RG2 - Twenty-Nine and a Half Reasons (23 page)

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Authors: Denise Grover Swank

Tags: #A Rose Gardner Mystery

BOOK: RG2 - Twenty-Nine and a Half Reasons
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Joe took a step closer to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. “How about we discuss this now?”

Her face softened. “Joe, it’s apparent I was wrong about you, and I’m terribly sorry about that. But in light of your new information…let’s be honest.” She pointed to him. “You’re…a Simmons.”


“Well, Rose…she’s…”

Joe grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the chair. “Come on, Rose. We’re leaving.”

My breath caught in my throat.

Joe pushed me around the table, but I dug my heels in. I had to know the truth.

“Let me get this straight. First you thought Joe wasn’t good enough for me. Now you think I’m not good enough for him?”

Joe shook his head and tried to pull me out of the room. “Don’t do this, Rose.”

Mike stood next to his chair. “Violet, I’m warnin’ you.”

Violet bit her lip, her love for me filling her eyes. “It’s not that, Rose. It’s just that you…”

“Rose,” Joe pleaded.

“No,” I choked out. “I want to hear this from her.”

“Honey, his family is society. They have money. How are you goin’ to fit in with that? I just don’t want you to get hurt.” The sincerity in her eyes told me that she meant every word she said.

Joe looked angry enough to hit her. Instead, he held his breath, then said, “Rose, get Muffy.”

I remained frozen in horror.

He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. His face softened. “I love you, Rose. Don’t you ever doubt that for a single minute. But I need a word with your sister, so go get Muffy and we’ll head home. Okay?”

I nodded, the lump in my throat too big to speak through.

Muffy was in the backyard and I opened the back door, wondering how things had gotten to this state. Joe’s angry voice carried through the glass.
I should be in there with him, not hiding on the patio

The door opened behind me and Ashley slipped out and wrapped her arms around my legs. “Why’s everybody yellin’?”

Closing my eyes, I silently berated myself for yelling at Violet in front of Ashley and Mikey. “Grownups do that sometimes.”

Muffy ran over and I knelt down to scoop her up. I grabbed Ashley’s arm and tugged her closer, staring into her confused face. “People fight and they get over it. It’s goin’ to be okay.” I kissed her forehead and stood, wishing I believed what I’d said.

Sucking in a deep breath, I walked into the house, Joe’s voice echoing from the other room. “The only person hurting her is
, Violet.”

Joe swung to face me when I entered the room, fear in his eyes before he pushed it away. “I’ve said my piece. Let’s go.”

I nodded.

“Rose!” Violet shouted as we left the room.

Joe wrapped his arm around my back, holding me tight as we walked out the front door.

She stood on the porch, watching Joe push me into the car. “Rose, honey. I love you. I only want what’s best for you.”

I bit my lip to keep from crying. Joe hurried around to the driver’s side and drove off, Violet still on the porch shouting at me.

Neither of us said anything all the way home. I was too shocked and hurt. But as soon as we walked into the kitchen, I buried my face into Joe’s chest, sobbing.

He led me into the living room and sat on the sofa, pulling me onto his lap. “It’s not true. Don’t listen to her, darlin’.” Gripping my cheeks his hands, his eyes bored into mine. “I love you for you and you’re a hundred times better than someone from my parents’ world.” His hand smoothed my damp hair off my face and he kissed me. “I want you. If I wanted the type of woman my parents would choose, I’d be with Hilary.”

My eyes widened in horror and I gasped.

Joe frantically shook his head. “No, it’s not what you think.”

But it was exactly what I thought. Joe said they’d known each other as kids. Hilary was from money too. They’d dated and lived together before Joe broke up with her. Hilary was who his parents wanted him to marry and she knew it. I was gonna be sick.

I shook my head, my tears catching my breath.

“Damn it!” he shouted, leaning his head back against the sofa. “This is all my fault.” His eyes found mine. “I’m sorry. I should have told you, but I know how you think and I knew you’d feel this way. I just couldn’t bear to see that look of horror in your eyes. Please, Rose.
It’s me
. I’m just Joe. I hardly ever see my family. Their world isn’t mine.”

“I don’t…”

He pulled me into an embrace and buried his face into my hair. “I love you and
I need you
. I don’t want to live without you. Don’t hold my family against me. Rose, please say something.”

No matter when he told me about his family, I would have reacted the same way. Violet’s words echoed in my head. “She’s right.”

“Who?” He leaned me back, anger filling his eyes. “Violet? The hell she is. You were right when you said you thought she was jealous. Sure, on the surface I think she’s deluded herself into believing she has your best interests in mind, but she can’t stand the thought of you being happy. Or even worse, better than her.”


“Rose. I speak to my family two or three times a year. I go home for Christmas. I don’t even spend the night.” His eyes burned with pain. “I am my father’s greatest disappointment. I’m his only son and he wanted me to join the family business and I refused. I refused to go to my father’s alma mater, Vanderbilt. I refused to practice law. I wanted to make my own life, free from my father’s shadow. I’ve never felt as free as when I was Joe McAllister. Being with you is the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.”

He watched me, his eyes guarded.

His family intimidated me and I suspected if Joe’s father couldn’t accept him having an honest job, he’d never accept me. But who was I to point fingers? My momma had been a mean, spiteful woman. My father had watched her belittle me my entire life because of the sins of his own past and never intervened. Violet had tried to run Joe off because she’d thought so little of his family and then she thought too much. If Joe could still love me, in spite of my own questionable family, how could I hold his against him?

“I want to move to Little Rock with you.”

His face lit up with joy. “What? You do? Why?”

“Because I love you, Joe McAllister, and if you can put up with my insufferable family, who am I to question yours? And Violet was right about one thing. I’m miserable without you.”

“You won’t regret it. I swear. I love you, and I’ll never let anyone hurt you if I can help it.”

Sliding my hand into his hair, I pulled his mouth to mine. “I know.”



Chapter Eighteen



When Joe left Monday morning, I didn’t even try to pretend to be happy about it. Joe was torn between leaving me and taking me with him, even though I insisted I had to go to work and give my notice.

“I’ll come back Wednesday night and I’ll help you start boxing things up.”

I nodded, worried I’d burst into tears.

“Are you sure you can’t just call with your notice?”

“I could, but I may as well do it in person. I have to stay in town. Violet and I have an appointment with the probate office on Wednesday. The sooner we get that taken care of, the sooner I’ll be free.”

“Okay.” He hesitated.

“You need to go or you’ll be late. We can’t both be unemployed.”

“We could travel the world. I could take you to Italy.”

“Well, the difference between your job and mine is you actually enjoy it. So you go to the job you love, and I’ll figure out what I want to be when I grow up.”

“You could always go back to school. I’m sure the University of Arkansas in Little Rock has an elementary education program.”

He knew how much it had bothered me that I’d quit college my freshman year to take care of Momma after Daddy died. I was surprised he remembered my major. I’d only mentioned it once. But it was an option. I had my money from my birth mother. I could use it to pay for my tuition.

Joe took my hand and I walked him to his car while Muffy ran around looking for the perfect spot to pee. “Maybe you can come up to Little Rock this weekend since this last one didn’t work out.”

“Sorry about that.”

“Promise me you won’t do anything illegal.”

That was easy. I wasn’t on jury duty anymore. “I promise.”

“And be careful. Before you do something, ask yourself ‘what would Joe think if he knew I was doing this’ and if you have the smallest inkling I’d be upset, then don’t do it.”

That one was harder. “Okay. But you’ll do some digging into who’s in charge of the construction project and Forest Ridge?”

“I’ll do my best, but I have a busy week scheduled. I might not get to it for a couple of days.” He held up a finger when I started to protest. “I’ll get to it as soon I can. Now come here and kiss me goodbye.”

He leaned against the car door and pulled me to his chest, kissing me as though he wouldn’t see me for three months instead of three days.

“I love you, Joe.”

“I love you too. Stay out of trouble.”

I smiled. “I never used to get into trouble until you showed up.”

“Somehow, I seriously doubt that. But try to stay out of it anyway.”

He drove away and I looked across the street, not surprised to see Miss Mildred watching out her front door with a frown.

I finished getting ready for work, meandering through my house, amazed that I was actually going to sell it and move away. I’d lived here my entire life.

A knock at the front door shook me out of my musing. Nobody used the front door. When I opened it, I was surprised to see Officer Ernie, looking all official. My heart jumped into my throat. I’d been with Joe all weekend and hadn’t done anything illegal.

“Can I help you, Officer?”

“I received a complaint I’m following up on.”

“A complaint? Who complained?”

“It was an anonymous complaint, miss.”

“What was the complaint?”

“You were reported for indecent acts in public.” He looked over my shoulder into the living room. “May I come in?”

“No, you may not.”

His eyes widened in surprise.

“We can discuss this right here.”

He cleared his throat and pulled out his notebook. “You were accused of kissin’ a man in public.”

Crossing my arms, I shifted my weight to one side. “I missed the vote to make that an illegal act.”

“Well, technically it’s not illegal…”

I uncrossed my arms and clenched my fists at my sides. “I was in my own front yard, kissin’ my boyfriend goodbye. My boyfriend, the state police detective.”

He frowned, closing his notebook. “The entire police department of Henryetta is fully aware of who your boyfriend is.”

“Would you like his number? You can call him and tell him about the complaint.”

Officer Ernie glared. “Your boyfriend may work for the Arkansas State Police, but you are still under Henryetta jurisdiction. We’re all watchin’ you, missy. It would be a shame if you went back to jail.”


“That’s how it starts, then the next thing you know, you’re naked on the hood of your car, makin’ love to Def Leppard’s ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me’.”

He sounded like he was speaking from personal experience. I stared at him for several seconds, trying to purge the image from my mind. “Is there anything else?”

Disappointment turned his mouth down. He must have expected me to cower in fear. “No, but once a lawbreaker—”

“—always a lawbreaker. Got it.” There was no point arguing with the man. I gave him the sweetest smile I could muster. “You have a nice day now.”

Then I shut the door as he was getting ready to say something. I sure wasn’t making friends with the Henryetta law enforcement, but then again, they’d never liked me much to begin with. Thank goodness I was leaving this small-minded town.

Now it was time to go to work and give my notice.

Suzanne was subdued when I showed up. I expected I’d have to defend my right to stay employed even though I intended to quit, but she tried to ignore my presence, sneaking glances at me throughout the morning. She must have found out she couldn’t fire me after all. And she must have heard the gossip, realizing I really had been at jury duty. I decided I’d give my two-week notice when I left for the day.

Right before lunchtime, my cell phone buzzed. I thought it might be Joe or Violet, but was surprised to see it was Neely Kate.

? ;)

I texted back.
Yes, is 1:00 too late

Nope, meet you at Merilees

. :)

I thought about my new friendship with Neely Kate. I may have only known her a week, but I was going to miss her.

The café had cleared out by one, and I found her sitting at a table, waving her arms. “Rose, over here!”

“How’s the bridesmaids dress situation?” I asked, sitting down.

She waved my question away. “Forget about the wedding, tell me
that happened.”

“You mean in jail?”

Rolling her eyes, she leaned forward. “No, at the weekend softball game. Of course at the jail. And getting out. And Mason Deveraux taking Judge McClary on to get you out.”

I tilted my head sideways. “Wait. What are you talking about? And you scared the living daylights out of Joe with your message.”

“Good! He deserved it after that whole Hilary incident.”

“That wasn’t his fault.”

She pinched her lips. “Hmm.” Resting her elbows on the table, her eyes glittered with excitement. “Spill.”

The waitress came over and I ordered a glass of sweet tea and a chicken salad sandwich.

“Well, look at you.” Neely Kate preened. “Orderin’ without a menu. You’re like a pro. Now tell me what happened!”

“Not much, really.”

Neely Kate raised her eyebrows. “That’s not what I heard.”

“I suspect what you heard is a whole lot more exciting than what happened.”

“Tell me anyway.”

“I got locked up and then Mr. Deveraux came to see me.”

“He did?
?” I couldn’t believe something slipped by her.

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