Rhythm of My Heart: Speed, Book 3 (14 page)

BOOK: Rhythm of My Heart: Speed, Book 3
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“Not saying a word here. It’s about damn time, but I’m not saying a word.”

Luke grunted.

Zachary turned to Eve. “Just for the record? I did tell him so. Often.”

“Tell him what?” Eve asked, confused.

“That it’s okay to be happy,” Luke offered. “But I’m not here to talk about me. I’m here to discuss the two of you. You doing okay, Eve?” He sat beside her on the bed, his expression gentle, his voice soft. The man was genuinely concerned about the effect this would have on her.

She nodded, still pale.

“You’ve seen the papers this morning?”

“Half the world has seen the papers.”

“Look, I can’t promise this’ll blow over any time soon. The paparazzi have been thrown a bone, and they’re going to pick at it until there’s nothing left. Or until they find a bigger story. Unfortunately, for now,
is their biggest story.” He motioned to the window. “There are reporters camped outside the hotel. I’m sorry to say they want a piece of you. Even more than usual because we’re not telling them a damn thing about Sophie. They’re not leaving until they get something, or until we head out of here.”

“Sophie?” she asked.

“Jamie’s girlfriend.”

Now that she was back with Nathan, after his big brother had gone to Sydney to find her, the press was all over them, demanding their story. Nathan wasn’t saying a word. No one was.

“Have you had any experience with this, Eve?” Luke asked. “With being in the public eye?”

She hesitated before nodding. “A long time ago.” She ran her hand over her cheek. “Now I stay behind the scenes. Out of the limelight.”

Luke frowned. “So you have been in the public eye before?”

“I…years ago.” She pursed her lips, obviously reluctant to speak about it. “I was injured. It was on the news a few times, and then people forgot about it.”

Her scar.
He still needed to ask her more about it.

“I see.” It was Luke’s turn to purse his lips. “I don’t want to pry, Eve. But for your sake I have to know—at least before the paparazzi find out. Were you in any way responsible for your injury?”

Eve’s expression flattened. Her eyes turned dull, and Zachary’s heart ached for her. Her robe was closed, but he suspected her scar would be flushed an angry red if he could see it. “No,” she whispered. “Not in any way.”

Luke’s nod told Zachary the questioning was over. “Okay, then we’re going to help you through this nonsense. First and foremost, I’m assigning you a bodyguard. Someone who’ll stay with you at all times. If you’re not in the hotel, you’re with him. You go out, he goes with you.”

“God, no,” Eve objected vehemently. “I don’t want a bodyguard.”

“It’s not open to negotiation. You need one.”

And just like that, Eve had a bodyguard. Zachary would have grinned at Luke’s strong-arm tactics had he not agreed with him wholeheartedly. The closer the bodyguard stood, the farther away the press would be held.

“Next item on the agenda—the media.” Luke held up a finger, emphasizing the importance of what he was about to say. “Don’t answer their questions. Not one, no matter how much you want to. Whatever you say will be recorded, reported and all too often twisted into some nasty version of the truth. Reporters will fire them at you. Fast. Grab you unawares, shock you into responding, say things you’ll want to defend. They’re damn good at what they do, determined.” He grimaced. “Just keep your mouth shut and trust Jake to take care of things.”

“Jake?” Eve’s eyes were enormous, her face no less pale.

“Your bodyguard.”

Zachary didn’t love the idea of anyone but himself looking out for Eve’s wellbeing. But he obviously couldn’t do it. He’d already let her down—kissing her at the party. And based on the fact that he didn’t seem to have much control of his actions or emotions when the woman was around, he couldn’t promise her, or himself, he wouldn’t do something equally stupid again.

“Third thing, the airport today. Jake’ll knock on your door at eleven forty-five to escort you down to the hotel car park. You’re not driving there with the crew. Too risky. You’ll come with the band.”

“You’ll come with me,” Zachary added.

“Fine, she’ll travel with you. And Jake. Same story in Queensland. Stay with Jake. He’ll get you to the hotel and to the concert in relative peace.”

“Stay with Jake and me.”

Luke frowned. He looked at Zachary for a long minute. “When you’re in public, Eve, stick with Jake. Zachary, you’re in too deep, with the press and with Eve. You’re losing your objectivity.”

Objectivity? Hell, he’d lost it the minute he’d laid eyes on the woman. “Maybe I am.”

Luke snorted. “Yeah, sure. Maybe.” He turned his attention back to Eve. “Trust Jake. He’s been with the band since the beginning. Knows how to handle the press.”

Eve looked overwhelmed. “I, er, I have to see family when we’re on the Gold Coast. It’s my niece’s birthday tomorrow, and I promised to be there.”

“Then go. Jake will go too. You’re not a prisoner, Eve. You can still live your life. Go out. We’re just taking necessary precautions.” Luke stood. “Look, can you both do me a favor?”

Zachary raised an eyebrow in question.

“Keep it to yourselves. For now, at least. Whatever is going on, don’t give them any more fodder. Okay?”

Eve stared at him, bewildered, and Zachary had to wonder if she was taken aback by the idea of keeping it between the two of them, by the thought of the pap wanting more of them, or by the whole “for now” bit. Which hinted there might be a later for the two of them.

Was there?

Last night, Zachary had kept himself firmly grounded in the here and now. This morning he’d anticipated the near future—the few minutes or hours until he saw her again.

More than that? Hell. Who knew?

He gritted his teeth.

He knew.

There was definitely a later. Or there would be if he had anything to do with it. “Yeah, no prob. We’re good. No more fodder. For now.”

Luke gave a satisfied nod. “Good. Then if you don’t mind, I need to find Seth and Kaz. She’s heading back to Sydney this morning.”

“Whoa, Luke, hang on a sec.” Seth could have Luke for the rest of the day, for forever. But for the next minute or so, Zachary could sure use his help.

His friend looked at him.

“Tell Kaz I said goodbye.”

“Sure thing.”

“And please, tell Eve about my kid.”

“Your kid?”


“Uh… What kid?”

Zachary looked at Eve, who watched them both with narrowed eyes. “My point exactly. Thank you.”

Luke looked from him to Eve and back again, obviously confused. “Yeah, sure, any time. Can I go now?”

“Yep.” Zachary slung his arm around Luke’s shoulders and walked him to the door. “Thanks, man.”

“Yeah, anytime. But seriously, Zachary. Keep it between you two. You don’t need more shit now.”

Chapter Nine

Heart sore, Eve watched as Zachary saw Luke to the door.

Had he honestly just done that? Just foisted her question on to Luke so he didn’t have to answer?

Of course he had. And his behavior made sense. She’d asked him a personal question, gotten too close, and he’d done the only thing he could under the circumstances. Cut her off. Cut short the intimacy she’d assumed they’d created together and passed her question over to Luke.

She didn’t have a right to let this upset her. It was her own fault for assuming there was an intimacy between them in the first place. Had she forgotten that men didn’t get overly personal with scarred women? Especially not incredibly sexy men, superstars like Jonah Speed.

She blinked hard, trying to hide the hurt she had no right to feel, but must have failed, because Zachary’s eyes filled with concern when he turned back to her.

“Hey, are you okay?”

His care confused her. How could he so easily foist such a personal question onto Luke, yet look at her as if her pain mattered?

“I’m fine,” she lied.

“You’re worried about the paparazzi?”

Yes, but that wasn’t her primary concern. “I’ll deal with them.”

“Jake’s good,” Zachary reassured her. “He’ll look after you. And I promise, you’ll feel comfortable with him in minutes.”

“I’m sure I will.” She stood then and walked towards the door. No point drawing this out. “Well, I’m sure you have lots to do before we leave. So, maybe I’ll see you later.”

Eve said it with a casual detachment she in no way felt, and didn’t look his way as she walked. She didn’t count on him grabbing her arm as she passed, pulling her in and hauling her close to his very appealing, very solid body. “Eve?” His beautiful, unfamiliar brown eyes were clouded with worry. “What’s going on?”

She didn’t answer. Couldn’t. His behavior with Luke might have told her one thing, but the way his body curved sinuously against hers told her another altogether. Physically the intimacy was there—in spades.

“You’re pushing me away. Blocking me out. Why?” He ran his fingers down her cheek in a gesture so personal, Eve couldn’t breathe for a good few seconds. What the…?

He’d traced his fingers over her face in the exact way she always did, as if he were carrying out the action for her. Sensing her discomfort and reacting as she would.

Thrown by the familiarity of his touch—and by the physical proximity of his hand to her scars, Eve didn’t check her response. “I’m not the one doing the pushing, Zachary.”

His face creased in confusion. “You think I’m pushing you away?”

She bit her tongue. God, why had she said that? “Look, it’s nothing. Ignore me. You were right. I’m just upset about the press and my face being plastered over every newspaper in Australia. It’s tough to comprehend that I suddenly need a security guard just to walk down the road. I’m not used to it is all.”

Zachary stared deep into her eyes as though he could read her thoughts. “No, that’s not all. Something else is upsetting you. Something else…like me, and I don’t know why.”

And there it was again, the intimacy, the connection she’d just tried to convince herself she shouldn’t be feeling.

“Eve. Talk to me.”

She clung to that connection, hoping against hope she wasn’t imagining it. “You wouldn’t answer my question.”


“About your being a father. You avoided it.”

“What? When? Luke just answered.”

“That’s just the thing. Luke answered. Not you.”

“Does it make a difference?” He looked perplexed. “You asked, then we got sidetracked by the whole media debacle and I didn’t have a chance to respond. Soon as I realized that, I wanted you to know the truth.”

His reply was so logical it made Eve feel petty. Still… “I’d have like to hear it from you. Not your band manager.”

“I figured you’d believe it if it came from Luke.”

Her jaw dropped. “Are you implying I wouldn’t have believed you?”

Zachary shrugged and looked away. He didn’t let her go, but his hold on her loosened. “The rest of the world didn’t when the story broke.”

Oh, dear God. The poor man. “Zachary.” She waited until he returned his gaze to her face. “I’m not the rest of the world.”

He looked at her for a very long time, a thousand emotions playing through his eyes before his arm tightened around her again. “No, you certainly aren’t.”

She buried her face against his chest. “It just kind of hurt that you didn’t answer yourself.”

“Your question threw me. It took me back to a bad place, a bad time.”

“I shouldn’t have asked.”

“Yeah, you should have. I’d rather you ask than look elsewhere for answers.”

“Yet you sent me elsewhere for the answer.”

“I referred it to Luke.” He sighed deeply. “That’s my standard way of handling the hard questions. The landmines that have the potential to blow up in my face.”

Another frisson of hurt shot through her and she pulled away from him. “So I’m a landmine?”

“No, Tiny.” Zachary frowned. “The question you asked?
the landmine. One that already blew up in my face. I had to face the backlash, the rumors, the lies, the press hounding me day in and day out, making up crap. Luke dealt with it at the time, just like he deals with all the shit we face. My instinct, when you asked, was to let Luke deal with it again.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I shouldn’t have. I should just have given you a straight answer.” He blew out a long breath. “You touched on a sore point. I wasn’t prepared.”

“How about now?”

“Now what?”

“Are you prepared to talk about it?”

“It’s the ugly side of fame, Eve. You sure you want to hear about it?”

She wanted to hear everything about him, no matter how ugly. “Only if you’re up to discussing it.”

He squared his shoulders. “Seven months ago a woman sent Luke a lawyer’s letter. She had a baby, it said, I was the baby’s father, and could I please hand over child support for the rest of the kid’s life.”

BOOK: Rhythm of My Heart: Speed, Book 3
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