Read Resisting the Billionaire Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #series romance, #billionaire romance, #romance trilogy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire brothers, #billionaire alpha male romance

Resisting the Billionaire Collection (63 page)

BOOK: Resisting the Billionaire Collection
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When they arrived at the club, there was a
long line outside and Adam, filled with the confidence MJ's smiles
and looks had given him, went straight to the top.

"Hi, there's three of us." He said with his
most winning smile. 

"And there are three places at the back of
the line, asshole." The bouncer said.

"I don't think you realize--"

"Oh I realize, asshole. The end of the line
is that way."

"Hi, Marcus." Blake had arrived behind them.
"Are we good to go in?"

"Mr. Murray, why yes of course. How many
people in your party?"

"Just us three."

"Very good." The bouncer unhooked the velvet
barrier. "Have a good night, you all." He tipped his hat to Joshua
and gave Adam the 'I've got my eye on you' look.

Okay, score one to the
rich guy.
Adam thought.
But I'm still way ahead, Blakey. Ten steps ahead
of you, boy.

The atmosphere inside the club was electric.
Something was disquieting to MJ, but she couldn’t put her finger on
it. The place represented the very best that Manhattan dance clubs
have to offer, but what was it that made her feel off? The door guy
had said Mr. Murray, but why did that seem significant? It was an
ordinary name but one that had recently seemed important. The
alcohol in her veins prevented her from focusing enough to
remember, so she shook her head and put it to the back of her mind.
Tonight was a night off from the perpetual anxiety of her everyday

Adam meanwhile had never been to such a
plumb spot but he didn't care. He didn't intend to let the minor
setback at the door hold him back at all.

"It’s been years since I was in a place like
this." MJ said into Joshua’s ear. "When I first moved to Manhattan,
I used to go clubbing all the time. This place is amazing."

Joshua smiled. "You’ll have to come out with
me more often. I know loads of places like this. You’ll love

MJ didn’t doubt it for a second.

"You’re a dark horse." She said.

"How so?"

"That corporate look, so stern and serious.
And here you are on first-name terms with door staff in this funky
place on the wild side of town."

Joshua gave her a dark, mysterious, and
tantalizingly sexy smile then took her hand and led her to the
booth he had reserved.

When he shed his jacket and then invited her
to join the heaving crowd, both MJ and Adam were totally taken by

"Ready to get loose and low?" He whispered
into MJ’s ear. She threw her head back and it must have been all
the cocktails because let out the wildest, freest laugh Adam had
ever heard and then he watched as she followed Blake out into the

No way, no way, no
Adam panicked. He reached out and
grabbed MJ's hand, determined not to be left behind. He was going
to fight for his woman.

MJ felt Adam's strong hand take her from
behind while Joshua's big hand took her other one from the front.
It looked like the men would be putting up some stiff competition
tonight. MJ couldn't tell if she was thrilled, terrified or

The first dance already got wild as the two
men surrounded her and the throbbing heaving crowd pushed their
hard, taut bodies against her. If one of them touched her or
squeezed against her, the other one wasn't far behind.

Somehow Joshua had managed to finagle a spot
right in front of her and was using it to hold her gaze like a
snake hypnotizing its prey. She had to admit that it was
turning her on. Wildly.

What had Alison said? Nothing had ever
rocked her world like that night. Was that it? She looked up and
Joshua's intense dark eyes were right there, wanting her, loving
her, devouring her. The next minute he was pressed against her, she
could feel every toned and chiseled muscle on his torso flexing
against her soft, quivering flesh.

Adam saw what was going on and had no choice
but to use his posterior position to its best advantage. He took
every opportunity to mold and press his taut body against MJ’s
writhing back, shoulders, and ass. He flexed every muscle as fully
as he could to let her feel the strength of his desire. 

He was gradually getting harder until he
realized that Joshua was flat against her in front. Jesus, he never
thought the uptight executive type had it in him, and MJ seemed to
be loving it. In a moment he had fully sandwiched her from

MJ could feel Adam's broad chest across her
back and his hands reaching down to her ass. Joshua's eyes were
directly opposite hers and she could feel the fire of his desire.
She knew he wanted to posses her completely and that he would never
share her. 

Adam watched and for the first time his
confidence took a blow. Soon he would just be a dancing jackass
with an unwanted public erection sticking into a strange girl's
buttcrack. His member softened slightly with the thought, but then
stiffened quickly again as he felt the entrancing movement of MJ's
hips. He moved slowly behind her, and she could feel him against
her ass.

God, that feels so
She thought.
I've got to get out of here.
With a
gasp she wrenched herself free, turned and fled the dance floor
with the two men hot on her heels calling her name, but unable to
make themselves heard over the pounding music. The crowd was
thick as the men raced to catch her, pushing drunken dancers

Adam's heart fell as he saw Joshua reach out
ahead of him and take his girl's hand. He watched his lips move but
couldn't make out the words.

God damn it, no. I can't lose another one.
Please God, not this one. She's the one.

"Are you okay?" Joshua said. "Why don’t we
sit down for a while, you can have a drink and cool down,

She nodded her head and he lead her away.
Adam followed them to a private soundproofed booth. Inside, the
deafening sound of the dancefloor was blocked out and it seemed
like they returned to cold reality after the craziness of the dance

Adam looked around and saw
a chilled bottle of champagne on the table. The panicky feeling
came over him again.
I’m losing
It was all some kind of plan his
rich roommate was hatching and he was falling for it hook, line,
and sinker. The cycle courier fall guy; the sucker who can't even
pay for his own drinks.

Don't give up Adam, come
on. Don't roll over and die.
He looked up
at MJ and smiled. "Awesome." He said. "Didn't I tell you this guy
was awesome?"

Joshua rolled his eyes to heaven as though
Adam were an annoying stray dog he couldn't get rid of. He fished
around in his wallet and yanked out a hundred-dollar bill. "Adam,
would you mind getting some water for all three of us please? And
another bottle of champagne as well."

Adam gave a slightly tipsy smile, considered
decking Joshua, or at least giving it his best shot. He was sober
enough to realize that would be just conceding defeat and throwing
MJ away. Instead, he took the money, saluted Joshua with the
hundred, and then left to follow orders. 

He fought his way out into the deafening
dance floor again. Their booth was as far away from the bar as it
could be and with the packed dance floor, it would take an age to
make it all the way across to put an order in. He began the fight
and was about halfway there when he realized the throng at the bar
would mean he would spend half the night there and not even get

You idiot.
He looked at the crowd.
I may be broke but I'm not a fool. Those booths are made for
people who don’t ever have to fight their way to a bar to get
He turned and fought his way back,
seething with anger, cursing his own stupidity. What he would
find when he returned? A locked door? Blake and MJ nowhere to be

Or worse.
He's going to fuck her in there.

"Get out of my way!" He
shouted into the crowd.

Back in the booth, Joshua was coming to the

"MJ, look, I'm sorry, but I've got to know.
Is there something going on between you and Adam or not? Because
from where I'm sitting, it looks like there is, and if that's the
case then..."

"Then what?" MJ was stunned. This gorgeous
man had hardly said anything to her in the last two days that
wasn't a put down or just plain rude, and now he was acting like
some jealous lover.

"Then, God damn it, I just couldn't stand
it. Just tell me, please. The truth. Did you guys do it? Have you
done it already?"

It was crazy. He looked possessed but God
was he smoldering and sexy. He kept his distance from her as though
he were struggling to maintain self-control. She looked him
directly in the eyes and told the truth.

"Nothing happened between us, Blake. He took
the floor and I took the bed. He's just helping me out is all. He
hasn't laid a finger on me."

"He laid more than a goddamn finger on you
tonight." He seethed with resentment.

"That was just the dance floor, Blake and
besides, what is it to you anyway?"

Joshua moved close in to MJ's face, pleading
with her.

"It's everything to me. I can't bear to see
you with him. I trusted him and now--"

"Hey Blake, what gives?" Adam barged his way
into the booth. "It's hell to even get to the bar out there. All
you need to do is press that button here and we'll get

"Are you fucking her?" Joshua came straight
to the point.

"What the hell, man? I told you there was
nothing going on."

Joshua stood up. Adam was big but Joshua was
a shade taller and more muscular.

"Don't lie to me." He growled

MJ stood up between them and pushed them
apart, her small soft hands on their broad, muscular heaving

"What the hell am I? Some kind of slave girl
that you two guys are fighting over? I already told you Blake,
there's nothing between me and Adam."

"Nothing at all?" Adam was dumbfounded.
Sure, they hadn't been together. But there was the tension, the
pecks on the cheek, the smiles, the flirtations. They were meant
for each other goddamn it. Couldn't she see that?

"You asshole!" Joshua shouted and reached
for his throat.

"That's it!" MJ screamed. "Take me home. One
of you assholes, I don't care which. I'm not some plaything you
guys can just fight over. Take me home and take me home now!" She
sat down and crossed her arms, unintentionally pushing her ample
cleavage upwards with her slim forearms.

"That is so sexy." Adam said. Joshua
instantly drew back his right hand and swung a punch at him. Both
were a little tipsy already, so the connect was slight but still
enough to put Adam on his back.

MJ grabbed her coat and jumped up.

"No. MJ. I'm sorry. Please." Joshua
struggled to backtrack.

Goddamn men.
She thought.
Never rains
but it pours.

"Come back! I'll have Mike take you home.
Adam and I will sort this out and come home later. She paused for a
minute and then accepted the offer. The truth was that she didn't
have taxi fare and didn't feel like making the long walk home.

Adam pulled himself to his feet and checked his jaw. The blow
had been slight. He smiled to himself.
Nice work Blake, now she knows what a whack job you are when
it comes to women.

"Okay, thank you. Please just sort this out,
whatever it is, like adults and leave me out of it, okay?"

Joshua bowed his large rugged head and took
her hand to kiss it.

"And stop that as well." She pulled her hand

Adam grinned.

When MJ was gone, Joshua turned to Adam and
glared at him. 

"You aren't going near her tonight."

"I don't think that's up to you." Adam

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He
took a step closer to the smirking Adam.

"What else does it mean? Can't you see how
into me she is?"

"Oh, really? Is that what 'there's nothing
between me and Adam' means?"

Adam flinched and looked away. It was true,
she had said that all right. 

"You don't sleep next to
her anymore. I'm going back to
apartment now. If MJ is even there,
will sleep next to
her. Do you understand? You can sleep on the sofa, you can take my
bed, or you can go crash in the subway for all I care. I'm not
leaving you alone with her anymore and that's that."

Adam ground his teeth, his
jaw tight. It would be tempting to just cut this fool down. With
his martial arts training he was sure he could take him, but he
wanted to be smart. He knew that kind of behavior wouldn't impress
MJ at all. All the ground he had gained by
being the one to throw a punch
would be totally lost if Blake came home with a black eye or a
broken nose. He swallowed hard and felt a good chunk of pride force
its way down his neck.

"Look Blake…dude, this isn't what I had in
mind at all. You do what you have to do. I'll go crash in Gary's
tonight. I'll trust you to take care of MJ. There's no need for you
to sleep next to her for God's sake. What the hell do you think I'm
going to do?"

"I don't know,
What's the

"Come on, I'm not that bad and besides, I
think I've really fallen for this--"

Joshua swung another punch but Adam ducked
easily this time, he went to put Joshua's arm in a lock but the
bigger man evaded easily and grabbed Adam's wrist.

BOOK: Resisting the Billionaire Collection
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