Reunited (25 page)

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Authors: Kate Hoffmann

BOOK: Reunited
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In truth, everything had been perfect, from the moment she walked down the aisle of the chapel with her father, to this moment, standing on the cliff high above the sea, the same spot she'd stood on months ago.

She'd had Amy, Meggie, Olivia and Sylvie Arnold as her bridesmaids and Rafe had chosen Conor as his best man. The chapel had been filled with flowers, the air heavy with the sent of roses and beeswax candles. They'd married at seven in the evening, and after the ceremony, had enjoyed a catered reception at Quinn's Pub. There had been dancing and champagne toasts, all enjoyed by the patrons who just happened to stop in. Seamus had laughed and joked and had even pulled her mother out onto the dance floor for a lusty Irish jig. And the cake had been a masterpiece of Irish lace and tiny shamrocks. It had all been perfect.

"What are you thinking about?" Rafe murmured. Keely sighed softly. "Our wedding. How wonderful it all was."

"It was great," he said, drawing her into his arms and hugging her. "I just wish the honeymoon was better."

Keely looked up at him. "What do you mean? You're not having fun?"

"You don't think it's too cold? I should have checked the weather before I decided to surprise you with Ireland."

Though they were bundled up against the near-freezing temperatures, Keely didn't mind at all. "Rafe, we've been here four days and this is the first time we've left the room." He had rented them the most exquisite suite at Waterford Castle and they'd spent most of their days curled up on the sofa in front of the fireplace and their nights making love in the huge carved bed. "There isn't any other place I'd rather be."

"Then you're deliriously happy?" Rafe asked.

"Absolutely. I had the wedding I've always dreamed about, I'm married to the man I love, my family has been reunited. What more could I want?"

"I can think of a few more things," Rafe said.


"Children might be nice."

Keely smiled. "Really? We never talked much about children. I guess I just assumed we'd wait."

"Do you want to wait?"

"Not necessarily. I'd like to have a big family. I grew up an only child and so did you. I've always wanted to have three or four...or five."

"Well, I think you'd make a wonderful mother. And I know I'd make a terrific father. So all we really need now is the baby."

Keely laughed and have him a hug. "Your money was able to buy a quickie wedding, Rafe, but no matter how determined you are for instant gratification, a baby takes nine months."

"Then maybe we should get started." Rafe reached for the zipper of Keely's jacket and slowly pulled it down.

"What? Right here?"

Rafe glanced around. "Why not? We made love in the bathroom of the plane on the way over. Your idea, not mine, may I remind you. This place is much more secluded. A few very cold cows and some seagulls. Not much of an audience. You aren't losing your reckless streak now that you're a married woman, are you?"

Keely grabbed the front of his jacket and yanked him toward her. Then she gave him a very pagan kiss, filled with wild promise and unfettered passion. What better place to start a family, she mused, than here in such a magical spot? "Is that a dare, Mr. Kendrick?"

"I think it might be, Mrs. Kendrick."

"Well, if you want me, then you're going to have to catch me." With that, she gave him a gentle shove, then raced across the slippery ground, weaving in and out of the tall stones.

When she'd left Ireland the first time, Keely had wondered if her life would ever be the same again, if she'd ever really know who she was. But there was no confusion anymore. She was the woman who loved Rafe Kendrick and would spend the rest of her life loving him. She was the daughter and the sister who had brought her family back together again after so many years apart. And someday soon, she'd be a mother.

But, most of all, she was a Quinn, descended from a long line of clever and courageous Mighty Quinns who had inhabited this special land. Over time, Keely knew that she'd come back to Ireland again and again, to soak in the magic of a land she'd grown to love. Yes, she was a Quinn. And here, in this spot, at this moment, Keely felt like the mightiest Quinn of them all.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-6340-0


Copyright (c) 2002 by Peggy A. Hoffmann.

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