Reverend Feelgood (18 page)

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Authors: Lutishia Lovely

BOOK: Reverend Feelgood
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The Pleasure Is Mine

“Baby, are you sure you have to go back today?” Nate followed Destiny from the bathroom to the bedroom.

“I told you, Nate. I’ve got school.”

“I don’t want you to leave. I need you.”

Destiny stopped packing and looked at her fiancé. “Do you want me here now, meaning I’ll have two more years of school, or do you want me to take summer classes so I can graduate by January?”


“Very funny, Mr. Thicke.”

“Baby, things happen when you’re around me. You’re like a good luck charm.” He walked up and grabbed her from behind. “And you’re so soft, and smell so good.” He wrestled her onto the bed and got on top of her. “Uh-huh. I’ve got you now. You’re my prisoner, baby. My prisoner of love.”

“Nate, stop playing. I’m going to miss my flight!”

“Which would make me a happy man.”

“I’m serious. Stop, Nate. There’s something I want to say to you. It’s important.”

Nate gave Destiny a quick kiss, rolled off her but remained seated on the bed. “So, talk.”

Deciding the bed wasn’t the best place for what she was about to say, Destiny slid off it and began to pace the floor. “I want you to know that what I’m about to say…the decision I’ve made, I didn’t come to lightly. I’ve really thought about it.”

Nate’s heart lodged in his throat. “You’re leaving me?”

Destiny walked over and cupped his cheek. “I never want to leave you, baby. I want us to be together forever.”

Nate’s sigh of relief was audible. “Okay. What then?”

“I’ve asked you to do something for me, and if we’re to be married, it has to happen. I don’t want a whole bunch of women in our marriage bed. Now that we’re engaged, I want to be the only woman you sleep with. And if I’m not the only one, then I won’t sleep with you.”

“Destiny, why do you keep bringing this up? You know my duties as shepherd of the flock. Katherine and Simone never—”

“I am not Kiki, and I am not my mom. I don’t agree with what they’ve told me about your covering other women. I’ve read the Bible for myself, and it talks about the man of God having only one wife.”

“You’ve been reading the Bible…? What, you’re the expert on religion now?”

“I’m the expert on how I feel, and what I want. It’s all I’m asking, Nate. If you want me, you’ll have to give up the other women. I know it’s a lot to sacrifice, but it’s what you’ve taught me through your book, that great sacrifice can bring great rewards. And Miss Nettie—”

“What’s Mama got to do with this? Is that who you’ve been talking to, who has been filling your head with all kinds of nonsense?” Nate jumped off the bed and stormed over to the phone.

Destiny rushed behind him. “No, don’t, Nate. Don’t call your mother, and don’t blame her. Yes, I’ve talked about this with your mother. I knew her opinion would be different than what the women in my family believe. But I came to this decision on my own, Nate. The same way you’re so adamant about my not being with anyone else? That’s how I feel about you.” Destiny walked over to where Nate stood and hugged him. “Give me the chance to be the only one who satisfies you. Maybe I’ll be enough.”

The intercom in the hallway beeped. “Reverend, Ms. Owens is on the line.”

“Thanks, Kirk.” Nate looked at Destiny a long moment. “That’s my afternoon appointment,” he said with a sigh. “I’d better take it.”

“Think about what I said, Nate. And let me know your answer.”

“Joe is here with the limo. Stop by my office before you leave.”


Three hours later, Nate sat in his church office, looking comfortably chic in a crisp, ivory-colored suit and silk pullover. The jacket lay draped over the chair behind him. He wore no tie. Glancing at the clock, he closed the building update Deacon Robinson had provided. After looking at the same page for five minutes, he finally admitted this was not a good day for intense thinking. His mind was still on Destiny, and her request.

The truth was, Nate loved Destiny more than life itself and would do almost anything for her. But he was clear on certain responsibilities he had regarding females in and around his congregation, had been since being groomed for ministry by his grandfather at age sixteen. He wondered how could he get Destiny to understand that?
Maybe Katherine…
His phone rang, and minutes later, a well-put-together Dana Owens walked into his office. One would never know it was almost ninety degrees outside. She looked cool as a cucumber in a mint green pantsuit, black pumps, and shades. Another woman came in just behind her.

“Good afternoon, Dana,” Nate said, rising from his seat and coming from behind the desk to hug her. “I’m glad you were able to find another flight out.”

“I am too. I was so bummed that I had to miss your anniversary yesterday. I didn’t want to miss this meeting as well.”

“How was your niece’s wedding?”

“It was beautiful, really.”

“Well, you were sorely missed from the festivities, but you were where you were supposed to be. And who is this attractive young lady?” Nate asked, with hand outstretched.

“This is my assistant, Melody Anderson. She was a big help in Nashville, where I just came from, so I brought her along to help me here as well.”

“Melody, nice to meet you.”

Melody held out her hand and said with a voice of professionalism, “Reverend Thicke, the pleasure is mine.”

Good Lovin’

“I’m still in shock.”

“Me too.”

“I mean, where the hell did she come from?” Verniece plopped down on the couch in Anne’s living room, flipped through a few pages of
and then threw the magazine on the coffee table in front of her. “Damn!”

“I told you she used to live here and has been away at college. Maybe his being married won’t matter,” Anne suggested. “Maybe he’ll still be with us.”

“I doubt it. With a wife in the picture, everything’s getting ready to change. Has he called you since the anniversary?”

“No, you?”

“No, but it’s only been a month.”

“Yeah, but before he used to call almost every week, or every two weeks.”

“Have you called him?”


“Why not?”

Anne shrugged. “Scared, I guess. Don’t want to hear him tell me not to call any more.”

Both women were silent, pondering their potential loss.

“For some reason, I just can’t see Reverend Thicke being married,” Anne said. “He’s too much man for just one woman.”

“Why she have to be so damn beautiful and shit? Skinny as hell—no offense, Anne—with that long-ass hair.”

“You know that’s a weave.”

“No it ain’t. I talked to one of the church mothers who’s known her since she was a little girl. That’s that bitch’s real hair.”

“Taking my good dick away…I want to snatch her bald-headed.”

“That’s real talk right there. She’s messing with my feel good.” Verniece picked up the
again and began thumbing through it.

Anne picked up the remote and began flipping through channels on a muted television neither woman watched. “I wonder if there’s anything we can do about it.”

“About what?”

“About Reverend Thicke. Him sharing is one thing, marrying is another. I wish I knew more about this chick, how to contact her, for instance. Because I’d let her know in no uncertain terms that her wearing his ring wouldn’t change a thing, as far as I’m concerned. I’ll still come running every time Reverend calls. And every time we screw, I’ll make sure she knows about it.”

“Ooh, I wish I could call her,” Verniece agreed. “She thinks she wants to be married to Nate, wants to be Gospel Truth’s first lady? Hmph. Not after I get done talking to her, she won’t. I’ll describe Nate’s dick down to the mole under his balls…ask her if she knows how he got that little scar on the inside of his left thigh. By the time I get done with her, she’ll be running her little narrow ass right back to wherever it is she came from.”

Verniece scooted off the couch and retrieved her purse from the dining room table. She pulled out her cell phone.

“Who are you calling?”

“Reverend Thicke.” Verniece put the call on speakerphone. Both women barely breathed as they waited to see if he’d pick up.


“Hello, Reverend, it’s Verniece.”

“Hello, Verniece. How are you?”

“I’m okay, and you?”

“Excellent. What can I do for you?”

Verniece’s eyes grew wide as she looked at Anne.

Ask him!
Anne mouthed.

“I was just wondering if you could…I mean, I know you’re engaged and all but…”

“Do you need something, Verniece?”

“Yes.” Verniece swallowed. “I’ve been feeling really depressed lately. I need your counsel. And I need…to be covered,” she said softly. There was a long silence on the other end of the line. “Reverend, are you there?”

“I’m in Dallas right now. I’ll be back on Thursday and will call you then.”

“Thanks so much, Reverend. Good-bye.”

Verniece got off the phone, shrieked, and started dancing around the room. “Did you hear that? Thursday night, baby! I’m gonna get some good lovin’!”

“Praise the Lord,” Anne said, joining Verniece in a dance around the room. “Guess that means I’ll call him next week, if I haven’t heard from him by then.”

“Ha! I bet that girl thinks Nate’s all faithful and everything, that she’s got him wrapped around her finger with her beauty and her poise. But obviously I’ve got him wrapped around something because he’s coming back for the nana!”

“For the Gospel Truth nana,” Anne repeated.

“Ha!” Both women laughed hysterically, until they could barely catch their breath.

Ready to Tell

“You’re something else, you know that?” Nate spoke over his shoulder as he stood in front of the mirror, buttoning his shirt.

“Is that a good thing?”

“What do you think?”

Melody rolled off the bed and strolled naked over to where Nate stood. She put her arms around him from behind. “I hope it is, because you’ve got me hooked on you already. When can I have some more?”

Nate laughed. “My goodness, Melody. You make me sound like a sandwich or something!”

“Yeah, and I’ve never had anything that tastes so good! When can I have some more?”

Nate finished dressing and turned around to face her. “I’m a very busy man, Melody, and I’m engaged. I’m glad I was able to make you feel better, but I can’t make you any promises on this happening again. Now hurry up and get dressed. I arranged a late check-out, but you need to be out by two

Instead of getting dressed, Melody sat down on the bed and changed the subject. “Your fiancée’s name is Destiny, right?”

“That is correct.”

“Lucky woman.”

“No, I’m the lucky one. Now get dressed.”

Fifteen minutes later, Nate left the room. Melody waited a few minutes to be sure he was gone, and then walked over to the closet to retrieve the video camera she’d turned on and hidden shortly before he arrived. She rewound the tape and played back a little, to make sure it had recorded. A big smile spread across her face when she saw that it had. Since filming herself having sex with Shabach years before, Melody often videotaped her intimate trysts. Watching them later was a turn-on for her—
And the things that man did to me!
There was no way this was going to be the only time she was with Nate Thicke. No wonder Destiny had kept that kind of loving a secret. Melody couldn’t wait to get home, watch it, and remember how good it felt all over again!

An hour later, Melody was in her preowned Honda, barreling down Interstate 35. Her thoughts were racing faster than the seventy-plus on the speedometer. She’d been shocked but not surprised when she’d seen the pictures from Reverend Thicke’s anniversary, and the subsequent engagement announcement that made headlines across the Christian community and in the secular arena as well.
I knew it,
she’d thought when she’d seen her former classmate standing poised and elegant beside her pastor. Melody found it interesting that there had been no mention of Destiny’s son. Which brought to mind another question. Just who was Benjamin’s daddy? Was it some guy named Bryan, as Destiny had told her, or was the daddy named Nate? After all, she’d lied about liking him, lied about fucking him. What else had she lied about?

Melody reached for her hands-free device and placed it over her ear. As soon as it was attached, she dialed the familiar Louisiana number. She’d waited this long to see if Destiny would phone her, and again, wasn’t surprised to not get a call.
She knows I know now. The cat is out the bag.
Her friend may have felt the need to keep her life with Nate a secret, but Melody felt exactly the opposite. She had just been sexed to within an inch of her life, and she was getting ready to tell Destiny everything.

Love Yourself

Simone reclined on a chaise in the enclosed patio, listening with restrained patience to a rare rant from her normally un-flappable mother.

“I need you to go over there and talk some sense into her,” Katherine said in a raised voice. “That girl is a Noble. And you’re her mother. You can get her to understand that what Nate is doing is what the Thicke men do, is a part of their calling. She’s getting ready to mess up everything, behind some nonsense. And I know Nettie’s got something to do with Destiny’s new attitude. The next time I see her, she’s going to hear a thing or two. All the years her husband covered me, she never said a word. Well, now is not the time for her to start talking!”

“I’ve already talked to Destiny, Mother, right after she found out about Nate sleeping with her friend. And I’m convinced the decisions she’s made are her own and no one else’s.”

“Nate slept with that Melody hussy months ago! You need to go over there again and talk some more. She’s taken his ring off and has threatened to call off the engagement. Nate is beside himself.”

“Then why isn’t Nate over there? It seems to me if anybody should be doing the talking, it’s him.”

“She still won’t take his calls.”

“Finally, a Noble woman who can actually refuse a Thicke man.”

“That’s not right, Simone, and you know it.”

“All I know is that Destiny has to live her own life, just like I’m now living my own life. A life without Nate,” Simone continued, her voice soft. “Have you ever thought about it, Mother? Meeting somebody, getting married again? You’re still attractive, with so much to offer. Perhaps if you met somebody—”

“Then what? I’d stop sleeping with Nate? I will be with the reverend as long as he needs me. And it’s a good thing too. Because the rest of you Nobles seem ready to abandon him when he needs us the most.”

Katherine’s words had the desired affect. Simone was no longer in love with Nate, but she still loved him, and wanted what was best for his life.

“Everything we’ve ever dreamt for Nate has come true,” Katherine continued. “To go to the next level, Nate needs to be married. It’s important for men of God of his stature to have a wife, the right kind of first lady. You and I both know that woman is Destiny.”

“Mother, I know that Noble women have been with Thicke men for generations. But you’ve never told me why.”

“I don’t know the whole reason, but Destiny will. I visited old man Elijah the other day, and he said that soon, the whole story would be told. I’m as interested as you about the missing pieces—why when a Thicke calls, a Noble answers.”

“But the man is almost ninety-five years old. When is ‘soon,’ and what if he dies before that time comes?”

“He said there are papers in his personal effects that tell everything, and he’s bequeathed them to one of us…eventually we’ll know. Now will you help me? Will you talk to Destiny?”



Later that evening, Simone sat at Destiny’s dining room table. “Is he asleep?” she asked, when Destiny reentered the room.

“Finally,” Destiny said.

“He’s a beautiful boy. Looks so much like Nate.”

Destiny let out a deep breath.

“And you,” Simone added.

“Kiki send you over here?” Destiny eyed her mother as she asked the question.

Simone nodded. “Nate’s…having a hard time without you.”

Tears came to Destiny’s eyes. “It’s hard for me too.”

The silence was loud as both women wrestled with their thoughts, and feelings, and the legacy.

“At one time I felt as you do,” Simone said finally.


“That if I were to be with Nate, I couldn’t share him.”

“What happened?”

Simone shrugged. “I fell in love with him, and I convinced myself that Nate’s being with women in the congregation was something I’d have to learn to live with. After all, Mother did it. She knew when he covered me. Grandmother Naomi did it, when Mother began with Thomas Thicke. But clearly, you’re different, Destiny. You’re the first one of us who has actually refused to accommodate what has gone on for years. I asked Mother about that tonight, how this whole thing started with the Thicke men and Noble women.”

“What did she say?”

“That Elder Elijah knows, and that when the time is right he’ll tell us. But I think it has to do with some type of promise. Other than that…I don’t know.”

“Am I wrong, Mommy? Am I wrong for wanting Nate to myself?”

Now there were tears in Simone’s eyes. “I don’t think so, baby,” she whispered. “Not long ago, my answer would have been different, as you well know. But knowing what I now know and having what I now have, with Mark…God knows I want the best for Nate. But you’re my daughter, and I want you to be happy.

“I never thought I’d feel the way I do right now, thankful that I’m with someone other than Nate. I thought he hung the moon and the stars—”

“He didn’t?”

“I think he may have placed a planet or two.” Both women laughed.

“I guess I’m here to say two things,” Simone continued. “One—talk to Nate. I’m not saying you have to do anything you don’t want to do, but just talk to him. Hear what he has to say. But the second thing I want to tell you is…follow your heart, Destiny. Listen to God. It seems that’s what you’ve been doing so far, and I believe it’s working for you. I know we Noble women have an interesting history, an interesting relational dynamic not understood by those outside it. But above all else, I am your mother. I love you. And I know you love Nate. I just want you to always be able to look in the mirror…and love yourself.”

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