Reunited...With Child (14 page)

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Authors: Katherine Garbera

BOOK: Reunited...With Child
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he Saturday morning of Memorial Day weekend dawned bright and sunny. Cam woke Becca early with a kiss.

“Why are you waking me up at 5:00 a.m.?”

“I have a surprise for you today.”

“Okay. Do I have to get out of bed to get it?” she asked, sliding her hand down her fiancé's body and pulling him closer.

“Yes,” he said with a laugh and a fierce kiss. “We can't be late, so hurry it up, woman.”

She smiled at him and got out of bed. An hour later, they were all dressed and in the SUV heading toward Luna Azul. “What are we going to do at the club this early?”

“Something special,” Cam said. He looked sexy in
his Luna Azul celebration golf shirt and a pair of faded jeans. She wore a matching aqua-blue shirt, as did Ty.

“I hope we can get a picture today of all of us. We look like a family,” she said.

Cam reached over and took her hand and brought it to her lips. “We are a family.”

He pulled into the parking lot, which was already bustling with activity, and led the way upstairs to the rooftop club. There the staff had set up a long buffet table with a highchair at one end.

“Good morning,” Nate said, entering the rooftop club a few minutes behind them with his new wife. They both wore pink Luna Azul shirts and Jen had paired hers with a long ballet-type skirt.

“Morning,” Cam said, and the brothers moved off to talk.

“Hi, Jen.”

“Becca. I can't believe Nate made us get up this early. We were out until two with Hutch,” Jen said.

“Neither of you looks the worse for it,” Becca said.

“I'll need a nap later,” Jen said. “Maybe I'll borrow Ty and lie down with him.”

Becca laughed as Jen reached over and tickled Ty under the chin. She had never thought that she'd think of Jen and Selena as…sisters.

“I need coffee, Justin,” Selena said as they entered the rooftop club. She wore a slim-fitting black skirt and a purple Luna Azul shirt.

“Yes, darling, anything else?” Justin asked.

“A kiss,” she said, which he gave her before walking over to his brothers.

“Ladies. Can you believe the hour?” Selena asked.

“No. But I am excited about the weekend,” Becca said.

“Me, too,” Selena agreed. “I never thought I'd say this, but those three have made something special here.”

“Yes, they have,” Jen agreed. “I got a second chance from them.”

Cam called them over to the table and they all took their seats. And Becca realized that Cam had given her so much more than a son as they sat there. He had given her that secret childhood dream she'd harbored of a family of her own. Not just a nuclear one of mother, father and child, but an extended one that would someday include cousins and aunts and uncles.

The staff poured mimosas for the adults. Ty happily held his sippy cup of juice in his pudgy little hands.

Cam stood up and everyone turned to face him. “I wanted to take a few minutes this morning to say thank you to all of you for your work on this celebration. I know that the hour is early but I wanted to start this celebration the way Nate, Justin and I started Luna Azul—just family.

“I'm so happy to be welcoming Jen, Selena and Becca into our ranks and to see the first seeds of the future of Luna Azul in Ty.”

Becca smiled up at her fiancé and felt something close to true happiness and peace spread over her.

“To Luna Azul. May the next ten years be just as exciting and successful as the last,” Cam said, lifting his glass.

“To Luna Azul,” everyone said, raising their glasses and taking sips of their drinks.

Breakfast was a chatty affair and Becca enjoyed every second of it. Soon the festivities started and they were all pulled in different directions but Cam always stayed close by her and Ty. At almost midnight, Ty was sleeping in Becca's arms. Cam embraced them both, rocking them slowly back and forth to the music of the country music act performing at the Mercado stage.

“I love you, Becca,” Cam said, leaning down to whisper in her ear.

“I love you, too,” Becca said.

Becca had the feeling that she and Cam were going to be together long after Luna Azul celebrated its fiftieth anniversary, as would Jen and Nate and Selena and Justin.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8919-6


Copyright © 2011 by Katherine Garbera

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