Ride or Die (28 page)

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Authors: Solomon Jones

BOOK: Ride or Die
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“I ain't heard nothin' from my son,” Nichols said, wiping his bloody face with his shirt. “But if your daughter is with him, you might not wanna blame me for that. She just might wanna be there.”
John recognized the truth in Frank's words, and his anger began to dissipate. The hatred that he'd harbored for years began to ease. And at last, he started to feel a sense of peace.
“If only we'd been like our kids,” John said as he sat down on the other side of the table. “Maybe we could've looked past the hate. Maybe all those people wouldn't be dead.”
John looked across the table at his enemy. “I forgive you for what you did to my family, Frank,” he said with a sigh. “It's the only way I can ever be free.”
When they emerged from the bar's back entrance, Jamal was holding Keisha tightly, refusing to let her go for even one moment. Keisha held onto him for dear life, knowing that she had finally found the boy she'd lost so long ago, the boy who'd grown into the man she loved.
Jamal opened the back door, and they both slid into the back seat.
Joe Vega's old Chevy Malibu was a virtual jalopy, more suited to the occasional trip to the market than it was for the two-hour drive to Newark Liberty International Airport. But they had little choice but to go there. Philadelphia's airport would be crawling with police, and leaving from there was a risk they weren't willing to take.
Even now, after leaving Philadelphia and driving for an hour and a half on the New Jersey Turnpike, Keisha and Jamal lay together
in the back seat, covered with a thin sheet.
They lay that way as much for expediency as for comfort, because they knew that New Jersey's state troopers would be less likely to stop a lone white driver like Joe than they would a car with black passengers.
As the car labored along in the slow lane at fifty miles per hour, Keisha lay on the tattered back seat with her arms around Jamal, watching him as he slept against her bosom.
She marveled at the peace that covered his face, and wondered what was going through his mind. She hoped that his thoughts were of her and the love that they shared. She hoped that his peace came from the knowledge that she would always be his. She hoped, in that space in the back of her mind where doubt continued to linger, that he would always be hers as well.
If there was fear in Keisha's heart, it came only from the thought of losing Jamal. She was no longer afraid of what the next moment would bring. Nor was she intimidated by the magnitude of their dilemma. She was now just a woman in love, enraptured by her very first lover and giddy with hope for the future.
If they lived modestly in Jamaica, they had enough money to last them for a lifetime. And if they didn't, they would learn how to make more. But it wasn't about the money, as far as Keisha was concerned. It was about Jamal.
She ran her fingers along his face, tracing the shape of his lips, his eyes, and his nose.
He awakened slowly and looked into her eyes, and his whole being brightened in a smile.
“What you lookin' at?” he whispered.
“Us,” Keisha said with a grin.
“I thought you was just lookin' at me,” Jamal said.
“When I look at you, I see us,” she said seductively. “Swimming in clear ocean water in Jamaica.”
“Can you swim?” Jamal asked.
“Neither can I.”
“All right,” Keisha said with a grin. “How 'bout we just stick our feet in the ocean instead?”
They smiled and looked into each other's eyes, trying to see their futures as they were, rather than seeing them as they wished them to be.
Neither of them wanted to face the reality of their plight. They were on the run for a growing list of crimes, and though they seemed to hold their destiny in their hands, both of them were increasingly aware of the net that was closing around them.
“Jamal, we're almost there,” Joe said, speaking over his shoulder. “I'm gonna take you to the terminal for Air Jamaica. You've got e-tickets. Just go to the desk and give 'em the confirmation number. You should be all right from there.”
“Thanks for everything, Joe,” Jamal said. “I'll never forget it.”
“You two just take care of each other,” Joe said as he took the airport exit from the turnpike. “You do that, and everything else will take care of itself.”
Keisha smiled, knowing that Joe was right. But Jamal knew that things could go wrong. So he told her what he wanted her to do if things didn't go as planned.
“Keisha,” he said, stroking her hair. “I want to you to promise me somethin'.”
“If anything happens to me—”
“Stop right there,” she said, putting a finger against his lips. “Nothing's going to happen to you, Jamal. I won't let it.”
He gently removed her hand from his lips.
“I know you won't, baby,” he said with a reassuring smile. “But just in case it does, I want you to promise me somethin'.”
“I want you to promise that you'll take this money and disappear—start a life on your own someplace where nobody knows you.”
Keisha took a deep breath. She didn't want to think about anything happening to Jamal, because it would be just like having something happen to herself.
“If you love me, Keisha, you'll promise me that,” Jamal said, staring into her eyes.
She kissed him gently on the lips.
“Nothing is going to happen to you, Jamal,” she said firmly. “But if it makes you feel better, I promise I'll do what you said.”
“Good,” Jamal said, leaping out from beneath the sheet as the car pulled to a stop at Terminal B. “Let's go.”
The two of them stepped out of the car and watched as Joe pulled away. Then they entered the airport and walked cautiously to the check-in desk while fighting the urge to look around them to see if anyone was watching.
Because it was midafternoon, well after the morning rush, things were moving slowly. There was no line at the desk, so they were able to get their boarding passes without having to wait. Their flight would begin boarding in fifteen minutes, which gave them plenty of time to catch the Airtrain to Gate B40.
The security checks were easy as well. They went through without incident, largely because they had virtually nothing. They'd left the gun in Joe's car, knowing that they'd be checked for weapons. And neither of them had keys, carry-on bags, or even wallets.
Keisha had the cash-filled envelope stuffed down the front of her pants. If anyone asked, she was prepared to say that the money was a wedding present and that she was keeping it there for fear of being robbed.
But no one asked, so she didn't have to offer any explanations. It was all so easy that even Jamal was beginning to relax a bit.
He spotted a gift shop in the terminal and smiled.
“Keisha, I want to go over here and get somethin',” he said. “I'll meet you at the gate.”
“You're not meeting me anywhere,” Keisha said with an attitude. “I'm coming with you.”
Jamal sighed. “I can't even buy you a little gift without you bein' right there next to me? Suppose I wanna surprise you?”
“I don't like surprises,” Keisha said seriously.
“Well, you'll like this one,” he said. “Go to the bathroom or somethin'. I'll meet you right there in front o' the gift shop.”
Keisha crossed the concourse and went into the bathroom, thinking all the while of what kind of surprise Jamal would find for her.
He was enough of a surprise, she thought as she washed her hands and splashed water against her face. She'd always expected that love would somehow appear and wrap its arms around her. She'd never expected that it would be someone from another world—someone with whom the only thing she had in common was love.
As she checked her hair in the mirror, she noticed a woman in a security guard's uniform out of the corner of her eye. She was standing near the entrance to the bathroom and looking out into the terminal while whispering something into her hand held radio.
A few seconds later, the area of the terminal she'd just come from with Jamal erupted in bedlam.
Keisha ran out of the bathroom to see security guards and police running toward the area directly outside the gift shop. She could hear them screaming something about a security breach as she watched them converge on someone in the hallway. She saw
sticks flailing and fists flying as five police officers and security personnel tried to subdue a single person.
As she watched other officers join the mêlée, she realized with mounting horror that Jamal was nowhere in sight. That could only mean one thing. He was the man they were trying to subdue.
“Final boarding call for Air Jamaica Flight eleven thirty-six, at gate B-forty,” a voice said over the public address system.
Keisha watched helplessly as dozens more officers ran past her to join those already locked in battle near the gift shop.
Tears streamed down her face as she listened to the voice over the PA system as it once again announced the final boarding call for her flight.
She looked around once more, hoping that Jamal would somehow emerge and join her at the gate. But she knew in her heart that he wouldn't, just as she knew in her heart that she would have to keep her promise to him.
She turned and ran to the gate just as the flight attendant was about to close the door, and showed her boarding pass and identification.
Keisha ran through the portable tunnel to the plane, her tears nearly blinding her as she made her way to her seat.
She sat in her seat with her face in a pillow, and cried for the love she'd lost. She cried for the memories she'd left behind. And as the plane took off fifteen minutes later, she cried for the family she'd been so anxious to forget.
Kevin Lynch was physically and emotionally drained when he walked out of the interrogation room and into his office. He'd seen too much destruction take place in a single day. Now he just wanted it to be over.
Although he believed that finding Jamal and Keisha would now be alll but impossible, he was somewhat comforted by the facts laid out in the preliminary Internal Affairs report he found on his desk regarding the Twenty-fifth District police shooting.
According to the report, Officers MacAleer and Hickey had raped a prostitute in their wagon just prior to Hickey's shooting death, which occurred while MacAleer was still in the wagon with the prostitute.
The rape was consistent with the officers' behavior over the past two years, the report said. They had previously been under investigation for stealing drugs from addicts, sexually assaulting prostitutes, and robbing drug dealers. No charges had been brought to that point, though charges against MacAleer were still being considered.
The fact that they were dirty didn't make it right, Lynch thought as he closed the report. But it certainly made the whole thing easier to swallow.
There was a knock as Lynch unlocked his drawer and grabbed his gun.
“Come in,” he said.
Detective Hubert walked in. “I went through Ishmael Carter's personal effects,” the detective said.
“Ishmael dialed one number on his cell phone all day long,” he said gravely. “And it wasn't Nola Langston's.”
“So whose was it?”
“I called the phone company, and it looks like the number belongs to Jamal Nichols,” Hubert said. “Of course, that makes no sense at all, since Carter apparently had no contact with the Nichols organization.”
“What's the number?” Lynch said.
“It's 215-555-8708.”
Lynch opened his drawer and retrieved his file on the case. He was halfway down the list of numbers called and received by Nola and Frank when he found a match.
“Looks like that's one of the numbers that called Frank Nichols's phone this morning,” Lynch said.
“So, do you think Jamal had two cell phones on him?”
“Apparently all the cell phones they used were in Jamal's name,” Lynch said. “But as far as I can tell, he only had one of them.”
“So who had the other?” Hubert said.
“That's what I was going to find out,” Lynch said. “Come on.”
Lynch put on his jacket and the two of them walked out into the hallway just as two detectives led Reverend Anderson out of the interrogation room.
“I'll take him,” Lynch said as he and Hubert met them in the hallway. “You two follow us.”

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