Ride with Me (11 page)

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Authors: Ryan Michele,Chelsea Camaron

BOOK: Ride with Me
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Snapping back to the moment, I move to the shell of her ear. “That wet, hot pussy feels so fucking good.
pussy. Say it.”

Her entire body vibrates. “Yours, Cruz.”

Damn, I love that she’s so fucking gone she will do anything I fucking want. This is the Princess the rest of the world doesn’t get to see. They see the badass bitch who won’t take shit from anyone, not this. I’m one lucky son of a bitch.

“Damn fucking right,” I growl, cocking my hips up and pushing as far as I can into my woman.

Her body swallows my dick while I move my hands down the swell of her shoulders, squeezing her breasts before I travel down, resting them on her hips.

“Stop talking and fuck me,” she pleads, another thing she doesn’t show the outside world, only me. It will only be me ever.

I squeeze her hips hard, knowing I will probably leave a mark on her, but it’s good because she will remember who has been in her.

A low sob echoes through the room. One arm wrapped around her waist, the other hand on her hip, I assault her with my thrusts: up and down, in and out. Her pussy clamps down on me harder with each movement.

As much as I want to play, I’m afraid my time is up. My dick won’t wait any longer. Princess’ thighs push on mine as she rides my cock like a pro, our movements so in sync it’s like we have been together our whole fucking lives.

I feel the moment her body is about to explode. Her nails dig into my thighs, and her sounds are almost cries. She screams her release, calling my name over and over again, while I continue pumping hard, the tingling in my spine at the breaking point. My come releases inside of her. Each time we fuck, I love knowing that my seed is marking her from the inside.

Stilling my movements, I wrap both hands around Princess and hold her to me as our ragged breathing subsides. We stay this way for many moments before I squeeze her and pull out. She immediately falls to the bed, stuffing her head into the pillows. There is nothing like seeing her sated.

I fall next to her and stretch out my knees. They are fucking stiff from that position, but it was too damn good to pass up.



I kiss Princess’ sleeping face and she stirs. “Babe, I’ve gotta head out.”

She opens her eyes slightly, and it’s sexy as hell. “Okay,” she whispers.

“Gotta kiss me before I go.”

She rolls over in bed, and I lean down to kiss my woman. Before too long, I’m ready to rip my damn clothes off and fuck her, but there’s no time.

Breaking the kiss, Princess slowly opens her eyes. “Be safe.”

“Always. I’ll call. It should just be a day there and a day back.”

A lock of hair falls over her eye, and I sweep it away before kissing her forehead and standing.

“Love you,” she calls out.

“Love you, too.” I grab my shit and head out.

The only thing that sucks about leaving is I don’t get to say bye to my boy, and I make it a point to kiss my girl and boy before I head out on a run. He stayed the night over at Ma’s, though.

I thought about stopping by Ma’s, but there is no time. The guys are waiting for me. I need to hurry my ass.


Rhys drives the box truck with GT and Tug in the back and me shotgun. We pull up to the warehouse in Custer, Georgia. Looking around, nothing is amiss. When I pull out my cell and call Buzz, he answers on the first ring.

“Clear. No activity.” And then he hangs up.

“Good,” I tell Rhys as he backs the truck up to the large steel door.

The green building stands tall in the middle of nowhere. We own two acres here, and the building is in the center of it.

“Let’s do this,” GT calls out, opening the hatch to the door. I keep a lookout, making sure nothing is out of place. Sure, Buzz is our eye in the sky with all his technology bullshit, but we can never be too careful.

Everything looks clear.

We got here an hour earlier than we are supposed to in order to meet Tripp and Rex, wanting to get our shit loaded before they got here. We load the last crate just as a large red and black International rig pulls up, the trailer hooked already.

All four of us come to attention, our eyes on the truck. We met Tripp and Rex before at a rally, but one can never be too careful. They are cousins yet look so damn much alike you can’t really tell the difference until you see their eyes or their ink.

Tripp has brown eyes with an arm piece of a broken chain that goes all the way to the top of his right hand, and Rex has blue eyes. They both wear their long, blondish-brown hair in man buns and typically wear shades until they are up close and pull them off.

The doors open, and the two men step out, coming in our direction. We move in unison, meeting them halfway.

I hold out my hand to Tripp. “Thanks for coming.”

He takes it, shaking back. “It’s what we do.”

I nod as I move to Rex, and everyone says their hellos.

“You wanna pull the truck up?” I ask Rex, and Rhys grunts in his usual way.


Rex then puts the truck in its place while I take Tripp into the warehouse. The only thing left inside is the shipment he needs to deliver.

I point to the large stack of crates. “This is it.”

“Y’all weren’t shittin’ when you said large load.” He’s not wrong.

“Yeah, there was no way to get this shit delivered with what we already loaded in the truck. You’re headed to Consequences, New Mexico, right?” I ask, making sure they know the destination.

“Yep, got it all worked out. Let’s get loaded and get the fuck out of here,” Tripp says, putting his shades back in place.

I lift my chin and proceed to help load the crates.

“You’re not gonna ask what it is?” Rhys asks with a quirked brow. He’s testing them. Rhys doesn’t trust easily.

“That’s not how we roll,” Tripp answers, not skipping a beat.

Rhys lifts his chin to him in affirmation.

“We’re all loaded. Got the cash?” Tripp asks when Rex is loading the last into the truck.

GT hands him a manila envelope containing the payment for transport.

Tripp feels the package. “Thanks, we’re rolling out.” With handshakes, we lock up the warehouse and take off. “We’ll be in touch when it’s complete.”


We drop our load off late and decide to stay the night in a cheap motel outside of Petersburg. Surprisingly, everything went smoothly on our end. Pops called during the drive, asking if we had a tail. Fuck no, we didn’t. We would have called that shit in, but Rex and Tripp weren’t as lucky. They had one, but Pops said it was handled.

I roll over on the musty-ass bed that has probably been here since before I was born. GT’s ass snores in the bed next to me as I look at the clock and grab my cell, dialing my woman. I was going to call Princess once we got settled, but it was late, and I knew she had to get up early for Cooper.

“Hey, baby,” Princess answers in a sleepy tone, which is unusual. It’s well past the time she usually gets up and moving for the day.

“You oversleep?”

She sighs into the phone. “No, I dropped Coop off then came home and felt the urge to lie down.”

The hair on the back of my neck stands up. “What’s wrong? You sick?”

“No, Cruz. Just tired. I’ve been running around with a five-year-old.” I know better than anyone how hard it is to keep up with Coop. Hell, his mouth alone is like a damn auctioneer, but something isn’t sitting right.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, babe. When are you coming home?”

I look back over at GT, who is out cold. “Your brother is still getting his beauty sleep, so as soon as I can get some coffee down him or haul him into the truck, we’ll be heading out. I have no doubt that Rhys and Tug will be ready. Shit, I may need them to help me carry GT’s ass. I probably won’t be back until late tonight.”

“Sounds good. I’ll try to stay awake.” At that, she yawns through the line.

“Take care of yourself, Princess.”

There is something wrong, and it pisses me off that she isn’t telling me, but I can’t very well throttle her throat all the way up here, so I’ll deal with it when I get home.

“I am. I’m going to get up and get my shit done.” The rustling on the other end tells me she’s not full of shit, and that relieves a little of the pressure.

“Sounds good. Be home soon.”

“Bye, babe.”

I click the phone off and climb out of bed, tugging my jeans over my boxers and tossing on my shirt. I kick GT’s bed hard enough to move the dirty mattress off its frame a bit.

“What the fuck?” GT growls, his head popping over to me.

“Get up. We’ve gotta get home.”

His eyes go on alert as he gets up as quick as lightning. “What’s wrong?”

I rub the back of my neck. “Nothin’ that I know of, but fuck, something’s not right with your sister.”

He visibly relaxes and groans as he puts on his clothes. “
been wrong with my sister since she was born.”

It’s a cheap shot, and I won’t play into it.

“Seriously, she’s off. She’s sleeping a lot, but everything else is on spot.”

He pulls on his boots and laces them up. “Fuck, man. If there was anything wrong, Princess would tell you that shit. Could be she’s just fucking tired.”

This is true, but I don’t like this feeling.

“Yeah, man. Let’s get the guys and get the fuck out of this shithole.” I have stayed at many places in my life, but this one ranks up there with “do not want to return.”

“Fuck, I think I got bit by something.” He lifts his shirt, showing a swelled up circle.

“Looks like a spider bite.”

He lowers his shirt. “Yeah, let’s get the fuck out of dodge. I’ve gotta piss and call my girl.”

I leave to find coffee and make sure Rhys and Tug are up. Fuck, I need to get home to my woman.


I lied. I lied to my man. Why? Because I didn’t want to get his hopes up, only to have them crushed. I have been abnormally tired, but I didn’t even register it yesterday, not until Cruz asked me if I felt okay. Then it hit me and hit me hard. Tired, stomach churning at different smells …

I am pregnant. I know it. I know my body.

This morning after Cruz left, I got up from bed and checked my birth control pills. I take them regularly, each pill missing correctly from its packaging. Then I thought back to my periods, and it hit me I haven’t had one in at least two months.

I knew I was busy with Cruz, Coop, and X, but I didn’t think I was busy enough not to notice my missed periods. That part pisses me off. I’m on that shit all the damn time, but obviously, I have been slipping.

I wanted to tell Cruz last night, but if I’m wrong, I don’t want to burst his bubble. He has been on my ass about getting married and starting to make babies. Getting hitched isn’t a big deal to me. I didn’t have dreams of dresses or grand wedding plans when I grew up. To me, it’s a piece of paper, and I don’t need it to tell me that Cruz is mine. I know he is. I also get where he’s coming from, though.

He wants me tied to him in every way possible. I just don’t see the rush. Now, if I’m pregnant, he will really be on my ass for that slip of paper, and I will do it no problem. I love him and my boy.

How will Cooper handle being a brother? Shit.

I shake my head just as the timer on my phone blares at me, telling me the test is ready. I look down and low and behold, a positive.

The first emotion I have flow through me is happiness, elation. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have this, have a real family and kids. I didn’t know what I would have, but before and during prison, I gave up on any chance of that. Then Cruz stepped in my life and gave me everything.

My smile widens as I touch my belly. A he or she is growing inside me. My heart warms to explosion. I thought it was completely full with Cruz and Cooper, but there is more room for this baby.

Another part of me is scared to death. I have a human growing inside of me. What if I fuck that up somehow? Shit.

I think back to the last two months. I have drunk—not a whole hell of a lot, but I have had alcohol. Oh, fuck. Did I hurt the baby? The pit of my belly falls to the floor. Oh, God, no.

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