Rescued (Flowers of the Bayou) (29 page)

BOOK: Rescued (Flowers of the Bayou)
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Jordan gave her a disapproving stare and reclined back against the pillows and watched her dress, watched as she put the dress on as if it were glass. Never rushing and admiring every aspect.

Amelia could feel her hands shaking, still visibly upset by being discovered by Margaret. Looking to Jordan she was almost perplexed that he could remain so calm. “Please, help me fasten the back.” She asked and before she knew it she was at a loss for breath at the electricity of his touch at her waist. Closing her eyes longingly she could feel nimble fingers putting into place the buttons running the length or her spine. It was only when his hands left that she could release her breath in a deep sigh.



“You are not leaving tonight.” He wanted it to sound like a fact, but really he was asking her.

“I am not.” She smiled up at him.

“I’m glad we could come to that understanding.” He joked.” You look lovely in that dress.” Jordan finished while grabbing for his suit jacket.

Amelia turned to the mirror and stood stunned at her own appearance. The white pleated taffeta dress trimmed in brown satin was gorgeous. “I can’t believe you bought all of this for me?”

“Why?” Jordan asked watching her pick up the soft mahogany gloves from the boudoir as if in care of a masterpiece. Even more carefully, she slid them across spread fingers and then went to the task of putting tortoise shell combs in her wildly wavy hair.

“These things are so beautiful.” Amelia said running her hands down her sides and turning to Jordan.

“I can think of a more appealing thing.”

Amelia looked up at him as he came to stand behind her in his perfectly tailored tan suit and nearly laughed at how much a matching couple they appeared. “You know you must take all these things back.” She sobered some.

“And you know I will not. We’ve gone over this already”

“It must have cost a small fortune.”

“I’d spend a thousand more small fortunes on you, sweet.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I want to.” Jordan declared. “Ready.”

“For?” She was curious.


“Is it dinner time already.” Time was truly escaping her as of late.

“Margaret and Jasper no doubt have already started without us.”

“Margaret?” Amelia took off the tiny gloves and moved from him. “I can’t go down there with her.”

“Why?” Jordan was already again leading her to the door.

“She hates me.”

“She’s mad at me not you.” Jordan corrected. Taking up her hand and kissing her palm. “She’s always been more bark than bite.” He finished nearly dragging her behind him Jordan swung the door shut behind him and continued to haul Amelia down the long staircase past his study and the library and down the hall that led to the dining room, where in fact as he had guessed Margaret Jasper and Georgia sat picking at their roast, string beans, and potatoes.

Jasper stood at the sight of one of the loveliest females he’d yet to see besides his wife. Quickly he pulled out a chair to the right of him and rushed around the side of the long table to take her hand in his and sit her down alongside him.

Jasper caught the annoyed grunt off objection from Jordan, but paid no heed saying, “You had her to yourself long enough don’t you think.”

“Not nearly as much as I’d like.” Jordan said seating himself alongside his sister, playfully tugging her ponytail as he did. He could feel Margaret’s eyes upon him but chose to ignore her. He could care less if she was upset having been the guilty party.

“Would anyone mind if I took my plate back to the kitchen to eat with Vivian?” Amelia peeked up from her plate.

“Yes.” Jordan and Jasper chirped in unison.

“Alright.” Amelia mumbled under her breath and deftly picked up the knife and fork to cut apart the roast on her plate.

“You really look gorgeous Amelia.” Margaret cast uneasy eyes on the younger woman. She was upset but she didn’t really blame Amelia, she would not choose to shut her out. Besides she did look gorgeous. Her wavy hair fell across her shoulders and along her back and the dress she wore was fitted to perfection showing off exquisite curves, white taffeta complemented her toffee tone and the woman just seemed to glow.

“Thank you.” Amelia peered across the table at Margaret who in turn gave her a nervous smile. “You’re always beautiful.” Amelia added. It was strange, sitting there; eating with the knowledge that more people were beginning to share in their secret.

“You look pretty all the time to me Amelia.” Georgia offered up.

Amelia gave Georgia a wink from across the table at her complement, and caught Jordan grinning at her at that moment and felt her mood lighten even more. It wasn’t so bad, still awkward but not all bad.

Jasper leaned over to Amelia and whispered, “You really have him you know.”

“What?” Amelia turned quickly, her face almost colliding with his.

“I mean he’s a lost cause.”

“Sir?” She truly was lost.

“Just Jasper, none of the Sir nonsense.”

“Alright Jasper, what are you talking about?”

“What do you think? Jordan is mad about you.” Jasper had to muffle a laugh at her incredulous look.

“He most certainly is not.” Amelia nearly huffed but in the last moments toned down to a whisper.

“You have no idea.”

“There will be no secrets I’m not privy to in my own home.” Jordan started.

“Quiet.” Jasper laughed at his friend before continuing on.

Amelia took the opportunity to shovel a piece of thick beef far off to the side of her plate as its smell was starting to disagree with her, and began to play with her string beans. Taking a bite she swallowed down hard, then quickly pushed away from the table before gagging rudely. Pulling out her handkerchief that sat on her lap to her lips she spit the contents in quickly. “I always hated the green bastards myself.” Jasper offered.

“May I be excused?” Amelia asked already pushing in the heavy cherry wood chair.

“Wait. Let me come with you.” Margaret offered her assistance. She needed a chance to talk to Amelia to clear things up. Margaret passed up the long hall and turned sharply into the parlor, right on Amelia’s heels.

“You really don’t have to help me.”

“I want to. You’re my friend.”

“I know.” Amelia looked up to the taller woman. “But there’s not much to be done.” Amelia sat down in a high cushioned chair. “I’m so embarrassed.” She need not explain, she was sure Margaret knew what she spoke of.

“I can’t say I wouldn’t be if I were you.” Margaret took a seat beside her. “It was a shock.”

“I know.” Amelia uttered again. “I’m still in shock.”

At that Margaret had to laugh. “He must have pursued you fiercely.”

“Viciously, it’s a little scary.” Letting her head fall into her hands Amelia let out a deep breath. “Margaret I know that this won’t work. You don’t have to worry about me trying to stay. I won’t cause him any trouble.”

“I’m worried about him causing you heartache Amelia, not you harming him. You just don’t realize how he can be, Jordan can be sweet and kind and charming and most of the time he is but he can also be cruel and dark. I love my cousin dearly in all his ways and it might not appear to be so but we are close. I don’t want him to break your heart, and believe me he will.” Margaret turned away from Amelia’s sad acknowledgement. Amelia never once objected to a word she’d spoken, it was if she already understood these things to be true and accepted them fully.

Curse Jordan for doing this to her Margaret thought and gingerly touched a wisp of black hair at the middle of Amelia’s back. “He will bring no good to you, but I doubt if that will make a difference since you seem to have already lost your heart.”

“My heart yes but not my mind.” Amelia responded. Still she knew it would be a hell of a time to stay away from that man. “My cousin has impeccable taste I must say.”

“This dress is amazing isn’t it?”

“It is but I was talking about you.” Margaret laughed. “It’s rare to come across a woman who doesn’t realize she is beautiful when she so clearly is.”

“I’m not at all beautiful but I tell you Margaret he makes me feel that I am, and sometimes he makes me think that I am. Never have I meet anyone who makes me laugh and cry smile and frown, feel joy from my toes to the top of my head I love him so. How much no one will ever know.” Giving a great sigh Amelia shook her head mindlessly before saying. “I do not feel altogether well, I think I will go lay down in my old room.” Amelia said already heading towards the door. “Margaret?”


“Thanks you, for not hating me.”

“Who could ever hate you?”

“You will tell everyone I went to lie down?” She asked.


Amelia walked swiftly down the heavy carpeted halls until she came to the large oval entranceway of the house and detoured past the intimidating staircase toward the back of the house. She chose the route around the library and ballroom, also away from the dining room and Jordan’s study, not wanting to be seen by anyone in the house.

Amelia didn’t want to go to her room she wanted some fresh air. No she needed some fresh air to clear her head. Jordan had a gorgeous garden she would go there, she could think of no place better.

Quietly she turned the knob of one of the rarely used back doors and slipped out into the fragrant floral oasis.

Today had been a day for the ages. At times it had been wonderful, others horrid and most recently it was tense. Running a finger across one of the many carved figurines.

The sky danced with colors of deep orange and purple from the setting sun and in the darker western horizon you could almost make out the first sprinklings of stars.

A gorgeous night was ahead there could be no doubt about it. Bringing one arm up and behind her neck Amelia closed her eyes and in a deep breath let out her frustrations. “What a day we have had.” She spoke to the baby, then laughed at the fact before continuing. “If you could only see the things your mama has seen today. Dresses and jewelry fit for a queen. Still I don’t want those things. I wish your daddy knew just how much I love him.” Resting her free arm on her stomach Amelia sighed again. “But you will know how much I love you; I can’t wait to see your face.”

On the other side of the floral maze Jasper stopped in mid-stride and could only regain his breath when he could hear her voice fading as she walked down the far east paths of the garden.

It was rare that he was at a loss for words, but now was one of those times. Yet it was for the best because it was not his place to say anything. His eyes darted nervously behind him to Margaret who he hoped had not understood the faint voice. However from her frantic expression all hope was then lost.

Taking her hand in his he quietly led her away, in quick strides he was sure she found hard to keep up with. “Not a word of this to her or Jordan.”

“I wouldn’t have told him.” Margaret uttered still shaken. “But Jasper he must find out.” Margaret paced the stone walkway franticly. “I can’t believe this.”

“Margaret.” Jasper cautioned, dreading what plans she was cooking up. Lord knew the woman got her way, she wanted him and he’d married her. Though that worked out for the best.

“We can’t tell him but we can hint can’t we?”

“No—” Jasper blurted. “It’s not for us to say.”

“She might not ever tell him.”

“The man has eyes.”

“But do they truly see. She already thinks she is ruining his life. Jasper I don’t think she plans to stay around him, what if she leaves here and not just this house, here. Even worse what if she leaves here and later Jordan finds out? He won’t be able to handle another betrayal.” Margaret leaned into her husband needing his embrace which he gave without hesitation. “You were right when you said he loved her, at dinner I could tell. He truly loves her and not like Regina, this is different. This is real, not because he loves her so much but because she loves him back, so very much. If she doesn’t tell him and runs off trying to save his reputation—” Margaret nearly laughed at the last part. “If he found out later about the baby he’d never forgive her.”

“Hell he’d never forgive her, try to kill us if he knew we had any knowledge, but most important darling, he’ll be unbearable and he’s just now come back to being pleasant.”

“He has to know.”

“Yes, but first we have to give her time.”

“How much time?” Margaret asked sincerely.


“Shhh, she might hear you. But Jasper how much time truly, the woman doesn’t even know she has a time limit.”

“I don’t know Margaret.” Jasper conceded. “This child is going to change everything, not just their lives but Georgia’s, even ours. Margaret to us it’s a child to be loved and cherished by our family.” Jasper paused. “Think Margaret, to the rest of this damn country Jordan’s baby is damn near an abomination. I do not know what to do.”

“He will know about his child.” Margaret stated firmly. Her cousin had been hurt before, she couldn’t allow it to happen again. Breaking from her husband’s embrace, Margaret walked heavily back to the garden and weaved her way through until she came across Amelia now lying down on a marble bench.

“We meet again.” Amelia lifted herself up on the bench until she sat upright. “It’s a beautiful night out look.” Amelia pointed up toward the ton of twinkling lights that shone brightly.

“It’s a night of surprises.” Margaret corrected. “I have something to tell you, no ask you.” Margaret took in a deep breath. “Lord help me I don’t even know where to begin so I will just say it.” Taking the confused girl’s hands in hers, Margaret cupped them comfortingly. “You have to tell Jordan if you don’t we’ll all regret it for the rest of our lives.”

“Tell him?” Amelia asked stunned but then searching Margaret’s eyes the meaning of her words suddenly were made clear. “Who told you?” Amelia really wanted to know.

“Never you mind, just...” Margaret shook her head at her loss of words. “Just tell him, and tell him soon Amelia.” Dropping her hands Margaret stood abruptly and heading for her husband, headed back to security.

Amelia watched Margaret’s back in a stupor. This wasn’t right. She wasn’t supposed to know no one but herself and her friends knew. Suddenly standing bolt upright Amelia found herself running into the house and toward the stairs.

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