Rescued (Flowers of the Bayou) (19 page)

BOOK: Rescued (Flowers of the Bayou)
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Jordan would have gladly seen her off then if not for the child. He begged her to stay and offered up everything else he had if she would stay until the child was born then he would see to it that she was taken care of and far away from the child and himself. It was then that she laughed in his face telling him how she’d “Rather die than have his child.” Especially when she was in love with another man. She explained to him how he was a fool for even believing it was so but thanked him for being so stupid and helping her see that her future was off to a good start with ample funds.

He could have killed her right there in that cottage but instead he divorced her faster than anyone could have thought possible and reclaimed every cent she ever conned out of him.

He had thought he’d washed his hands of her too. But when dealing with women like Regina, things that seem as if they are done with never really are. It was what she had done here in his home that made him hate her even more than he dreamed possible.

Hearing the soft rap at the door he drove thoughts of his wife away. A smile returned to his face as his sister slipped inside. Rustling her long locks he picked her up placing her on his hip. “Did you eat your lunch already?”

“No. I told Cousin Margaret that I had already eaten. Vivian fixed a big old breakfast this morning, it was enough to feed ten of me.”

“You weren’t starving after all.”

Giggling Georgia wiggled her way down to the floor. “No I wasn’t I’m filled to the brim.” Skipping around behind him she hopped onto the bed and jumped up and down. His bed was the best for bouncing in. “I…love…the…book.” She said, each time her tiny feet hit the mattress. Then with arms spread wide open fell back onto the pillows. “Will you read some of it to me tonight for bed?”

“Anything for you.” Jordan told her. It would now seem he’d have to send a box of chocolates and roses to Melanie for now; more important things had now come to his attention.




Amelia woke to the bright light streaming in from her window and onto her face, when she’d come back yesterday afternoon she’d been exhausted and after trying and failing to keep Lorraine and Morgan entertained gave up and turned in early.

When she opened her eyes it stung a little but she didn’t care. Her mind drifted immediately to the prior night. It had been the most wonderful night in her whole life. Turning over on her side she looked at the empty spot beside her and a sharp pain of emptiness filled her. She hadn’t expected him to stay that night, knew that he couldn’t but was more than elated when he showed up at her doorstep the morning after.

Now of course she would have to try and focus on setting her mind to accept her coming marriage. Or better yet a way to get out of it. The very thought shook her considerably. She could not marry Morgan now. How could she? He would no doubt try to kill her when he found out. Somehow she felt like she had jumped from the kettle and into the fire.

Not caring to think about it she moved herself from the bed and grabbed for her gown, glad that it was right within her view and she didn’t have to spend time searching for it. She was going to lay right here in her bed all day if she could. She didn’t want to think about anything but how happy she had been, not how badly things might soon get. But by the time she had snuggled down comfortably within the sheets Lorraine had knocked on her door and entered.

“What are you doing child? It past twelve why are you still in bed? Are you sick?”

Kicking off the covers Amelia smiled weakly at Lorraine. “Not sick Lorraine just tired. Yesterday for some reason just really tuckered me out.”

Lorraine smoothed her niece’s hair softly with her hand. “Well, come on now and get dressed there’s a surprise for you downstairs. I wasn’t supposed to say nothin but you slept till noon and Morgan has been downstairs since ten.”

Amelia looked at Lorraine then to the door and as she moved to dress it felt as if everything done from there on out was in slow motion. She didn’t want to deal with Morgan just now.

“Go on now hurry up.”

“Alright.” She answered back respectfully, before slowly heading toward the old dresser. She got dressed as fast as she could, wearing a plain white blouse that buttoned down the front and a deep tan skirt. Tying a thick black ribbon-like belt in the back in a small bow. She slipped on her shoes and hurried out the door and downstairs.

Morgan for once stood tall like a steeple beside the staircase patiently waiting for Amelia to make her way down. He had a surprise for her; he thought that it would be nice to take her off and along the river today so that they could have some time to themselves. Then after that he was going to take her to the luncheon he had arranged, it was to be her engagement party. He kept his eyes on her as she padded down the stairs.

He was afraid that she might not ever come down. He was worried she might be ill, yesterday she hadn’t even bothered to say more than a few words to him before telling him she was tired and going to bed. Waiting for her to reach the second step he pulled her into a tight hug.

“Hello.” Amelia stated suppressing a yawn. “I’ve missed you.” she lied releasing a sigh of relief when he freed her from his vise-like hold.

Morgan pulled back from her, observing her puffy eyes and how she neatly placed her hand over her mouth and yawned barely keeping her eyes open. “You been up all night?”

“No, I just had a long day yesterday I told you that.” She explained quickly moving to his side. “I’m happy to see you.”

“Come on now let’s get goin I’m gonna take you out for some fun today.”

Amelia gave a weak smile. “How exciting, where?”

“It a surprise. Now come on befo’ I drag ya out behind me.” Taking her hand in his, he guided her behind him. “See ya’ll later Lorraine.”

“Bye Lorraine.” Amelia added moving to get her shawl.

Pilling into the cramped confines of his rickety coach Amelia made it a job to stare blankly ahead only occasionally blessing him with a lazy smile.

“What got you so happy today?”

“Nothing.” She said.

Morgan looked her up and down suspiciously. Then with a switch of the whip moved the horse on. Placing his hand at the top of her thigh he rubbed the area there softly.

Recoiling inwardly Amelia pushed his hand from her politely. Not wanting him to think anything was amiss.

“What’s wrong?”

Obviously it didn’t work. “It’s nothing, where are we going Morgan? I need to talk to you about some things.”

“You’ll see soon ‘nough girl don’t pry. Sides anything you got to say you can say righ now.”

“You’re right.” Amelia took a deep breath and tried to figure out the best way to approach the situation.

“Jus know you gonna like it.”

“Oh I know I will.” She said touching her hand to his. Maybe she could wait one day more. She’d never seen him so excited or nice “I know it.”

They spent the rest of the ride in relative silence and Amelia made time go by much faster by making a game of counting as many of the large peach trees that lined the country road as possible. Not wanting to break the hush of the mid-morning.

It seemed he didn’t either but then he never had been one to say too much just to fill a void. It was the one thing she truly did appreciate and admire about him.

Morgan reached down deep for the handkerchief he had hidden down low in his coat pocket and produced it now. “Now dis is where da surprise come in.”

“Oh really?” Amelia said, noting the dark material in his hand. She allowed him to help her down from the top of the wagon. And with pulse racing mostly in anticipation of the unknown, she stood still as he fastened the kerchief about her eyes.

“Can ya see?”

“No, I can’t see.” She assured.

Waving his hand back and forth before her eyes Morgan made an inspection of his own. “Fingers.”

“Fingers?” She said knitting her brows together under the cotton over her eyes.

“How many?”

“Oh,” She said. Didn’t she just say she couldn’t see? “I don’t know, let me see—thirteen?” She joked.

“Ah’right den.” Morgan took her small hand in his, satisfied. He pulled her along behind him carefully. Telling her when to step over the offensive shrubs and shrewd hard rocks. Pleased when they finally made their way to the curb in the road, one which lead to the river and park and the other toward the budding business area of the city.

Amelia could hear numerous voices coming from every which way and had to wonder why they soon all went dead in the air. She could feel Morgan position her in front of something she thought to be a chair but wasn’t quite sure. Her nervousness now turned into anxiety. She had an inkling now of what this was. Sitting quietly and obediently she waited for him to make his next move or give his next instructions.

“Jus sit tight now.” He told her while moving on to a group of people. They had assembled a feast, large amounts of food lined makeshift tables that were placed strategically along the large park so that you could view the river not too far off, a beautiful view at that. Something he knew she’d love. Wanting to know if everyone was ready he moved to the one woman who would know. Lorraine who had managed to arrive before them, not so much out of a will of her own but just as a part of the plan.

Using his cane he went back to her side after Lorraine had informed him all was ready. He told her to keep her eyes closed until he said when and removed the navy blue bandanna from her eyes. “Open.” He ordered.

Amelia peeked slowly out at the crowd and her heart sank. How could she say no to him now? As she stared out she spotted her friends, Nina had a beaming grin on her face and Lenora stood next to her with her sister in tow both with equally wide smiles to match.

Amelia masked her despair with a squeal of feigned delight as they ran to her screaming surprise along with others. Meeting them halfway she felt herself being engulfed in their embrace.

Morgan looked on pleased. Amelia had been so unreceptive these days especially the day they spent with the white girl here at the river a month ago. He didn’t blame any of it on his self however. If the damned girl had just listened he wouldn’t have had to hurt her like he did. The last thing any man wanted was a disobedient wife and that’s how she had behaved. She left him with no other choice. Settling down in one of the chairs he let her have her moment for now. Then he would steal her away and make his announcement.

“Amelia you look like you just got ran over.” Lenora offered.

“I feel like it too, how you all could keep this from me is a wonder.”

“Heck I didn’t even know until a week ago.” Nina told her friend pulling her off to the side where they all could spend a few minutes together quietly. They began to walk along the outer edges of the park.

“Amelia you remember what we talked about last time. You know right.”

“Yes, I know.” She said her memory serving her well.

“Then you know there aint no need to do anything you don’t want.”

“Cause if you don’t, then don’t.” Lenora added quickly. Not really knowing what was going on but with a pretty good idea.

“It’s a little hard now don’t you think?” Amelia asked them. “But I also can’t live my life pining for things I can’t have.”

Nina looked at her friend closely, recognizing that far off look plastered on her face. She was told countless times that she had that exact appearance when she was with her husband. Amelia was talking about more than they thought. It now seemed very blatantly clear that the woman before them was in love and not with the man she was set to marry.

Turning to Lenora it was evident that she too was tossing the thought about in her head, trying to figure out exactly what it was her friend was really trying to get at. “Amelia, you do know you deserve the closest thing to it if you can’t live it.” She tried to explain, marrying a man you didn’t love had to be the worst mistake any woman could make.

“I care for Morgan, truly I do it’s just… look at all he’s done for me.” Amelia checked herself motioning outward. ‘All of you are here and he did it all for me and I’m grateful to him for that.” She said trying to convince herself along with her friends. How could she tell him no.

“But that’s all we want for you, is to be happy.” Lenora added.

“And I will be how can I not—a new husband, a house to call my own, and hopefully some children of my own too and with all of you it would be a crying shame not to be happy.”

“Then it’s settled. Let’s get you back now before they ring our necks.” Lenora said taking up both Amelia’s and Nina’s hands in hers and leading them back to the picnic tables.

“Wait,” Amelia took her hand from her friends. “Give me a minute alright, and I will be up that hill faster than you know.  I just want to clear my head a moment.”

“If that’s what you need then we will make them wait for you.” Nina guaranteed.

“Of course honey it’s your day after all.” Lenora said moving up the grassy knoll.

“That’s right. So I don’t want any lip about it tell anyone who asks I say so too.” Amelia kidded. “I will be right there.”

“No rush sugah.” Then turning Lenora added. “We will be right there at that first table if you need us.”

Amelia watched the pair dart up the hill, reminding her of when they were much younger and had time for nothing but fun and games. Turning her eyes to the sky she decided that as luck would have it, it was an extraordinarily beautiful day. As one would want it on a day like this she supposed. Forcing a smile to her lips she decided she would make herself happy. She had been earlier why not now on close to the most important day in her life.

She was announcing her engagement. That was reason enough to smile, but for the life of her she couldn’t bring herself to keep the one on her face in place. Glancing up once more at the festivities above she took in how happy everyone else seemed to be.

Children could be spotted running around cheerily and a few strays from the group had started a game of leapfrog and as each took their turn they would roll down the steep grassy hill laughing and jeering. More people than she knew gathered at the top and along the edge drinking lemonade and patting Morgan on his back making her wonder if he had told everyone else without her, she wouldn’t doubt it.

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