Riley (The Kendall Family #3) (12 page)

BOOK: Riley (The Kendall Family #3)
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“I’m yours, Riley.”

The fire that appeared in his eyes thrilled her as he threw the blanket down nearby, knelt between her thighs, and crawled atop her. Jordan’s arms and legs closed around him like a Venus Flytrap, eager lips finding his, tongues intertwining. The head of Riley’s cock touched her pussy, slippery again with her essence. When she pressed down with her legs, he took the hint, cock sliding in. She moaned and pushed again, not wanting to take her time. He probably thought she needed to stretch for him and that he needed to go slow, but that vibrator he’d found kept her ready despite not having been with anyone in a while. But Riley didn’t know that. To her surprise, he was both forceful and gentle, but she wanted more of the former. And he wasn’t the only strong one.

With a show of lust-filled determination, she rolled him onto his back with her atop him, the motion causing his manhood to slide all the way in. She let out a thrilled purr that matched his delighted grunt. Then she positioned herself to better slide up and down, leaning back to ride him. His cock was heaven as it filled her more than anyone else who’d been in her, and for the first time she knew what it was to have no room left down there. The snugness made her feel completely taken, the fullness enriching every sensation.

Just when she didn’t think it could get better, he began to tug, twirl, and squeeze her nipples. She sucked in a breath as an orgasm burst through her loins and across her body. Trembling, she stopped moving, unable to handle much more. But when he pulled her down onto him and thrust his tongue into her mouth, she realized that losing her control was what she really needed.

And Riley took it from her. He began thrusting up into her, balls flying with the motion as he hammered away. Jordan whimpered in ecstasy and leaned forward to present her tits to his mouth, which closed over one. The familiar weight of release gathered again in her loins, which erupted with pent up fury that surpassed the one just minutes ago.

Stars flickered behind her tightly closed eyes as bolts of pleasure shot from deep in her pussy down to her toes and up to her scalp. A body trained for war was unaccustomed to this but reacted as if it knew exactly what to do. She was so caught up in her own bliss that she almost didn’t realize why his cock pulsed rapidly until he let out a cry as he came deep inside her. For a wild, carefree moment, she wished the condom wasn’t there, for it was the only unnatural thing in their display of wild lust, naked as they were beneath the night sky.

Jordan collapsed on top of him, not caring about anything anymore.

Chapter 10 – A Ruse

Riley woke to the sounds of birds chirping in the morning air all around him and wondered for a moment if he’d died and gone to heaven, where an angel lay beside him. Jordan rested peacefully on her back, one hand holding his, her face turned toward him as if she’d last kissed his shoulder before falling asleep again.

And she may well have. They’d been affectionate all night even while half-asleep. He sensed a connection with her that surpassed anything he’d felt before. He was thought by most who’d known him, even as a teenager, to be something of a womanizer, and he’d done nothing to dissuade that opinion. The reputation certainly hadn’t turned girls away. If anything, it brought more to his bed.

But he’d seldom been serious about any of them. Many were lovely, sweet girls, and while part of him loved that—because what guy didn’t, really?—he’d always wanted someone tougher, with more spunk. More spirit. More fire. Someone who understood what it was to kill people, which had only come up since joining the Marines, but his military service had only accentuated how flighty so many of the girls he’d been with were. That wasn’t so bad, and if he just wanted to get his rocks off, or forget about the horrors of war, that was perfect.

But it wasn’t something you did long term. And none of those girls had acted like they thought he was “the one” to them. He was their fling, the male equivalent of that old saying, that some girls you take home to your parents, and others you just have fun with. They came to him to get serviced, he knew, and he’d never minded providing the service. He’d certainly gotten good at it. Practice makes perfect.

He hadn’t wanted too much more for a long time, partly because being in the service meant not being home or with the same person for long. It didn’t seem fair to subject a woman to his perpetual absences or possible sudden death. He’d been to too many Marine services for fallen comrades, seen their girlfriends, wives, and sometimes children stood there bawling away that the guy was dead and gone, never to be seen again.

Nothing lasts forever, though. He was out of the service now. Had been out for nearly a year. And being around his family, especially with Connor nearly married and Tristan already so with a child on the way, well, it was enough to make him want to settle down. The funny thing is that now that he was putting down stronger roots, he might’ve almost preferred the flighty girls to someone ready to rumble, because he was trying to let that side of him go a bit and just be a regular guy. But he still had a spark, and now here was a woman who did, too.

Jordan stirred beside him, her eyes fluttering open, the sun’s rays just beginning to touch her hair as it fanned out beside her on the cushions they’d slept on, the blanket pulled over them, as much to keep the bugs off as anything. Even this early in the morning, the temperature remained in the upper seventies, the air humid.

“Good morning, sunshine,” he said as she stretched luxuriously.

For an answer, she pulled herself onto his chest and planted a deep kiss on him. He gripped her firmly, wanting to crush her to him, especially when she reached down for his swollen manhood. She purred, “I can see the sun isn’t the only thing rising in this meadow.”

He grinned and rolled her onto her back. “I really wish I had another condom.”

Jordan bit her lip. “I know that I’m clean. And on the pill.”

“I’m safe, too. Tested months ago and haven’t gone without a condom since.”

She traced his stubble beard with one finger. “After the day we had yesterday, if life, or death, finds us after a great fuck, then so be it.”

He laughed and plunged his tongue into her mouth, their hearts racing wild as they grappled beneath the blanket that was increasingly in their way until he threw it off, morning dew glistening in the grass around them like the drops of her essence on her pussy.

“No one will see us?” Jordan asked, glancing around.

“Do you care?”

She bit her lip and considered. “Fuck it.”

“That’s my girl.”

Riley’s tongue cleaved a wet path across her breast until flicking her hardening nipple, which felt so delightful jabbing into his mouth. Thrusting her hands into his short hair, she pulled his head down into her lush mounds while arching her back. And Riley lost himself in heavenly bosom. But more heavenly things awaited, and Jordan slipped her leg under him to show she wasn’t patient. He liked a fast woman, but one of these days she was going to have to let him make love to her. Best not to dawdle when someone could walk by, not that it was likely.

He climbed between her legs, his cock painfully swollen. The feel of her powerful legs gripping him inspired him to make her
to hold on like that. His penis caressed her soft flesh before slipping inside like a guided missile, headed straight for ecstasy. Creamy silkiness surrounded and contrasted with his hard dick. Riley groaned. She felt so much better with nothing between them. She grabbed his head and yanked him down for a kiss, tongue bursting in his mouth, and Riley got the message.

Thrusting deep in short bursts, he worked them into a lather, balls slapping against her moist folds. Moans of satisfaction split the morning air. And then a commotion of thumps around them caused them to glance up in time to see a half dozen deer bound through the clearing, unmindful of the raw nature on display.

“Mother nature approves,” joked Riley.

“So do I!”

They devoured each other’s lips again until Jordan pulled away, opening her mouth in a silent scream, nails raking down his back. She bucked wildly beneath him and Riley lost control, too, a spike of arousal coursing through his powerful frame, which tensed as cum shot from his cock, deep inside her.

A thrilled purr rumbled from her throat. “Oh God, you feel so good.”

He groaned in agreement and relaxed on top of her, spent and dizzy. Gasps of breath seemed the only sound now except the birds chirping away. They lay still for a long time, savoring every last moment.

“Time for a quick dip before we head back?” Riley asked.

Jordan wrapped her arms around him once more, rhetorically asking, “Must we leave?”

They soon rose, rinsed off in the pool, then dried each other with the blanket before dressing. The stroll back to Quinn’s house didn’t last nearly long enough, but they took their time.

“Back to reality,” she observed as Riley’s house came into view between the trees.

“Let’s find out if there’s any news.”

They passed his home, where nothing appeared to have changed, and then approached Quinn’s. The big guy sat sipping orange juice on the porch and patting Coby, who got up and ran for the Marine. Beside him sat Chloe, who said something to make him smile and shake his head. From her amused embarrassment, Riley had a feeling they’d anticipated the snipers hooking up. Neither said anything about it as the couple mounted the steps. They had better sense than that.

“We wondered when you’d come back from the meadow,” Quinn said by way of greeting.”

Riley cocked an eyebrow. “When did you know we were there?”

Chloe looked him in the eye, smiling. “I went to check up on you when you didn’t come back. Good thing I didn’t show up at the wrong time and catch an eyeful.”

The Marine laughed while Jordan blushed.

“Ryan called,” the big man said, gesturing at a pitcher of orange juice and two glasses. After an inquisitive glance at Jordan, Riley filled both of them.

“What’s the latest?” Riley asked.

Quinn replied, “He’s got a few questions for you later but they haven’t been able to identify the guy at all.”


“They found an abandoned car on the mountain and suspect it was his but haven’t proven it yet. Hopefully that won’t tell them more than you want them to know. I didn’t ask if you guys could leave town. Might’ve sounded suspicious coming from me.”

Riley sat on a swing beside Jordan. “Good point. Don’t need his permission anyway. We’re staying for courtesy, but not for long.”

Chloe asked, “Is it important to get to this Thomas guy quickly?”

Jordan said, “Sort of. He’ll want to hear from Jake, but we’ve got his phone and can pretend we’re him to some degree. But that might only work for so long.”

“That reminds me,” started Riley, “Thomas thinks you were holding off until today. And Jake is supposed to do it today. Have you heard from Thomas?”

She dug her phone out of her jeans to check. “We should look at Jake’s phone, too, and maybe stage some communication from both of us.”

Riley said, “I had a thought. It’ll be best if he thinks we’re both dead and Jake is alive. What if you send some fake texts saying that you’re in position or something. Then we’ll send more texts from Jake’s phone suggesting he’s ready to take us both out. Then we’ll wait a bit, send more texts from his phone saying the job is done, we’re both dead.”

“Yeah, but Thomas will want proof, meaning photos.”

“We can stage those.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “How?”

Turning to his sister, Riley said, “You’re pretty good at putting Halloween makeup on all the neighborhood kids. Think you can do some fake bullet wounds and blood?”

Chloe pursed her lips. “Not sure. Depends on what you have in mind. Close up photos won’t be the best thing.”

“We can avoid that. How would photos look?” Riley asked Jordan.

She frowned. “They’d be fairly close. But we could claim that Jake heard someone coming and had to rush out and didn’t get better photos. If asked.”

He squeezed her thigh. “Good. Chloe?”

“I can try. I don’t know what realistic bullet wounds look like, though.”

“I’m sure we can find some photos online. I assume that’s better than me describing it to you. If we can fool Thomas into thinking we’re both dead, he’ll never see us coming.”

“Where are you gonna stage that?” Quinn asked. “Your house is off limits.”

Riley turned to Jordan. “Does he know what my house looks like? If we do the photos here instead, would he know?”

She replied, “Only the outside. He’d never know interior pics aren’t from over there. And we could always pretend, between my text and Jake’s supposed ones, that we’re doing the job here anyway. You know, claim everyone’s left here for the day but you, so it no longer mattered, and you went into this house or something. He may never ask. I doubt he cares. Never did about details before.”

“Great. Let’s get started. What do you need, Chloe?”

She looked dubious. “Need to think about that.”

He got to his feet, Jordan rising, too. “We need breakfast so we’re gonna plan this out while we eat. Let me know if you need help with anything.” Seeing his sister’s apprehension, he said, “Don’t worry. Everything will be okay.”

She squeezed his hand. “It’s a lot of pressure. Your lives are riding on it.”

“Not really. It just gives us an edge.”

The snipers went inside and spent the next half hour making breakfast side-by-side, cozying up, exchanges kisses and feels, and generally being playful despite their next activity being faking their own deaths. That caused a few laughs and jokes about this being their last meal and if each other had any final requests, to which they both knew the answer. He made them omelets with cheese, cubed ham, tomatoes, cilantro, and mushrooms, while Jordan focused on jam covered toast, coffee, and a bowl of cut fruit for each. They fed each other as if their lives didn’t depend on what happened next.

Jordan hadn’t felt this good in forever and only today realized she’d been living her life with everything vital shut down for survival. She’d sort of known before, the way things lurk in the back of your head, but sometimes you get so used to something that you don’t really notice anymore. Her impending “death” coincided with the sudden rush of life into her from Riley, as if she’d truly died and awoken anew. Once the staged photos were sent, the man who’d been controlling her life since she was sixteen would be gone. She’d had no way of knowing that executing the man who murdered her parents would lead to this life. That death had been meant to bring her some peace, some sense of justice, and closure, but that had been immediately buried by the trouble she’d found herself in. A new life with new enemies, new wounds, and new restlessness.

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