Read Riding the Line Online

Authors: Kate Pearce

Tags: #Romance

Riding the Line (11 page)

BOOK: Riding the Line
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Her hand slid inside his jeans and fastened around his shaft. He circled his hips, let his pre-come lubricate her fingers until he could move more freely. She shoved down his jeans and underpants and he worked them off along with his boots. Raising his head, he stared into her passion-filled brown eyes.
‘I want my cock in you, right now.’
For once she didn’t say anything sassy. She nodded and backed toward the bed. He helped her stretch out and pushed her knees wide so that he could get the perfect view of her pussy. He leant over her, hands planted on either side of her hips and studied her lusciousness.
He licked her clit with the tip of his tongue until it felt as hard as his cock. ‘Do you want me, honey?’
She moved restlessly against the sheets, driving him even wilder. ‘God, yes.’
He licked her again, circled her opening, lingered on each subtle fold of her pussy lips until her hand fisted in his hair. He raised his head and licked his own lips. ‘Are you sure?’
Her hand tightened, almost bringing tears to his eyes. ‘Yes!’
Dakota shook his head and climbed off the bed. ‘You’ll have to ask more nicely than that.’
She sat up, breasts heaving, eyes shooting sparks, and lunged for him. He didn’t try to avoid her, just drew her close into his body and held her tight, his cock riding against her belly, his teeth nipping at the hollow of her shoulder. With his free hand, he undid her braid and ran his fingers through her long hair.
‘God, you’re beautiful when you’re angry.’ Her teeth sunk into his arm and he laughed. ‘Ask me nicely, Robyn.’
She jerked her head back, her smile all teeth. ‘Fuck you.’
He captured her chin, risked a quick kiss on her mouth. ‘No, you have that wrong. Say “Fuck
Still holding her tight, he reached across to the bedside table and located the pack of condoms she’d left there earlier. He grabbed one and used his teeth to open it. She wasn’t fighting him anymore, her gaze fixed on the condom, her wet sex rubbed the underside of his cock as he rolled the condom down.
He maneuvered her back down on to the bed and straddled her. ‘I want to hear you say it, Robyn, I want to hear you tell me to fuck you.’
‘Why? You’re going to do it anyway.’
‘No, I’m not. This has to be because we both want it. No going back, no pretending you just went along with me.’
She groaned. ‘Dakota, this is just a fuck, not a commitment. We don’t have to sign a treaty or anything.’
‘Hell, I know that, but it still has to be right for both of us.’
‘You and your inconvenient morals.’
He leant forward and kissed her slowly until she relaxed against him, her arms cradling his neck. He reversed the position of their legs and knelt between her thighs. The crown of his shaft was a breath away from her pussy. He angled his cock against her clit.
‘Tell me you want it.’
Her eyes narrowed. ‘Dakota . . .’
He rocked a little harder until her gaze started to lose focus. ‘Tell me.’ Holding his lower body steady, he kissed her until she moaned into his mouth. He positioned his cock against her slick entrance, held her hips when she tried to lift herself onto him.

, I want you.’
Dakota let out his breath and slid the first inch of his cock inside her. ‘Tell me again.’
She grabbed at his forearms, tried to lever herself higher.
‘Tell me exactly what you want,’ he said.
Robyn set her teeth. God, why was he tormenting her like this? Why couldn’t he just fuck her? His cock felt so big inside her, but she wanted it all. Trust Dakota to have a set of rules for everything. He wanted it all on his terms and for once it seemed he was going to get his way.
‘All right! I want your cock.’
‘Good answer, honey.’ He eased in another inch, kept her from moving even as her body started to respond. ‘How much cock?’
Robyn closed her eyes. It seemed she was desperate and brazen enough to beg after all. ‘All of it, right in me, hard and fast. Do it. Do me. Right now. Please.’
He was hot on good manners so that ought to work. She moaned as he slid deeper and stretched her wide with the surge of his hard flesh. He rocked his hips and slid a hand beneath her ass, pressing himself even deeper.
‘Yeah, that’s good, honey, nice and tight and wet for me.’
She closed her eyes against the allure of his voice and held on. His finger settled over her clit and circled the hardened flesh. A climax rushed through her, taking her by surprise.
He nipped her ear. ‘I love the way you do that, come so fast for me. When we get real comfortable together I reckon I’ll make you come just with my mouth on your breasts.’ Inside her, his cock seemed to grow, the persistent hard throb echoed by the pulse of her clit and rapid heartbeat. ‘I want to stay like this for ever, just feeling you around my cock, but I have to move. I have to come inside you.’
He drew back, reared over her, the expression on his face so intense, so full of lust that she couldn’t look away. For a man who took life so easily, he sure was passionate about sex. He eased back, the muscles in his upper arms bunching as he took his weight and withdrew his cock. She heard herself whimper and clutched his arms. His smile was devastating.
‘Don’t worry, honey, I’m not going anywhere.’
He pushed back inside her, kept thrusting as she drew her legs up, her feet settling against his pumping hips, opening herself fully to the power of his body on her most sensitive flesh. She came again but he didn’t slow down, just drove her through it and sent her even higher until she climbed to new levels of pleasure she’d never realized existed.
His mouth remained over hers, taking her breath, holding her chained to his rhythm and his demands. She bit his lip as she climaxed again but he didn’t release her mouth. The taste of sex mingled with his blood, his sweat and saliva . . . her need. This wasn’t just sex, this was like being devoured alive and enjoying it.
Without breaking the kiss, he slid his hands under her knees, brought her heels over his shoulders and knelt up. His cock pressed hard on her G-spot, the angle so acute that she could do nothing to stop him filling her so deeply it was almost painful. She climaxed, crying out his name, felt him shudder and buck beneath her hands as he fought to keep thrusting.
‘I’m coming, honey. God, I’m coming so deep inside you.’
Robyn stared up at him: his breathing was shallow, his face a mask of agonized delight as he let go. His cock jerked and tried to thrust deeper, setting off another climax of her own. He slumped over her, his face buried in her shoulder, his whole body shaking.
She let him lie there, his weight crushing her, his sweat against her skin, cock still buried deep inside her. Had she ever felt so satisfied before? Had any man given her that many orgasms in one fuck?
After a moment he rolled off her, disposed of the condom in the trash and lay on his back.
‘That was fucking fantastic.’
Robyn continued to stare at the ceiling, a familiar clench of fear flowered in her gut. Would he critique her performance now like Damien used to or, even worse, get up and leave without another word? She didn’t think she could bear to listen to another list of her inadequacies. She sat up. ‘We should go get the laundry.’
She attempted to slide off the side of the bed but Dakota was too quick for her. He caught her shoulder. One heavy thigh across hers prevented her escape.
‘Where’s the fire, honey?’
She stared at him, bit at her lower lip to stop it trembling.
His expression intensified. ‘Was I that bad?
‘You know you weren’t.’
‘Did I hurt you?’
He cupped her chin with his hand, his hazel eyes steady on hers. ‘Then what’s up?’
She tried to shrug, difficult when she was pressed into the pillows. ‘Nothing. I just thought we should go get the laundry before it’s too late.’
‘Bullshit.’ His mouth tightened. ‘If you still have the energy to walk out of here and do laundry, I didn’t do my job right.’
‘Don’t get all macho on me, you did fine.’
‘Where I come from,
is an insult.’ He kissed her, his tongue probing her mouth, and she felt her body respond to him. ‘I want you so exhausted by my lovemaking that you can’t think, let alone walk.’
‘Dakota . . .’
He kissed her again, his mouth demanding and possessive, his body moving against hers in all its aroused naked glory.
‘You don’t have to prove anything . . .’
His hand slid between her legs and cupped her mound. ‘Yeah, I do. You’re still talking.’ His mouth slid down her throat to her breast and settled over her nipple. She found herself sliding her hand into his hair to hold him right there.
His fingers moved within her making her even wetter. ‘Get another condom, Robyn, and put it on me.’
She arched back against the pleasure of his mouth to gasp: ‘I’m not your slave.’
His teeth closed around her nipple and she shuddered. ‘Please, Robyn, or I’ll slide right inside you and leave all my hot come right where I want it to be.’
‘All right.’ She flung out a hand, found the condoms and grabbed one.
He knelt back, hands on his knees and nodded. ‘Put it on me.’
Robyn stared at his erection, the condom ready in her hand. She leant forward and licked the swollen crown. Dakota sucked in a breath and his hand clenched on her shoulder.
‘God, woman, you’re so hot. I want to come into your mouth and your pussy at the same time.’
He really did want her. She could hear it in his words and the gruffness of his voice. Emboldened, she licked him again, sucked on the first couple of inches of his shaft until he groaned.
‘Yeah, that’s good, do it again, make me even bigger for you.’
She moved closer and took more of him, her hands gripping his thighs for balance as he surged into her. She’d always avoided sucking Damien’s cock because he’d forced himself down her throat, making her feel as if she would choke. Even though Dakota was bigger, he let her set her own pace, let her lead, let her slide him slowly down the back of her throat until she’d swallowed him all.
His hands reached to fondle her breasts, drawing her nipples tighter. She tried to look up at him, could only see his chest and his glorious six-pack abs. His hand tightened in her hair and she stopped sucking.
‘Let me finish inside you. This was meant to be for you, honey, not me.’
She released his cock and helped him cover himself with a condom. With a grin, he brought her to sit on his lap, his shaft sandwiched between their bellies. She sighed as his mouth met hers in a gentle kiss. He lifted her up and settled her down over his cock.
‘So why did you want to do laundry?’
Robyn opened her eyes. ‘Are you still thinking about that?’
‘Yeah.’ He rotated his hips, made her gasp. ‘Yeah, I am. If I didn’t hurt or disgust you, why did you want to get out of my bed so fast?’
‘It’s not your bed.’
She smoothed her hands down over his shoulders, mentally testing his strength, enjoying the heat blazing from his sweat-soaked skin. It was hard to concentrate when inside her his cock throbbed, sending millions of little nerve endings into a frenzy of need. Reluctantly she cleared her throat.
‘The guy I was with before . . .’
‘The same guy who couldn’t handle you having more than one orgasm?’
‘Yeah, that one. He said I was shit in bed.’
Robyn stole a look at Dakota. Would she see the truth on his face? Would she be able to detect the lie she knew was coming?
‘Fuck that.’
His hands closed around her waist and he rolled her beneath him. She gasped as he started to move hard and fast inside her. She tightened her grip on his shoulders as another climax approached. He stopped moving.
She opened her eyes to find him staring down at her, his expression fierce.
‘You are not shit in bed.’
Robyn swallowed hard and tried to shake her head.
He framed her face with his big hands. ‘Robyn, you are the most fantastic fuck I’ve ever had. I want to stay inside you for ever.’ He kissed her swollen lips. ‘The man is an idiot but I’m glad he’s an idiot because I’ve got you under me instead.’
‘You’re so conceited.’
He smiled. ‘I know, but then I’ve got good reason to be. I’m almost as good in bed as you are.’
She started to laugh as he pushed his cock back inside her and set her off again, turning her laughter into a scream of pure pleasure. His answering groan of completion showed how she affected him, made her feel powerful for the first time in a long while.
BOOK: Riding the Line
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