Read Riddles: Word Picture Search Puzzles: Can You Find the Hidden Phrase, Object, Movie, Song or Place? (Word Puzzles For Adults) Online
Authors: Puzzleland
33.Find the Phrase
Growing Business
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34.Find the Object
Falling Star
35.Find the Movie
Twelve Monkeys(1995)
36.Find the Song
Black or White(Michael Jackson)
37.Find the Phrase
Work overseas
[work over cccccc]
38.Find the Object
39.Find the Movie
The Lion King(1994)
[Dalai on King -> The Li on King]
40.Find the Place
[is ten - bull]
41.Find the Phrase
No one to blame
42.Find the Object
Lemon pie
[Lemon + π number (3.14159265..)]
43.Find the Movie
Ocean’s Eleven(2001)
44.Find the Song
Into My Arms(Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds)
45.Find the Phrase
Bend over backwards
46.Find the Object
Ice cube
[iiiii -> eyes]
47.Find the Movie
Men in Black(1997)
48.Find the Place
Toscane (in Italy)
[ Toe toe toe -> toes -> tos can]
49.Find the Phrase
Hold on a second
50.Find the Object
Two way street
51.Find the Movie
The Last Samurai(2003)
[sum of r-I is lust]
52.Find the Song
Back to Black(Amy Winehouse)
53.Find the Phrase
Head over hills in love
54.Find the Object
King-size bed
[king’s iiii -> king’s ize]
55.Find the Movie
The Last of the Mohicans(1992)
56.Find the Place
Easter Island
[east r-i land -> easter i sland]
57.Find the Phrase
Man greater than life
58.Find the Object
Microscope lens
59.Find the Movie
[there is “no A” in the alphabet]
60.Find the Song
Summer of 69(Bryan Adams)
61.Find the Phrase
It takes two to tango
[takes 2 + ten go]
62.Find the Object
[mat mat mat… -> match forming a rectangular]
63.Find the Movie
Pirates of the Caribbean(2003)
[π number + rats + curry + bean]
64.Find the Place
[cube of a]
65.Find the Phrase
You have no excuse
[“no x” in the alphabet + q’s]
66.Find the Object
Heinz Ketchup
[Hen hen hen.. -> Heinz]
67.Find the Movie
The Sixth Sense(1999)
68.Find the Song
Wannabe (Spice girls)
[one b]
69.Find the Phrase
Catch chickenpox
[cat cat cat.. -> catch + chicken in a box]
70.Find the Object
Driving Licence
[Louse louse louse louse -> lice
Lice nnnnn -> Lice n’s]
71.Find the Movie
Ice Age(2002)
72.Find the Place
Dead sea
73.Find the Phrase
Look on the bright side
74.Find the Object
Neon Lights
[Knee on lights -> Ne on lights]
75.Find the Movie
Scent of a Woman(1992)
[cent woman]
76.Find the Song
With or Without You(U2)
77.Find the Phrase
High income brackets
78.Find the Object
Pink eye shadow
[ i with shadow]
79.Find the Movie
Black Swan(2010)
[black shoe one]
80.Find the Place
Pisa Tower (The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy)
[pea pea pea pea .. -> peas forming a leaning tower]
81.Find the Phrase
The early bird catches the worm
82.Find the Object
Web cam
83.Find the Movie
The Fifth Element(1997)
[5thill man]
84.Find the Song
November Rain(Guns n’ Roses)
[R in N]
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