Restless Hearts (19 page)

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Authors: Marta Perry

BOOK: Restless Hearts
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Dear Reader,


Thank you for picking up this newest book in the story of the Flanagan family. I hope you enjoyed visiting old friends and meeting new ones.


It was a tricky business to introduce a previously unknown cousin to the Flanagans in this story, but I hope you'll feel it worked. In this case, the story came first—I knew I wanted to write about the Amish in Pennsylvania, so I needed a heroine, such as Fiona, who had a very good reason for being there and struggling for acceptance. And the character of Ted, with his need to create a life between two worlds, really touched my heart.


I owe profound thanks to my friend Winona Cochran, professor of psychology as well as a nurse-midwife with experience in the Amish community, for her invaluable contributions to
Restless Hearts.


I hope you'll let me know how you felt about this story. I'd love to hear from you, and you can write to me at Steeple Hill Books, 233 Broadway, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10279, e-mail me at [email protected], or visit me on the Web at Please come back for the next Flanagan story,
A Soldier's Heart,
coming in May 2007.



  1. What qualities in Fiona make her a good nurse-midwife? Do you think she could be as effective without those innate qualities?
  2. Ted struggles every day with the inherent conflict between his upbringing and his calling to be a policeman. Do you sympathize with his need to succeed? Do you feel he makes the right decisions in balancing that conflict?
  3. Fiona reacts to the problems of her childhood by avoiding emotional risk. Were you able to sympathize with her attitude, even if you didn't approve of it? Why or why not?
  4. Ted wants to protect his friends from the trouble he feels would come with Fiona's presence. Have you ever had similar feelings of longing to protect a friend?
  5. Nolie tells Fiona that she feels God has brought her to Crossroads, and that thought is echoed by several other characters. Have you ever felt that God has led you to a particular place or situation?
  6. Fiona's acceptance in the community comes when people see the depth of her caring for others. How do newcomers become accepted in your community?
  7. Ted quotes the story of Joseph in the Old Testament when he tries to explain how God has worked in his life. Have you ever had an experience in which God brought good out of a situation where another person intended harm?
  8. Fiona sees the similarity between the message Ted takes to heart and her own special verse, but she struggles to see how God is working for good in the troubles that come to her. Have you ever faced that same struggle?
  9. “Happiness is worth fighting for,” Fiona tells Susie as she encourages her through the birth of her child. But she has to learn for herself that happiness only comes when she is willing to risk the pain of rejection. Do you think she does the right thing?
  10. The Amish are a unique group in contemporary American culture. What things do you find to admire in their lifestyle? What things do you disagree with? Why?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-4573-4


Copyright © 2007 by Martha P. Johnson

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

This edition published by arrangement with Steeple Hill Books.

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