Right Side Up ((MMG Novella)) (15 page)

Read Right Side Up ((MMG Novella)) Online

Authors: R.B. Hilliard

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #Fiction

BOOK: Right Side Up ((MMG Novella))
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We had been in Kiawah for four days. The first day and a half had been pure heaven because I’d had my soon to be wife all to myself. Then my in-laws arrived. Marie O’Connell adds whole new meaning to the word cock block. I’m convinced the woman has a built in chip for hard cock detection. She should open her own business and call it Dick Deflators Unlimited. I had barely seen, much less touched, my fiancé since her family arrived. Every time I got my hands on Piper, Marie showed up. I was about to lose my cool.

“This is a pretty place. What’s it called again?” Ellie’s father’s date, Nexi, asked.

Last week, Ellie and Mac showed up at our house for a surprise visit. It turns out, Ellie’s dad, Sam, asked Ellie if he could bring Nexi, the woman, or should I say girl, he was dating to our wedding weekend. Nexi is three years younger than Ellie, something that bothers Ellie to no end. She is also annoying as shit. Ellie was afraid she would ruin our weekend. Piper was more afraid she would ruin Ellie’s weekend. In the end, I told them nothing would ruin the damn weekend, unless they let it, and to let Sam have his fun. I was now wondering if I’d made the right call. Piper’s hand twitching underneath mine was the only indication she’d heard Nexi’s question.

“It’s called The Sanctuary,” I answered.

Nexi gave Sam a seductively calculated smile. “Maybe we can come back here sometime, Sammy,” she purred. Sam leaned over and whispered something in her ear that made her giggle. Piper’s hand twitched again.
Yep, definitely a bad call.

Ellie was openly staring at her father with a less than pleased expression on her face. With a smile and a shake of his head, Max took it all in stride. We’d both tried to explain to the girls what Sam saw in Nexi. If I was a forty-something year old man with no wife and a grown daughter, I would have a Nexi of my own. Piper’s dad, Richard’s chuckle caught my attention. He, too, was staring at Nexi and Sam. His eyes shifted to me and he winked.
See, even Richard gets the Sam-Nexi connection.

When I was eighteen, my dad passed unexpectedly. Not even three months later, my mom started dating Evan. Evan had money and two kids who needed a mom. There was no room for me in Evan’s world. He made this clear from the beginning. In a matter of months, I had lost both of my parents, one literally and the other figuratively. Both hurt equally as bad. The day after I asked Piper to marry me, I called to tell my mom. She didn’t answer, so I ended up leaving her a message. She never called me back. It was times like these when I missed my parents the most, especially my dad.

I scanned down the table and across the room as Piper discussed tomorrow’s plans with her parents. Directly to our right sat Piper’s brothers, RJ and Rex. Next to them were Dillon and Ibby. To my left were Piper’s parents. Ellie and Max sat to the left of them and Nexi and Sam sat next to them. Kurt and Joss occupied the opposite end of the table with Cas, Garrett, Bobby, Sally, Sarah and Benny. Over a short period of time, these people had become my family. Less than six months ago, my world was completely upside down. Piper had disappeared, my job was a mess and everything was falling apart around me. Joss let out a shout of laughter at something Benny said and I smiled. Tomorrow I was marrying the girl of my dreams. After all the hell we’d been through, we were finally right side up.

“What are you thinking?” Piper asked.

I stared down into her gorgeous blue eyes and smiled. “I’m thinking about taking a detour on our walk back to the house tonight.”

Her eyes twinkled with excitement. “I like the way you think,” she said with a big smile. I glanced over and was relieved to see her nosy-as-shit mother talking to her dad instead of staring at us. “Don’t worry, I will handle Marie,” Piper assured.

Sure enough, the moment everyone stood to leave, Piper announced we would be walking back alone. I could tell by the look on Marie’s face that she was less than thrilled with the idea.

“Are you sure you don’t want to catch a ride with us?” Marie asked.

“Positive,” Piper answered.

Marie turned to me. “You walk her straight home. There must be no snogging in the sea grass, okay?”

“Mom!” Piper shouted.

Most of the table burst into howls of laughter.

“All right, Mom, time to get you in the car,” Piper’s brother Rex announced.

“I mean it,” Marie warned. “If you aren’t at the bonfire in half an hour, I’m coming to find you.”

With a smile, I said, “See you in a bit, Marie.” Then, grabbing Piper’s hand, I led her out of the room, down the stairs and out the front doors.

As soon as we hit the sidewalk, Piper yanked her hand away and pulled off her heels. “She’s so embarrassing,” she whined.

I waited for her to get situated before proceeding ahead. At this moment, I could give a rat’s ass about her mother or anyone else for that matter. All I cared about was getting inside my woman before I exploded. Her parents honked as they passed by and we both waved. The minute they were out of sight, I pulled her to me and kissed the shit out of her.

“Princess, I hate to say it, but your mother is a giant pain in the ass.”

“Tell me about it,” she huffed.

“She’ll come looking for us, won’t she?”

“You better believe it. Just ask Rex. One time she let him walk his girlfriend home from school. An hour later, when he still wasn’t home, she went looking for them. She found them half naked in the girl’s tree house.”

“I’m afraid to ask what she did.”

“She marched them both to the back door and knocked on it. When the poor girl’s mother answered, she explained how Rex and her daughter would no longer be seeing each other. She grounded him for a month.”

Pulling her close, I kissed her again. “If your mother busts us in a compromising position, will you still marry me tomorrow?”

“Cowboy, trust me, we do not want to piss off Marie the night before we get married.”

There was no way in hell I was letting her mother cock block me again. Not tonight. “Are you telling me no?” I could see her wavering.
Oh hell no.
“Don’t tell me no, Princess. I need you.”

“We have to be quick…I mean wham, bam get the hell back home,” she said.

Lacing my fingers through hers, I released the breath I’d been holding. “I know just the place.”

On my morning run, I discovered a hidden beach entrance two blocks from the house we were staying at. I remember thinking we would have to explore it on the way home from the beach this afternoon. I’d completely forgotten about it, until now. It didn’t take us long to reach the turn off. I was relieved to see no lights on inside the two beach houses flanking the hidden walkway. Directly in front of us stairs lead to the beach and ocean. To our left was a giant hedge and to our right were two steps leading down to a garage. A full moon was shining high in the midnight sky, illuminating the ground at our feet.

“I’m not sure this is such a good idea,” Piper whispered.

It was a great idea, the best one I’d had in two and a half days. Before her cold feet iced over, I pulled her down the two steps, pressed her against the side of the garage and silenced her with my mouth. She let out a tiny mewl of pleasure and I knew I had her. Wasting no time, I reached up under her dress, pulled her panties aside and slipped two fingers in. She gasped and arched into my hand. I teased and taunted until she was undeniably ready for me. Then and only then, did I release myself from my pants, lift her up and plunge inside her.

With her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms around my neck, I took her hard and fast. Tomorrow night, when she was finally my wife, I would lay her down on a soft bed and take my time. Tonight, however, with her meddling mother on our heels….this would have to do.

Tearing her lips from mine, she dropped her head back against the side of the garage.

“It’s been too long,” she panted.

As I held her against the wall, I tilted my hips up and ground against her core. Her breath caught, telling me she liked it, so I did it again. The third time, I went deeper and ground harder. She let out a loud moan and I knew she was close, so I gave it to her one last time. The sight of her beautiful neck stretched out, her mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure as I stroked in and out of her, was mind-blowingly erotic. I was so lost in this woman, it didn’t even matter anymore. She filled me to the point I never wanted to be found again. The sound of the ocean masked my shout as I poured myself inside her.

Once we caught our breaths, I slowly lowered her to the ground. After straightening each other out, we made our way down to the beach and the awaiting bonfire.

*     *     *


“I can’t believe
I’m getting married today.”

“Isn’t it exciting?” Isabella asked.

“I can’t believe you and Dillon snuck off to Vegas without us,” I scolded.

“I can’t believe she’s pregnant again,” Ellie chimed in.

“Have you seen Dillon?” Sarah asked. “I can totally see why she’s pregnant again.”

“In that case, why aren’t you pregnant?” Sally directed at Ellie. “If I had a man like Max, I’d be spitting out children left and right. The man is hot-as-shit.”

“He is isn’t he?” Ellie sighed. Sarah made a gagging noise and we all laughed.

After our quick and deliciously hot rendezvous last night, Gage and I caught up with everyone at the bonfire. While there, we learned Isabella and Dillon were having another baby. We also found out my brother, Rex, had a serious girlfriend, Garrett and Cas decided to name their agency Lash and Max was their new silent partner.

In the name of tradition, my mother had both my brothers move Gage’s things next door for the night. Needless to say, I think Gage was relieved to get away from her, even if it meant not sleeping in the bed with me for the third night in a row. I was too excited to sleep, so I spent most of the night talking with Ellie, Sarah and Sally. Ellie and I tried to pressure Sarah into spilling about Cas. All she would tell us is that whatever was between them was over and she and Sally were moving in together. Sarah asked about the day Dooley kidnapped us, and Ellie and I took turns talking about it.

“Weren’t you scared you were going to die?” A haunted look appeared on Sarah’s face. “I remember when my dad was shot. I just knew I was next. All I could think about was Max, and if I died, he’d be all alone.”

Ellie cleared the tears from her throat before answering, “I was more worried about Piper and Reyn, than myself. For some reason, I knew Max would come and save me.”

“Same here,” I admitted. “When Dooley first kidnapped me and convinced me Gage was a lying cheat, I was so lost. I almost didn’t care if Dooley caught up with me. When I was shot, however, it was different. I had so much to live for. There was no doubt in my mind Gage was going to rescue me.”

We talked a little more about that day, before turning in for the night.

This morning we hit the ground running. After a quick breakfast, all the girls had spa appointments, while the guys went skeet shooting. I glanced down the line of pedicure chairs at my mom and smiled. She smiled back and I mouthed, “Thank you.” She blew me a kiss. My mom may be a pain in the ass, but she was my pain in the ass, and I loved her. After pedicures, we had our hair and make-up done. Then we headed back to the house to get dressed. The bridesmaid’s dresses were a soft yellow color. I let each bridesmaid pick the style of dress they preferred. Ellie’s was off the shoulder, while Sarah’s was strapless. Isabella picked cap sleeves and Joss decided on halter. They were all knee length and gorgeous. My wedding dress was fitted through the chest and waist with a long flowing skirt. It was simple, but elegant.

Gage and I were married at five PM on the dot. The ceremony was a blur. The next thing I knew, we were being whisked across the street to our reception. Time didn’t slow down until after we cut the cake. That’s when Dillon and Isabella took the stage. I held back the tears while Dillon sang
Just Breathe
, but gave up and let them flow when Ibby followed it with
The Story
. The whole time we danced, my husband held me tight and whispered in my ear. We had been through so much together. It was a miracle we were both alive to see this day. Gage Blackwell was it for me, my complete and total end game.

When Ibby and Dillon broke into Van Morrison’s
Brown Eyed Girl
, all of our friends joined us on the dance floor. My heart was bursting with so much happiness and love. Gage twirled me in his arms. Then he dipped me and I giggled in delight.

As he pulled me back up, he gave me a soul scorching kiss, before whispering in my ear, “I told you I was never letting you go, Princess.”

If I have learned anything over this past year, it’s that every day on this Earth is a blessing. I gazed around the dance floor at my friends and family. Gage peered down at me with a questioning look on his face and I smiled.

“Welcome to the rest of our lives, Cowboy.” He laughed and then dipped me one more time.

The End

Stay tuned for Cas and Sarah’s story…


Many thanks to my editor, RC Brose and my proofreader, Traci Roe. Love you both.

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