Rescued by a Duke (8 page)

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Authors: Ruth J. Hartman

Tags: #london, #sweet romance, #clean romance, #Romance, #Regency

BOOK: Rescued by a Duke
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"More's the pity."

"As you mentioned before, it's the life you chose. Well, this is the life I've chosen."

The conversation needed to be directed away from him. "Where did your latest fight take place?"

Lucien answered around a mouthful of food. "Not far from here."

Garrett frowned. "Have you been in the area for a while, then?"


Garrett raised his voice. "Then why are you just now coming home? It's been eight months since you were last here."

After a final bite of food, Lucien dropped the fork onto the plate with a clatter. "Because of this." He pointed at his brother. "I don't appreciate your lectures."

"Someone has to do it."

"You are not my father."

"Then act like an adult."

The chair scraped on the floor as Lucien pushed away from the table, the sound bouncing off of the hardwood. He stomped from the room in a huff. Garrett took a deep breath, willing his temper to subside. His first impulse was to beat some sense into Lucien, since he didn't seem to get the message any other way. But it would just bring Garrett down to his brother's low level.

When would his brother learn? He rubbed his face with one hand. When would he grow up and stop getting in trouble chasing women… Garrett widened his eyes. He'd allowed Lucien to get under his skin to the point he'd temporarily forgotten Sasha was upstairs.

A woman's scream pierced the quiet of the large house.




Sasha's heart raced. The dark-haired man stood across the room, his white shirt unbuttoned. Dark chest hair was visible underneath. Who was he? And where was Garrett? She wrapped her arms around her middle, biting down on her lip to keep in another scream.

The man winked and took a step toward her. "Well now, what do we have here?" Was he so used to women screaming in his presence that he didn't even flinch?

Why is this man here? In Garrett's house?
Why wasn't Garrett here to chase him away? She backed against the headboard until a sharp corner gouged her shoulder. There was nowhere for her to go. Nowhere to hide. Did he expect her to—

The door banged open, slamming the wall. Garrett stood in the doorway. His eyes were opened wide, his breath coming in quick pants. He locked his stare with Sasha's. "Are you all right?"

Nodding, she swallowed hard. "Garrett? Who—"

The man stepped toward Garrett. "Oh, I see. She belongs to you? Well, well, and here I'd thought there was no hope for you." He placed his hands on his hips. "When I first saw her here, I thought maybe you'd gotten me a gift. The fact that she screamed only made her a challenge. And you know how I love those."

His smirk was like that of a rabid dog that once had approached Sasha in the forest. She shuddered. What would have happened had Garrett not appeared when he had?

A rustling sound came from the doorway. Maryann stood with her hands clasped in front of her. Garrett moved his hand toward the hall. The maid curtsied and left.

Eyeing the other man, Garrett frowned. "Button your shirt, Lucien. How dare you think—"

Lucien held up a hand. "Don't blame me. All I knew was I came up to my room and started to change clothes out of these dusty ones. I heard a thump from in here. My curiosity got the better of me. Guess I'm like your silly cat."

"Just go back to your own room." Garrett crossed his arms and stared at Lucien.

Lucien, whoever he was, shrugged and left. She blew out a deep breath and bit her lower lip, willing away a sob. "Oh, Garrett, I didn't know what to think."

He shut the door behind Lucien and rushed to the bed. He sat down on the edge and took her hand. "I know I shouldn't sit here this close to you, but I need to know if you're all right."

She nodded. "Yes, just frightened."

"I'm so sorry. Lucien is my brother. He came a few weeks earlier than expected."

"I've caused you more problems, haven't I? It's because of me that you and your brother exchanged cross words. I've been nothing but trouble for you since—"

Garrett silenced her last words with his finger on her lips. "No, no. Don't say that. You're nothing of the sort." He swallowed. "I'm so sorry you were hurt when you fell in the well, but…"

"But what?"

"To me, at least, it's sort of a blessing."

Sasha frowned. How could her getting hurt and causing Garrett inconvenience be a blessing? "I don't understand."

"Please take this in the spirit in which it's intended."

She nodded. What did he mean? Did he want her to leave his home soon?

"You see, for the longest time, I've been, well, alone."

"But you have your servants here with you. Surely at any given time you are never alone in this house?"

He lifted one corner of his mouth. "It's not exactly what I meant."

"Go on." She squeezed his hand.

"What I'm trying to say is, I… I'm glad you're here."

"You are?"

He nodded. "You give me something to look forward to, just with your presence here."

She raised her eyebrows. "I do?"

"Yes. You're like a ray of sunlight in my otherwise dreary life."

Sasha studied Garrett's face. Was there moisture in his eyes? He meant every word he'd just said to her. No one had ever said such sweet words to her in all her days. Especially not a man.

"Oh, Garrett!" She pulled her hand from his and flung her arms around his neck. The momentum pulled them both down on the bed.

Nearly nose-to-nose with Garrett, Sasha still had her arms wrapped around his neck. She gasped when he pulled her closer. Although, it would surprise her if two people could get closer than they already were. His body was rock-solid against hers. She ran her tongue over her dry lips. Garrett's eyes darkened as his pupils enlarged.

What was she doing? Someone like her should never be in such close contact with a duke. Pulling away, she sat up and glanced quickly toward her dress. It had scooted almost halfway to her knee! She yanked the hem lower over her ankles. Heat flooded her entire body.

"I-I am so sorry." Garrett sat up as well, smoothing his dark hair back into place. His face reddened as he cleared his throat. "That was quite inappropriate. Please forgive my—"

"No. It was my fault. You see, I'd never had anyone say such wonderful things to me before. In my excitement, I hugged you and—"

"What do you mean, no one has said such nice things? Surely you've had many suitors, a woman as lovely as you are?"

Heat crept up Sasha's cheeks. Was she as red as a tomato? "No."

Garrett placed his finger under her chin. "Truly?"

She shrugged. "Truly."

"Then the men who lived in your town were buffoons."

Sasha giggled. "Why thank you, kind sir."

Garrett glanced down, eyeing the small space between them on the bed. He opened and closed his mouth several times before any words emerged. His face flushed pink. "I… we…" He stood up. "Let's get you back downstairs. Shall we?"

"Yes, of course." What had caused the change in Garrett? Had she embarrassed him? Or was he afraid his brother would come into the bedroom and frighten her again?

She was enjoying being carried around by Garrett. It almost made her wish her leg would remain injured. Almost. For how could someone such as her be accustomed to luxury? Under no other circumstances would she ever be invited into a duke's home unless it would be as a servant. But Garrett didn't want that.

Why was he was so opposed to her working to pay off the debt she had acquired because of her clumsiness? It went against her grain to have anything handed to her. She and Samuel used to take work wherever they found it, although Samuel had earned more money than she had.

"Here we are." Garrett lowered her to the same settee she'd occupied before. She didn't want to complain but was curious about the rest of the house. Maybe at some point he would offer to show her. She trusted him, yet still was uncomfortable asking for favors. How long would she be here?

"Thank you."

Garrett smiled and then sat down at his desk with some paperwork. She gazed out the window, squinting against the bright rays of sunlight. How much time had he spent with her when he should have been working? Was she a burden to him? Had she overstayed her welcome? As soon as her leg healed enough for her to move around on her own, it would be time to leave Garrett's house.

It was strange, they had only just met, yet his countenance pulled her closer, enticing her. As much as she would like to stay, it would be inappropriate. Aside from him being a duke, he had a good reputation to consider. She didn't want to spoil any chances he had of finding a woman who would fit his perfect life.

Sasha sighed. Why couldn't she be the one for Garrett? But with her upbringing, there was no way she could ever be a duke's wife. Her eyelids drooped as the sun through the window warmed her face and shoulders. She was suddenly so drowsy. Now she understood Maryann's need for sleeping during the day. The sun's warmth was really quite lovely.
Maybe I'll just close my eyes for a minute…

Chapter Six


"Well, hello there."

Sasha jumped at the deep male voice. She angled away from where she'd been dreamily gazing out the window and napping. Garrett's brother stood quite close. She peered behind Lucien. Where was Garrett? How long had she been asleep?

Lucien leaned against the edge of Garrett's desk. "My brother isn't here. I think he stepped out to run a quick errand. I'm certain he didn't want to wake you to tell you he was leaving." He glanced toward the open door. "I didn't come in until I saw him leave."

Sasha stared at the door again. Where was Maryann? Lucien glanced that direction as well. "I told the maid that his grace had no further need of her this afternoon. So it is just you and I."

She was in quite the predicament. Here she was, sitting on the settee with her injured foot propped up, not able to go anywhere, and Lucien had her trapped.
I mustn't let him know I'm frightened
. "What do you want?"

Lucien laughed. "Well, that's asking it bluntly, isn't it?" He pushed away from the desk and took a couple of steps toward the settee. "What do I want? Just to properly introduce myself to my brother's houseguest. Would it be so repugnant?"

Sasha frowned. Lucien actually sounded pleasant. "I suppose not."

"There, now. See? I knew we could become friends."

Friends? Maybe not. Thank goodness, though he didn't seem to be the cad he'd first appeared. But what was she to think? He'd been standing in her bedroom with his shirt unbuttoned! He had told Garrett he'd simply been curious when he'd heard a noise from Sasha's room. Had that truly been the case?

Lucien took another step toward her. He pointed to the opposite end of the settee. "May I?"

He was being polite and harmless. Had she taken the previous situation all wrong? Sasha shrugged. "I suppose."

He grinned. "Why, thank you. As you've already surmised, I am Lucien. And you are?"

Sasha bit her lip. What harm would it do to be pleasant to Lucien while she was here? It was bound to be a short stay anyway. Although, she didn't want him to be too familiar with her. Better not to use her Christian name. "I'm Miss Douglas."

"A pretty name for a lovely girl."

Heat warmed her face. It was the second time in a day she'd been complimented by a handsome man. Although Lucien's words didn't affect her as deeply as Garrett's had. "Thank you."

"You're quite welcome." He leaned against the back of the settee and folded his arms across his chest. "Say, I noticed Garrett carrying you down the steps earlier. Are you well?"

"I… injured my ankle when I… caught my foot in the hem of my dress." She glanced away. "It was so silly of me."

"Oh, then I assume it's only a temporary setback."

"Yes, we… I think so."

"Splendid." His smile was perfect, with gleaming teeth and full lips. His eyes were blue, where Garrett's were green. But the brothers had the same dark hair. He truly
handsome. Perhaps even more so than Garrett. Still, Garrett had something additional that tugged at her heart. Lucien was nice enough, but…

Lucien stood and walked across the room to one of two large bookcases. "Do you like poetry?"

Although Sasha could read, she couldn't honestly say she was familiar with much poetry. Her formal education hadn't progressed much farther once her parents were gone. But she didn't want Lucien to know that. She nodded.

"Would you like me to read to you?"

She glanced out the window and frowned. Where was Garrett? Shouldn't he be here?

Lucien pulled a large book from a middle shelf and returned to sit on the settee. "If you're looking for my brother, it may be awhile before he returns." He sighed. "Alas, Garrett is always working and never has time for any fun." He opened the book, its cracked cover emitting a creak. "I, on the other hand, always make time for pleasant diversions." He wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

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