Revelation (41 page)

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Authors: Erica Hayes

BOOK: Revelation
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Underneath, her breasts were bare, and he pulled her onto his lap and kissed them, teasing her nipples with his tongue and sucking them into his mouth until she gasped and shuddered, on edge. “Stop it. How come I’m naked and you’re still dressed again? No fair.”

“Be my guest.” A smile of pure vanity that melted her heart. He was so beautiful, her angel. So splendid, in heart and body, and still he wondered why she wanted him.

Desire consumed her, and she fumbled with his buckles, desperate to touch him. He helped her, that sparkling blue spell that vanished his wings, and the silver fell away. His shirt peeled off in her hands, and she gloried in his smooth skin, the feral play of muscles beneath her hands and lips and tongue. His delicious flavor tingled her mouth, sweet yet raw, tantalizing, the shivers spearing all the way to her sex. He tangled his fingers in her hair, tugging her closer, and she moaned as wetness flowered hotter between her legs. She had to taste him more.

“Naked, angel. Now.” She pushed him onto his back and fell on him, tugging off boots and tight leather. In the dim light, his muscles shone, luminous, a ghostly dark glow like black neon, and his feathers flamed golden. God, he was magnificent. She needed him now. Needed to prove this wasn’t a dream, soak herself in his scent, drown in his caress until the feeling never went away.

She straddled his thighs and took him in her mouth, relishing his hot satiny flesh against her tongue, between her lips. His flavor was stronger, richer, more edgy, just as she’d imagined. His hands fisted in her hair as she stroked him, licked him, and the deep sound of pleasure he made vibrated deep in her core. She took him deeper, sucking, and he groaned. “Enough, witch.”

She didn’t stop. Didn’t want to. Wanted the feel of his pleasure, the taste of him filling her…

He pulled her off him, and flipped her onto her back under him with a swift sweep of wings. He pinned her wrists on either side of her head. “I said, enough,” he growled, and with a powerful thrust he filled her completely.

Oh, God.
The sensation dizzied her, so hot and full, and this time he wasn’t slow or gentle. He drove into her hard, deep, taking her and making her his own. He slid his arm beneath her, lifting her hips to his thrusts, watching her body’s reactions,
finding the places she liked and torturing them. She clutched his hair, crying out in delight. He was so deep inside her. So hard. So good. Pleasure wrapped around her, tightening, so intense she might shatter, and finally she erupted, nerves melting from the inside out, her muscles clenching hard on his cock until he dived for her mouth and drowned his own climax in a deep, breathless kiss.

She panted, coming down only slowly. He inhaled her, drinking her scent with a soft groan, his cock still buried deep in her body. “You’re amazing.”

She traced her finger along his sweat-smooth flank, enjoying the feel of his muscles twitching, and reached for his dark-shining feathers. So soft, silken on her fingertips. Such a miracle. She laughed, still catching her breath. “No, I’m ordinary.
are amazing.”

“Not where I come from.” He moved inside her, easing gently in and out, still enjoying the friction. “Runt of the litter, that’s me. You’ll brush me off in an instant when you get to know the rest of ’em.”

She gasped, dazed with pleasure, shocks still zinging through her. He felt so good, and it wasn’t just because he was an amazing lover. Maybe what they said about fucking versus making love was true. The thought brought a smile, swiftly followed by a blush that she’d neglected something important. “Why, Luniel of the Tainted, are you fishing for compliments?”

A sexy grin that melted her heart. “Maybe.”

God, she adored that smile. She stretched up for a kiss, loving the warmth of his lips, his tongue loving hers, the little groan deep in his chest as he enjoyed her. “I’m in love with you, Lune,” she whispered against his lips. “And I want more of you.”

Warm sparks tingled over her, and the passion in his kiss answered her better than any words. He rolled onto his back, pulling her with him, and his fresh hardness inside her made her gasp and shiver. His heavenblue eyes glowed deep. “That’ll do it.”

She sat up, and he grunted in pleasure and gripped her hips, settling her on him.

She gazed down at him, absorbed. Such a beautiful angel, and all hers. He’d never hurt her. Never lie to her. Always be at her side.

More than she deserved. Everything she’d ever wanted without knowing it.

She wriggled off him and up, teasing him with a hot stroke of her fingertips. “Race you to the shower.” And she skipped away, giggling in fragrant wingbreeze as he cursed—most terribly unangelic—and dived after her.


Jadzia groaned, and blinked her eyes open.

Blinding sunlight. She squinted, lifting her arm to block it out. Rocks jabbed into her back. She pushed up to sitting, her vision clearing. A glass-smashed office building, rubbish in the street, the foul stink of fleshsmoke from a fire. In the gutter sat Japheth, shirtless, golden feathers dragging in the dust as he resolutely pressed dents from his armor, his jewel-green eyes frosty. Dashiel paced, rolling his shoulders, coffee-dark wings afire with glory. Trillium leaned against a teetering streetlight post, smoking a cigarette, the ashflare glinting in his eyes.

Iria knelt beside Jaz in the street. Her wings and armor were still splashed with blood. “Welcome back.”

Jaz wiped stinging eyes. “What happened?”

“We killed the prince.” Iria smiled, exhausted but still dazzling. “After that, it didn’t take long to get rid of the rest of them. Look, about that—”

Dashiel swooped over to raise her to her feet. “You okay, darlin’?”

His hand shook, wired, and she clutched it and kissed him fondly on the cheek. “Yeah. You?”

“Never been better.” He eyed her darkly, and she swallowed, dreading his questions. His good opinion meant everything to
her. If Dash found out she’d kissed a demon…“Nice plan of yours,” he said mildly. “Did you—”

“Awesome, wasn’t it?” Iria cut in smoothly. “We thought it up together. Maybe there was some of heaven’s wrath left in that vial, we thought. Had to be worth a try.”

“Sure.” Dash’s gaze flicked from Jaz to Iria and back again, but he let it slide. “Nice work. I’ll give the vial back to Mike next time I see him.”

Jaz swallowed cool relief. “So does that mean we’re done? I mean, it is over?”

“No such luck, darlin’. Those first two plagues are out there. Damage done. We still haven’t stopped the chain of signs. But for now, drinks are on me. You up?”

From the gutter, Japheth snorted. “It’s eight in the morning, Dash.”

“Not in Hawaii, it isn’t. Jaz?”

“You got it.”

Iria grinned. “Oh, yes. Take me to the men, baby.”

“I’ll be in that.” Trillium tossed his cigarette away and joined them, sweat gleaming on his tattooed arms. “Japheth? You can have iced water if you want. Vinegar, if you’re feeling penitent. I promise my sinful ways won’t rub off on you.”

Iria guffawed. “No, they’ll just rub off on the fifty people you hit on.”

“Jealous?” Trill flashed a handsome grin.

“Not in this lifetime, funboy. Japheth? Just this once?”

Japheth buckled his armor back on, and shook his head, eyes clouded dark.

“Come on, kid.” Dash nudged him, but his gaze stormed. “Take your mind off things.”

“No.” Japheth edged away, frosty. “I’ve got somewhere to be. Maybe I’ll see you later.” And he finished the last buckle and flashed out.

Trillium shrugged, orange hair glistening. “Whatever. Somebody call Lune, if he’s not shacked up with that nice lady friend of his.”

“Someone say my name?” Lune flashed in, the pretty doctor in his arms. His black wings shed golden sparks, and Jaz swallowed a laugh. Obvious what they’d been doing. It made her think of Shax, and secretly she flushed.

Trill snorted. “Always late to the fight, Lune. Keep it in your pants.”

“Screw you,” said Lune cheerfully, and planted a soulful kiss on Morgan. She gasped, laughing, and Jaz swallowed a pang of envy. Lune was nice. But he wasn’t for her, and that was okay.

“Jesus,” grumbled Dash, shielding his eyes. “Get a room, you two.”

“Already did.” Lune grinned, practically bursting with pride. “Did I mention Morgan killed the Prince of Poison? Oh, yeah. Fucking brilliant, my friends. My girlfriend kicks

Jaz cheered, and kissed him, her heart light. Morgan grinned at her, and Jaz grinned back. Iria and Trill whooped, and Dash clapped Lune on the shoulder. “Excellent work, ladies and gents. You’ll be needing a drink, then.”

Lune lifted an eyebrow at Morgan. She nodded, and he slung his arm around her shoulder, affectionate. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

Trillium shoved him. “Hey, can I dirty dance with your new missus?”

“No,” Lune growled.

But Morgan winked. “If you think you can keep up.”

“Lady, you are
. Gotta go home, put my face on. Ten minutes, Waikiki?”

“You got it.” Dash claimed Trill’s high five, and they all turned to go.

Jaz gave a tired smile, her heart warm. A crazy, fucked-up bunch, but she wouldn’t trade them for anything.

Even Shax?
A cold whisper in her heart begged a question she didn’t want to answer.
What if you could have him? Would you trade your friends for that?

A hand touched Jaz’s shoulder. She whirled, her heart skipping.

Iria’s dark green eyes were cool. “I covered for you with Dash. Now level with me. What’s going on? How did you know that vial thing would work?”

Jaz swallowed. “I…I overheard. Some hellspawn talking, that is. They said something about the vial and Azaroth, I…I thought it’d be worth a try.”

Silently, Iria plucked out a long dark hair caught in the hinge of Jaz’s armor. The hair caught fire, singeing Iria’s fingers, and hissed to a smoky wisp.

Jadzia stared, her lip trembling.

Iria smiled, secretly. “It’s okay. I won’t tell. A little rebellion tastes sweet, eh?”

“Um…well, I—”

“You have a good time, honey. Just be careful, and make sure it’s not you who’s being used, okay?” Iria kissed Jaz’s cheek, and vanished.

And Jaz stood, shivering and solitary. Her thoughts somersaulted, wild. She should go. She’d be missed. But…

Her heart ached, warm and swollen, a sorrowful echo of all those years she’d spent alone. She didn’t want to be alone.

“Shax.” His name stung her throat, poison or elixir. “Are you there?”

Silence, and a warm wind that caressed her cheek like a kiss.

She slid her fingers over the spot in wonder, and a smile lightened her heart. “Thank you,” she whispered, and flashed out.

Japheth flashed into Michael’s courtyard, his fingers aflame with fury.

Hot evening breeze ruffled his hair, lifting ripples on the clear blue swimming pool. Gore still plastered his hair, his gilded wings clotted and wet. Michael’s disciples lounged by the water, and shrank back as Japheth stalked across the terra-cotta tiles.

He flung the glass door aside so hard, it cracked. The white-suited minion squealed and jumped aside. The living room was empty, and Japheth dived for the bedroom and kicked the door open.

In front of the mirror, Michael dressed to go out, his ice-blue wings glittering as he buttoned his white silken shirt. He flicked a glacial glance, that glory-bright smile. “Jae, sweetie. Tough day?”

He looked magnificent. Japheth didn’t care. His veins stung sharp with sinful rage, and he strode up and hit Michael full force in the jaw.

Crunch. Japheth’s knuckles broke. Michael staggered, flaring clumsy wings for balance.
Weren’t expecting that, huh.

Michael didn’t fight. Didn’t light the sky with wrath. He just
wiped glowing blood from his lip, intense with shock or admiration. “Babe, if you want to talk this over—”

“Shut up.” Japheth steadied his voice, a fresh level of calm he hadn’t known he possessed. He flexed his damaged knuckles, and they healed with a swift ache that couldn’t match the burning pain in his heart.
Say it. Just say it. Heaven, give me strength.

“I loved you, Misha.” Rage and loss shook him to the core, but he didn’t falter. “Heaven have mercy, part of me will always love you. But we’re no longer friends. Don’t call me. Don’t visit me. Talk to Dash if you need me. And if you ever—” He gritted cold teeth. “If you
turn me against my friends again, I swear to God, I’ll carve your eyeballs out and feed them to Satan myself.”

And he flashed out to his empty Babylon apartment, and stumbled into the shower, where he stood under cold water in the dark, his cheek pressed to the tiles, until the fire in his blood glimmered out and ice sealed frigid around his heart.

In the blood party’s ruins, where scorched corpses littered the floor and makeshift metal cages hung open and empty now, Zuul groaned in intoxicated delight, and dragged his crushed head from the floor.

Sweet fucking Satan, that had hurt. His balls still ached, excruciating. The exquisite splinter of his bones, the swelling brain tissue, the blood pouring from his mangled face…The Tainted angels had nearly destroyed him, and he’d had a fucking good time doing it.

But only
destroyed. Zuul was stronger than he looked. An angel’s sword through the heart might do it. Crushed bones were just a pleasant nuisance. Still, next time he saw Japheth, there’d be payback. No uppity golden-feathered maggot stomped on Zuul’s head and got away with it.

His cheekbones knitted, the pain blurring his vision black, and he curled into a shuddering ball, spasms wracking him with passion-sweet agony.

A cold hand brushed his forehead, a fresh sting. “Zuul.”

That frigid voice spiked terror down his spine, and he wet himself. His bruised brain gibbered.
Azaroth’s here. Embodied. In person. Satan save me.

He scrambled up, still blind, trying to stand straight with his skull only half-healed. “M-my king. Forgive me. How did you…?”

“Foolish child. Do you really think I need some petty ritual to summon me?” Azaroth’s breath smelled cold, of ancient ice and emptiness.

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