Riders of the Pale Horse (8 page)

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Authors: T. Davis Bunn

BOOK: Riders of the Pale Horse
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“The Georgian Military Highway begins in Vladikavkaz, the Ossetian capital to the southwest,” the trader replied, waving casually toward the night. “The Russian soldiers and the Ingush are fighting there, and the city is no longer a haven of safety for strangers. However, this very road skirts the city and joins with the highway farther south, before the mountains begin.”

When Wade had finished translating, Robards gave the trader a friendly nod. “Tell him we're really grateful for the advice, which we'd be foolish not to take. Ask him if we were to drive all night, how far we could get.”

“Truly,” the Chechen replied, his dark eyes gleaming in the trucks' headlights, “all such undertakings are in the hands of Allah, especially in such troubled times. But if thy way remains safe, then thou shouldst arrive upon the highway with its guards of Russian soldiers before the sun rises yet again.”

“Then we'd better get started,” Robards said with great cheer, shaking hands and waving the Chechen off with jolly fanfare before climbing into the truck beside Mikhail. Wade walked back and started the second truck beside the elder. As they started down the road, Robards hooted his horn and waved and shouted another round of thanks to the silent Chechen.

Once around the second bend, however, Robards pulled off and stopped. Wade walked up to the lead truck, climbed onto the running board and grabbed hold of the mirror mounting. Through the open window Robards said, “Ask Mikhail here if we can trust the Chechen's advice.”

“We can trust him to greet us a second time just as soon as we are far enough removed from Grozny to escape the Russians' surveillance,” the old man replied, his voice creaking with vehemence. “We can trust him to bring along a vast number of his Chechen thieves, for they are cowards and lower than the dust beneath our feet and will do nothing unless they outnumber honest men by a hundred to one. Then we can trust them to steal everything we carry, and cut our throats and leave our offspring to mourn us in poverty.”

“Sounds about right to me,” Robards declared. “Ask him if there's a pass to the east of here.”

“There are only a few other passes below the level of the eternal snows in all of the great Caucasus range,” he replied firmly, “and they are very distant. There you will find wars as well, and without Russian soldiers to grant a shred of order.”

“Then we'll just have to circle around and hope the weather holds,” Robards replied. “Ask him what lies directly east of here.”

“The territory of the Ingush,” the Ossetian elder replied, “who are as treacherous and cowardly as the cursed Chechen, if not more so. Truly the steppes are a haven for wolves who walk on two legs. But at least the Ingush will not be expecting our passage.”

“Hope he's right,” Robards replied. “Nothing on my map but a great big blank. Reminds me of those ocean charts from a couple hundred years ago. Get away from civilization, and they start drawing in dragons and sea monsters.”

Wade asked, “How far will you have to take us out of our way?”

Robards restarted his engine, let it roar long and hard, then replied, “Far enough to keep us alive.”


It's too much,” Allison murmured as they passed through another timeless university courtyard. “There's no way I can learn everything.”

“Of course not,” Cyril soothed. “No one expects you to, my dear. What we wish is to introduce you to the topics and terms.”

The days had proved to be long and draining. Late each afternoon Cyril met her at Oxford, where one expert after another had droned for endless hours, until her eyelids had weighed ten pounds each, and the voices had taken on the consistency of strawberry jam. “I can't remember a thing anyone has told me.”

“I confess that even I find some of these experts to be as interesting as watching snow melt.”

At Cyril's direction, Jules brought the car around, and Allison sank back with a sigh of relief. “You don't seem the least bit worried by my lack of expertise.”

He settled into the seat beside her and murmured, “Of course yournot. You are John Taylor's daughter after all.”

She leaned back in her seat. As the car left the spires of Oxford behind, Allison felt a deep familiar ache. How much this day would have meant to her dad. If only, she reflected sadly, he could have lived long enough to be a part of this with her. As the veil of fatigue rose once again, she found herself recalling another evening, one where Ben Shannon and Cyril Price had gathered with her father. It was the evening when Allison had come to realize that her father was more than a gentle pipe-smoking professor. That John Taylor had a past filled with mystery upon mystery.

Allison Taylor had positively adored her father. She had been born long after her parents had given up hope of ever having children. From the very beginning, Allison had been
her daddy's girl. Her father had been an analyst for a Washington think tank, and had taught international economics at Georgetown. Allison had decided she was going to be an analyst soon after she learned to say the word. Analysts had lots of interesting friends who dropped by day and night. They came from all over the world, and they sat and listened while Allison's father talked in the same soft patient voice he used to answer her own questions.

Allison was seven when she learned of her father's mysterious past. She had discovered that if she hid in the tiny crawl space behind his filing cabinets, he would sometimes forget that she was there. That afternoon, Cyril Price had come to visit and found her father seated in the study with Ben. Cyril had brought with him a problem so serious that it had creased her father's face in unnaturally severe lines. For several months after, she had suffered nightmares that began with the words
Yom Kippur War.
Allison had not understood much of what was said that day, but her young mind discerned that Ben and Cyril placed great weight on what they called her father's experience in the field.

There had never been any question of what Allison would study at college or what she wished to do with her life. She had yearned for the days when the two professors, father and daughter, would stroll across campus, caught up in their glorious shared world of thoughts and dreams and ideas.

Allison had reveled in college life, reinventing herself with people with no memory of her Raggedy Ann days. But once a month she had eagerly returned to the easy routine of home. Her mother had stuffed her like the Christmas goose and asked about young men, questions Allison had always avoided. Her father had taken her for long rambling walks in winter-clad forests; she had returned with her cheeks burning and her ears numb and her mind filled to overflowing.

And then her father had dropped dead of a heart attack three days after her final examinations. As soon as Allison had heard her mother's broken voice, she had known. Even
before the words were spoken, she had known. The dream of sharing her father's world had been shattered just as it had approached her grasp.

“My dear, is everything all right?”

“I think maybe I've gotten a little too tired.” She pushed away the hurt and said, “It will be nice to see Ben again. My mother always said he was rude and overbearing but Pop thought the world of him.”

“They met in college, I believe,” Cyril offered.

“Yes, but Ben finished at the university in two years, didn't he?”

“That is correct. Then he entered medical school at the ripe old age of nineteen. I made the error of referring to him in your father's presence as the James Dean of mental giants, made outcast by his intelligence and his age. Your father was sharper with me than ever before or since.

“My father always thought a lot of him,” Allison said. “He used to say that Ben was the only one who had the strength to bring their youthful ideals to maturity.” She looked over at the gentleman beside her, wondered at what secrets he carried and how they never seemed to touch the polished surface. “Was that where you two met as well?”

“Who, your father and I?” Cyril shook his head. “No, our own beginnings were not so commonplace. Quite the contrary. Your father happened to save my life. Not once, but on three different occasions.”

“He never told me—”

“Now is not the time, my dear. Suffice it to say that the bonds which tie us together, your family and mine, are there for life.”

“Do you know why Ben went off to Aqaba?”

“Not exactly. When I heard of his rabid conversion, as I used to call it at the time, I simply assumed it was a result of his relative youth and his obvious loneliness. But your father told me that medical school had forced Ben into contact with
suffering, and that in suffering Ben had found the one thing on earth which intelligence alone could never fathom.”

“That sounds just like Pop.”

“Your father's wisdom is the salve I place upon his absence from my life,” Cyril said.

She said quietly, “I miss him, too.”

“You have not seen Ben in quite some time, I take it. No, of course not. He has not returned to Washington since your father's funeral, as far as I am aware. Well, my dear, you will find him much altered. More than either of us might have thought possible.”

“In what way?”

“His wife certainly has a great deal to do with it. Leah is quite a formidable woman in her own quiet way. She is a Palestinian Christian. But I am quite certain there is more than just a woman's hand at work in Ben's transformation.”

“What do you mean?”

“That is for you to decide. But I suggest you do not expect to find the same person you recall.” His gaze became distant. “The desert tends to pare men and women down to the basic components of their nature. For some, it brings out the essence of evil; for others, the essence of good. Nowadays I find being around Ben Shannon a very unsettling experience. There is much to him which I wish I had gathered for myself.”


By dawn Wade was already up and moving. They had overnighted at the edge of a small village, where an enterprising Ingush had built a roadside caf;aae in the hulk of a burned-out bus. They had shared camp with seven other trucks, all laden with farm produce and gathered into a separate enclave. Upon their arrival Mikhail had exchanged formal greetings, to let the others know they were no threat. Since then the two trucks of medical supplies had been left alone.

Rogue squatted next to the road with Mikhail, a greasy map unfolded on the ground in front of them. While Wade broke camp, the pair shared one of Robards' slender cheroots and a tin mug of steaming coffee. They spoke in hand signs and nods as the old man described the rutted road that led toward the hills.

The Caucasus Mountains dominated the distance. Their bases were lost in mists that drifted in the still air. The dawn light tinted their looming snow-capped peaks with hues of rose and gold. They rested on earthbound clouds and stretched from horizon to horizon, a serrated nine-hundred-mile wall that divided two worlds. To the north lay the endless steppes, the Arctic, the brutal Siberian winds. To the south opened the balmier Mediterranean realms.

Rogue waved Wade over. When he hunkered down beside the pair, Rogue said, “Tell me about the conflict up ahead.”

“There are wars up and down the Caucasus range,” Wade replied. “But the one that concerns us most is between the Chechen and the Russians. Other than that, there are constant skirmishes between the Chechen, the Ingush, and the Ossetians.”

“Ossetia is the state next door, right?”

“Right,” Wade agreed. “Well, technically, it's North Ossetia, or Severnaja Osetija. They're another autonomous
republic, part of the Russian Federation just like here. Then there's South Ossetia, below the mountain range, which is a part of Georgia.”

“And these three tribes don't get along.”

“Not for centuries,” Wade agreed. “Chechen and Ingush are Muslim; Ossetians are Christians. They hate each other. Then there is the local Russian population, brought in by Stalin to dilute the tribes during his policy of Russification. They made up almost forty percent of the population before the Chechens started fighting to secede. The Chechen warlord recently vowed death to all Russians who attempted to remain in his homeland.”

“Chechen warlord,” Rogue mused aloud. “This place is getting more interesting by the minute.”

Wade took a moment to translate for Mikhail. When he was finished, the old man waved a veined hand toward the mountains. “The Chechen are traders and sheep farmers and cleverer than the Ingush,” Mikhail began. “The Ingush tend to hug the land. They put down deeper roots. They raise cattle. They and the Chechen were neighbors and only sometimes enemies until Stalin, may his name be erased from the earth, stole their lands and brought in the Russians. Then more Russians lived on Chechen land than the Chechen themselves. More Chechen died in Siberia than survived to tell the tale. Ingush as well. Now they taste the wind of liberation and seek to steal both what was theirs and what their neighbors have managed to settle—neighbors such as my own Ossetians.”

The old man ran a knotted hand around the back of his neck. “The winds of change are not always kind. I myself have lost sons and grandsons to a war that means nothing except misery for everyone.”

“Which war was that?” Robards demanded, nodding to Wade for the translation.

“The war beyond the count of man's days. The war that has continued since before the birth of my father's father.”

Mikhail stooped, picked up a stick, and drew a crude map
in the dust at their feet. “This long line is the Caucasus range, separating Russia from Georgia for all of time. Here to the west of us lies the Black Sea, where the mountains begin their eternal march. The lands bordering sea and western hills belong to the Abkhazi, those whom Stalin left alive. Next to them, south of the mountains still, are the Svaneti, then the Ushguli, then the Ossetians. The Ossetians are the first tribe both north and south of the mountains, because here lies the first great Caucasus pass. We are also the only Christian hill tribe left alive. You as a warrior will understand what this means. Here in the heart of the mountain tribes stands the Ossetian stake, which the Muslim tribes are sworn to tear from the earth and burn on the fires of their hatred.”

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