Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) (61 page)

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Authors: Blue Remy,Kim Jones,MariaLisa deMora,Alana Sapphire,Kathleen Kelly,Geri Glenn,Winter Travers,Candace Blevins,Nicole James,K. Renee,Gwendolyn Grace,Colbie Kay,Shyla Colt

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1)
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“Shit, Shug, that was good.”

I laugh a real laugh. “Isn’t it always?” I ask as I take a Kleenex, wiping my hand off.

“Yeah.” His grin takes over. “Sit down.” I do as he asks, fidgeting my hands in my lap. “Let me return the favor.”

“That’s not part of the deal and you know it.” Keeping my head down, I adamantly shake my head no.

“Shug, look at me.” When I do, I see the concern and regret in his eyes. “Why are you here?”

“Not your business, Chasyr.” I get up off the bed, open the door and slam it behind me, then I go to my own room in the clubhouse.

I have the only other bedroom here, besides Hanger, that has a bathroom inside of it. I’m also the only whore here that has a room. I let the water heat up before stepping inside the shower, trying to wash off the dirty feeling that I know never goes away. It’s inside of me and I’ll never be free of it, not as long as I’m still paying this debt.

I don’t know why Chasyr would even ask me to let him pleasure me. I have restrictions and all of the guys know it: I don’t kiss, I don’t let them go down on me, they don’t come in my mouth, they always use condoms, and I don’t let them pleasure me in any kind of way. I’m saving all of these parts of me for a man that I fall in love with, if I’m even lucky enough to fall in love. Needless to say, I’ve never had an orgasm, not even from myself. I’m twenty-two years old and have never been kissed. Hopefully it will happen one day, but I’m not holding my breath.

After I’ve scrubbed my skin raw in the scalding water and washed my hair, I turn the water off, step out, dry off, and then slip on an old t-shirt. I climb in bed, trying to fall asleep, but I toss and turn, never really finding comfort in the cold sheets. I guess sleep won’t be coming so easily tonight.   







Standing in line are the top forty-five professional bull riders, anxiously waiting to learn our draw of the bull we’ll be riding tonight. If all goes well, I’ll be one step closer to my goal. If I can make it into the top ten, I’ll be in the short circuit tomorrow night. Ever since I was a little boy, the only thing I’ve dreamed about is being number one in the PBR. Before this tour is finished, my dream will come true. I’ve worked too fuckin’ hard for it not to. “Bull rider Cody Sterling will be riding Double Barrel in tonight’s event.” Hearing that from the announcer makes me a happy man. After the rest of the draws are announced, the line breaks up as I head back to my hotel room.

For this round they used a random generator for the draw on a computer. Tomorrow night we’ll pick from a bowl. It adds to the suspense for the second night since we won’t know until right before the show starts.   

“Who’s your draw for tonight?” my best friend, more like brother, Jake asks from the opposite bed in our room.

“Double Barrel.” I can feel my face brighten with my smile.

“Good draw,” Jake states while messing with his phone.

  “Thanks, man.”

“Looks like you had two good rides last night, a bull and a bitch.” He looks up at me with a shit eating grin.

“You’re an idiot,” I chuckle, shaking my head.

As I pull on my chaps and the Kevlar made vest, Jake asks, “Are you ready for tonight? It’s a good draw, but ridin’ Double Barrel is gonna be tough. You know that bull is a fuckin’ beast.” His southern drawl is strong as he voices his concern.

“I got this. I’ll get my eight seconds in and get closer to that number one spot. You just worry about havin’ my back out there.”

Jake’s brow cocks, his arms crossing over his chest. “Don’t I always? I don’t doubt you’ll get those eight seconds, man. Just be careful. I don’t wanna be the one to call your momma if somethin’ goes wrong.”

“It’s a risk we take, you know this. Are you ready?” I get all of my shit in my bag and set it by the door. Pulling my white Stetson down closer to my eyes, I say a silent prayer in the mirror.

“Yeah let’s go, shithead.” Jake’s reply brings a rumble of a laugh from me because he knows I’m right.

Bull riding is a dangerous sport you risk your life by doing, and at the same time, it’s one hell of a rush. The crowd keeps you pumped, the announcer gets your energy rushing, and mounting that bull gets your heart beating wildly. I live for this shit, just like my dad did.




I look around at the arena as my pulse races. I look around at the sold out stadium as my heart thunders against my chest. The crowds of people are cheering on the edge of their seats, watching and waiting to see if something happens. “Cody, you’re up next,” my flank man lets me know.

Some of the other riders help me ease down onto Double Barrel. Gripping the handle on the rope, I give a few good tugs, checking to make sure the rosin is applied well. My gloved hand is securely in place, and my flank man pulls the rope tightly against the bull, getting him ready. Zoning out on the announcer, I take a couple of deep breaths before controlling it. I roll my shoulders then lift my left arm into the air. I’m ready, and giving the nod of my head to the gate man, he opens the chute.

We cross the plane of the chute and the clock starts ticking. One second, I count in my head as my body jerks around. Double Barrel bucks hard, trying to get me off his back, but I stay securely in place. Two seconds, the bull rides away from my hand, meaning he spins left. Double Barrel’s back end comes up off the ground. Three seconds, he jerks to the right, making me slip to the left, but I recover, still holding strong. Four, five, six, and seven seconds, I hang on for dear life as my body is being thrown every which way. It’s almost over and I’ve had an awesome fuckin’ ride. Eight seconds, the sound of the buzzer slices through my concentration.

I let go of the rope, hop off Double Barrel and race to the gate, jumping up before he can get to me. I turn my head to see Jake distract the beast, along with a couple rodeo clowns. They get him back to the chute and locked up before I hop down, throwing my white Stetson in the air and taking a bow. The crowd goes crazy, stomping and screaming, clapping and chanting my name. This is what I live for.

After all forty-five guys have taken their turn, we wait for our scores. “With a score of Eighty-five, Cody Sterling has made it to the final round. And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, our top ten contenders for the short circuit tomorrow night! With no casualties, we had a great show of rides. How about one more round of applause for these brave men? Come back tomorrow evening to watch the remaining ten!”

The announcer sounds off. Jake runs up and grabs me around the waist, lifting me up. “That was fuckin’ awesome, man! You made it!” Jake says while shaking me, and we both laugh. He puts me back on my feet then we give each other a couple slaps on the back.

“Thanks, man. You did awesome tonight too,” I tell him honestly. Jake has been in the rodeo right beside me since we were both eighteen. I’m the bull rider and he’s the bullfighter, both equally dangerous.

“You ready to get out of here? The after party’s at some bar called Pints.”

“Hell yeah, I’m ready.” I’m ready to get a cold beer, relax, and see what kinda hot piece I can score tonight.

As we are leaving, I stop to sign some autographs for kids hoping one day to be bull riders themselves, men who just love the sport, and for women wanting to get a ride later tonight from one of us top contenders. We finally make it to my black Chevy Silverado, and I start it up, punching the bar name into my GPS.

After making our way through the confusing streets of Wichita, Kansas, we find the bar. I park in the packed parking lot, we hop out, I hit the key fob to lock the doors, and we head into Pints. Pushing our way through the crowd, I get a lot of pats on the back and congratulations on the way to the counter. When we finally reach the bar top, I whistle for the bartender. When he comes over, I order a Bud for me and Jake orders the same. The bartender sits the beers in front of us and waits for us to pay. I take that first long pull, letting the cold drink wet my dry mouth, then look over the crowd. “There’s a lot of buckle bunnies here tonight,” Jake states the obvious like I can’t see that for myself.

Buckle bunnies are what we like to call the women looking to get fucked by one of the riders or fighters. Just like us, most of ‘em ain’t looking for anything but a good fuck. Occasionally you’ll run across the grade A clinger, thinking you’re gonna marry her. That’s when you tumble in the sheets for the night and then sneak outta the room, or wherever you’re at, before she wakes up or notices. Never, and I mean never, give a girl your number because if you do, your ass is just asking for trouble.

“You see that cute lil’ red head lookin’ this way?” I ask Jake before taking another long pull off my beer, letting the cold liquid run down my throat.

“Yeah, I see her. Go get her, dude. She’s lookin’ like she’s rapin’ you with her eyes. One.” He holds up one finger. “Two.” Now it’s two fingers. “Three.” His laugh bursts out because here she comes, walking towards us.

“Shut the fuck up, man.” I let out a laugh of my own just as she gets over to us.

“Hey, guys. How’s it going tonight?” She gives me a seducing smile.

“Good. You?” I return her question.

“Oh, I think it just got a whole lot better,” she says before running her finger down my flannel covered arm. “Aren’t you Cody Sterling?” she questions, batting her eyes like she doesn’t already know. I don’t understand that about women, why not just say how it is? Why not just say what you want? Don’t play games with it.

“Let’s cut to the chase here, okay?” Her smile goes down a bit, but I go on. “You knew who I was before you came over here. I’m not really into caring what your name is. We’re both looking to have a good time and that good time consists of getting fucked. So let’s get to it.” Something flashes across her face before the smile is back and she nods her head. I sit my beer on the counter, take her hand, and lead her to the women’s bathroom.

Knocking on the door, no one answers, so I open it and walk her over to the sink, spinning her around so her back is to my front. “Hold onto the sink and be quiet.” When her hands are gripping the basin on either side, I pull her panties down, running my finger over her wet pussy.

I undo my belt buckle, unzip my jeans and pull them, along with my boxer briefs, down my legs to my ankles. I pull the condom out of my pocket, rip it open and roll it over my cock. Lining myself at her entrance, I thrust into her hard and quick, there’s no need to take this slow. Placing my hand on her back, I bend her over the sink farther, then grip her hips with both hands. I notice she has a death grip on the edges of the sink, her knuckles are white. She wants to make noise, but she wants to please me so she’s keeping quiet like I asked. She doesn’t need to adjust to my size, she’s not that tight, so I start pumping into her.

Trying to make this go quick, I pull on her hair, lifting her back up so I can hear the soft sounds coming from her mouth. I continue to slam into her wet pussy, but this girl really isn’t doing too much for me. Reaching my hand under her top and bra, I grip onto one of her small tits, squeezing it and pinching the pebbled little nipple. In the mirror, her face shows she’s enjoying this much more than I am. Her eyes are tightly closed, mouth parted open and cheeks flushed with need. Her walls begin to clench around my dick and I know she is close to finding her orgasm, I just wish I was too. Then the door opens.

Standing in the doorway is the most stunning woman I have ever seen. Her long dark hair flows down her shoulders, big amber eyes meet mine in the mirror, full lips on display and rosy cheeks from embarrassment. She doesn’t know what to do, but she can’t seem to take her eyes off the scene. I watch as her gaze explores, watching me fuck this girl, and her head tilts a little to the side. Her pink bottom lip goes between her teeth. A trim little waist leads to her large breasts as they rise and fall from her breaths increasing, and her thighs seem to move together more. The girl in the mirror is tall, just a few inches short of six feet. Her legs in those ripped up jeans go on forever. 

Something ignites within me as I watch this beautiful woman. My spine tingles and I pound harder and faster into the redhead, my eyes stay glued onto the brunette and I finally find my release. I have to bite on my own bottom lip, drawing blood to keep myself from roaring out like a goddamn beast. Closing my eyes, I finish filling the condom, and when I open them back up, the woman is gone. I pull out, get rid of the condom and wrapper, wash my hands, fix my jeans, and start to head out.

“Wait!” the redhead hollers out, then asks, “Are you going to wait for me or don’t you want my number at least?”

“No and no. That’s not how this works and you know it. We had our fun, it’s time to move on.” With those words, I open the bathroom door, walk back to the bar, and order another beer. The Buckle Bunnies use us just as much, if not more than we use them, so why not just tell it like it is? If there was a woman out there, maybe a gorgeous brunette, that I could actually care about, no way would I treat her like that. I wanna love a woman that loves me back, not the rider I am, not how much money I make, or what I can do for them. Just me, Cody Sterling, the man.

I sit on a stool looking out around the crowd and find Jake dancing with some girl. I scan the room trying to find the mystery girl, but I don’t see her anywhere. All of a sudden I feel a shock of electricity run through my body, making the hairs on my arms and neck shoot up. I look to my right and there she is, sitting next to me on a stool, looking at me. My cheeks heat so I take a long pull off my beer, hoping it will help cool me down.
What the hell is wrong with me?
“Uh hey,” I say to her, not being able to get an intelligent thought together at the moment.

She laughs, a beautiful sound, almost as beautiful as she is. “Don’t get shy on me now, honey.” My own laugh bubbles out then.

“Sorry about that. Ya know, the whole bathroom thing.”
Why am I apologizing to her?

“It’s okay. I shouldn’t have watched, but I couldn’t help it. It was kinda hot.” Her head dips down and a rosy pink shades her cheeks.

Taking my finger and thumb, I grip her chin, lifting it so her eyes meet mine. “If I’m not allowed to get embarrassed then neither are you. What’s your name, beautiful?”

“Sh...Sonya Collins. And yours?” I pull back at her question, clearly shocked. It’s not that I’m a conceited asshole or all about myself, but I just figured she would know who I was. This is a party for the bull riders after all.

Regaining my composure, I answer, “Cody. You don’t know who I am?”

“Well from the way you’re dressed, I would say you’re a cowboy. I know that you were just fuckin’ that girl in the bathroom, but by the looks of it, you weren’t really into it until I walked in. I know that this is the after party for the riders tonight. Oh, are you a bull rider? Did you ride tonight?”

A laugh bursts from my lips. “You would be correct. And yeah, I rode. I made it into the top ten short circuit for tomorrow night.”

Her eyes widen and a slow smile forms. “Oh yeah, I remember hearing your name. Cody Sterling, right? I’m sorry, I don’t keep up with all that stuff, but you did have one hell of a ride tonight. You were the only rider I really paid attention to, although I’m not quite sure why. Congratulations! I think this calls for a couple of shots.”

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