Riders - Horizons (III) (3 page)

Read Riders - Horizons (III) Online

Authors: K.M. Liss

Tags: #erotic romance, #romantic fiction, #sexy romance, #modern romance, #romance series, #biker romance, #romance with sex

BOOK: Riders - Horizons (III)
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“Thanks, you're a doll,

“Excuse me?
Is that any way to address an officer of the law?
Deputy Sheriff Summers to you my boy!”

“I beg your pardon, ma'am.
Kinda forgetting myself in your presence.” I winked at her and she


As I left the Sheriff's office, I was
pleased I'd done something proactive. Not only to bring the
offender to justice, but I hoped this may finally get my father to
see I had some value. I had an ongoing need to prove myself to him.
He threw it back in my face time after time, but I kept going back
for more. It was all down to Mom. After I'd gone off the rails in
California for a year, my return had caused a lot of bad feeling in
the home. That was why I'd moved into the ranch house. I knew Mom
and Pa argued over me. I didn't want to hear it or be in their
face, causing friction. I hoped things would calm down in time and
they did. But the issue was never fully resolved. And after she
died, without her mediating between us, things just got worse.

Mom was forgiving by nature. She put my
excesses down to my youth and a need for something more exciting
than small town life. She understood and loved me unconditionally,
no matter what. Pa was different. He'd taken my leaving personally.
It had been a rejection of his way of life, a taunting message that
I didn't want to be there or become like him. He was tied to hard
work and the 'sweet' flavor of home with no need of experiencing
the other side of life. The more challenging taste I'd had. I
didn't regret my trip. It made me realize, home was best. And it
would be but for Pa's continued and longstanding disapproval.

Now I had to earn his love and respect.
Something I'd not managed to do so far. The annoying thing was, I
knew he was the one at fault. He wouldn't even make the effort to
meet me half way. He wouldn't talk to me, man to man. But if I
could do something to make him sit up and pay attention, that
could, just maybe, thaw his ice.


I rode home on my Harley, flying along the
sunlit lanes, feeling the high of speed rush through my veins.

I made mental plans to go away for a few
days, to drop in on some guys I knew in Kansas city. It'd be cool
to hang with their gang for a while. To chill. The KMC were tough
but clean living. Well, maybe not that clean, but as far as an MC
went, they were fairly regular guys. Maybe in a few weeks, I'd take
off. I needed a break. It had been a over year since I'd had a few
days to myself.

Fuck, I really needed a break from the

But I had the sense to realize now was not
the time to leave for a heavy duty party weekend.



As requested, I arrived on time at the
ranch. It was dark as I parked up my little Triumph opposite the
stables, out of the way.

I headed for the adjacent bunkhouse, rapping
loudly at the door.

I'd taken a great amount of care with my
appearance. My curly hair was straightened and sleek. It shone like
glass. I hoped he liked it this way. I was wearing my leather look
stretch jeans, my leather jacket and high boots and a white
broderie anglaise peasant style top which skimmed my waist. It
added a air of innocence to my hard hitting biker chick. And I'd
toned down the make up, a barely there sweet and fresh faced look.
You could even see my freckles. Fresh from our ride out yesterday
afternoon. It didn't take a lot for me to freckle up. I hope he
liked freckles.

The door opened and he emerged from the
light of the bunkhouse like a sex god from sex heaven.

He gave me a good look over and a small
smile hovered on his lips. Although he didn't say anything, I could
tell he liked what he saw.

“Hi, let's take a walk,
shall we?” He left the bunkhouse and the door closed with a loud
slam behind him.

“Okay?” I leaned toward
him for a kiss and he turned his head a little so I missed his
mouth and ended up skimming his cheek instead. I found that small
rebuff quite upsetting. Was he avoiding kissing me? “Josh, what's
up?” I asked him. Getting straight to the point.

“Nothin' much... should
there be?”

“No. Nothing's changed in
my mind, but you have. You seem very off with me.”

“Maybe you just need to
warm me up some,” he grinned at me, but his smile seemed forced.
“Come with me, babe.”

He took my hand and strode off at a fast
pace through the barn door. The motion sensor lights came on
brightly, illuminating us. He walked to the end, turning into a
space between the bales of hay. “There's a few mice in here, but I
guess they'll turn a blind eye to whatever they see or hear.”

He stood before me, the sexiest thing I'd
ever seen in his ripped black jeans and white T.

How I wanted to melt his heart and make him
hot for me.

More than anything. I wanted to see that
fire in his eyes and have him out of control at my hands. I wanted
to feel that pleasure roaring around my veins. I needed him. Badly.
My sex contracted with want of him and all we could be. This was
something I wasn't very familiar with. Desire, and wanting someone
as badly as this, hurt, with a physical pain.

He took my breath from my lungs and set my
pulse roaring.

“Josh, baby, you know how
I feel about you, don't you?” I reassured him, with a soft tone of

“Why don't you show

I reached up and touched his face with my
fingertips. My breathing ramped up as I felt the softness of his
skin and the contrasting bristle of his beard. I wanted to feel
that all over me. I moved forward, wrapping my arm around his waist
and leaning in to kiss his neck. My tongue worked some magic and I
could feel him loosen up, relaxing in my arms.

He took hold of my hair, tipping my head

“You're such a sweet
little bitch. Jesus... you're just too beautiful. A beautiful

A man-trap?

But I didn't think too much further on that.
I gasped as his mouth crushed down on mine.

It wasn't the soft and tender loving I'd
hoped for. This was harsh and hard. His tongue plundered my mouth
like he owned it. His fingers pressed into my ass, and he began
rubbing himself against me. I could feel the hardness of his
erection pressing into my hipbone. I couldn't stop it... my hand
strayed there. Down the front of his jeans. I had an obsession with
that part of him. It was stuck in my head like a heated torch. One
I wanted thrust inside me, this very moment.

I slid my fingers around his silky smooth
shaft, rubbing my thumb across the top, feeling the slick wetness
ooze out. I was beyond excited, my chest heaving. His hand reached
beneath my top, up to my bare breast and he played with my nipple,
rolling it between his finger and thumb. He pinched it hard and I
gasped out loud.

“Oh God, I want you.” I
groaned with the pain and pleasure that had been awoken inside

“How much,

“A real lot.”

“You want all of

“Yes,” I said shamelessly.
I didn't care where he did it. Here was just perfect. Mice, rats,
dirty straw, I didn't give a damn. My need was that strong. I had a
feeling he'd be different when he made love to me. When he lost his
hard edge and was inside my body, loving me, he'd be his old self
again, the Josh I liked a great deal.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs round
him as he carried me to the low bales of hay to one side.

He yanked off my boots, my stretch leathers
hit the deck and my panties were removed after a few swift tugs
down my legs.

He stood looking at me as he got something
out of his pocket and unzipped his fly. Dropping his jeans low on
his hips. I stared at the wonderful sight before me as he ripped
the foil with his teeth and smoothed the condom on himself.

My eyes were burning with so much desire. He
was so beautiful. I held my arms out to him, dying to get him
close, and opened my legs as he moved over my body.

I took his hardness in my hands guiding it
toward that hot, wet, and craving place of mine that was crying out
to be filled.

“You're so good baby. More
than good. And so deserving of my best attention,” he murmured in
my ear as he got into position.

How I loved this urgency. This needy side to
him. I wanted to satisfy that need... to make him feel wonderful
inside. To release him from his down mood and to take him away, to
fly with me somewhere special.

He drove into me hard and fast.

It hurt, stinging as I accommodated his

His mouth claimed mine and his tongue
mirrored his thrusting inside me. It was hard and raw. And how I
loved it. I was sure he could do anything to me, and I'd love it.
Really love it. And want it. Pain and all.

“How does that feel?...
Good?” he asked, his breath hot against my ear, as he thrust again
and again, moving my body with the force of his action.


It was beyond good. It was intense. Hard and
basic. Much wanted and so very needed.

“Gorgeous, just like you,”
I whimpered as pleasure began to surge through every cell of my
body. I moved up to meet him, just as hard and just as needy, my
hands buried in his hair. How I loved his hair. Soft as silk and so
lovely in my hands. Our mouths met in a mind-blowing

I wanted all I could get of this man. He was

So completely mine.

His hands roamed and he
held my breast in his hand, roughly massaging it. “Oh God,

At that moment I lost it and so did he. We
melted into each other like a pair of love crazed animals. Heat
flushed through me like an uncontrollable fire.

“Goddamn you,” he groaned
in my mouth.

“And goddamn you too,
baby,” I moaned in return, feeling completely high on

His gaze met mine, and suddenly, everything
softened between us.

At that moment, he took hold of my

“Tiffany, sweetheart,” he
murmured in a hoarse voice. This was what I'd been waiting for. The
gentle side of him. The real Joshua, the caring sweet one. We
rolled around together, hands and mouths exploring, gently nipping
at each other. He whispered such beautiful things in my ear, things
I really loved to hear. I thrilled inside as he stroked through my
hair, kissing it and wrapping it round his fingers. And then he
kissed my eyes, his mouth sweeping slowly back and forth as his
fingers went down, and slid overs that sensitive part of

Over and over, insistently, he stroked me to

sweet heaven
...” I trembled and sweat beneath
him, my eyes rolling back in my head. I moved against his fingers,
instinctively building the pressure. How I loved this. I'd never
felt anything like this before. So hot and aroused and so full of
him, my body, my mind, my heart... everywhere.

I wanted him with everything I was made of.
So desperately.

My breath caught in my throat as he brought
his fingers up to his mouth and tasted me. My heart was pumping
much too hard and fast and I was almost beyond myself.

He wrenched off his t-shirt and pulled up my
loose blouse.

Our bodies lay bare together. My breasts
squashed beneath the heaviness of his muscular chest.

My hands were all over his back and his bare
ass, up in his hair, drifting in a dream around his broad
shoulders. I felt the muscles working as he moved and I burned
inside like a flaming torch.

Never had I felt so hot and excited. From
the heated, harsh breathing, the way his mouth was open and his
glazed expression, he seemed to be just as involved and deeply in
the moment as I was.

I felt a storm rising as
he touched me, so carefully, stroking me inside. It felt like
velvet, satin and silk were caressing my skin. I adored him for
taking the time to get me there

inching closer and closer to the
point where

“Oh... oh...
” I actually
shouted his name out loud, tightening my grip on him, my head
tipping back and my eyes closing as orgasm took me over.

It was truly earth shattering.

Waves of pleasure ripped through me, soaking
and drenching me like a raging river, flooding me with heated

He kissed me long and slow, his tongue
winding with mine.

With a long low groan, he collapsed on me
with his release..

I was in heaven. Up there, with angels
singing, flying through pink fluffy clouds.

“Baby you're the best. How
you make me feel. Oh, God! ” I clutched him to me, never wanting to
let go.

But all too soon, the sweat between us began
to cool as we started to come down from the high.

He dropped a few little kisses on my neck.
Sighed deeply, and then he raised his head and spoke to me.

“I'm a real good fuck,
ain't I?”

He said those basic, harsh words in such a
way that it didn't sound nice at all. And I didn't like the
expression on his face.

“What are you saying,
Josh?” I asked warily.

“What I'm saying is
remember it, babe. Because it's the last one you'll get from me.”
And he moved off me, withdrawing fast.

Pain stabbed me in the heart as he rose to
kneeling, between my legs, his eyes on mine. He coolly dealt with
the condom. Standing up, he zipped up his jeans and put on his

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