever need anything. I have that shithead’s picture up all over the bar. Adam seems to be holding up fairly well,” he continues.

“Yeah, he feels the same way I do. We just sit and wait and pray they find him, and find him soon.”

I stare off into space as a surge of guilt consumes me over Adam and my sister having to stay in this house.

“Hey, Erin. I know that look; you have guilt written all over your face. Now I know you and I don’t know each other all that well, but I know people. I am around them at my bar all day long and I can see you’re a good, kindhearted person who has been through hell and back.” Bubba slings his arm around my shoulder. “You have a good man in there,” he says, pointing to the other room where Adam is. “And I know for a fact he would be mad as hell if he knew you blamed yourself. So chin up, girl.”

“You’re a very sensible man, Hermie Williams.”

“That I am, Erin. That I am.”




“Everything is all locked up...holy fucking sexy.”

Adam’s gaze trails up and down my body as I lay across the bed with the green bra and panty set I bought a few weeks ago. Even though we haven’t talked much about what’s going on since this morning I know it’s still weighing as heavily on him as it is on me. I will do anything to take his mind off of the situation at hand and it looks like it’s working as his reaction is exactly what I was hoping for.

I look down and I see his dick straining against his jeans. He’s hard as a rock already. I lick my lips and tilt my head in an-oh-so-seductive way.

“Don’t do that!” Adam looks at me with a ‘you’re driving me crazy’ face.

“Don’t do what?”

“Lick those fucking lips like that again and I will show you exactly what I mean.”

He pulls his shirt over his head and unsnaps his jeans.

“Maybe I
you to show me what you mean.”

He inches a little closer. “Are you trying to seduce me, Ms. McIntyre?”

“Me? No. I would never do a thing like that.”

I drop one of my legs off to the side, spreading them a little farther apart.

“Oh, but I think you would,” he disagrees as he unzips his jeans and frees his magnificent package. Adam grabs hold of it and starts stroking it. Holy hell, that is hot. Still stroking himself, he strips himself from his jeans and boxers and kicks them to the side of the room.

“Are you drunk, sweet cheeks?”

My eyes flash to his. “No. I feel good but I am definitely not drunk.”

“Good, because with you looking like that something tells me my sweet girl wants to play dirty.”

He releases his dick and damn it, I lick my lips because yes, I want it in my mouth and he knows it.

“I’ll do whatever you want me to do,” I purr, and so help me God I will. I am so damn wet right now that I can feel it wanting to drip out of me.

He leans down and whispers in my ear.

“Whatever I want? Are you sure about that?”

I swallow hard.

“Very sure,” I whisper back.

He is mind-fucking me as he nips my ear and trails his finger down the middle of my chest and on down until he stops at the edge of my panties.

“You want it hard, baby?”

Oh, God.

“Yes,” I pant.

“Good. And you say, anything I want?”

His hand grabs my panties and rips them off.

“Yes, anything. Anything.” I am practically melting now.

“Perfect, because I am going to fuck you so damn hard that you’re going to beg me to stop.”

He plunges his finger hard into my wet heat, causing me to arch my back and let out a loud moan.

“That’s my girl,” he says before he captures my mouth with his. This is a kiss I have never felt from Adam before. It’s as if he’s branding me with his tongue and staking claim to what is his as his tongue moves just as feverishly as his finger. When he pulls his finger out and draws it down closer to my ass, I jerk just a little. He breaks our kiss and looks me in the eye and without saying a word, he swirls his finger leisurely around my hole. It feels like pleasure and torture all in one.

“This is just one of the many things I want to do to this gorgeous ass.” He slowly pushes the finger inside. “Relax, baby. Let me open you up and pleasure you.”

“Oh, yes!”

Bit by bit he inches his finger forward until he is all the way inside me.

“Oh, Christ. You feel so incredible!”

I can feel my pussy start to throb and the stimulation from his finger moving in and out is bringing on an orgasm at a thunderous pace.

“Oh, God. Adam! I am going to come!”

“Good. Then come.”

He covers my mouth with his and muffles my scream as I come like I have never come before.

“Sweet fucking hell, I could watch you all day,” Adam says as he pulls his finger out and traces it around my clit.

“Then fuck me so you can watch me come again.”

He raises his eyebrows slightly.

“Oh, I’m going to fuck you, all right.”

He gets up and stands on the side of the bed, grabbing my legs and pulling me to the edge. Lifting each leg, one by one he places them on his shoulders and without warning he plunges his cock so deep inside of me that I want to scream. I lift my head and watch him pound into me, and he’s relentless. He never takes his eyes off of the place where our bodies are joined, watching himself fuck me, and God, is he fucking me hard. So hard that my body starts to shake and my walls start to squeeze around his cock as I come again.

“Fucking hell, woman. You’re gripping me so damn tight, baby and it feels so damn good.”

I reach up and unclasp my bra and my heavy breasts fall free, aching and begging to be touched. I let my hands roam all over them, squeezing and pressing them together.

“Eyes up here, sweet cheeks, because I want you to watch what you do to me. Only you.”

My eyes catch his in the dim light and when he starts to come he stills himself, allowing me to feel every bit of his warm seed spill into me. He keeps his gaze locked onto mine and I see nothing but love and hope for a future staring back at me.

Chapter Twenty-Three



Damn, this woman never ceases to amaze me. She has been through one hell of a shit storm these past few weeks and despite it all she still wants to please me. I knew the minute I looked into her eyes tonight when I walked into our room. It’s officially our room now, because Erin has moved all of her stuff in here. I really didn’t give her a choice, but she didn’t balk at the idea of it, either. When I saw her lying there in just those sexy bra and panties, I never got so hard so fast in my life. I have fantasized so many times about walking into my room and having her sprawled out across my bed with her long blonde hair flowing freely across my pillows. It’s as if our minds think alike for the simple reason that when I saw her, it was exactly how I visualized her to be.

And Christ Almighty! When she told me I could do anything I wanted to her, I desperately wanted to bend her over and finger her pussy while I made love to her ass, but I knew she wasn’t ready for that. That is the biggest fantasy I have involving the two of us, and when the time is right that is one fantasy I know will come true, because underneath it all, my shy girl is a woman who has a craving to please me just as much as I want to please her.

Until I met Erin, I had never had the desire to feel someone in such an intimate way. There is a connection between Erin and I that is hard for even me to understand. I feel her everywhere. Right down to my bones. She has penetrated deep inside of me, and all these feelings I have for her keep getting stronger by the day. I fucking love this woman, and as we both come down from our intense orgasms I cringe at the thought of having to pull myself out of her, but today has been an emotionally draining day for us and we both need to sleep.

“I love you so damn much, Erin,” I tell her as she crawls up the bed. At the sight of her with her ass in the air and our combined juices leaking out of her, my cock twitches and he is immediately hard again. Fuck, I know I could go again but instead I make my feet move to my side of the bed and crawl under the covers so I can pull her tightly up against me.

“I love you, too,” she replies. “That was a mind-numbing experience and the best fuck I have ever had, Mr. Payne.”

“Me too, sweet cheeks.”

“Hmm. It feels like you could go again.” She doesn’t waste any time gripping firmly around my cock and lightly tugging on my piercing. God, I love it when she does that and so does my dick, but I know I fucked her hard and I can hardly keep my eyes open.

I twitch my dick that she is softly stroking. “The real question at hand is; can
go again?”

“I want to, but I am so damn tired. Today has been one emotionally crazy day. I do want to talk to you about something, though, before we fall asleep.”

I tilt my head down and look at her. “And what’s that? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I just need to make sure that you’re fine.”

“Am I worried about this shit that’s going on? Hell, yes, I am. But I am not scared of him. He’s weak and I believe he isn’t smart enough to follow through with his plan. He’s too fucked up on his drugs. He will make a mistake soon, and when he does they will catch him. The main thing for me right now is to keep my family safe and I will stop at nothing to do that.”

Both of us lie still and are speechless for a moment.

“I heard Shelby talking today about getting a gun,” I venture.

Erin shoots up into a sitting position on the bed. “She was just expressing her feelings about how she felt. We don’t really have a gun.”

Capturing her hand in mine and bringing it to my lips, I kiss the inside of her palm.

“I know you don’t have one, but I do. I want you to know where it is.”

Erin takes a sharp intake of breath and her eyes go wide.

“I don’t even know how to shoot a gun, and I am sure Shelby doesn’t, either!”

“I don’t mean to scare you. I just want you to know that in my safe in the office is a small handgun. You know where the key and the code to the safe are, so if you ever feel like you need it, take it. Monday when Sierra is at school I will show both you and Shelby how to use it.”

She plops back down on the bed and gazes up at the ceiling.

“I just pray to God none of us have to use it, Adam.”

I arrange my body so I am half on top of her because I need to be looking into her eyes when I tell her what I have to say.

“Erin, I hope none of us have to use it either, but baby, even though today was one hell of a day and we both tried to push the situation to the back of our minds, he’s out there. Like I said, he will fuck up and get caught, but just like you said to me this morning at the police station, I wouldn’t be able to survive without you. Twenty seven years I have waited for you to walk into my life and I didn’t even know I was waiting.” I stop and run my hands down the side of her face. “You are all I can think about. The first moment I saw you in Texas was the day I stopped thinking about ‘me’ and started thinking about ‘us’. And I will always love that beautiful little girl that is sleeping so peacefully in her room, and cherish every moment I have with her. The two of you are mine and I am yours. Now even though I would love more than anything to lose myself inside of you, it’s time to go to sleep.”

She gives me a provocative look.

“You’re not tired?” I ask with surprise.

“Yes, I am tired, but you can’t just say stuff like that to me and not expect me to respond.”

“You don’t have to say anything back. I see how much you love me every time I look at you.”

I can see her love for me right now. It pours out of her and consumes me.

“You keep telling me how strong I am and how I have done all of this on my own. Some of that may be true, but I could have never done any of it without you. I am so in love with you, Adam,” she says as she runs her soft hands in circles across my chest.

“I love you, too. Good night, sweet cheeks.”

I reach over and turn out the lights, then pull her back into me. We both fall asleep not knowing that the fantasy is about to be replaced by our worst nightmare.

We are woken yet again to the sound of my cell phone ringing. I jump out of bed still half-asleep as I search for my jeans. I pick them up off the floor just in time to miss the call. Digging into my pocket I retrieve my phone just as it starts ringing again. The screen reads ‘private caller’, but I answer it anyway.


“Is this Adam Payne?” the unidentified caller asks.

“It is. Who is this?”

“This is Fire Chief David Myer and I am sorry to wake you sir, but there is a fire at your construction site at 3253 Mulberry Lane. We have a crew over there now and I am heading in that direction. It’s my understanding that this is a home you’re building and that no one is living there, is that correct?”

I feel numb and like I am about to lose my mind right now.

“Sir, is that correct?” he asks again.

“Umm, yes. Yes, that’s correct and I will be there as soon as I can.”

“FUCK!” I throw my phone on the floor.

“Adam what is it?” Erin asks as she climbs out of bed and turns on the light. I run my hands through my hair and then down my face because I just can’t fucking believe this shit.

“That was the fire department. The house we were building on the side for Trevor is on fire and I have to get my ass over there now,” I tell her as I pull my jeans on and race into the closet for a sweatshirt.

“Oh dear God. It’s Joel, I know it is. I am coming with you.” She runs to the dresser and starts to pull out a pair of sweats.

“No you’re not. You’re staying right here where I know you’re safe. I will call you as soon as I can,” I tell her as I pick up my phone and open the door to walk out.

“Adam, wait!”

“Erin, I have to go, now go back to bed and I will call you.”

I don’t even give her time to respond as I grab my jacket and walk out the door to my truck. “FUCK ME!” I scream as I start my truck and pull out of the garage, this time making sure I shut the garage door as I speed down the street. Now for the call I don’t want to have to make.

“Adam. What the hell, man?” Trevor answers in a panicked voice when I call him.

“Fuck, Trev. I don’t know how to tell you this, man, but the house we are building for you and Melody is on fire.”

“Come again? Did you just say my house is on fire?” I can hear Melody asking what’s going on in the background.

“The chief called me and that’s all I know. I am on my way there now.”

“I’m on my way.” He hangs up.

I toss my phone on the dash and my mind is all over the damn place. “Why? You motherfucker. Why would you do this?”

The rest of the drive over there I tried to prepare myself for what was in store for me but once I pull into the drive all of it flew out the window as I watch the home we have been working on for months light up the sky in its burning inferno. It’s one hell of a beast of oranges and reds.

Trevor designed this house himself as a surprise for his fiancée, Melody. I force myself to get out of the truck and once I do, I see Trevor pulling in directly behind me. The devastation on his face is more than I can bear.

“I’m so sorry, man,” I tell him as he saunters towards me.

“What the hell happened?” he asks as he stands and stares at the fire.

“I don’t have any proof, but my guess is Erin’s ex did this.”

“Jesus, Adam. If he did, he is crazier than we thought.”

“He’s way past crazy, man.”

The two of us continue to talk as we walk up as close as the fire department will let us.

“Mr. Payne?” A short, stocky man approaches.

“That’s me,” I say as I shake his hand and introduce him to Trevor as the homeowner.

“Do you know how it started?” Trevor asks.

“I have my suspicions, yes. Nothing can be confirmed until we do a thorough investigation, but I suspect arson. There are several containers of gasoline over there by those piles of wood. I assume those are not yours?” Both Trevor and I tell him no at that same time. “Look, you’re welcome to stay here, but please stay back behind the tape. And I am sorry for your loss. I need to get back with my guys and get this fire contained.”

“Thank you, sir.” Trevor and I shake his hand and he rushes away as my friend and I stand there and watch his dream home burn to the ground. But it’s not until several hours later when daylight starts to break and I answer my ringing phone to the sound of a screaming Shelby on the line that I realize my nightmare is about to get fucking real.

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