Revved (Axle Alley Vipers) (4 page)

BOOK: Revved (Axle Alley Vipers)
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Chapter Four

he’d lost her ever-lovin’ mind. That was the only way to explain it. She should turn around and go home, forget all about this.

Still her foot stayed planted on the gas, her truck moving her across the city for the second time that day. God, she needed to chill out. She was overthinking things, wasn’t she? This was strictly business, nothing more.

If that’s true, why didn’t you tell Alex or Piper where you were going?

She couldn’t deny the man intrigued her. Then there was his behavior today—he wasn’t the same guy who’d walked into West’s just over a week ago, so much so, she’d let her guard down, decided to take his offer, or challenge, at face value.

The interest she’d seen the previous week hadn’t been there today, and surprisingly, she’d been disappointed. Which was messed up. But what was even more messed up? The care she’d taken dressing, the time she’d spent on her hair, her makeup. She’d told herself she hadn’t done it for him, but as she pulled into the parking lot of R.I.P., and the butterflies in her belly went freakin’ haywire, she knew she was full of shit.

What the hell was she doing here? She didn’t want a man. She sure as hell shouldn’t want
man. They had nothing in common—okay, yeah, there were the cars, but that’s where it started and ended. How could he ever understand where she came from, the struggles she, Alex, and Piper had gone through to get where they were now. With all he had, his money, the guy wouldn’t have a clue.

No, she’d known since she was eighteen years old that relationships weren’t for her. That hadn’t changed in all these years, would never change. Love was never equal. Someone always got hurt. Always. She’d learned that for the first time when she was just a kid, when her mother chose some asshole over her husband and kids.

She’d learned it again when she got older, in a seedy hotel after senior prom. She’d stupidly given it up to the supposed love of her life, and he’d proceeded to humiliate and ridicule her. That night had more than cemented her opinion.

Love couldn’t be trusted.

But for some reason, she hadn’t liked the loss of interest in Reid Parker’s eyes, the indifference. And even more surprising, she wanted it back. What she didn’t know, was what she planned to do with it if she got it back. If she wanted to do anything at all. She hadn’t been this attracted to a man in as long as she could remember. She’d felt lust before, but not this, this restless needy feeling he stirred inside her. This was new and, as she discovered tonight, impossible to ignore.

That feeling was what got her in the shower, washing off the grease and sweat of the day. It was also what had her leaving her hair down, sliding on her favorite army green short shorts and the peach, drapey off-one-shoulder tee she’d bought on sale the week before, the one that clung to her tits and skimmed over her belly just right. It was also that feeling that, despite the fact she was entering a garage, had her shoving her feet in the black wedge flip-flops she loved, the ones that did great things to her claves, and hustling her ass across the city without telling her two best friends what she was doing.

She was damned lucky Piper had been out when she left, or she would’ve gotten the narrow eyes and fifty questions before being allowed to leave the house.

All of a sudden she felt stupid, ridiculous. A man like Reid no doubt had women falling at his feet daily. He wasn’t an idiot. One look at her and he’d know exactly why she was dressed this way. To impress.

Her face heated.

Get the hell out of here.

She gripped the gearstick, about to throw her pickup into reverse and burn rubber before Reid saw her sitting there like a moron, when the door wrenched open and the man himself filled her vision.


“You going somewhere?” His voice was nothing but a rumble, and God, did she feel it. Like the man had reached out and swiped his thumb across her now embarrassingly hard nipples.


His hair was in that sexy knot, low on his head, and it looked damp. He’d obviously just hit the showers as well. And, oh hell no, that was not an image she needed right then.

Her gaze dropped of its own volition to the soft, faded jeans he wore. They weren’t tight, but they certainly didn’t hide a damn thing. His tee was black, and the thing molded to his defined chest and biceps in a way that had her mouth watering. She took all this in without conscious thought, her eyes eating him up as if they had a mind of their own.

Swallowing hard, she finally lifted her gaze to that sensual mouth, the strong but crooked nose, and square jaw covered in dark whiskers. And yeah, she’d imagined how that short beard would feel on her bare skin more than once. She’d thought about a lot of things where Reid Parker was concerned, usually while she used her vibrator.

That thought had another rush of heat hitting her face. Her gaze finally caught his, and she noticed the way the skin at the corners of his eyes crinkled slightly.

The guy was laughing at her.

Oh, he was trying to keep it under wraps, but those eyes, they hid nothing.

“You all right, Rusty?” His voice was deeper now, and it moved right through her, lifting goose bumps on her arms, her bare legs.

Never, not once in her life had a man affected her this way. She didn’t know what to do with it, how to act without making a fool of herself. She had to get the hell out of there, now. “I…ah. I have to go.”

He moved in, bracing one of his hands on the top of her open door, the other on the roof of her truck. “You just got here.”

“Sorry, I uh…”

“It won’t take long. Plus I need a chance to defend my honor.” His hand left the roof and slid around her wrist, gently tugging her from her pickup. The goose bumps got a whole lot worse, and she shivered at the zing of electricity his touch shot through her body.

“Right, fine.” He let go of her wrist, but then placed his hand on her lower back, steering her toward the single door to the side of the big building. The main workshop doors were closed for the night, and she knew once they stepped inside they’d be all on their own.

Rusty didn’t know whether he sensed she was a ball of nerves and was taking pity on her, or hadn’t noticed at all and just wanted to get this over and done with as fast as possible so he could send her on her way. Because he didn’t mess around. He showed her the workshop, the different stations for the different jobs they did. He also showed her several folders full of pictures of cars they’d restored for clients, others he’d found himself and rebuilt to sell.

There were several vehicles in the shop that they were working on, and she took her time checking them out, almost forgetting the man standing behind her. Almost. Her nerves had settled at least. The more he talked about what they did, the more she saw the passion he had for this business. He loved his job as much as she did. The staff he employed wasn’t just there to collect a paycheck every week but because this is what they wanted to do, and it showed in the beautiful cars they produced.

Rusty inspected the Buick in front of her, ran her hand over the smooth hood, and stood back, crossing her arms. “Okay, fine. I’ll admit it… You don’t completely suck.”

His low chuckle slid between her shoulder blades and made her knees a little weak. “That hurt?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe.” She turned to face him, and the belly flutters returned full force when she saw him standing there, legs braced apart, heavily inked arms crossed over that impressive chest—and yep, there it was, the heat. It was back and aimed at her.

“Anything else you want me to show you?” The way he said it made it clear he didn’t just mean an extended tour of his shop.

“I think I’m good.” She turned away and scanned the huge workshop, looking for anything to get them back to business, because no matter how much her body wanted him, her brain wasn’t fully on board.

Anyway, she couldn’t be blamed for her body’s mutiny. The guy was a freak of nature. No one was

Heading for the rows of tires, wheels, and other car parts they had stacked to one side of the room, she made a show of checking it out, all the while trying to get her racing heart under control, not to mention her overheating body. She bent down between two rows and took a closer look at the parts they kept stocked.

When she felt she had it somewhat together, she brushed off her hands and turned—“Right, I guess I’ll…
”—and collided with a hard, hot chest.

Big, warm hands settled on her hips, steadying her. “Careful,” he murmured.

“Sorry, I, ah…” Whatever she was about to say got lodged in her throat when the fingers circling either side of her waist gave her a gentle squeeze.

He dipped his chin, looking down at her. “Grease looks good on you, but I like this, too.” His gaze moved over her, from head to toe, then locked with hers. “You dress up nice for anyone in particular?”

Oh God.
Her heart was pounding so hard she could barely catch her breath. There was no way he couldn’t see it. His hands were still on her hips, his body almost flush with hers, and when she tried to retreat that grip got tighter, deliciously so, holding her in place, keeping her where he wanted her. “Yes…ah, no…”
The man fried her brain, turned her into an illiterate, horny mess.

“Yes or no? Which is it?”

“Uh, yeah? I’m…I’m, ah, going on a date…after.” She cringed inwardly.
A date?
She didn’t date, hadn’t in years. Yeah, she’d had the odd dinner here and there, but ultimately she’d left each one of them with the same conclusion: men were jerks. Now she never dated. Ever.

Those pale eyes darkened. “A

“Yep. So I better…” She tried again to take a step back, and again he wasn’t having any of it.

“You and this guy, you serious?”

“Well, we’re…um, well, it’s like…”

“It’s not a difficult question. You are or you aren’t?”


He laughed, a deep rumbling laugh that somehow brought her closer, so close her hard nipples grazed his chest and sent delicious sparks of pleasure down between her thighs.

The laughter cut off abruptly at the contact, and he sucked in a breath. “I’d say, if you have to think about it, it’s not serious. Which means you’re fair game, far as I can see.” Then one of his hands left her hip and went to her hair. “You’ve got fuckin’ amazing hair, but I’m guessing you know that since you’ve left it down. You do that for this date you’re going on?”

He was close now, her body plastered against his, his heat burning her up, and before she could stop herself, before she could think of all the reasons why being honest was the stupidest idea in the history of stupid ideas, she shook her head

His nostrils flared, and he dipped his head a little closer. “No?”

“No,” she whispered.

“What about the clothes? They for this date of yours as well?”

She shook her head again.

What the hell are you doing?

“This all for me, Rusty?”

Electricity sparked between them, firing her blood, scrambling her brain. She clung to his heavy biceps, wanting, needing like she never had before, and that’s why, instead of denying it, she nodded and whispered, “Yeah.”

He wrapped her hair around his fist and tilted her head back in a way that told her just how much he liked her hair. The way he handled her, gentle but sure, also sent her a message that Reid Parker was a man who got what he wanted, and when he did, he called the shots. This didn’t come as a great surprise, but what was, was that she liked it. A lot.

She’d always had to be the strong one, the one who held it all together, and right then, she didn’t need to be. Reid had complete control of the situation, of her, and it did something to her, made her feel things she hadn’t known existed inside her.

She could just let go, let someone else take charge for once. It was intoxicating.

He dipped his head farther, closing the space between them—then his mouth was on hers. His fingers stayed in her hair, bodies flush as he kissed her, softly at first, then he slid his tongue across her top lip, sucked and nipped it gently, then said, “Open.”

She did, and he slanted his mouth over hers and proceeded to devour her. His tongue moved with hers, kissing her deep, not hard, but in a way that gave her no choice but to follow his lead. The guy could kiss, not that she had a lot of experience, okay, barely any, but she didn’t need to be a kissing expert to recognize the guy had skills. She felt it down to her toes.

He had her clinging to him, as if he was some kind of lifeline, rubbing up against him like she couldn’t get enough. And she couldn’t. If he’d had a mind to yank down her shorts and fuck her against the rack of tires at her back, she didn’t think she would have stopped him.

He took his mouth away and kissed her jaw, her throat. “So fucking sweet, so hot.” His lips moved to her ear. “Never known a woman as gorgeous as you.”

To most women a compliment about the way she looked from a man like Reid would have had them dropping their panties—but for Rusty, it was a double-handed shove, yanking her out of her lust-induced haze. Is that the only reason he was kissing her right now? Because of the way she looked?

Wise up. Of course it is.

She shoved his shoulders, and he finally, after a second shove, released her. “Rusty?”

“Why’d you ask me here?” She knew she was sending mixed signals, acting crazy, but she couldn’t stop the ugly feeling in the pit of her stomach, couldn’t escape the doubt that was always there, hovering just below the surface. God, she was messed up.

He let her go and gripped the racks on either side of her, effectively caging her in. “What’s going on?”

“Cut the shit and tell me why you really asked me here, Parker.”

He shook his head, breathing heavily. “Where the hell’s this coming from?”

“Tell me,” she demanded, suddenly pissed, and not just at him but at herself for being so damn stupid. He barely knew her, and by the looks of it, that was just fine with him. He hadn’t intended on going any deeper than what was under her shorts.

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