Reshaping It All (21 page)

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Authors: Candace Bure

BOOK: Reshaping It All
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My life is like that jar. God and family are the precious stones that I place into the jar first. They are my number one priority. Because I know that putting my husband first and taking care of my children are pleasing to God, I know that I serve the Lord when I serve my family.

But don't let all of this talk lead you to think I'm a spiritual giant. There are days when I don't read my Bible (I hate to admit that), and there are days I'm off and running without starting out in prayer. But it doesn't take long for it all to catch up to me because of the emptiness I feel when I don't give myself to the Lord first thing each day.

When you have truly trusted in Christ and are walking in obedience, you have a sense of peace, joy, comfort, and love that you just can't get anywhere else. When you see God in all His glory, speaking to you, directing you, performing miracles in your everyday life, you can't help but want that relationship with Him every single day. The thought of not hearing God's voice because I'm not listening or I'm not in tune with Him makes me crazy!

It takes work, it takes diligence, and it takes commitment. But in order to accomplish everything, I have to keep my priorities in order and fill my jar with precious stones first.

How important is God to you?
If you feel the void when you don't pray or read your Bible, that's good! But it shouldn't be out of guilt, and it never is for me. I spend time with God out of an utmost heartfelt gratitude that I have for Him because of His love in His sacrificial death for me.

We all need a little encouragement along the way to remind us what those priorities are. That's why it's so important to have friends around that are walking the same walk, keeping us accountable, and giving us support. I don't know what I'd do without my weekly Bible study girlfriends!

This intimate group has met at my house for the past seven years. We pray with and for each other and work through an organized Bible study from someone like Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer, two of my favorite Bible teachers! I trust this group. Knowing that what is said in the group stays in the group allows us to be real in our quest to learn, understand, and apply biblical teaching to our daily lives. It's safe to say this small group has been the biggest asset for my growth and walk with the Lord.

I try to keep my eyes focused on the Lord and not on the world. It's easy for me when I'm faced with a decision to ask God, "Would this choice be pleasing to You?" Praying over it and holding it up to Scripture helps keep me from letting the world get in the way. His guidance helps remind me that faith and family come first, and all else is second.

The reason priorities have been so important through my journey is because while I've been fortifying my body with diet and exercise, I also know that fortifying the very core of my being powers the actions I take.

Could I get out of bed at 3:45 without self-control? Could I balance it all without patience? Could I enjoy every stage of my children's lives without joy? And what would my future hold without faith?

You start living the best life you can, taking the steps you know you should take, but then the familiar voice whispers in your ear, before it moves through your lips, "I've tried and I've failed. I can't possibly succeed." That's exactly the kind of discouragement that keeps us out of the race.

You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? (Gal. 5:7)

We start running the race with joyful enthusiasm, having faith that this time we will kick the bad habits—this time we will make it work! But then someone cuts in on our dance with the Lord and leads us away. Don't let him whisper for even a moment. Anything that is contrary to the fruit of the Spirit will lead us farther and farther away from the prize. That includes impatience, lack of self-control, and irritability among several other bad-apple thoughts that attempt to creep in.

That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. "A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough." (Gal. 5:8–9)

Paul was talking to the Galatians here, admonishing those hoping to be justified by the law, thinking that law and grace should be mixed. But the verses also speak to those of us today, who struggle to walk by the Spirit with one foot in the flesh.

We're born with a sinful nature, prone to crave the things of the world by the lust of the flesh. Just looking around us, we can see that addictions are rampant, whether that addiction is to alcohol, smoking, sex, gambling, pornography or—this one might sound familiar—overeating. There's hardly a person you'll meet who hasn't struggled in one way or another to release the hold they have on this world. But the good news is that the world doesn't and will not have a hold on us! If we walk by the Spirit, we are free from the law of sin and death.

So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. (Gal. 5:16)

Good question, but I also have a good answer! Most of us know that the Spirit lives in us, but the question remains: How does that Spirit help us give up our strongholds? What is the link between Spirit and freedom?

Here is the answer: The Spirit helps us desire the things that are contrary to this world. He influences our actions, our thoughts, and our passions when we let Him move in. I mean really move in—unpack His bags and even rearrange the furniture if He wants to—not as a guest but as a resident.

When I struggled with bulimia during those early years of marriage, I was more concerned about being a good person than I was about my relationship with Christ. The freedom that was possible hadn't clicked for me until I came to a full understanding of God's saving grace. That's when I desired a relationship with Him, and allowed the Holy Spirit to move into my life.

My priorities were off. The jar was so full of gravel and sand that the most precious stone I owned didn't fit. That stone is the rock of my salvation, Jesus Christ. It wasn't until I emptied myself and put Jesus in first that I began to feel empowered again by His Spirit.

Mark this verse in your heart:

For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. (Gal 5:17)

Can you imagine what that's like, to desire the things of God so much that your appetite for this world fades away? That's the power of the Holy Spirit and the fruit that He brings. Spiritual fruit doesn't just help us smile on Sundays. It's found in the love we have for our boss Monday morning. It's the joy we discover when we leave our purse on the park bench. It's the peace we find when we're stuck bumper to bumper in rush-hour traffic, and the self-control we exhibit when we're at a buffet.

Hebrews 12:1–2 says, "Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

What a powerful verse! "Run with
" That word is tucked in there barely noticed but so important when we choose to live well.

Consider the following:

• Have you ever given up on a diet because you weren't seeing the results you wanted, only to look back later and wish that you hadn't given up?

• Have you ever joined a gym, bought a treadmill, or started a home exercise program but quit when the going got tough?

• Have you ever started with a commitment to read the Bible every single night but gave up because you lost interest?

• Have you ever given up on a marriage because he wasn't fulfilling your needs and desires?

Most of us will answer yes to at least one of these questions, and as a result most of us have missed out on a blessing that comes with staying the course.

I've come to see the value in staying the course with each mountain I climb. Not only am I building stamina with each obstacle I overcome; I'm also learning to lean on God with each step I take.

Your life is a jar, empty and ready to fill. What will you place in it first?

The Pantry


The Main Ingredient

Eating healthy and staying fit will take a little effort on your part, but where do you find the time? There is time for everything if everything is done in order of importance. If you find that you don't have the time to exercise, examine yourself to see how important it really is to you. Do you need to move your level of commitment up a notch? Same goes with Bible reading or spending time with your family. Organize your to-do list according to what needs doing first to ensure it gets done. The less important things will fall into place accordingly.

A Slice of Advice

Dear Candace,

Hi! I just read a weight-loss question you answered and wondered, What did you mean by "giving your food issues up to God."

I am a married mother of four, and I am having such a hard time! (I am on Weight Watchers.)


Dear Anne,

By "food issues" I meant some unhealthy eating habits I'd acquired in the past. For me, the only way to get past my abuse with food was getting serious about it with God. I needed to constantly pray that I'd stay away from unhealthy alternatives and that I'd eat right and exercise instead.

This sin was one that I loved and didn't want to give up. I was scared. I constantly wrestled with it. And I knew it was keeping me from a closer relationship with God and that I had to give it over to Him.

I said to Him, "I can't do this on my own. I'm willing to take a step in faith to stop doing it the wrong way, knowing with all my heart that You will provide me the willpower to say 'no' or give me a way out."

That was the last time I was ever going to pray it. I didn't want that struggle for the rest of my life. And while my view of food is not problem for me anymore, it's an area I always have to keep close at heart and pray about. I know the enemy is lurking, waiting at the door to creep in.

I think going on a diet like Weight Watchers is great to learn portion control and to retrain yourself to eat properly. Food is a hard battle for most American's since we have such abundance and it's so readily available to us. Stick to a plan and keep God close by your side.


A Pinch of Practicality

A great way to ensure that everything gets done is to make a list of your daily activities first thing each morning. Then before you dig in, prioritize the list. When ordering your list, consider the following three suggestions:

1. Ask yourself if any of these things are on a tight deadline. If you know that something is due that day or the next, you'll need to ensure it's near the top of your list.

2. Consider if any are stressing you out. If something is weighing on your mind day after day, get it out of the way. Procrastinating on these will just bring added stress. You may want to put this somewhere in the middle of your list, meaning it doesn't
to be done, but it should.

3. Decide which activities benefit your spirit and health. Ensure that those things are near the top of your list. Taking care of yourself will give you the energy and wisdom to take care of the rest.

Food for Thought

A recap of Scripture to meditate on:

• You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? (Gal. 5:7)

• That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. "A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough." (Gal. 5:8–9)

• So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. (Gal. 5:16)

• For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. (Gal. 5:17)

• Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Heb. 12:1–2)

The Candy Dish

Set priorities for your goals. A major part of successful living lies in the ability to put first things first. Indeed, the reason most major goals are not achieved is that we spend our time doing second things first. —Author Unknown

From My Stove to Yours

Black Bean Pineapple Enchiladas

Makes 10 to 12 enchiladas


1 red bell pepper

½ medium white or yellow onion: chopped

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 15 oz can of black beans, drained

1 20 oz can of crushed pineapple in pineapple juice

1 rotisserie chicken

Cilantro (optional)

1 cup Mexican shredded cheese

1 large can of enchilada sauce

10 to 12 medium-size multigrain flour tortillas


Dice the red bell pepper and onion and sauté in olive oil over medium heat or until tender. Add drained black beans and pineapple including juice into the skillet.

Stir and heat. Pull apart white meat chicken and shred. Add chicken to the skillet and cook till hot.

Two, 9 x 13 glass or casserole dishes

Lay one tortilla in the dish and scoop approximately ½ cup filling into tortilla filling the center end to end. Tuck 2 edges of the tortilla over and roll the untucked side completely enclosing the filling. Place seam-side down in dish. Stuff and roll the rest of the tortillas the same way until dish is full. Pour the enchilada sauce over the top and sprinkle cheese on top.

Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes until bubbly hot.


Discover Contentment

Mandy is the only person on Earth with Mandy Young's Disease. She's also the only person on Earth who can brighten a room in three seconds flat with one flash of her smile, and I'm blessed to call her my friend. She's a medical phenomenon with a gene mutation technically named "Irak4 Gene Defect," by which her body forms its own infection. Although her body doesn't show normal symptoms, when it finally does show the slightest sign of trouble, she is on her deathbed.

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