Riding Hard (14 page)

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Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western

BOOK: Riding Hard
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They were. Once again they were curled up together fast asleep.

Drake put his arm around Tracy’s shoulders as they watched the mare and foal. “Is it just me, or is this like when the parents come home from a night out and go check on the kids?”

“It does feel like that, doesn’t it?” Her heart ached a little knowing that wasn’t in the cards for them, but then, she’d never really thought it would be.

“Well, the kids are fine. Let’s go.” Squeezing her shoulder, he released her and held her hand as they walked out of the barn and latched the door behind them.

As they started back to the house, Tracy glanced up at the moon, which was a smidgen fuller tonight. “It was about this same time when I walked down here in my silk robe and boots.”

“Are you saying it’s only been twenty-four hours since then?”

“Yep.” Their boots crunched on the bare dirt.

“Hard to believe. I feel as if I’ve known you forever.”

“I know what you mean.” In her case, she’d been waiting for him forever. He was the man destined to set her free from her mother’s rigid rules. Whatever happened, she’d have that to remember him by. Maybe another lover as exciting as Drake would come along. She doubted it, but a miracle might happen.

“I’ll never forget how you looked clutching that blanket.”

“I was grateful for something to hold on to. I was shaking like a leaf.”

“I wasn’t all that steady, myself.”

“Really?” He was so completely male and self-assured, especially wearing his new hat. “After all the experience you’ve had?”

“I wish you’d quit referring to that. It’s not important.”

“Of course it is! Practice makes perfect.”

With a soft growl of frustration, he grabbed her and swung her around to face him. “Then how do you explain that when you make love with me, you are absolutely perfect? No one’s ever satisfied me more than you do.”

She was gratified to hear it, although she couldn’t quite believe it was true. “Maybe you’re easily satisfied.”

He blew out an impatient breath. “It’s the exact opposite. That’s why my relationships usually last a few months, at most. I’ve never been engaged. Never seriously thought about it.”

“There could be a lot of reasons for that.” Her textbooks would probably list at least ten.

“Or maybe there’s only one reason. Maybe nobody’s ever been right for me and I’m not right for them. Maybe when two people
right for each other, it doesn’t matter a damn bit whether they’re experienced or not. They’re operating from an instinct older than history, and when they come together, it’s magic.”

She gazed up at him. She wanted to memorize this moment when a gorgeous cowboy with the soul of a poet spoke to her of magic while stars sparkled in the sky above him and a crescent moon hung golden with promise.

He could be trying to convince himself that she was special because he needed that right now. She’d learned enough about psychology to understand that and not get her hopes up. But if she thought she’d find another man like this, she was kidding herself.

“You’re magic,” she murmured. “I love being with you, Drake Brewster.”

“Good.” He tipped back his hat as if he’d been doing it all his life. “Then let’s keep it that way.” This time his kiss wasn’t quite so sweet or quite so restrained.


until she melted like butter and they very nearly had sex in the yard. But he wasn’t willing to lie in the dirt no matter how much he wanted her—and he didn’t have condoms with him, either.

Getting into the house and down the hall to his bedroom was a challenge because they couldn’t stop kissing and working each other out of their clothes. Well, except for his hat. It fell off three times, and Tracy always retrieved it and placed it back on his head.

They left a trail of clothes through the house and flung away the last of them as they stumbled through the door into his room. Thank God he’d left a light on, which kept them from running into the furniture. Drake grabbed a condom from the open box because he expected they’d dive straight into bed, but Tracy had other ideas.

She whirled out of his arms and stood there panting. “Hold still for a minute.”

“Why?” He already had the packet and the condom in his hand, ready for action.

She gulped in air. “I want to...look at...my naked cowboy.”

He was having trouble breathing, too, and he didn’t want to stand around when they could be doing something more interesting. “You’ve seen me naked before.”

“Not when you’re wearing a hat.” She edged toward the bed. “Stay right there. Let me get in first.”

He groaned. “Tracy...”

“Humor me.”

Of course he would. She could ask him to stand on his head and twirl that hat with his toes and he’d do it, or try his damnedest, because...well, because he was in love with her. Might as well face the fact.

He’d imagined himself to be in love a few times, but those relationships hadn’t been anything like this—a mixture of tenderness, deep connection, wild sex and hilarity. He never wanted it to end. Impossible though it seemed, it appeared that Tracy was his first love.

But right now she was frustrating the hell out of him. His pride and joy ached something fierce, but she had a fantasy in her head that meant delaying the action. He should be rejoicing that he was part of her fantasy, but right now, all he wanted was to—

“Okay.” She stretched out on the bed and propped up her head with a couple of pillows. “Pull your hat down a little lower. Perfect. You look like one badass cowboy.”

“One very aroused cowboy.”

“I can see that.” Her gaze flicked to his johnson. “Nice.”

“I could hang my hat on it.”

Her lips twitched. “Don’t do that. Leave your hat on and crawl toward me from the foot of the bed.”

“Do you want to give me dialogue to go along with this performance, or should I make something up?”

“Make it up. Just don’t call me
little lady.

He had no idea what a badass cowboy would say in a situation like this. In the movies he’d loved as a kid, the cowboys never even kissed the women they loved, let alone talked sexy while naked except for a hat. But he’d give it his best shot.

He looked into her eyes. Telling her he loved her would probably freak her out. So instead he’d concentrate on bringing the heat.

Keeping a firm hold on the condom, he braced his other hand on the bottom edge of the mattress. Then he let his gaze travel over her body with deliberate intent. She was already trembling and flushed with anticipation, but his intimate survey stepped up the pace of her breathing. Good. It certainly stepped up the pace of his.

He pitched his voice low. “You’re right accommodatin’, sweetheart.” He rolled the condom on one-handed. Experience counted for something, after all. “It’s not every day a man finds a juicy woman without a stitch on lyin’ in his bed just waitin’ for it.” Sliding forward, he rested one knee on the bed. “And I’m here to give you what you want, darlin’.”

She swallowed. “Good.”

“Oh, it will be good. Very good. I can promise you that.” He moved closer and put his other knee on the bed. “I’m gonna give it to you till you can’t see straight.”

“I’ll bet you will, cowboy.” Her eyes darkened.

“And then you’ll beg for more.”

“Mmm.” Her breasts quivered with each ragged breath.

“Now spread those pretty legs, darlin’. I’m coming in.”

With a soft moan of surrender, she parted her silky thighs.

Holding her gaze, he eased into position, his cock brushing her soft folds, probing gently. Ah, so slick. So hot. She clutched his hips, her fingertips pressing, urging him forward.

He resisted, ramping up the tension, making them both want it even more. By now he knew not to mess with the hat, even though it meant he couldn’t lean down and kiss her. She didn’t want his kiss right now. She wanted to be taken by a cowboy.

“I think you’re ready for me, sweetheart.” He held himself very still, poised on the brink of heaven.

She trembled and tried to pull him toward her. “Yes.”

He eased in a fraction, but no more. “I think you’re aching for me.”

Her grip tightened.

“Ask me for it.”

Her breath caught. “Please.”

“Beg me.”


He shoved deep and she cried out, convulsing around him, arching into her first climax, bathing him with her nectar. He began thrusting, fast and hard, riding the crest of her orgasm as she gasped his name over and over.

She sank back to the mattress, the tremors fading. Panting, she gazed up at him, her eyes wild, her skin damp, her body shaking.

He slowed his movements, but didn’t stop. “Again.” He threw it out as a challenge, wondering if she’d tell him no.

She sucked in a breath, but she didn’t disagree. She wanted adventure, this lover of his. Still locked inside her, he sat back, slipped his hands under her knees, and brought her legs up until her feet rested on his shoulders.

Her eyes widened, and then she smiled and looked him over. She seemed to take it all in—his hat, his heaving chest glistening with sweat, and the place where his cock was buried deep inside her. “Love the view.”

His gaze swept downward. “Me, too.” As he began a slow, easy rhythm, he was treated to the quiver of her breasts each time he pushed home, and the erotic sight of his cock moving in and out as he created the connection they both craved.

She flattened her palms against the mattress and lifted to meet each stroke. Her breathing quickened. She was getting close. He could see it in her eyes, feel it in the way she shuddered.

Reaching between her thighs, he massaged her pressure point with his thumb. She moaned and contracted around his aching cock. Then her body tightened, lifted and hurled her into another climax that made her yell and tested his control almost beyond endurance.

Yet he controlled himself. Gently lowering her feet, he eased back down so they were face-to-face, chest to chest. “Wrap your legs around me.”

She was still breathing hard, still quaking from aftershocks, but she did as he asked. Then she put her arms around him, too.

He settled in, his hips between her thighs and his cock securely locked in place. He stayed like that, letting her catch her breath, letting him curb his urge to come.

At last her breathing slowed and he didn’t feel quite so much like a rocket about to launch. Looking into her eyes, he saw a reflection of his own turbulent thoughts. He had to believe that she wanted what he wanted, a chance to explore what they’d found together. But she seemed afraid to hope.

Maybe, if he loved her well enough, he could change that. He combed her hair back from her face. “I’m takin’ off the hat.”

“Okay.” Her tiny smile said that she understood. Enough was enough. “I’ll do it.” Reaching up, she lifted it from his head and laid it brim-side up on the bed next to them. “Thank you for indulging me.”

“It was my pleasure, ma’am.” Leaning down, he feathered a kiss against her lips as he began to move.

Her breath was warm against his mouth. “I don’t think so. You haven’t come, yet.”

He ran his tongue over her lower lip as he accelerated just a little. Damn, but loving her felt good. “I get pleasure when I give it to you.”

“Then it’s my turn to give you some.” She rose to meet his next thrust.

He liked that a whole lot. The climax he’d been holding back shouldered its way forward, demanding to be turned loose. “I was thinkin’ we’d give some to each other.”

“Maybe.” She matched his rhythm. “But this one’s for you.”

Lifting his head, he gazed into her eyes as he moved faster. “For us.”

Moisture gathered in her eyes. “Drake...”

“Shh. It’ll be fine, darlin’.” He kissed her again, so softly, even though his body strained toward release. “It’ll be just fine.” Then he watched her eyes as he pushed home again, and again, and again.

At last he saw flames leap in those dark depths and her body began to hum beneath his. “That’s it. Let go.”

“Oh, Drake.
” Closing her eyes, she came apart in his arms. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes as she came in a rush.

Her contractions rolled over his cock, dragging him closer, and closer... Now.
With a bellow of surrender, he drove into her one last time and came harder than he ever had in his life. As he held on to her and gasped for breath, he was sure of only one thing.

He’d found what he wanted with Tracy, and he wouldn’t give that up without a fight.

* * *

take Drake’s advice to heart and live in the present. And the present was darned good as they turned Dottie and Sprinkles loose in the pasture the next morning. A few feet away from the mare and foal, Tracy stood beside Drake, smartphone at the ready, watching to see what mother and son would do.

The foal seemed a little dazed by the grass and the sunlight and stood quietly for a moment looking bewildered. He took a few steps, and when that went well, he walked a little faster. Dottie followed as Sprinkles’ fast walk became a trot. Then, as if he’d determined that being outside was fun, he took off running, his little tail held high. His mother chased after him, dodging and weaving whenever Sprinkles abruptly changed direction.

“Oh, my gosh!” Laughing with delight, Tracy turned on the video feature and followed the little guy with her phone. “He’s so stinkin’

“When you’re right, you’re right. Look at him go! He’s trying to outrun her, the little squirt.” Drake sounded like a proud parent.

Tracy kept filming. “Now I don’t know which I love more, the moment Dottie gave birth, or right now, when that baby finally gets out in the world.”

“They’re both damned special.”

“Yep.” Tracy lowered the phone when Sprinkles took a break to nurse. “How would you feel about inviting Jerry Rankin over to see them?”

“That’s up to you.”

“I don’t know.” She glanced at him and smiled. “Love that hat.”

“So you’ve said.”

“I feel as if Jerry should see this. But if I invite him, he might decide to drop by more often, and then...”

“Goodbye, privacy.”

“Yes. Maybe I won’t invite him yet.”

“That’s fine, but I should warn you that I made a couple of calls while you were in the shower.”

“You did?” She could guess whom he’d called. “And?”

“Regan said he and Lily were fine with inviting Jeannette out here, and Jeannette is checking into flights.”

“That’s great!” She hoped that sounded sincere. She wanted it to be sincere.

He studied her. “Is it?”

“Of course it is.” She almost wished he hadn’t bought the hat after all. That thought was unworthy of her, but damn it, Jeannette would love his new look. What woman wouldn’t? “You three need to patch things up.”

“I agree, but... Listen, Jeannette is a good friend. That’s

“I know! And it’s wonderful that she’s planning to fly out here.” She desperately wanted to change the subject. “Did Regan say when they’d be coming home?”

“Yeah, they decided not to stay longer, after all. Turns out he’d already heard about the mare and foal. And us.”

“Oh.” Tracy sought out the frolicking colt, hoping the sight would lift her suddenly sagging spirits. It did, at least for a couple of seconds. “From Morgan, I assume.”


She glanced back at Drake. “How come you didn’t tell me all this sooner? I’ve been out of the shower for a good thirty minutes.”

“You were so excited about lettin’ Dottie and Sprinkles out, and I didn’t want to spoil that moment with...whatever’s going on. I’m really not sure what
going on between you and me, to be honest.”

“Was Regan upset about any of it?”

“Didn’t seem to be.”

“But still, they’re coming home instead of staying.”

“He said they should do that, anyway. The Chances are hosting an engagement party for them next weekend, and they decided it wasn’t cool to sail in on the eve of the party.”

“Oh, right. I forgot about that. Well, then. Regan and Lily will be back in four days. Did...did Jeannette say when she might arrive?” She hated that she’d stumbled with that question.

His calling Jeannette had been her brilliant idea, too. Talk about shooting herself in the foot. He might end up back with Jeannette, but she’d been hoping for several more days alone with him before forcing herself to give him up.

“She’ll have to get a few things under control at the firm, so she estimated the soonest she could be here was day after tomorrow.”

Tracy’s time with Drake was shrinking by the second. “What sort of firm? I don’t think anyone ever told me what she does.”

“She’s a lawyer. A very good one, in fact.”

Of course she was a crackerjack lawyer, damn it. No doubt she was stunningly beautiful, too, and Tracy was officially jealous as hell. Pulling herself up short, she vowed to stop letting negative thoughts get the better of her.

Jeannette might well be perfect for Drake. She could help him with any legal issues when he set up his equine rescue in Virginia. She’d also have valuable contacts with wealthy people who might contribute money to the cause.

She dredged up her best smile for Drake. “I look forward to meeting her.”

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