Ricky's Business (17 page)

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Authors: Ryan Field

BOOK: Ricky's Business
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mountains of northwest New Jersey. It was one of those local resorts built around a large lake


with many hidden coves, where people from New York and northern New Jersey took day trips


and docked their boats. Ricky’s father had a boat docked at an expensive private yacht club.


Though it was early in the season, Ricky’s father always launched the boat at the yacht club in


the spring because he liked knowing it would be ready in time for warmer weather.


They stopped for soft custard at a stand not far from the yacht club. It was a warm, dark,


moonless night. After they got the ice cream, Ricky drove his father’s Porsche up a long,


winding road that led to the club’s parking lot. But there was no one around that time of year, so


Ricky took it upon himself to drive down an expansive stretch of lawn that led to the docks. He


parked in front of the rickety pier at the edge of the lake where his father’s boat was docked, and


they all piled out of the car.


Chad got out and walked to the edge of the water. He lifted his head and took a deep


breath. “This is beautiful,” he said. “I can’t believe we’re still so close to New York.”


Ricky smiled. “It’s the New Jersey most people don’t know about, without factories,


traffic jams, and congestion. And it’s a different world from the Jersey Shore.”


Leyland walked over to them and handed Ricky a joint. “I only brought two,” he said.


“You two have to share, and I’ll share with Rocco.”


Rocco stared down at the joint and grinned. Ricky took the crooked little cigarette and examined it for a second. He knew Leyland


always had pot around, but he’d never actually smoked pot himself. Though Leyland had tried to


get him high many times, Ricky had always refused, partly because he was terrified of getting


caught and arrested, and partly because he hated not being in control at all times.


But that night, with Chad standing there at his side, he put the tip of the joint between his


lips and leaned forward so Leyland could light it for him. He didn’t even give it a second thought.


Before he inhaled, he felt a rush pass through his body. He choked the first few times he inhaled.


It had a bitter taste and a peculiar, sweet aroma. When he passed it to Chad, he wondered why


everyone he knew was so excited about smoking pot. He felt nothing, not even a slight buzz.


Chad took a long drag, held his breath for a minute or two, and exhaled slowly in Ricky’s


face. Chad smiled at Leyland and Rocco and said, “Why don’t you guys go for a walk over there


so we can have a few minutes alone?” He pointed to the other end of the yacht club, a dark area


surrounded by tall shrubs.


“C’mon,” Rocco said to Leyland. “If you’re a good boy, I’ll let you suck my dick again


free of charge. But this time I’ll show you how to suck dick the right way.”


Leyland’s head went up and he took a quick hit from the joint he was sharing with Rocco.


“I’ll race you, man.”


When they were gone, Ricky started to giggle. All at once, the thought of fuzzy-headed


Leyland blowing big macho muscle-boy Rocco seemed comical. A smooth, subtle sensation of


well being passed through his body. His legs and feet started to tingle and his arms felt lighter


and partially disconnected from the rest of his body.


“You don’t get high much, do you?” Chad asked. He was standing in front of him. He’d


just taken another hit and was passing the point to him. Ricky inhaled and held his breath the same way Chad had done it. Then he exhaled,


coughed a few times, and started to giggle again. “No,” he said. “I don’t get high often. Actually,


this is the first time I’ve ever gotten high.” He stepped forward and put his arms around Chad’s


shoulders. He rubbed his cheek on Chad’s chest.


“It’s nice to see you smile,” Chad said. “You’re always so uptight.”


Ricky’s licked Chad’s neck and said, “You taste good. Let’s go down to the boat. I’ll take


off all my clothes and then I’ll sit on your lap.” He pressed his cheek against Chad’s shoulder


and made a humming sound that could have been mistaken for a purr.


Chad reached down and grabbed his ass. “Is it safe? I’m not sure.”


Ricky waved his arm. All he wanted to do was have some fun. Chad was starting to


sound like his father now. “No one is here this time of year. Besides, I have passes in my wallet.


I’ll just tell them I came to check on the boat for my father.” Then he kicked off his shoes and


pulled off his socks and left them on the grass in front of the car.


By the time they reached the dock, Ricky wasn’t wearing anything. He’d left a short trail


of clothing that led all the way down to dock. Each time he’d removed an article of clothing,


he’d giggled. When he reached the dock, he walked to the end, lifted his arms in the air, and


stretched as high as he could. His entire body tingled. He didn’t have anything to worry about.


His SAT scores and getting into college didn’t even seem real anymore.


Chad walked up behind him. He was fully clothed, alert, and cautious, watching every


move Ricky made. He grabbed Ricky by the waist so he wouldn’t accidentally fall into the water.


“I’m curious about something,” he said. “This afternoon Leyland paid Rocco two hundred bucks


to suck his dick just like that, without flinching.” Ricky giggled. He imagined Leyland’s fuzzy head bobbing up and down. “Yeah, two


hundred bucks just to suck one big, thick dick.”


“Where did he get the money?” Chad asked. He put his arms around Ricky’s body and


kissed his neck.


Ricky giggled and shrugged his shoulders. He backed into Chad’s body and made a few


grinding moves with his hips. “He gets an allowance. He has money from birthdays and


Christmas. All my friends have money.” If his mother saw him now, she’d fall over dead. First


the veal, and now this.


Chad lowered his right hand and placed it on Ricky’s waist. “Be interesting if you and I


started a business venture, Ricky. We could bring our friends together and make a nice little


fortune together.”


Ricky kicked the side of the boat and laughed. “But most of my friends aren’t gay like


me,” he said. “All the guys I know like pussy, not dick.” The ripples in the water made him feel


disconnected. He couldn’t stop watching the way they fluttered toward the shore.


“I have plenty of female associates who do what I do for a living,” Chad said. “Your


straight friends would love them. Why don’t we bring both our worlds together, Ricky, and see


what happens?”


“I don’t think so,” Ricky said. Though he was stoned, he was aware enough to know he


didn’t want to be a pimp. The only thing he wanted to do at that moment was suck Chad off.


So he turned all the way around and reached between Chad’s legs. He grabbed a handful


of Chad’s jeans and licked his lips. “Can I do something I’ve been dying to do to you since we


met?” He squeezed harder. “You don’t even have to take off your clothes.” He didn’t want to be


rude, but he figured he needed permission. “You look beautiful this way,” Chad said. “You can do anything you want to me.”


Ricky giggled. “Are you going to charge me?” For some reason, he thought this was




“I’ll never charge you again for anything.”


After a long moment of silence, Ricky went down on his knees and unfastened Chad’s


jeans. Chad spread his legs apart and lifted his arms. When Chad laced his fingers at the back of


his head, Ricky pulled Chad’s dick out of his jeans and opened his mouth as wide as it would go.


This time he wasn’t gentle and he didn’t take his time sucking the head. He inserted Chad’s


entire shaft into his mouth and started sucking hard. His head went back and forth, and he


pressed his tongue to the bottom of the shaft to create more suction. The harder he sucked, the


more Chad bucked his hips.


Chad’s jeans slid down his legs and rested below his knees. His balls slapped against


Ricky’s chin with quiet thuds. But the sounds of wet slurps and hard suction could be heard


across the lake. When Ricky began to taste him, he held Chad’s hairy thighs for support. He


wouldn’t break the rhythm. He wanted to bring Chad to the peak with his mouth, not with his




It didn’t take long for Chad to buck faster, pushing his groin into Ricky’s nose each time


he went deep. Then, while Ricky continued to nod and suck, Chad’s body froze and he stood


completely still. He reached for the sides of Ricky’s face with both hands, squeezed them hard,


and grunted four or five times. A second after the final grunt, he exploded inside Ricky’s mouth


with such force Ricky almost gagged.


But he didn’t gag, cough, or show any signs of distress. He concentrated and regained his


composure so he could take every last drop. After Chad came, Ricky jacked off on the dock with Chad’s dick buried in his mouth. Ricky kept sucking, only slower now, making sure he’d taken


everything from Chad he could get.


When Chad was soft again, he had to hold Ricky’s face in his palms and say, “You


should get dressed now. Leyland and Rocco will be back soon.” Then he had to pry Ricky’s head


away from his body by pulling Ricky’s hair.


Ricky stood up and wiped his chin. “Was that okay?” he asked. “I’ve never actually done


anything like that out in the open like this before.” He reached down and covered his genitals


with his hands. He was suddenly aware of being naked. He looked around to see if they were


being watched.


Chad pulled him closer and leaned back against a rail that was attached to the dock. He


opened his jacket, put his arms around Ricky, and covered the top half of Ricky’s naked body.


“It was wonderful,” Chad said. “I like knowing you’ve never done that with anyone but me.” His


two hands went down and he kneaded Ricky’s ass as if he were molding bread dough.


Ricky couldn’t say the same thing about Chad. But for some reason he couldn’t explain,


it didn’t matter to him. The fact that Chad was older and more experienced made him feel safer


and warmer than he would have felt with someone more like himself.


“Do you have any family?” Ricky asked. He snuggled closer and rested his cheek on


Chad’s chest. The pot had begun to wear off as quickly as it had taken hold of him.


“My parents live in Staten Island,” Chad said. He spoke with an abrupt tone.


“Brothers and sisters?”


“One sister.”


“What does she do?”


“She’s younger, still in school.” Ricky sighed. “You’re a bright guy. Why aren’t you in school?” He was really asking


how Chad could wind up as a prostitute, but he didn’t want to come out and say it.


Chad exhaled and released Ricky’s ass. He pushed Ricky forward and took two steps to


the right. “Look, Ricky, if you want to be friends, I don’t want you judging me. I did what I had


to do after I graduated from high school, and I’ve worked hard to be good at what I do. It wasn’t


easy losing the Staten Island accent, but I did that by watching and listening to wealthy male




Ricky looked into his eyes. “I didn’t mean anything. I wasn’t judging.” He was telling the


truth. He didn’t understand Chad’s sudden change in tone.


“We’re standing next to your father’s expensive boat, at your father’s expensive yacht


club, and your father’s expensive foreign car is parked over there. It’s easy for you to judge me.


You have it all.” Then he turned his back on Ricky and walked toward the club house.


Ricky let out an exasperated sigh. He stood there, naked, with his arms spread wide, and


asked, “What did I do?”


Chad continued walking and didn’t look back.


“C’mon, Chad,” Ricky said. “I didn’t mean anything. Don’t get mad.”


When he realized Chad was not going to turn around, he slapped his forehead and


stomped on the grass. Then, without thinking, he bent down to get his jeans and his naked ass


bumped into the rear fender of the Porsche. He heard crunching twigsand his eyes widened.


When he turned and saw that his father’s Porsche was slowly moving forward toward the dock,


he dropped his pants and ran to the driver’s side.


The door was locked and the keys were still in his pants pocket. So he ran to the back of


the car and fumbled with his jeans. The faster his fingers moved, the harder it seemed to grasp the keys. Did his hands grow or did his pockets shrink? He heard the keys jingling around, but


he’d forgotten which pocket he’d put them in and had to check them all. Of course they were in


the last pocket he searched, and by that time the car had slowly crept up to the dock and was


heading toward the lake.


On the way down, he ran so fast he tripped over a rock. The keys went airborne and

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