Riding Hard (3 page)

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Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western

BOOK: Riding Hard
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“Thanks. I tried the house, but you didn’t answer the door.” His footsteps came closer. “My eyes aren’t quite adjusted to the light.”

She glanced up, and there he was, six-foot-something of testosterone-fueled male. His Western shirt emphasized the breadth of his shoulders. He wasn’t wearing a cowboy hat, and she didn’t think she’d ever seen him wearing one. She wondered about that. Most cowboy wannabes couldn’t wait to show up in a hat.

When he opened the stall door, she realized her mistake. Jumpiness aside, she should have walked out to meet him. Then she could have let him go in the stall alone. Instead he was about to come in with her.

Unless she engineered a little do-si-do with him and then made her escape looking like a frightened rabbit, she was stuck here. Her three-foot limit was about to be violated, and she didn’t know what to do about it.

He caught sight of the mare and let out a low whistle. “She’s a beauty.”

“I know.” Her plan of maintaining a formal distance crumbled. She’d been through an emotional experience and she needed to talk about Jerry and his willingness to sacrifice for Dottie. “I’ll bet he could have sold her, but he couldn’t find the right buyer in time. I was touched by the fact he was choosy when he couldn’t afford to be.”

“Yeah, that’s damned noble.” He entered the stall and smiled at her. “For the record, I’m glad you followed your instincts and took her. Those instructions didn’t anticipate a mare like this showing up.”

Five feet, still just the tingle.
“I’m sure she was the one bright spot in the guy’s life. I hope Regan and Lily are ready to take on some help and that we can find him again if they are.”

“I’d say there’s an excellent chance that will work out.”

“Then I’ll think positive, too.”
Three feet, starting to burn.

“What’s her name?”

“Dottie.” She sounded breathless, but maybe he’d think she had allergies. She backed up a foot and hoped the move wasn’t too obvious.

Drake laughed. “Appropriate. Hi, Dottie.” He held out a hand, palm up. She saw he was holding a peeled baby carrot.

The mare snuffled against his open palm and took the carrot. She crunched it between her strong teeth as Drake ran his hands over her neck, her shoulders and her distended belly.

God help her, Tracy followed the path of that gentle stroking. After all the promises to herself that she’d ignore his considerable sex appeal, she couldn’t help imagining how those hands would feel caressing a woman. No, not just
woman. Her.

She wanted to feel the magic of those hands. And they would be magic. Watching him with the horse was evidence of that. She longed to experience that lazy, sensual touch....

No, she didn’t! What was wrong with her? She was falling under his spell. He probably didn’t even realize he was casting one. Sensuality was instinctive with him, it seemed. He was surrounded by an invisible magnetic field, and just like that, she’d been drawn back into the three-foot zone.

“A more thorough exam would tell us for sure.” Drake continued to stroke the horse. Typical female, Dottie was eating it up. “But from a preliminary evaluation, I’d say she’s less than a month from delivering.” He glanced over his shoulder at Tracy. “You weren’t far off. She’s almost ready to pop.”

“Good grief.” She placed a hand over her racing heart, which now had two reasons to be out of control—lust and terror. “I don’t want that happening on my watch.”

“You probably won’t have to deal with it.” His voice was soothing.

She wondered if veterinarians cultivated a bedside manner. If so, Drake had a hell of a good one. “But I might have to deal with it, right?”

“Mothers about to give birth are always unpredictable. But don’t worry. I can drive out here at a moment’s notice. If she goes into labor, you won’t have to handle it alone.”

“Good.” The rush of gratitude, mixed with the sensual feelings he inspired, became a potent combination. She struggled to remember why she didn’t like this man. Oh, yes. He’d betrayed his best friend. No matter how welcome his presence was at the moment, he’d chosen to trade years of friendship for immediate pleasure.

“She’ll need some prenatal supplements.”

Tracy fought to concentrate on what he was saying instead of imagining him naked in her bed. “Supplements. Right.”

“I’ll order them from a company I have an account with. My professional discount will keep the cost down.”

“Good. Thank you. I honestly didn’t consider all the ramifications of this. Assuming her foal is okay, and I hope to heck it is, I’ve actually accepted two horses.”

“True.” He lightly scratched Dottie’s neck, and her eyelids drifted down in obvious ecstasy. Lucky horse. “But I don’t think you have to worry about Regan and Lily. They’ll support what you’ve done.”

“I hope so.” But she wasn’t terribly worried about Regan and Lily. They were animal lovers and would understand. The foal might even be fun for them.

But she was extremely worried about the inevitable contact with Drake and her increasingly intense reaction to his proximity. She had strong principles. Surely a sweet-talking Southerner wouldn’t cause her to abandon those principles
. Surely not.


of himself. He’d examined the mare and interacted with Tracy as if he had no interest in her whatsoever. Then he’d left after promising to order the supplements online the minute he got back to his cabin and his computer.

Driving home, he congratulated himself on being a perfect gentleman the whole time. Not once had he given in to the temptation to flirt with her. For him that was a major victory. Regan clearly thought that he would hit on Tracy if given the chance, and he was determined to prove that he could resist that urge.

It hadn’t been easy. Before today, they’d always been separated by a massive wooden bar and surrounded by other people. This had been a far more intimate encounter, and she’d looked quite accessible in her T-shirt and jeans, no makeup, and her hair held by a little elastic thing that could be pulled off in no time.

At the bar he’d experienced a jolt of desire whenever he looked at her lipstick-covered mouth. She liked to wear red, and those lips had beckoned him, even when he’d known her smile meant nothing. Logically he shouldn’t have been even more turned on by the soft pink of her bare mouth, but he had been. Seeing her like that made him think of how she’d look first thing in the morning. He yearned for the privilege of waking up next to Tracy Gibbons.

He yearned for what would precede that moment, too. He was a fair judge of women. Make that an
judge of women. Tracy had a lot of passion buried in her.

And here was the kicker. She was as hot for him as he was for her. During his visits to the Spirits and Spurs, she’d fooled him with her remote attitude and obvious disapproval. He thought she still disapproved of him. But underneath, lust burned.

He’d felt that energy the second he’d walked into the stall. He’d heard it in the pattern of her breathing. A week ago he would have attributed the undercurrent of tension to anger. Today, in the quiet confines of Dottie’s stall, he’d recognized it for what it was—suppressed desire. She wanted him, and she was fighting it for all she was worth.

The man he used to be would have capitalized on the situation. He could have made love to her today. She was ripe for it. One touch would have tipped the balance in his favor, and the sex would have been glorious. She would have temporarily reveled in the unexpected encounter, the thrill of tasting forbidden fruit.

But afterward...ah, that was the problem. She would be ashamed of herself for surrendering to urges that violated her principles. Pleasure would quickly become tainted. And then, if the sex had been so good that she
wanted him, despite everything, she’d begin to hate herself and him. He knew all about that downward spiral. He’d put Jeannette through it. He’d put himself through it.

As he pulled up in front of the little cabin he temporarily called home, he vowed that he would not subject Tracy to the same fate as Jeannette. If that meant they’d never explore the possibilities presented by their strong chemistry...oh, well.

He’d been celibate for months, and he was almost getting used to it. He and Jeannette had tried to create a relationship after Regan had left, tried to convince each other that their betrayal of Regan had been motivated by a grand passion they couldn’t deny. The fantasy hadn’t held up for very long, and since breaking off with Jeannette, he hadn’t felt like getting involved with anyone.

Parking his dusty black SUV, he went inside the cabin and turned on his laptop. He ordered the supplements to be shipped to the rescue facility and texted instructions to Tracy’s cell so she’d know how and when to administer them. And that, he thought, should be the end of that.

He could have done more. A rectal and vaginal exam would have been normal procedure, but the mare appeared healthy and Regan would be back in charge in a week. Drake had enjoyed the chance to be a vet again, even briefly, and that surprised him. Lately he’d wondered if he needed to change careers as well as his place of residence, but maybe not.

Considering the delicate situation with Tracy, though, he would perform only basic care unless a problem cropped up. Tracy was a smart lady. If she needed help, she’d call. If she didn’t, then they could avoid contact with each other, contact that might lead to actions they’d both regret.

As he decided whether to go on a hike or read a book, neither of which appealed to him, someone knocked on his front door. Although he was glad for an interruption in what promised to be a boring afternoon, he couldn’t imagine who had come to visit. No one sought him out besides Regan, and he was in Washington.

Drake opened the door and discovered Josie Chance there. He tried not to look as astonished as he felt. Thanks to Regan making a few introductions after he and Drake had rescued their friendship, Drake recognized the attractive woman wearing her long blond hair in a braid down her back.

A few years ago she’d married Jack Chance, the oldest of the Chance brothers and their avowed leader. But that wasn’t the most significant fact about Josie Chance. She happened to own the Spirits and Spurs, which made her Tracy’s boss. Drake suspected that Tracy was the reason behind Josie’s visit.

Josie didn’t disappoint him. “This isn’t exactly a social call, Drake. I’m here to talk about Tracy.”

“Be glad to.” He wasn’t, but he’d been raised to say the polite thing. “Come on in.”

She walked through the door and glanced around the small space furnished with a sturdy sofa and chair covered in green plaid. “Very nice.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He wasn’t sure what she meant, but agreeing with her seemed like a good strategy.

She gave him a small, almost reluctant smile. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be a typical bachelor living in chaos.”

“Because that’s what scoundrels do?”

Her smile widened. “Often, yes.”

“I did live in chaos for a little while, but when the maid didn’t show up I decided I might as well keep it clean myself before I started losing things in the mess I’d made. Please, have a seat. I can brew some coffee, and I also have iced tea in the refrigerator.”

“Sweet tea?”

“No, ma’am. I know it’s not very Southern of me, but I like mine plain.”

“I’ll have some, then. Thank you.” She sat in the easy chair. “Tracy would kill me if she knew I’d come over here.”

Drake took a couple of tall glasses out of the cupboard and filled them with ice. “I won’t tell her, but good luck keeping a secret around here.”

“You’re right, but I’m going to attempt it. Jack’s the only one who knows I rode over, because I needed someone who could watch little Archie without throwing a hissy-fit about me coming. Three of my potential babysitters are Regan’s sisters, and they would

“I’m sure.” He poured tea in both glasses. “Wait a minute. You
over here from the Last Chance?”

“It’s closer to go cross-country, and doing that made it less likely I’d be seen. My horse is out back, tied to a tree.”

“I’ll be damned.” He walked over and handed her one of the glasses before sitting on the sofa with his own drink. “You’ve infiltrated enemy territory.”

“Something like that.” She took a swallow of her tea. “This is excellent. Thanks.”

“It’s one of the few things I know how to make.” He settled back, his glass balanced on one knee. “So you’re here on a secret mission to make sure the big bad wolf doesn’t have designs on the fair maiden Tracy?”

“That about sums it up.” She studied him. “You’re charming. I assumed you would be.”

“Back in Virginia, it’s the law. Anyone who fails the Southern-charm test is shipped up north.”

“Oh, boy.” Josie sipped her tea. “This could be trickier than I thought.”

“It won’t be tricky.” Drake met her gaze. “I’ve already thought this through. I’ll admit that I find Tracy very attractive, but I—”

it. Unfortunately, she’s fascinated with you, too. You should hear the way she carries on about your dastardly behavior, to the point where I finally realized she was into you.”

If having that confirmed thrilled him, he didn’t want to let on. “But she doesn’t want to be.”

“Exactly. Do you know why?”

“Sure. Like everyone else around here, she doesn’t like what I did to Regan.” He took a long pull on his iced tea and concentrated on the cool liquid running down his throat. God, but he was sick of this topic. Maybe someday in the distant future his indiscretions wouldn’t be the main thing folks wanted to talk to him about.

“It goes deeper than that, and I decided it might help if you understood a little more about her.”

Now this he did want to hear. “Shoot.”

“Her father was a married man who claimed he was single and that he’d had a vasectomy.”

“Oh.” At one time Drake would have offered a comment on that kind of behavior, but he no longer felt qualified to pass judgment.

“That’s why infidelity is such a complicated issue for Tracy. She hates it, but without it she wouldn’t exist. Her dad sent a few checks, but by then he was back with his wife. When the checks stopped coming, Tracy’s mom didn’t go after the bastard because she’s not well educated and didn’t think she could get anywhere, legally.”

“Is Tracy’s mother still around?”

“She eventually married some old cowboy from Idaho and she lives over there, now. But Tracy’s roots are here, so she stayed. Most of us feel as if we helped raise her.”

Drake nodded. “She probably feels that way, too.” Setting his tea on the coffee table in front of him, he leaned back and blew out a breath. “I’m glad you told me all that, although I’d already decided after going over there today that I’d—”

“Going over there?” Josie straightened. “Was there a problem with the animals?”

“Not exactly.” He gave her a brief rundown on what had happened with the pregnant Appaloosa.

“Okay. That’s not so terrible. Regan and Lily will have a good time with a foal running around, and maybe they’ll decide to hire this Rankin fellow. If not, Jack might have a spot for him at the Last Chance.”

“His mare’s in decent shape, so he’s probably good with horses, but that’s all I can vouch for.”

“Jack can ask around about him. I just hope the mare will wait until Regan and Lily get back before she delivers.”

“Me, too.” He planned to be strong in the face of temptation, but he’d rather not be tempted by Tracy at all.

“You were saying something about a decision after going over there today. I didn’t let you finish.”

Drake wasn’t sure he wanted to finish. They’d finally left the topic he was so sick of, and that was a relief. But he supposed he might as well say his piece. “I plan to keep my distance from Tracy. I already have one woman on my conscience who got involved with me against her better judgment. I don’t need to make it two.”

“You’re talking about Regan’s ex-fiancée.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“For what it’s worth, I don’t believe in laying all the blame on you, but people are probably doing that because you’re here. You’re the sacrificial goat, the one who showed up to take the flak. I happen to think that half the responsibility is hers.”

“I can’t say that’s true.” Drake had gone over the night’s events a million times, and he always saw himself as the one who could have stopped it. Should have stopped it.

“Noble of you. Egotistical, too, I might add.”

He blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Do you really consider yourself so irresistible that a woman loses her ability to think for herself when you display your manly charms?”

He stared at her, and after the shock wore off, he started to laugh. Then he laughed until his sides hurt. Finally, he wiped his eyes and cleared his throat. “Thanks for that. You’ve lightened my load quite a bit.”

She regarded him with amusement. “I wasn’t prepared to like you very much, Drake. It’s disconcerting to find out that I like you a lot.”

“Good. I like you, too.”

“The problem is, I’m not even supposed to be here, so I can’t go around telling people that you’re actually a pretty nice guy if they’d only get to know you.”

He shrugged. “That’s okay. Regan keeps telling me to give everyone time.”

“Yeah, well, there are a few around here who are world-champion grudge holders, so don’t expect a miracle. But now that you mention it, that’s something I’ve been very curious about. What are your plans? Are you staying? Are you going back to Virginia? Regan’s always been vague about your next move.”

“That’s because I’m vague about it. I don’t want my old life back, but I’m not sure what my new life should look like, or where it will take place. I’m at a crossroads.”

She studied him quietly for a moment. “There’s this spot out on the ranch, a big flat piece of granite laced with quartz that’s sacred to the Shoshone Indians, although they really don’t go out there anymore. Some say that if you’re having trouble deciding what to do, standing out on that rock helps.”

“What do you think?”

“I’ve never personally used that rock to make a decision, but some of my loved ones have. It couldn’t hurt.”

“Oh, yes, ma’am, it could. I’ve heard that in the Wild West trespassers get shot at, especially if they’re considered villainous cads, which I am.”

Josie grinned. “I wish you and Jack could spend some time together without starting a family feud. I think you’d get along. Anyway, let me give you my cell number. If you decide to head out there, call me and I’ll make sure the coast is clear.”

“It’s a deal.”

When they were finished with their tea, they went out back to fetch Josie’s horse.

Drake walked outside with her. “It was mighty kind of you to come by,” he said.

“I mostly did it for Tracy.” She untied her horse, a large bay, and put on the hat she’d hung from the saddle horn. “I hoped to appeal to your better instincts.”

“You did, although I was already headed in that direction.”

She mounted up and gazed down at him. “That’s good to hear, Drake. I wish you well.”

“Sounds as if I have one more friend around here.”

“You do, but if you mess with Tracy, I’ll quickly become Enemy Number One.”

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