Resistance (22 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

BOOK: Resistance
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Huge relief splashed through her at seeing the two of them,
and it took all her effort to fight back her tears at how they—once again—came
to her rescue.

Cade moved forward, his rifle trained on the several women
who now stood in their doorways, peering out curiously. Their hands smoothed
over their breasts and thighs as they watched the men fan out and check the
rest of the rooms.

“The building is secure, ladies. Get whatever you need and
come with us. Be ready in three minutes,” Cade called.

None of the women moved.

“They won’t go. They need their next fix,” Reena replied as
she leaned forward and Will untied her wrists.

The women were hooked on the sex drugs. She could tell in
the way they were touching themselves and the erotic way they stared at the men
with glazed eyes. They would stay here and wait for their next fix.

She’d been one of them during her stay at the Pleasure
Palace and she knew how it could be. For her, it had been very hard to get off
those drugs and she hadn’t even been on them very long. That’s the main reason
she’d stayed at the SKULL safe house and had sex with those men. It had been
her way of getting off the drugs.

Her shoulders screamed like fire as she moved her arms

Fuck! That hurt!

Blade began a quick rub on her right arm, grimacing when she
whimpered in pain.

“Sorry,” he whispered.

“You better be,” she teased. “How did you find me?”

“Mac has a lot of pull with people in this new government.
He did some quick snooping and found out where this guy had you.”

“I need to thank him,” she said.

“Thank him if we get out of here alive,” Blade said. “We
only secured this building, not the compound surrounding the White House. All
hell could break loose at any second.”

“Your people have a back entrance to the camp secured.”
Tyler moved in beside Blade and began to rub her left shoulder. Fire raced
through her arm, but she held back a moan of pain.

Mac Outlaw stayed at the door, looking out as if he fully
expected company.

She sucked in a breath as more pain flared, compliments of
her circulation beginning to move faster.

“My entourage. Where are they?” She grimaced, fully
expecting an answer that they’d been shot dead.

“We’ve released them. They were down in the dungeons. We got
several other prisoners out. We got them all.” Tyler rubbed her arms harder.
“They’re okay. Some were tortured, but they’ll be fine. They are already on
their way out. Hold on.” For a moment, he put his finger on his ear as he
listened to his ear mike.

Her people were okay. Thank God. And that other woman was
free. But Reena’s momentary happiness was shattered as she thought about her

dead. She wouldn’t have a body to
bury. But she could handle this. Yes, she could handle his death. She had to.

Tyler grinned. “Copy that.”

His grin widened as he gazed at her. “Everyone made it out
safely. The entrance is still secure. Now it’s our turn. Ready, pumpkin?”

Reena nodded shakily. “I was, like, ready yesterday, Teach.”

Blade and Tyler grabbed her arms and helped her to stand.

“We need to find her something for her feet,” Blade called
as he glanced down at her lack of footwear.

“Pants would be nice too,” she blurted.

“Already on it.” Cade dropped a pair of expensive-looking
low-heeled silver shoes to the floor in front of her and handed Blade some

“Compliments of one of those women.” Cade indicated a very
pretty, tall black- haired Asian woman. She smiled at Reena with overly
bright-red lips.

“Thanks,” Reena replied and quickly donned a pair of silver,
baggy pants and a matching silver long-sleeved top before she slipped into the

Geez, she’d be a neon target going outside in these clothes.
But heck, beggars couldn’t be choosers and right now gratitude and happiness
embraced her. Will and Cade and the others had come to her rescue.

Gosh, did she ever owe them. Big-time. She should never have
doubted them. She’d have to plan the biggest thank-you party for all these men.
That is, if they got out of there alive.

* * * * *

The instant they left the building a heavy line of gunfire
exploded toward their number-one escape route, a gate north of the compound.
Cade cursed. Pulling his mike closer to his mouth, he impatiently waited for an
update. He didn’t have to wait long. Maggie’s anguished cry erupted over the

“The bastards found us while we were leaving. It just
happened. Your north escape route has been compromised. I repeat. The north
route is unsafe. Do not come this way.”

The other three men swore softly as they received the same
information through their mikes. Blade pointed a finger at Reena, then at Cade,
and then held up his hand, motioning for Reena to stick with Cade and remain at
the back exit of the building.

Blade, Mac and Tyler disappeared around the building.

“What’s wrong?” Reena asked as she snuggled up against him.
His body reacted favorably to all her sweet, hot curves, but his trained mind
kept his attention on getting them the hell out of there. Alive.

Another line of gunfire crackled, closer this time. The
ground shook from an explosion and Reena curled a hand around his shoulder to
steady herself.

“Too close,” she muttered, her gaze flashing with fear for a
split second, and then to determination and defiance as she kept an eye on the
corner of the building where the other men had disappeared.

“I’d say you’re too close,” he replied, trying to lighten
the mood.

She grinned at him and squeezed his shoulder. Her eyes
sparkled with a magnificent fire and it was as if he’d been sucker-punched, but
in one hell of a nice way.

“I’m sorry I didn’t trust you,” she whispered.

“Yeah well, Maggie explained about the satellite phone. Will
and I will make you so sweetly sorry when we’re alone again. You can count on
that, Red,” he promised.

She laughed. “Looking forward to it, Outlaw. Looking forward
to it.”

“You better.”

She grew serious. “I need a gun.”

Cade had his pistol out of his holster before she even
finished her sentence. In their hurry to get out of the building, they hadn’t
even thought of arming her.

“What’s the matter? You don’t trust us to protect you?” He
chuckled as she palmed his pistol, released the safety and swung upward. He had
to admit, she knew how to handle a weapon.

“You’re not used to a woman wanting to protect herself, are
you?” A smile nudged the sides of her sweet pink lips.

“The confident way you protect yourself makes you sweetly
sexy,” he admitted. “But that doesn’t mean you have to keep getting into
trouble at every turn, okay? Because I can’t handle how it turns me on and not
being able to get relief.”

She laughed again, the sound as pure and bright as the sun
shining down on them.

“Chopper coming in.” Will’s voice erupted in his ear.

Cade tensed.

“It’s ours,” Mac replied. “Plan B.”

“Fuck, yeah!” Tyler roared.

The report of gunfire snapped all around them. Just then
Blade appeared at the corner and waved them over. Cade grabbed Reena and they
quickly followed. He sighed in relief at the huge camouflage-green chopper
landing not more than one hundred feet away.

A couple of men hung out of the open door, their submachine
guns sputtering sparks as they took out some snipers on the adjoining rooftops.
Mac, Tyler and Will kept up the rapid fire, allowing Reena and Cade to sprint
to the chopper.

Pings ricocheted off the wall of the chopper, alerting Cade
to more gunfire. Practically throwing Reena up to the two men inside, he
twisted around and began shooting at a close figure rounding the corner of a
nearby building. The man went down and lay still.

In quick unison, they all jumped into the chopper, each
covering the others’ backs. Cade was the last man inside and he swore he’d
never been so relieved when the chopper was successfully airborne and out of
range from gunfire.

He had a good reason. Hell, he’d never been so in love with
a woman before and suddenly everything in life seemed to matter again.

He couldn’t wait until he was alone with her. He and Will
would show her exactly how pissed off and damned glad they were that she was
safe. He could hardly wait.

* * * * *

The squeak of a key grating in the door quickly alerted
Blade from where he and Cade were lounging on the sofa. Both of them dashed
into a back room and quietly waited. It had been two weeks since their escape
from the compound and Reena had been avoiding them. Okay, maybe avoiding was
too strong a word. A busy lady didn’t have much time to sexually accommodate
both him and Cade.

Well, that was about to change. It had taken them two weeks
to finally convince Maggie to trust them enough to give them a key to Red’s
place in the Resistance’s compound so they could plan a private surprise for
her. Finally, this afternoon, Maggie had come through for them. Against her
better judgment, she told them with a wink.

He and Cade were now full members of the Resistance. Will
had sent a message to SKULL telling them he’d resigned. He didn’t expect any
arguments. He was out and that was that.

“She’s undressing,” Cade whispered over Reena’s soft humming
and the rustle of clothes being removed.

“We’d better follow suit,” Will answered in a low voice.

He grinned into the darkness as he began to peel off his
clothes. They were in an unheated back room and it was damp and cool. Yet this
did little to alleviate the heat flashing across his skin and the tight pull of
his swollen balls and throbbing cock.

Ever since getting Reena to safety, he’d wanted to be around
her as much as possible. Had needed to see her laughing eyes, touch that
flaming, silky red hair of hers and just know she was safe.

He knew Cade felt the same way. Maybe more than Blade in the
way he constantly made “ga-ga” eyes at her.

“She’s got the shower running.” Excitement laced his
friend’s voice.

Will’s grin widened. Time to get their naked asses in gear.

* * * * *

Reena knew the instant they entered the bathroom. Their
shadows loomed on the other side of the frosted shower door. She’d been
expecting them. Of course Maggie had told her they wanted the key to her place.
So Reena had stalled for as long as she could. She’d teased them by avoiding
them and taking care of her own orgasms. Finally, today, she could stand the
wait no longer.

Truth be told, her masturbating just didn’t compare to how
fantastic Will and Cade made her climax. For days she’d been wound up tight and
all she’d been able to think about was some red-hot sex and total satisfaction.
The satisfaction that could only be achieved with Will and Cade.

Damn them!

Because of them she’d once again begun snapping at everyone.
Maggie insisted she get laid. Maggie was right.

She needed sex, and to tell the truth she wanted to see Will
and Cade again. Wanted them touching and loving her.

She gasped as the glass door slid open and a hand snapped
around her wrist. Instinctively she tried to pull away, but Will stepped into
the shower stall.

She’d forgotten what a big, tall man he was. He
took up a lot of the space in the tiny, confined area. The shower spray splashed
against his backside as he faced her.

He grinned. “So you finally decided to allow us to see you,
you little minx,” he growled.

“Hey, good things come to those who wait,” she chirped and
inhaled as he pushed his naked body against her breasts, backing her against
the wall with a rough thud.

“And I’ve waited a hell of a long time.” His voice had
lowered and his gaze darkened as he licked a bead of water off his lower lip.
“If you’d hung around that first night we were together, you would have had a
lot of good things happen to you. But you took off.”

She gasped in surprise. “I took off? You’re the one who left
the room.”

He shook his head and she cried out as his fingers slipped
between her thighs and he began a sensual rubbing on her clit.

“I went outside. Needed to cool down. Had I stayed… Let’s
just say it was too intense and I didn’t want to hurt you.”

He’d come back fully expecting her to be there? But she’d
taken off, hurt burrowing through her, thinking she’d never see him again. Boy,
had she ever been wrong.

“I guess I should have stayed,” she whispered.

“And you could have shown me that, yes, this relationship
could exist, because I remember whispering it could never be.”

It could never be
… His last words spoken to her
before he’d dressed and walked out that door.

“I’ll show you now that it can be,” she whispered and
brushed her lips against Blade’s firm, dewy mouth.

“You’ll show both of us.” Cade grinned over Blade’s

Excitement burst through her at seeing Cade. Her heart
swelled and the bubbly happiness swirling inside her made her think she just
might explode.

Blade grabbed her wrists and brought her forward and away
from the wall. He stood her in the middle of the shower and then quickly
brought her arms up over her head where—to her stunned amazement—black leather
wrist cuffs dangled from a chain in the ceiling. A chain attached to a little
hook. How in the world had she not seen that hook?

“Hey, those cuffs weren’t there a minute ago,” she
complained as Blade continued to hold her arms up while Cade quickly cuffed
both her wrists.

“A minute ago, Blade wasn’t being a decoy.” Cade chuckled.
“We were in here earlier and drilled a strong little hook into your ceiling.
While he was distracting you—the sly fellow that he is—I hung the chain and
cuffs on the hook.”

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