Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) (50 page)

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Authors: Blue Remy,Kim Jones,MariaLisa deMora,Alana Sapphire,Kathleen Kelly,Geri Glenn,Winter Travers,Candace Blevins,Nicole James,K. Renee,Gwendolyn Grace,Colbie Kay,Shyla Colt

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1)
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Chapter Five


After meeting with Prez, I listened to Brant flip the fuck out about not knowing about Anslie’s mom texting her. He was fucking livid that they have been keeping it from him for the last few weeks, but hell I don’t blame them. He would have fucking went off the rail looking for that bitch.

Dragging Ellie into my room, I pull her down on the bed with me, and tuck her body into mine.

“Ry,” she whispers.

Burying my face into her neck, I sigh and answer, “Yeah?”

“Evan knows about you. He called me in to work today. When I got there, he pulled me in the back room, and threatened to kill you if I didn’t keep dancing. He said that I was his, and you were never gonna get another taste of me.” She lets out a shuddered breath, and looks up at me.

“Babe, I’ve had way more than a taste of you. I’ve had all of you for a long fuckin’ time, back then, and now. He can come at me all he wants, but trust me, babe, he won’t take me down.”

I feel her body shiver at my words, and I know she feels the same way. No other man can ever give her what I do. She is fucking made for me. I’ve fuckin’ known that since we were teenagers. Now to get her to fuckin’ believe that again.

“No one has ever compared to you,” she wraps her arms around my neck, and pulls me closer to her.

“That’s because I’m the fuckin’ shit, baby.” Smirking, I grab her ass, and grind my dick against her. Pressing my lips to hers, I swallow her moan. Her fingers grip my shoulders when I trail my fingers up her sides. She’s barely wearing any clothes, and it will make it easy to slide her tight fucking dress up her body.

I reach down and undo my jeans, sliding them down enough to get my dick out. I’m in such a fucking hurry to put my dick in her, that I don’t even bother pulling them off. Pulling her on top of me, I kiss her roughly. I slide her dress up enough to grab her G-string, and pull it to the side.

Thrusting up into her, I grab her tit, and give it a good squeeze as I pound into her over and over again.

She throws her head back and moans, “Fuck, Ryder.”

I grip her hips, and slam her up and down on my dick until her body starts to shudder around me. Her pussy clenches me like a vise, and she screams out my name.

“Ellie,” I groan, as I spill my come inside of her.

She collapses on top of me, and I wrap her hair around my fist. Pulling her head back, I kiss her lips, and huff out a breath.

“God, I could get used to that again,” she murmurs against my neck.

Rolling over, I rest my weight on top of Ellie. “You could have had this the whole fuckin’ time, if you wouldn’t have decided that I wasn’t what you wanted anymore.”

She looks away from me. I grab her face and force her to look at me. I see tears in her eyes.

“What, Ellie?” I ask. She looks me in the eyes, and I see her lip quiver.

“I never really told you why I left. I blamed it on my insecurity but that wasn’t it.” Her voice gets quiet, and I know she’s about to fucking tell me something that’s gonna piss me the fuck off.

“Tell me why you left.”

She takes a few deep breaths before she starts to speak. “I left because I thought I was pregnant, and when you told me that you were joining the MC, I freaked out. We had all these plans, and nowhere did a baby fit in. I was afraid that something would happen to you, and I wasn’t fit to raise a baby on my own. I loved you way too much to watch something happen to you, and I guess I wasn’t strong enough to raise a baby by myself.”

She was pregnant? Is she fucking telling me what I think? Holy fuck. This is not what I was expecting to hear from her lips.

She looks at me, and it’s almost like she can read my thoughts. “I didn’t do what you’re thinking, Ry. I would never do that to you. I had a miscarriage six weeks in. Instead of telling you any of this, I just stayed away. It was easier not to face you, and tell you that we were going to parents one day and then it was all gone the next.”

I can feel my stomach turn. She was pregnant, and never fucking told me. “What would you have done if you didn’t lose the baby?” I spit. I’m pissed she didn’t tell me, but I’m also fucking pissed that my kid didn’t make it.

I feel her intake of breath, and I wait for her answer. “I would have told you, Ry. I wouldn’t have kept something like that from you. I would have wanted to be a family, even if I didn’t agree with your choice. We would have had more important things to worry about, like raising a baby.” She starts to cry, and it’s killing me to see her this upset.

Rolling us over, I pull her into my arms, and let her cry. “I’m sorry, Ellie,” I whisper in her ear. Kissing her neck, I squeeze her tighter.

“I’m sorry for not telling you, Ry. I was just so ashamed that I couldn’t even do that right. It was easier for me to walk away from you then to face you.” She buries her face into my neck, and I feel her whole body racking with sobs.

“Ellie, I wouldn’t have been mad at you. You did nothing wrong.”

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, but I just ignore it. I’m right where I need to be, and she needs me more than any of my brothers do right in this moment. Hell after hearing that shit, I need her, too.

Pulling out of her embrace, I get off the bed, and strip out of my clothes. Ellie eyes me as I strip. When I get back in the bed, she sits up, and slowly pulls her dress up and over her head. Her tiny fucking panties are barely covering anything, and she has no fucking bra on.

She tosses the dress to the ground, and then lies back on the bed. I scoot closer to her, and pull her body to mine. I love everything about this woman, and even over the years, that hasn’t changed one fuckin’ bit. Every inch of her is perfect, and I could get lost in her fucking body all day, every day.

Lying back on the pillows, she cuddles into my side, and I just embrace the feeling of her naked skin against mine. Every part of her fits perfectly against me, and as much as I want to sink deep inside of her again, I know I’m just kidding myself. She is probably only after one thing from me, and that’s helping her get out of this mess she’s in.

My phone rings again, and this time I check to see who it is.

“Yeah?” I answer.

“We got a problem,” Brant says, across the line.

“What is it?” I ask, looking over at Ellie. I can tell she thinks something bad is about to happen.

“That fucker from the club is here, and he wants Danielle. He said he’s gonna torch this place if he doesn’t get her back. Prez isn’t here, but he’s on his way and let’s just say he’s pissed.”

Ellie’s hand grips my arm, and she gives me a look like she’s sorry. “I’ll be out there in a minute,” I say, as I hang up on him. She goes to get up and get dressed to serve herself over to him. I fucking snap. There is no way I’m letting her go anywhere near him, ever again

“No, you’re not fucking going anywhere. I will deal with him, and you’re staying here with me,” I demand.

She gives me a small nod, and I get up to pull my jeans back on. Tossing her my t-shirt, I pull on my boots, and then kiss her on the forehead. “We will finish talking later. Don’t go anywhere.”

She nods, and lies back in the bed with a small grin on her face.

Chapter Six


Walking out into the clubhouse, I see a few of the brothers standing around. Spotting Jase, I walk over to him, and ask where Brant is.

“He’s outside dealing with that prick from earlier today. He’s throwing a fucking fit that we won’t let him inside to find your girl,” he chuckles, and slaps me on the back. “You still have feelings for her?”

Looking over at him, I just stare at him. He already knows the answer, so I don’t know why he’s asking.

He chuckles. “You’re screwed just like the rest of us,” he says, as he walks towards the bar. Shaking my head, I make my way out to the parking lot, and see that fucker that had his hands on Ellie.

Without even thinking about it, I make my way to the bastard, and throw a left hook at him before he can even blink. The crunch of my fist connecting with his jaw bone makes me fucking happy. He staggers back a little, and Brant steps between us.

I watch Evan stand up to his full height again, and he stares at me with disgust on his face.

“I’ll fucking end you,” he growls, spitting out blood on the pavement.

Smirking, I just wait for something more clever than that to come out of his mouth.

“Where the fuck is my girlfriend?” he asks next, when I don’t respond to him.

I can tell he’s pissed, but I’m not sure if it’s because I’m fucking his girlfriend, or that I just punched his bitch ass.

“You’ll never touch her again,” I say with a smile.

He eyes me for a second before he moves closer to me. Brant looks over at me, and I shake my head. I don’t need him to stop him; I can deal with this fucker all on my own, and be fucking smiling the whole damn time.

He goes to pull something out of the back of his jeans. When I see the metal of his gun, I pull mine out even faster, and pull the trigger. I don’t hit him anywhere vital, but I watch him go down.

Brant rushes over to him, and grabs the gun he dropped off the ground; while I walk closer to him and put the gun to his head.

“She isn’t yours, and I’ll be damned if she ever works at the fucking place again. You come near her again, and next time I’ll put this fucking bullet in your skull.”

He whimpers at the pain that is probably shooting through his arm, but I don’t give a fuck. He tried to be a fucking bad ass, and look where that got him. A bullet wound in the shoulder, and a pissed off biker staring at him.

“Fine,” he groans, when I put my boot on his bullet hole. I put a little more pressure on the wound, and he starts to whine like a little bitch. He just acts like a badass to all his friends, when in reality he’s no better than a bitch.

“Make sure you tell your little buddy at Mickey’s that she’s done, too,” I grit out. He nods his head up, and down until I let him go.

Just as he tries to get up off the ground, Prez comes up behind him, and puts a fist into his back, knocking him on the ground. Brant and I both snicker, but don’t say anything.

“Why the fuck is Selena in Mickey’s?” He’s pissed off, and I’m just glad we aren’t the ones on the other end of his anger. All of us are fucking hot heads, and when one pissed off guy goes against the others, it typically ends in a fistfight.

“No idea,” Evan whines, when he looks up at Prez from his position on the ground.

“What is she doing with your boss?” he grits out. I see Henley watching from a distance, and I can tell she isn’t too thrilled to hear Selena’s name; not that I blame her. Selena’s bitch ass tried to get between Prez and Henley a few weeks ago, and it’s been a bad topic of conversation since.

“I don’t know what the bitch wants, but I’m pretty sure she’s just looking for a suga daddy,” he blurts out when Prez brings his gun to the back of his head.

Fuckin’ pussy.

I watch as Prez punches him once more, and Evan collapses onto the ground. Looking up at Henley, I see her eyes widen as she watches, but she doesn’t say a word.

Turning my attention back to Evan, I hear the clubhouse door open. Without even turning around I know its Ellie. She walks over to me, and doesn’t say a word. Her arms wrap around me. She looks over my shoulder, and watches as Brant pulls Evan up to talk to Prez again.

“You fuckin’ know what they are planning. Spill it before I spill you,” he growls.

Evan looks up, and his eyes narrow on Ellie. “You stupid fuckin’ bitch!” he yells.

He launches himself at us, and before he can touch her, I punch him, knocking him back into Brant.

“I’m gonna fucking kill you, you stupid bitch. After everything I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me?” He’s pissed, and I still don’t get why, other than she’s been in my bed.

“You didn’t do shit for me. All you ever did for me was make me a whore at a strip club.” Her voice is strong, and I can see the anger practically radiating off of her. She steps forward, and I’m surprised when she punches him in the face instead of slapping him.

She goes to hit him again, but I grab her around her waist, and pull her back into me. “Down killer,” I whisper in her ear. She fights against me a few seconds before she finally calms down.

She turns in my arms and slams her mouth down on mine, pushing her tongue into my mouth. Kissing her back just as roughly, I look over at Evan. I can see his face pale slightly, before it starts to turn a shade of red. He’s pissed, and that only makes me kiss her more.

When she finally pulls away from me, she’s breathless, and her cheeks are flush. As soon as this shit is done here, I plan on bending her over my bed, and fucking her until her legs give out.

I give her a wicked grin, and she blushes before burying her face into my chest. “I have plans for you later,” I whisper in her ear. I feel her body shiver, and I run my hand down her back.

Looking over at Evan, I shoot him a wink, and he loses it. He fights as much as he can against Brant, but he can’t get away from him.

“I’ll fucking put a bullet in both of you!” he threatens. Prez looks between us, and then tells Brant to take him into the garage.

Ellie’s eyes meet mine, and she asks the question without even saying a word. That’s one great thing about us; we always knew what the other one was thinking without any words. I can see that she isn’t sure about it, but doesn’t say anything.

“Trust me,” I murmur.

She nods her head, and I push her towards the clubhouse. I watch her walk inside with Henley, before I make my way into the garage with Prez and Brantley.

Walking into the insulated garage, I hear our new pal Evan bitching and moaning about what’s about to happen to him. Closing the side door behind me, I make my way over to Prez and Brant; they both give me a nod.

It’s my show, and I want to make Evan pay for even putting his hands on Ellie. I still haven’t forgotten about the bruise on her cheek when I saw her yesterday, and the hold he had on her when we showed up there earlier in the day.

“So, Evan…” I start walking over to him. His eyes widen, and he tries to kick away from me, but he doesn’t go anywhere. He’s hooked to the chain fall in the middle of the garage, and about six inches off the ground.

“The more you move, the more your arms are gonna hurt,” I chuckle.

“Fuck you,” he spits.

“Well I think it’s time for you to pay for putting your hands on Danielle,” I say, walking around him. He tries to watch me, but he has a hard time when I’m standing right behind him. Grabbing my knife out of my pocket, I flip the blade open, and press the blade into his skin.

He squeals like a little bitch when the knife finally slices through the skin on the back of his neck. “I thought you wanted to put a bullet in me?” I ask, “What happened to the tough guy act you had down a few minutes ago?”

“Why don’t you let me go and I’ll show you?” he grins.

Laughing, I look over at Prez and Brant, and they both have smirks on their faces. He has no idea what I fuckin’ do for this club. I’m one of the top enforcers for the Wayward Saints, and I do this shit for a fucking living.

I motion for them to let him down. He watches me as Prez and Brant pull him off the hook.

“I’ll give you a fair fight,” I grin.

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