Rise of the Fallen (21 page)

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Authors: Donya Lynne

BOOK: Rise of the Fallen
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"Gee, thanks."

"Oh, come on, you know I'm kidding." Sev caught
Ari's eye and they both stopped moving and just looked at each other.

Finally, Ari said, "You think I look good?" His
tone was serious.

Sev's mouth went dry and he nodded. "Yeah, actually I
do." Ari looked better than good, as far as Sev was concerned. His
thoughts tumbled in about ten different directions, all sordid, all forbidden,
all sexual. Ari was just about the finest male Sev had ever laid eyes on and
ever since he had joined AKM, he had wondered what kissing him would feel like.
How would he feel? How would he taste? Damn, but Sev shouldn't be thinking this
way about a member of his own team, but he couldn't stop himself.

The two stared at each with a hundred silent questions
flowing between them then Ari stood back, cleared his throat and chugged down
half the bottle. "He's an ass."

The abrupt change in direction jolted Sev back into the room
and out of his fantasies. He sipped from his own bottle. "Who?"

"Micah." Ari gave him a slightly bewildered look.

Oh, that's right. Micah had just kicked the shit out of Ari.
Duh. "Why don't you just leave Micah alone?"

Ari laughed tightly and leaned against the counter. "I
guess I just like the punishment."

Sev chuckled. "Hell, Ari, if you like being punished, I
can think of better ways to go about it."

"Oh, yeah? Like what?" Was that sexual innuendo in
Ari's voice?

Sev grinned, but decided to keep his thoughts away from the
fantasies plaguing him. "Shit, we could put on a pair of gloves and spar
sometime, for starters. I'm hell at the hand-to-hand."

"Really?" Ari turned and leaned sideways against
the counter as he eyed Sev with what felt like more than just casual interest.
"I didn't know that."

Sev looked down at the soapstone counter and nodded.
"Yep. I've scrapped with the best of them."

"So, what's your story? Where are you from?"

Sev loved the way Ari smiled at him then.

"Not much to say really." He didn't want to risk
freaking Ari out about his past.

"Bullshit. Everyone has a story, and the ones who don't
want to discuss theirs usually have the best stories to tell, so spill."

It was hard to deny Ari anything, especially when his
close-set, topaz eyes drilled him so directly. Sev could just stare at those
eyes all day.

After taking another drink, Sev sighed. "My life is
boring, Ari. I want to hear about yours."

"Uh-uh-uh." Ari waggled his finger and came around
the counter and took the seat next to him. "I've been thinking about what
you and I discussed at Four Alarm, about how you lost your boyfriend. I think
there's more there. You're more interesting than you think, Sev."

"You think I'm interesting?" Sev had been about to
take another drink and had stopped with the bottle halfway to his mouth as his
gaze shot to Ari.

The other male averted his gaze for only a second then
looked back. "Well, yeah, Sev. I do. Really interesting, actually."
His face flushed and he looked down awkwardly before meeting Sev's gaze again.

Neither said a word as Sev slowly lowered his bottle of
water back to the counter, his pulse quickening as he stared at Arion.
"Well, that's good to know."

Ari nodded, holding his gaze as he took a deep, steadying
breath. "Yeah."

"I think you're pretty interesting, too."

As he pursed his lips, Ari's face filled with a sense of
wonder as he glanced at his water bottle. The color in his cheeks deepened.
"Well, looks like we both think the other's interesting, doesn't it?"

Sev could hardly breathe. "Yep."

Silence engulfed them for several seconds as they both
fiddled with their water bottles.

Suddenly, as if a starting gun had shot into the air, the
two jumped off their barstools and dove toward each other, meeting in the
middle as their mouths fused together. The cut on Ari's mouth had re-opened and
the taste of his blood was better than wine.

Wordlessly, Sev's fingers began unbuckling and unfastening
Ari's belt at the same time Ari did the same to his. A furious give-and-take of
need passed back and forth between them, lifting Sev into Heaven. He'd been
drawn to Ari right from the start, even before going with him to Jackson's
apartment, but until now, he hadn't found a way to get close to him. Maybe he
should thank Micah for beating the living daylights out of him since it had
afforded him this chance to explore his attraction to the male.

Ari's fists grabbed handfuls of Sev's hair and pulled his
head back as the other male nipped roughly at his Adam's Apple.

"Fuck, yes." Sev said, barking the curse.

He stripped Ari's shirt over his head then rapidly shed his
own before both of them shoved the other's pants down. Twin erections pressed
together as denim pooled around their ankles. Gripping each other's ass, their
bodies slapped together hard. Sev grunted, claiming Ari's mouth again.

"I've wanted you since I met you," Sev said, his
lips still pressed to Ari's.

"I didn't know. I wasn't sure…"

"You and Io are so close. I thought—"

"I told you. We're just friends."

Breathless moans passed between them as their bodies ground
each other, their cocks rubbing together.

"You feel good." Sev pressed against Ari's hard
body, clutching his ass and thrusting hard against him.

"So do you." Ari's hand gripped his ass equally

"Fuck, Ari. More."

"Don't stop."

His pending orgasm tickled the base of his spine. He
couldn't believe how hot he was and how fast his climax was bearing down on

Ari groaned. "Oh God, harder. I'm gonna come." He
sounded surprised, but relieved, as if he had waited his whole life for this
and couldn't believe it was finally happening.

Words ceased, replaced by grunts with every hard thrust
against each other. Sev needed to pinch himself. Was he really here? Was this
really happening? He had wanted Ari from day one. How long had Ari felt this
way about him?

Suddenly, Ari's body went rigid, and he moaned long and hard
as he thrust his tongue inside Sev's mouth. Moist warmth spilled against Sev's
stomach and over his cock as Ari shuddered through his climax. In an instant,
Sev thrust Ari back against the counter and came. His cock exploded against
Ari's stomach as his body shuddered violently, the two of them pressed together
like they'd been glued front-to-front as their orgasms spent themselves.

"Unh!" Sev grunted again as another powerful wave
claimed him, and Ari's arms tightened around him.

When it was over, the two stood together, utterly still,
their foreheads tipped against each other and their eyes closed, breathing,
only breathing. Then Ari slowly pulled away and grabbed a wad of paper towels,
handing some to Sev as he began to wipe himself off.

Without a word, the two dressed, avoiding eye contact. Sev
wasn't sure how to read Ari's sudden silence. And it seemed Ari wasn't sure
what to think, either.

After fastening his belt, Sev downed the rest of his water and
grabbed the coat he had draped over a chair at the kitchen table.

Ari didn't move. "So…" Ari wouldn't even look at

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then."

Ari nodded. He stood with his palms against the surface of
the counter, his body leaning forward and his head angled down thoughtfully. It
looked like he had been stunned stupid.

The sudden biological need to go to him struck Sev like a
fist, shocking the hell out of him. Oh wow, what had just happened here? Why
was his body's biology getting in on the act?

"Yeah, okay then." Sev spun on his heel and
hurried out before things got even weirder. He rushed to his car and started
the engine, threw it into reverse, backed out then gunned it. He could pull
over and throw up once he got out of Ari's neighborhood, but not here, not yet.

* * *

From his window, Arion stared in fascination as Sev's
Challenger raced away. He ran his fingertips over his lips. What had just
happened between them? Was he gay now? Or had he always been gay and had only
pretended to be heterosexual? At any rate, no one could know about what he and
Sev had just done. No one. If Io found out, he would never hear the end of it.
And if his parents found out, they would kill him. Yes, this was a secret he
would take to his grave. What had just happened between him and Sev could never
happen again. Never. No matter how much he had liked it.

Why did he suddenly feel like he was only kidding himself?



"What in the hell were you thinking?!" Tristan
slammed the door as Micah followed him in to his office.

Micah spun around and yanked the door back open. "You
might as well leave it open if you're going to yell at me. Everyone will be
able to hear you, anyway. Let's just make it easier for them." He glared
at Tristan, meeting him eye-dagger to eye-dagger, challenging him without
backing down even a tad. No way he was going to let anyone question his
decisions where Sam was concerned.

Finally Tristan took a deep breath and calmly closed the
door, but it was obvious it took every bit of his restraint. "You had no
right, Micah."

"I had every right. She's my mate. End of

"No, not end of discussion. We have rules, Micah. We
have to live by a code of conduct and ethics about who and what we are. Or did
you forget that?"

"I'm not forgetting anything." Micah gave him a

"Josie's different."

"Yeah, uh-huh. Right."

"Hey, fuck you, Micah. This isn't about me. It's about
your total lack of regard for our ways and our rules. You've been through a lot
of heavy shit, and you're the best I've got, but I'm tired of bending the rules
for you. I'm tired of letting you get away with shit no one else can even think
about doing without getting reprimanded. No more solo patrols. No more running
off half-cocked. And from now on, you will follow my orders. You got

"Fine, but I patrol with Trace. Only Trace."
Traceon had firmly cemented his place within Micah's inner circle of trust
tonight. If he had to patrol with anyone, it would be him. They had each other's
backs and Micah suddenly realized he liked Trace.

Tristan looked a bit shocked, as if he was surprised Micah
had agreed, and so quickly at that.

"What? Did you expect me to refuse, Tristan?" He
pulled back, eyeing his boss. "You did, didn't you? You were prepared to
kick me off the team, weren't you?"

Tristan smirked and huffed before nodding. "Actually, I

"Well, sorry to disappoint you." Micah looked down
at Tristan's desk and saw the dismissal paperwork. Man, Tristan really had been
ready to let him go.

"I'm not disappointed, just surprised. I haven't seen
you like this since—"

"Katarina," Micah said.

"Yeah, since Katarina. You're different all of a
sudden." Tristan shook his head and frowned. "I don't feel like
you've got a death wish, anymore."

Micah turned toward the door, gazing in the direction where
Sam was in the medical wing. "It's her. It's Sam, Tristan. She brought me
back. I can't explain it."

"So she is. Still, you could get into serious trouble
for changing her."

"I don't care. She's my mate and she was dying. I had
no choice. I wasn't going to let her die, and I wouldn't have been able to
survive without her." He had been on Death's front porch, as it was. And
that had just been over a half-bond with Jackson. He was fully mated to Sam. No
way would he have survived her death.

"Okay, fine. If anyone questions it, you've got my full
support, Micah." Tristan held his hand out.

Micah looked at it. He and Tristan had been good friends at
one time, but that had been long ago. Slowly, he lifted his hand and grasped
Tristan's. "Thank you, Tris."

The two looked at each other then Tristan pulled away and
nodded toward the door. "Okay, go to your mate, Micah. Go take care of
Sam. You're dismissed."

Micah nodded then hurried out of the room and down to
medical where he pushed open the door to Sam's room and found her sleeping
soundly. She looked pale, but beautiful nevertheless. He pulled the room's only
chair up to the bed and sat down as he wrapped both his hands around one of
hers and watched her sleep. She was alive. His Sam was alive, and that meant

* * *


Micah woke from a light snooze then lifted his head from the
bed and smiled at Josie as she rapped her knuckles on the door again.

She feigned shock. "Is that a—yes, I do believe that is
what they call a smile."

"Hi, Josie." Micah stretched and sat up. He had
dozed off while holding Sam's hand, his head resting on the mattress.

"So, it's true then?" She ran her palm absently
over her baby bump as she looked at Sam.

"If you mean that I changed a human, yes, it's

"I approve, but then again, I'm a female and believe in
true love." Josie's dark brown hair was pulled back, making her large,
bright eyes look even more luminescent. "I heard Trace helped?"

"Yes, he did." Trace had finally left an hour ago,
claiming he hadn't slept in over 36 hours and needed to rest, but Micah thought
he just wanted to leave him alone with Sam. Micah refused to let go of Sam's
hand and Josie noticed, her eyes twinkling with delight.

"You love her." It wasn't a question.


Josie sniffled as tears blossomed in her eyes. "I never
thought I'd see this," she said.

"What do you mean?"

She came over and sat down on the edge of the mattress and
brushed his black hair away from his eyes. Josie was the only other person
besides Sam who wasn't afraid of him. Well, then there was Trace, but that
fucker was different. It had taken him a while to work up the courage to
approach Micah. These females had more bravery than all the males in the compound

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