Restrained and Willing (12 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Bryan

BOOK: Restrained and Willing
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“Son of a bitch!” The expletive broke from her throat the
second her bruised flesh hit hard, cold glass.

A chuckle came from the vicinity of the sink.

Smug bastard. Of course he’d be gratified by any telltale
sign of his enjoyable torture.

“Need something to sit on?”

“Nope.” She squirmed to get comfortable.

Head shaking, he opened a drawer next to the sink and tossed
a couple thick fluffy hand towels in her direction. “Here, sit on these while I
get things ready.”

“Thank you,” she said grudgingly, rocking from side to side
in an effort to get the towels under her butt with the least amount of
discomfort. Okay, he was right. It did feel better.

When she was situated, she took a deep breath and opened her

After digging some fixings out of the wood-paneled fridge,
he deposited them on the kitchen counter, then turned to face her. Slowly
raking his gaze down her body, he paused at her exposed sex. “This could easily
become one of my life’s main staples, an incurable addiction,” he said as if
he’d never had another woman perched on the kitchen displayed in this exact
manner. He probably did it with every female he possessed during the short
stints he was with them.

No. She wasn’t going to think in multiple terms. There
wasn’t room in this house or her head for other women. Pierce belonged to her
now. The length of time didn’t matter, only the moment.

Stop it! Right this minute. Thinking that way will not
get you what you want.

The upside was she had Pierce’s exclusive attention for two
whole weeks, during which she’d prove beyond a doubt she’d make the perfect
wife for him. Satisfy him more, both in bed and out, than any other woman ever

“Let me feed that addiction,” she purred, reaching to draw
the chairs she’d moved a bit closer so she could rest a foot on each on them. A
much better position comfort-wise and if the growing bulge behind the zipper of
his jeans was any indication, better visual appeal too. To add to the effect,
she leaned back and braced her palms behind her.

“Little girls who play with fire often get burned.” He
started at her knees, spread his hands over her legs and skimmed them up her
thighs. His thumbs a titillating hairsbreadth short of the outer lips of her

“I’m a far cry from little and I already burn. For you.”
emotionally and physically.
But the lingering heat in her ass didn’t
concern her as much as enticing Pierce to lose control.

“Let me see if I can do something about that burn.” He
dropped to his knees in front of her.

Yes! Sweet, sweet victory.

As she watched in jittery anticipation, he bent his head and
drew a massive breath. “Damn, you look and smell so amazing. Good enough to
eat.” He turned his head, nipped her thigh.

The muscles in her legs bunched in reaction, in anticipation
of what he’d do next.

He traced the tips of his thumbs through the crease at the
top of her thighs, swept up to spread the pillowy lips of her pussy. Blew a
soft stream of air into her heated opening.

Heather groaned. Closed her eyes. Leaned back.

The first flat-tongued swipe over her swollen flesh
partially unbuckled her locked elbows, dipping her closer to the table. The
full-depth stab of his tongue into her open pussy finished the job.

She moaned, her head swiveling back and forth on the smooth
glass. “God. Don’t stop.”

It took her several seconds to realize neither God nor
Pierce was listening to her soft plea. It took several more seconds to pry her
eyelids open to see Pierce standing between her legs. A slight smirk on his

“That should keep the home fires burning until after lunch.
Thanks for the appetizer. Can’t wait for dessert.” He flicked her clit with his
finger and returned his attention to the food on the counter. After a quick
hand wash, he opened the loaf of bread and started whistling a popular country

Mother fuck!
So much for making
control. She glared at his back, slowly righted herself, and when she was fully
up, she could’ve sworn she saw his shoulders shake.

Laughing? Oh, he was so dead. She glanced around.
Fortunately for him, there wasn’t a knife within reach.

She drew a calming breath.
Go ahead and laugh, you
controlling SOB. We’ll see who laughs last.
A silent mantra she repeated
again and again until the cut sections of the sandwiches were arranged onto a
single plate, set beside her hip, a large glass of ice water added. Brushing a
kiss onto her flushed cheek, he grabbed a short stool from beneath an open
section in the kitchen counter and sat down between her legs.

He picked up a section of piled-high turkey on soft wheat
bread and brought it to her lips. “Eat,” he commanded.

She opened her mouth to take a bite.

His green eyes glittering with mischievous intent, Pierce
slipped a finger into her gaping pussy.

Chapter Ten


Halfway through lunch, Pierce wasn’t sure which of them was
more on edge. Fully engaged in the long stimulating meal, he was enjoying
himself immensely. So was his granite-hard dick. He’d just fed Heather a bite
of turkey sandwich when her muscles clenched around the two fingers he was
pumping in and out of her drenched slit.

He stopped as he had multiple times throughout the meal to
prevent her from climaxing.

“Nooo. Please, Pierce. Not again. I don’t think I can take
much more.”

How prettily she begged. The soft desperate quality of her
voice turned him on big-time. “I say you can.” The long pauses in stimulating
her only added to the mounting sexual tension. Each time he stopped, he’d
slowly sucked the musky cream from his fingers and then helped himself to some
food. All the while, she watched his every movement through heavy-lidded eyes
that had gone from dark chocolate to strongly brewed Columbian coffee.

In an effort to change things up and cool things down a bit,
literally, he fished out an ice cube from the water glass, and with slow
deliberation, rimmed the opening of her cunt.

“Shhhit,” she hissed softly as her opening constricted and
she shied away.

In anticipation of her reaction, he clamped a heavy hand at
her waist, preventing any significant retreat.

“Yep. Definitely tying you down next time.”

He nipped her inner thigh.

“By the time we leave here, my lovely rebellious brat,
you’ll have learned what it’s like to be totally owned by me. To deny me
nothing. Comply with my slightest sexual whim. When you crossed the threshold
of this house, you crossed over into a new world. A place where there’s only
room for one boss. Me.”

He slid the cube partially inside her. Her eyes squeezed
shut, her lips compressed and the muscles in her neck corded in an obvious
effort to stifle a protest. She had a long graceful neck. Perfect for
collaring. His cock went from granite to titanium in a split second at the
image of trim black leather circling her pale flesh. Athletic to the bone, she
loved being out-of-doors, but had always taken precautions against the sun,
never seeing the sense in burning her skin to a crisp. And now all that lightly
sun-kissed flesh belonged to him. Later, much, much later, he’d mull over why
he’d hesitated to include the word
in that statement. Right
now he was too entranced by the fascinating female in front of him.

“The longer you resist the simple truth of my being in
charge, the tougher I’ll be on you. Until you understand what I’ll permit and
when I’ll permit it. That includes the tiniest sound that passes your soft
kissable lips. For now, you can moan, groan, mutter all the cute sexy sounds
you want, but not the least hint of protest. Understood?”

She captured her bottom lip between her teeth, released it.
“Yes, Pierce.”

She was driving him damn crazy with that little habit of
hers. It should be his teeth on her plump bottom lip. Nibbling. Sucking. He
consoled himself with the fact it soon would be. “Good, now where was I?” He
pushed the ice inside her until it was no longer visible.

She didn’t utter a sound. A scant second later her surprised
gaze met his.

“See. Your scalding pussy heat is neutralizing the cold,
melting the ice. All that’s left is a comforting coolness. Just enough to bring
you down from the hard edge you’ve been riding.” He normally wouldn’t bother
with an explanation, but he loved her inquisitive mind and knew she dealt
better with circumstances when given all the cold hard facts to process.

She nodded and her shoulders relaxed.

He’d make sure they didn’t remain relaxed for long.

Pierce leaned in close, worked his tongue around her swollen
nether lips and over her clit. Covered her opening with his mouth for a long,
hard suck.

She emitted a breathy gasp.

His mouth was flooded with her silky watered-down juices. Fuck.
He didn’t recall any woman tasting this damn good.

He tongued her cunt. Followed the path of the ice cube,
nudging the shrinking sliver deeper where the heat was more intense. He pumped
his tongue for several beats, withdrew and slurped up the milky fluid that
trickled out. As a final touch, he gently teethed her swollen clit.

Her ass arched off the table.

He immediately backed off.

She collapsed back, a full-blown feminine groan ringing in
his ears.


Heather opened her eyes to the sight of progressive
interlocking slats of wood methodically sliced by the wide blades of the
ceiling fan, and the press of cool glass against her back. Damn, when had she
completely flattened out onto the table?

“Sit up, sweet cakes. I’m not close to being finished with
you.” He smacked her thigh. “Ready for more turkey?”

Turkey? Was he kidding? She was ready for a hunk of meat all
right, but it sure as hell wasn’t a piece of floppy sliced turkey. She levered
halfway up. One look at the sinister sparkle in Pierce’s compelling eyes told
her she wouldn’t be getting drilled by the magnificent slab of meat between his
thighs any time soon. The man was hell-bent on torture.

She’d read her fair share about sexual torment. Written
about it in her diary. Thought she was prepared. Pfft. What a joke. And she was
barely a day and a half into it. It was by far the most intense sexual
experience she’d had. She knew, deep down, that wouldn’t hold true with anyone
but Pierce.

She bit her lip. Prayed this wasn’t one of those times where
curiosity killed the cat, because she wanted to live long enough to experience
every exciting minute of what he’d planned for her. She wasn’t immature enough
to believe it’d be a cakewalk, but knew Pierce would never take it too
far—never hurt her. Short of that, she’d like to believe she was woman enough
for anything he could dole out. And if instincts didn’t fail her, he could
effortlessly dish up a full seven-course meal in which he seemed determined to
make her everything from appetizer to dessert.

God help her, she looked forward to being nibbled on, fed on
and gobbled up by this handsome too-sexy-for-his-own-good man.

Determination firmly in place, she peeled the rest of her
sweaty skin away from the slick surface. No secret why the large sturdy table
was covered with glass. So much easier to clean than wood.

A small piece of sandwich appeared in front of her mouth.
She opened. Pierce slid it inside, watched her intently as she chewed and

He caressed his thumb over her slightly tender bottom lip.

“As adorable as that habit is, you should probably give your
lip a break from those sharp little teeth. If you’re not careful, it’ll start

Ahhh, how sweet of him to be concerned.

He dragged his thumb down the middle of her lip with enough
pressure to force her mouth slightly open. “I wouldn’t want them too sore to
wrap around my cock later.”

She rolled her eyes. She sooo should’ve seen that one

The corners of his mouth hitched up as he picked up the
glass of ice water and held it for her to drink.

Over the rim of the glass, she watched him stretch his other
arm and open a drawer that blended perfectly into the table’s thick wood frame.
Catching a glimpse of what he extracted, her throat closed on the sip of water.
To clear it took several light coughs into her fisted hand.

His gaze filled with concern, he said, “Careful, babe. You

In the process of swallowing to ease a lingering tickle in
her throat, she managed a brief nod.

While he again reached into the drawer, she studied the three
graduated glass cylinders, still in the original packaging. All three flared at
the base, the smallest appeared thicker than one of Pierce’s fingers and was as
long as his middle finger. Not a reassuring observation, since the man had
large hands and thick fingers and even someone with a considerably lower IQ
than hers could deduct what she was looking at and where he intended to put

She fought not to squirm. She’d be lying if she said she’d
never entertained the idea of experimenting with anal sex over the years. The
main reason she hadn’t was because it was never really appealing unless
associated with a fantasy that involved Pierce. She’d just always thought,
given a chance at a relationship with him, backdoor sex was something they’d
talk about, gradually build up to. Not something he’d initiate on the second
day of their being together.

He casually set down a small bottle of lubrication next to
the ominous little toys as well as a small hand towel, took the glass from her
hand and placed it on the table as well.

“Two more bites,” he said, feeding her another wedge of
sandwich and tossed one into his own mouth. “Then we’ll head to the pool and
get back to the fun stuff.”

* * * * *

A half-hour later, they stepped through the wide sliding
glass doors off the kitchen out to the patio-pool enclosure. Steered by the
familiar comfort of Pierce’s warm hand at her back, Heather moved toward the
lagoon area at the far end, her feet soaking up the welcoming warmth of the
smooth heated stones as they walked.

Almost to their destination, she turned to see a bank of
solar panels spanning nearly the entire length of the house’s back roof. No
doubt a partial welcomed relief to what was surely an enormous monthly electric

Who needed to spend a wad of money on a South Seas vacation
when you had a tropical retreat in your own backyard? She could easily spend
the entire winter here. Big fluffy snowflakes drifting all around you, unable
to invade the cozy glass cocoon, never touch your warm skin. God, it must be beautiful.
She would dearly love to be able to enjoy the upcoming winter here with Pierce.

With a little luck and good old-fashioned determination, she

They stopped by a comfortable-looking lounge chair that
could easily fit the both of them sandwiched between two small faux-stone
wrought iron tables.

Pierce flung the towels he’d draped over his arm before
they’d left the house over the back of the chair and set the hand towel,
lubricant and small butt plug he’d brought on one of the tables.

“Let’s take a quick dip and, if you want, a soak in the hot
tub before we kick back for a bit.”

“Sounds wonderful.” Her entire body melted at the
suggestion. She’d thought for sure he’d go right for inserting the toy.

She watched as he wasted no time in shucking his jeans.
Damn, but the man was built. Right down to his big luscious dick, standing high
and hard against his tight stomach, completely covering his navel.

She hadn’t realized she’d licked her lips until he clasped
her chin to get her attention.

“Do that again and we’ll forgo the pool and go straight to
what I’ve been dying to do ever since I saw your tight ass wiggle its way up
the steps in front of me the day I helped you move. I’d rather you be nice and
tranquil first, but if you’d prefer…”

“A dip in the pool would be nice.”

He chuckled at her rapid-fire response.

A short reprieve. She appreciated that he was giving her a
little more time to wrap her mind around what was coming. She didn’t know why
that should surprise her. There were so many other times he’d deferred to her
preferences. Even asked what music she liked on the ride here. Most men
would’ve turned on whatever station they normally listened to without a thought
about what anyone else liked. Fortunately, they both seemed to like classical,
rap and everything in between. A button pusher from the get-go, she’d stop on
any station without a commercial. When Pierce stated he took care of his women,
he wasn’t just paying lip service. Which in no way meant he was a

He slid his hand beneath her hair to clasp the back of her
neck to bring her closer and took her mouth.

A soft caressing kiss. Gentle. Drawn out. A joining of lips
he seemed reluctant to end. He broke away, tortuously slow. Their combined
breaths rolling over each other’s lips, an intimate extension of the sensual
joining of their mouths.

“Come on, sexy. Better get into the water before I change my
mind.” He clasped her hand and walked to the end of the pool. She should’ve
known from the wicked glint in his eyes what he intended, but before she could
process the need to run, he swept her up and tossed her.

She hit the water in a limb-whirling ungraceful splat. Broke
the surface sputtering, swiping wet hair out of her eyes. “Hey!”

His deep chuckle was cut short when he sliced the water in a
perfect dive, surfaced five feet beyond where she stood, angled toward the
backside of the pool and what was obviously a very long lap lane.

Unable to drum up enough irritation to bitch about the
dunking, she watched his magnificent body, his fluid, powerful movements as he
ate up the distance to the opposite side of the pool. Nope, she’d bite her
tongue and enjoy the glimpse of his firm naked butt when it occasionally broke
the surface. But she was sooo getting even later.

When he was halfway to the other side, she grinned, and
pushing off the wall, took off after him.


Pierce hit the far end of the lagoon, probably breaking an
Olympic speed record or two. Air billowing through his lungs, he flipped,
hooked his elbows on the grassy ledge and floated on his back.

He’d needed to expend some sexually charged energy. Divert
his aching need to stick his dick into the water witch making her way toward
him, with the sweetest pussy he’d ever had the pleasure of sticking his tongue
in. Like everything else she’d ever undertaken, it seemed his little brat
excelled in swimming as well, her strokes graceful, kicks well-timed. Like him,
she put her heart and soul into every undertaking, no matter how insignificant.
That was why he knew, deep down, she’d outperform any other woman he’d been

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