RIDE (A Stone Kings Motorcycle Club Romance) (16 page)

BOOK: RIDE (A Stone Kings Motorcycle Club Romance)
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But what if the Caleb I had thought I knew was a complete fabrication — the product of a jealous and vindictive high school girl, playing on my own fears that a boy like him could never like a girl like me?

“I want to.” I bent my head, feeling my face reddening. “I want to believe you. And, thank you for not making me feel like this is some silly, stupid thing.” A soft, shaky laugh escaped my throat.

“Vanessa told me I was being an idiot for still being hung up on this so many years later. But it was more than just the idea that a boy I liked said something mean about me behind my back.” I gazed at him searchingly. “It was the idea that a boy I was crazy about saw my deepest, darkest secret, and then mocked me for it in front of someone else.” His eyes grew soft with emotion. “It was my worst fear, you know?” I whispered. “That someone would see deep inside me and use what they found to hurt me.”

Trig nodded, and tightened his grip on my hands.

“Eva, trust is always a leap of faith,” he said slowly. “Nothing’s ever certain. That’s the thing about trust. It’s always about giving up some control.”

One of his hands reached up and softly brushed my cheek.

“When that asshole doc brought you into my hospital room and said you were being assigned as my PT, you were probably the last person I would have chosen. Ten years you’d been gone from my life. And just when you come back into it, it’s to see me at my weakest. I wasn’t sure I’d ever walk again, much less ride, and I was gonna have to spend the next two months of my life with you watching me stumble and strain to do things that any five-year old could do with no problem at all.”

Trig sighed. “Shit, part of me was even sort of relieved when you tried to pawn me off on your friend Vanessa. At least that way, I didn’t have to put up with having you watch me fail every day.”

His thumb grazed my bottom lip; I shivered.

“But I knew you were my best chance at getting better. I trusted you. And that meant that I had to give up some control. Not to mention I would have given anything to keep seeing you every day.” He grinned. “So I convinced Vanessa to help me figure out a scheme to get you back as my PT.”

“What?!” I looked at him, stunned.

His eyes twinkled. “Yeah. She knew you were too much of a control freak not to take me back if you thought I wasn’t progressing as well as I should have been.”

“Oh, my God.” I seethed. “Vanessa is a dead woman.”

“Come on, give her a break,” he chuckled. “Believe me, she told me in no uncertain terms that I would pay dearly if I hurt a hair on your head.” Trig let out a low whistle. “She is
. And she cares a hell of a lot about you.”

“I can’t believe it.” I shook my head ruefully. “My best friend, plotting against me.”

“Anyway,” he continued. “My point being, I had to suffer through giving up some control in order to trust you. Not only that, but I had to let myself believe you when you told me I was going to get better.”

Trig’s voice softened. “Eva, I wouldn’t tell anyone else in the world this. But I was fucking terrified after the accident. I was sure I’d never ride again. I felt like half a goddamn man.” His gaze bored into mine. “You made me believe otherwise. I had to trust you. And if you hadn’t noticed, it worked.” He nodded toward his leg.

He was right. I had to admit it. And damn him for pointing out that he and I had been fighting against the same things: Giving up control. Trusting someone in spite of all evidence to the contrary. Not hiding behind a safe lie, in order to confront the bold truth.

“Damn you for having a point,” I sighed.

Trig moved closer, and lifted my chin toward him.

“Eva Van Buren,” he began, his voice deep and rich. “Your strength and determination kept me going. I am a better, stronger man because of you. And along the way, I fell head over heels in love with you all over again.”

His lips brushed mine. “Please. I’m asking you to trust me. About the past, and about now. I know you’re afraid I’ll hurt you. But I’m asking you to believe me. Because I’ve loved you for over ten years, and I’m not about to stop now.”

My eyes shone. “I love you, too, Trig.”

And with that sentence, spoken in a trembling voice, ten years of hurt and misunderstanding fell away.

Whatever the future might hold, I would embrace it. If I got hurt, that was just a risk I would have to take… for love.


va took
me by the hand and wordlessly led me upstairs.

I followed her into her bedroom, and watched in silence as she latched and locked it behind us.

“Just in case Mrs. Hayes comes in with Zoe to get something,” she explained.

Then, she slipped into my waiting arms, and arched her neck up as my lips came down on hers.

The frantic sound of our breathing was all that broke the silence. Eva pressed against me and moaned against my mouth, sliding her hips against my growing erection.

I stifled a groan and grabbed her ass, pulling her to me. She began to grind against my straining cock, and I relished the sweet agony of it. But soon, I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to have her.

But before I could turn her and throw her down on the bed, she slipped away from my kiss and ran her hands down my chest, stopping at my waist. Eva knelt, and looked up at me with dark eyes full of need. Her hands began to undo the button and zipper on my jeans. Biting her lip in anticipation, she pulled them down, until my cock sprang free.

I drew in a sharp breath, locking eyes with her as she licked her lips. Her hand came up and circled my throbbing root, stroking it slowly once, twice. A bead of precum emerged, and she stuck out her tongue and lapped at it, dragging it slowly across my flesh. I stopped breathing for a moment and had to fight for control. “Jesus, Eva,” I groaned.

She smiled up at me wickedly in response. Then, flattening her tongue, she began to lick and lap at the underside of my cock, before wrapping her lips around the head and sliding it into her mouth.

“Fuck,” I hissed. She swirl her tongue around my head, teasing it and licking at the salty fluid I was leaking. My eyes closed, my hands fisted in her hair as she began to bob, slowly, taking me a little deeper into her mouth each time. I angled my hips and began to thrust to meet her, barely moving, prolonging the agony as I felt the skin grow tighter around my ever-hardening dick. I would never last if we kept doing this. I was no more than thirty seconds away from blowing my load down her throat.

“Stop,” I rasped. I pulled away as gently as I could and helped her up, then pushed her down on the bed. I grabbed the hem of my T-shirt and pulled it over my head, then slid between Eva’s legs and pushed her dress up, exposing a flesh-colored thong that barely covered her mound. I pulled it down with my teeth, dragging it down her gorgeous legs and flinging it behind me.

Then my tongue was plunged inside her, licking her juices, sucking her clit, dragging the flat of my tongue over it as she bucked and thrust against me. I took her pulsing nub between my lips and began to suck and tease. Her hips strained toward me, her thighs tensing. Then, dimly, I heard her grab for a pillow and place it over her mouth. An instant later, she exploded, the pillow muffling her screams as she came.

There was no way I could wait a second longer to be inside her. I knelt and guided my the head of my cock against her still-pulsing clit, coating it with her juices as I groaned in pleasure. I grabbed her hips and pushed inside, rough and deep. Her hands clutched at my arms as I repositioned myself closer, then began to thrust, hard, fast, and desperate. Eva cried my name, coaxing me, begging me.

“Fuck, Eva,” I growled, as her pussy began to tighten around me. My hand grabbed hers, placing it on her mound, and she began to caress her clit as I pounded into her. With a gasp, she bucked again, a second orgasm ripping through her, and I thrust deep inside her one final time and then froze, filling her silently with a deep shudder.

I reached down and pulled her up to me so she was sitting on my thighs. She wrapped her legs around me, pressing her hips to me to keep me inside her as deeply as possible. We kissed deeply, passionately, skin to skin.

“I love you, Trig,” she whispered. “I love you so much.”

“Eva.” My mouth trailed down to her neck. “I love you. Jesus, I’ve waited so long for this.”

“I know,” she breathed. “But here it is.”

We fell back on the bed, Eva still wrapped in my arms, and dozed for a few minutes. I woke up before her, and propped myself up on my elbow to watch her sleep. Eventually, she must have felt me staring at her, and opened her eyes.

“You’re kind of a creeper,” she smiled at me sleepily.

“Sorry. You can hardly blame me for wanting to look at something so beautiful.”

“Trig Jackson,” she teased. “How was I supposed to know you’d turn out to be such a romantic?”

“Beats the hell out of me,” I shrugged. “I didn’t know it, either. I guess you bring it out in me.”

I kissed her, and soon I felt myself growing hard again.

“My goodness,” she whispered, sliding on top of me. “Looks like it’s time for another go.”

alf an our later
, we were a sweaty, exhausted mess, tangled up in the sheets. “Mmmm…” Eva cooed. “That was fun.”

I chuckled. “We could do it again.”

“I don’t know if I could survive it,” she yawned. “You wore me out.”

“You know,” I murmured as we lay there, “I kind of miss Zoe. It’s been more than a week since I’ve seen her. It feels weird.”

Eva turned toward me. “Really?”

“Yeah.” I sighed in mock irritation. “Damned if she hasn’t sorta wound me around her little finger.”

Eva leaned up and kissed me softly on the cheek. “She thinks you hung the moon, Trig. It’s been tough this last week. She kept asking about you.” She looked at me, her eyes shining. “Zoe’s never really had a man in her life. David pretty much ignored her from the beginning, even when we were still married. And we’ve been separated or divorced since she was two.”

“Eva.” I kissed her forehead. “I know it wasn’t that easy for you to let Zoe get close to me. You’ve probably been worried about introducing her to men.”

I tried to think about how to phrase what I wanted to say next.

“From everything you’ve told me,” I said slowly, “you’ve tried as hard as you could to protect her from the disappointments you had in your own life. With your own dad. But I promise you. I won’t hurt that little girl. I won’t leave her.” I pulled her closer. “And I won’t leave you.”

Eva didn’t say anything, but a soft sniffle told me everything I needed to know.

“Do you want to go get her from Mrs. Hayes?” she finally said in a shaky voice. “We could go together.”

“Yeah, let’s do that.” A rumble of laughter came from deep in my throat as I remembered something. “She was saying to me last time I saw her that she wanted to color in some of my tattoos.”

Eva giggled. “So
why she likes you — you’re a walking, talking coloring book!”

We lay there for a few more minutes, then got up and dressed ourselves. Then, stepping out into the cool evening, we walked down the block like any other couple in love, holding hands. We were just turning up the walk to Mrs. Hayes’ house when Zoe came bursting out the front door.

“Mommy! Trig!” she cried, running up to the two of us. She flew toward me and latched herself onto my leg.

“Hey, there, buttercup! Long time no see,” I said, bending down to give her a hug.

“It’s been forever!” she complained. “Mrs. Hayes, it’s Trig!” she called back to the older woman who was just emerging from the house.

“So I see,” she replied. “Hello, Trig. I’m Mrs. Hayes. Wanda.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said, and held out my hand.

“My goodness, Zoe talks about you all the time,” she told me. “She’s been missing you quite a bit these past few days.”

I nodded and ruffled Zoe’s hair. “Well, I’m gonna do my best to make sure she doesn’t have the chance to miss me from now on.”

Mrs. Hayes glanced at Eva, who blushed. “I see,” she smiled.

The three of us chatted for a couple of minutes, then Eva and I each took one of Zoe’s hands and turned back down the walk toward Eva’s place. It was something I’d never imagined doing in my life, but damn if it didn’t feel just right.

Later that night, as Eva was about to put Zoe to bed, she leaned over to me and whispered, “If you want to, you can spend the night.”

“You think you can be quiet enough?” I whispered back.

Eva giggled and swatted at me. “Shh, you!”

That night, we made quiet love until we were so exhausted we fell asleep. The next morning, I woke early and wandered out into the living room to find Zoe already up.

“Hi, Trig,” she whispered. “You stayed!”

“I did,” I nodded. “And I need help with something before your mommy wakes up.”

wenty minutes later
, I told Zoe to go upstairs and get her mom. Zoe did as she was told, then ran back downstairs. “She’s coming!” she told me, wide-eyed with excitement.

Eva came down behind her in a tank top and sweats. Her hair was tousled and her face soft and sleepy. She was more beautiful than ever.

“Ta-da!” Zoe cried. “We made you breakfast!”

Sure, the toast was a little burned, and the eggs were overcooked. But I still think Eva liked it.

I had just gotten up from the table to get the two of us more coffee when the doorbell rang. Eva looked toward the front door and frowned. “Who could that be?” she asked.

“You want me to grab it?” I started toward the living room.

“No, that’s okay, I’ll go.” She got up from the table and went to the door. She opened it and then let out a startled cry. “What are you doing here?” I heard her say.

“Don’t I have a right to see my daughter?” came a voice from the other side.

Eva shot me a panicked look and backed away from the threshold to let a tall, well-dressed man enter. He was wearing a gray suit that looked pretty expensive, and a red tie that made him look like a politician, even though I thought I remembered Eva telling me he was an eye doc.

“Well, what have we here?” Zoe’s father said, looking over at the table where we sat.

He cast a disdainful look over me, his eyes stopping at the tattoos covering my arms. “I see. Is this the man you let babysit our daughter while you were out God knows where?” he barked at Eva.

If it hadn’t been for Zoe sitting there, this guy would have had a broken jaw to stop him from shooting off his fucking mouth. As it was, I simply stood up from the table, crossing my arms in a silent challenge.

“David,” Eva repeated. “What are you doing here?”

“I have a conference in Denver this weekend.” He glanced at me. “I called to tell you about it a few weeks ago. But someone else answered the phone. I’m presuming it was this
here?” His tone was mocking. “Have you hired a criminal as your live-in nanny now?”

“So you decide to just show up unannounced?” Eva’s voice was shaking slightly. I didn’t know if it was from anger, or fear, or a combination of both.

“Do I need a formal invitation to see my little girl?” he retorted. He turned his gaze toward Zoe, who had slunk down in her chair. “Zoe, honey, come here and see your daddy!”

Zoe slowly slid down off the chair and stood. She hesitated for a second. But instead of going toward her father, she hid behind my leg, clinging to me.

“Zoe.” The man’s voice grew sharper. “Come here, please.”

“David, she hasn’t seen you in over two years,” Eva admonished him. “She barely knows you.”

“You should be telling her to obey me, Eva. Not encouraging her.” He glanced toward me with a sneer. “Instead of teaching her respect for her father, you see no problem leaving her with some gang member? If I can’t trust you to not to endanger our child, I may need to rethink the terms of our custody agreement.” His voice turned threatening. “I’m sure my lawyer will have quite a bit to say about this when I get back to Seattle.”

Eva’s face grew pale. “David. It’s not what you think. Trig is… a very respectable man. He would never hurt Zoe in a million years.” She seemed to cast about for an explanation that would satisfy him, but it seemed pretty clear to me what was going on.

I detached myself from Zoe and led her by the hand over to Eva. “Let me handle this,” I said in a low voice.

“Hey. Frat boy,” I called casually to Eva’s ex. “Let’s take this outside.”

I moved toward him and he took a step back, flinching. Seeing me smirk, he tried to recover his composure. “I am not going to fight you like some thug,” he scoffed.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” I sighed. “I’m not going to beat you up. It wouldn’t be worth the effort. I just want to talk to you. Man to man.” I snorted. “Or are you afraid of that, too?”

I knew a suit like him wouldn’t be able to take someone like me insulting his ego. I walked past him out the door, not bothering to look back to see if he’d follow me. A few seconds later, I heard the screen door slam behind me. I continued down the walk to the street and stopped next to a fancy black BMW SUV that had to be his rental.

“Nice car,” I remarked.

“It gets the job done,” he said smugly.

“So. What the fuck is your problem exactly?” I leaned against the car, waiting for his response.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I came to see my daughter. And what do I find?” He nodded toward the house. “My ex-wife has no problem letting tattooed thugs into her house.”

I crossed my arms. “You don’t give a shit about that. If you cared at all about Zoe, you’d have seen her recently enough that she wouldn’t be scared to death of you.”

“It’s not my fault that Eva decided to move a plane ride away,” he sniffed.

“You look like you can afford a plane ticket every once in a while.” I nodded toward the BMW. “Surely more than once every two years.”

“How often I see my daughter is none of your concern,” he barked. “And what is my concern is that Eva is doing a poor job of parenting.” He smiled nastily. “I’ll take her to court. And I’ll get custody of Zoe.”

I burst out laughing. “You know damn well you don’t want Zoe. You wouldn’t know what to do with her if you had her full-time. You just threatening court because you want to manipulate Eva.”

It seemed as clear as day what was going on. “You think if you threaten to take her to court, you can blackmail her into agreeing to anything you want to avoid the legal battle.”

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