Revisited (Redemption Series) (18 page)

BOOK: Revisited (Redemption Series)
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Liam paused. “All right,” he said, hoping for the best. 

“What can I do? What spell can I possibly cast to get us away from him?”

“She has a hold over him,” Liam spoke up. “Filipp looks as if he would worship at her feet if she would allow it.”

“It’s just a simple obedience spell, nothing close to the influence we would need to safely let us leave.” Valentina searched her mind for a solution.

“An Ever Seen Spell might work. It could trick Filipp’s mind long enough for us to escape.” Debir gave her hand a soft squeeze to relay his assurance of the idea.

“Maybe. Let me look through my grandmother’s books. I’ve never performed one before.” Valentina left the bed to retrieve a thick, black leather bound book from the closet. She sat down on the bed with it and flipped through the pages.

“What will this Ever Seen Spell do?” Liam asked as he stood next to the bed, his hands massaging Valentina’s shoulders.

“Once it becomes effective, Filipp will see me whenever he wants. Knowing him as I do, it might drive him mad. At the very least, it will distract him long enough for us to get away.” Her fingertips skimmed the page she had settled on. “I’ll need a few things.”

“We’ll get whatever you need. When can you do it?” Debir asked.

“Once I get the supplies, it will take me a few moments to prepare. When he comes back, I can perform the spell once I take his hand in mine.”

“Did you get that?” Debir turned to the corner of the room to look at the pinprick hole near the ceiling. His phone beeped in his pocket and he pulled it out to find a message from Abe.


“Who is that?” Liam eyed the small hole in the ceiling Debir had been looking at.

“Lily somehow knew your intentions. That,” Debir pointed to the hole, “is where one of the surveillance cameras is located. Once the spell is performed, Lily’s cavalry is waiting in the wings to take us to her.”

Valentina quietly sobbed in relief. The world seemed to shift, and the axis had finally righted itself. Liam would be safe. Their child would be safe. She would be safe. Once and for all.

“It’s almost over.” Liam kissed her temple and prayed it was true.

A few moments after gathering the supplies she needed, Valentina infused the carefully selected berries and herbs into a special bottle of blood for Filipp. She poured Liam and Debir a goblet full of regular O Negative, then poured her potion into a goblet for Filipp.

“He’s on his way up,” Debir announced after he read a message on his phone.

Debir and Liam started up an everyday conversation as Valentina nibbled on a biscuit, the one thing that calmed her magic and pregnancy induced nerves.

“Seems you were right!” Filipp shouted, making his way through the door and slamming it behind him. “They are all so willing. It’s quite amazing.”

Valentina knew the look in his eyes; she had seen it too many times. Sex and blood were a powerful combination for Filipp. By the twinkle in his usually dull eyes, it looked as if he’d had his fill of both.

“Come celebrate with us then.” Debir offered him the prepared goblet.

Filipp took it without thought. “To the destruction of Manchester!”

The three vampires toasted and drained their goblets dry.

Filipp collapsed onto the couch with a laugh. 

Valentina took her place at his side and wrapped her arms around his waist. He pulled her into him and sighed in contentment as her familiar aroma permeated his nostrils.

“What shall we do on this last night? Tell me and we can begin our celebration.” Filipp kissed Valentina’s temple and breathed in her enticing scent.

“I wish for . . .” Valentina pressed a coin into Filipp’s hand before she recited the spell from her grandmother’s book. “The light in your eyes shall bring me forth. My breath, my life, will take divine form to haunt, to delight, to tempt, to tease. Your mind is not your own. It is my will, this shall be.”

Filipp smiled and closed his eyes. The spell pulled him into deep slumber.

In no time at all, they gathered their belongings and were out the door. They made their way down a back staircase and out to the alley where Nathaniel and Abe were waiting for them.

“Ready?” Abe asked.

The three nodded as they took hold of Abe. In less than a blink of an eye, they disappeared into the night, praying it would be forever.

This is a bit of a change.” Gideon wrapped his arms around Becca’s waist from behind. “Locked in a room together by choice.” He kissed the nape of her neck and noticed the gooseflesh as it rose to her skin’s surface.

    “I know.” She sighed with a smile and placed her hands on top of his. “I hope this won’t be for long, then we’ll go . . .” Becca froze and stood stock-still.

“What is it?” He moved around to face her and cupped her cheeks in his palms.

“I don’t know what happens after this.” Panic rose within her as she contemplated her life once the current crisis was over. “I’m on leave right now, but after everything that has happened, I don’t know if I can go back to the Bureau. Maybe I’ll leave Portland, but then where do I go?”

“Hey.” Gideon placed a gentle kiss on her forehead then pulled back to look into her glistening eyes. “We do whatever we want. If you want to travel, we travel. If you want to settle down in Boston, we can do that, too. Our options are limitless. All that matters is we do it together.” He pulled her into a tight embrace.

Twisted knots formed in Becca’s stomach. Not only did she have no idea where her life was heading, she didn’t know who she’d be sharing it with. The man before her had become such an intrinsic part of her life in such a short time, but Abe still had a solid hold on her heart. “I can’t think about this now.” She shook her head and pushed on his chest to gain some space between them.

“Can I give you something else to think about?” Gideon caught her attention as she lifted her head.

“What’s that?”

He swooped in for a kiss. She stilled at first, but as his tongue swept across her bottom lip, she couldn’t deny the warmth that slowly engulfed her.

Oh, Becca,
Ian cried.

“Ian,” Becca panted between kisses.

Gideon growled as he led Becca to the bed. He wasn’t sure if Becca had responded to Ian’s words, or if it was just a natural occurrence. He hoped for the latter. “I need to have you.” He pushed her back on the bed and crawled on top of her, his lips attached to hers.

“Ian,” she panted and pressed on his chest, yet he didn’t relent. “Ian.” Her pleas only spurred him on.

Gideon felt a painful jab in his side and flew back off her and the bed. “What was that?” he asked with an edge of anger as he rubbed his sore side.

Becca rose up on her elbows. “You’re still hurting. If you won’t let me heal you, we just need to wait until nature does.”

Gideon began to weigh the options. He wanted her more desperately than he ever had before. Yet he didn’t believe the risk of Ian connecting with her, as he had done when she healed his face, was worth it. He groaned and sat down on the bed as he made his decision. “You can’t fault me, though.”

“No, of course not.” She reached for his arm and pulled herself up. “It’s just not the right time.”

“Time.” He grumbled. He thought about taking her forcefully as he had before, but somehow he knew he couldn’t bring himself to do it. 

It’s because I won’t let you hurt her, you asshole!
Ian shouted at him. 

Gideon was just about to answer him when Becca squeezed his arm tightly.

She felt conflicted about how she’d avoided making love to Ian once again. She couldn’t help but feel guilty for even considering it as Abe was out facing unknown dangers. She stiffened and she felt a cold shiver run through her.

“No, it’s okay.” Gideon pulled her into his arms before leaning back on the bed. “You’re right, we’ll have our time.”

His statement didn’t ease Becca’s worries. She had felt twinges of guilt when she was with Abe, but nothing compared to what she felt in that moment. She wondered if that meant her feelings were stronger for Abe. She clutched at the garbled thoughts trickling through her weary mind.

“Just rest, my Rebecca. I’m here.”

She snuggled into his chest, took control of her breathing, and her shivers subsided. “Can we just sleep?” she asked placing her hand over his heart.

“Of course.” He clasped her hand and kissed her forehead.

Soon she slipped into a deep sleep.

“You look . . . refreshed,” Jefferson commented as Lily sat at the kitchen table.

“Shut it, you.” Lily rolled her eyes at her friend. “What are you making?” 

Several large pots boiled beside Jefferson on the stove. “What else? Pasta.” He dipped the pasta fork into the bubbling water and brought out a bit of pasta to taste. “Perfect.”

“Alas, another thing I will never enjoy.” She shrugged, remembering another human pleasure she was denied.

“I take it this cure you’re cooking up isn’t going to be running through your veins anytime soon?” Jefferson dumped the pot of pasta into the colander and ran a little cold water over it to cool it down.

Lily sat and contemplated his question, one that wasn’t much of a query, but more a fact. Over the years when she had thought of becoming human again, the answer had always been a resounding no. At this juncture of her existence, she found herself wavering slightly.

“Why do you have to be so perceptive all the time?” She sighed and laid her cheek on the table. A bright yellow mug smacked against the wood and brought her entire body up to attention.

“Drink.” Jefferson smiled before he returned to stir something else on the stove.

“I’ve never considered it before, but with Ryan back . . . I just don’t know.” She took a sip of the blood, both satisfied and disgusted with the taste.

As she thought back on all the plans she’d made in her human life, she began to wonder “if only.” When she and Ryan were first married, they had always planned on a large family. Back then, she thought her future would include several little boys with Ryan’s jet-black hair and her deep brown eyes, running around with skinned knees and elbows from hours of rambunctious play. She also reflected on a tiny girl with ribbons in her chocolate-colored curls as her little legs swung back and forth on a swing. Then she imagined putting her children to bed, reading them stories, helping them with their studies, watching them grow, seeing them fall in love. She caught her breath.

“Don’t get yourself all worked up, old girl. You have all the time in the world to think about it.” Jefferson winked at her as he turned down the heat on the stove and sat down next to her. “There are advantages to both lives. Regardless, Ryan will be next to you whichever you choose. I don’t think the
Big Guy
would separate you again.
not that cruel.” He slipped his arm around her shoulder and hugged her. “What is it that Peter always says?”

Lily huffed out a laugh. “Have faith.”

“Yes, faith. It’s gotten you this far. Let’s trust it to take you a bit further.”

“Ah, there you are.” Sam entered the kitchen as Jefferson left Lily’s side to return to preparing his meal. “Are the others joining you for dinner?”

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