Rise Once More (7 page)

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Authors: D. Henbane

BOOK: Rise Once More
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I got something you want, and you got something I need. You want this to get complicated for no reason?” I say.

Show me your tits...” Tatanka commands. I lift my shirt up, proving I am not wearing a wire, and then look at him with disgust.

If I was working to bring you down, why would I approach you in public?” I say.

Bring me down for what?” Tatanka says.

I don't want your meth.” I say.

Who the fuck said anything about that?” Tatanka asks.

The same man who gave me this.” I slam the spoon in front of him on the park bench. His eyes grow large, and then he grabs me by the shirt, pulling me in close to his face.

That bastard priest sent you! Alright, you wanna know what happens when you mess with a bull. You get the fucking horns!” Tatanka slams me to the ground, but I quickly get back onto my feet.

I'm not the one you need to fight. From what I understand, I can actually help you, but then again, maybe peddling drugs is all you're good at.” I say.

You got some balls whitey. I will give you that. Who am I supposed to be fightin'?” Tatanka asks.

All of them. The whole United States government, the very people whose forefathers stole your land, raped your heritage, and stripped every part of your culture from your lives; the same ones who sent your children off to Catholic schools to remove the savage from your tribe. Banned speaking of your native tongue, and almost eradicated your entire verbal history.” I say

You gotta be the dumbest white boy I have ever seen. Me and what army? My people are broken, the fighting spirit grows weaker with every generation. The fire of our determination dwindles to embers and with it the desire to keep going. The mighty Sioux, made slaves to your alcohol, and oppressed at every chance in life.” Tatanka says.

Who says you need an army? There are far more powerful things than armies these days, like I said before, you got something I want, and I got something you need. So please, take this olive branch, and just hear me out.” I say.

You got a nuke hidden in a briefcase?” Tatanka says.

Even better than that. Every facet of life in the western world is controlled by a complex network of servers, databases, and an overall addiction to everything digital. Just as you tried to squeeze money out of junkies to further your goals, there is a far richer junkie out there. One that is much more vulnerable, if you know what to do, and the consequences far more devastating.” I say.

So, what do you want?” Tatanka asks.

I want out of this town, I need to get past the checkpoints, and I am told you can get me onto the Reservation. Grant me safe passage, provide guide services, and then direct me to the nearest highway. I got a car, no need to waste your gas, if you can do that for me, I got a weapon that would make Sitting Bull proud.” I say.

Tatanka stares at me incredulously, slowly grinding his teeth in deep thought, when suddenly he stops moving, and stares directly into my eyes. I stand with my gaze fixed on my former attacker, beads of sweat streaming down my face, and I wonder if I have made a painful mistake. Tatanka tilts his head to the side, resembling an owl observing its prey from above.

“You got a deal.” Tatanka says.

Great, you drive.” I say tossing my keys at him.



The reservation isn't at all what I had imagined. I pictured small children with feathered headdresses, chasing each other around, while a mixed breed dog nips at their heels. Rustic wood fences, surrounding modern suburban split level style houses, with winding pathways connecting them all. The truth was a stark reality check, not only to my own ignorance, but also the fact I really should get out of the house more often.

The landscape resembled a warped painting by Dali, vibrant green prairie grass land, gutted down the middle by a ravine of barren desert hills, as if a flood had eroded away areas of a golf course, and no one bothered to reseed it. The lifeless bands of the earth's exposed layers below, made it feel almost alien, but the aging wooden sign inscribed in clear English reminded me that I was still on Earth.

Sporadic encampments dotted the landscape. Unpaved roads, bike trails, and well worn walking paths all interconnected like a dirt work spider web; rotting trailer houses, windows missing, and others without doors. Long abandoned cars, rest stuck in the mud, stripped of anything of value, ghosts, haunting the landscape like stone monoliths from ancient times.

“Your people did this to us.” Tatanka says calmly, while gripping the steering wheel, head held firmly focused ahead, avoiding eye contact with people along the road. Some asked for money, others just wanted to see a local legend, and a few tried to get his attention by flashing their breasts.

You're a popular guy.” I say.

I'm not, but my money is...” Tatanka says.

Money you got from selling drugs?” I say.

I don't like the way you say that. You see it as dirty drug money, I see it as a way to help my people, yeah the cash is dirty, but I do good with it. I buy baby formula, get people clothes, supplies, gas, and get peoples lights turned back on.” Tatanka says.

So you're Robyn Hood?” I say.

They don't call me that. But kinda...” Tatanka says.

The white buffalo... it isn't a street name for your drugs it is what you are to these people. You are the hope of a better tomorrow, a warm meal, and someone who understands, that is what I would call Robyn Hood.” I say.

I do my best.” Tatanka says.





You got your map?” Tatanka says.

Yes, thank you again.” I say.

Just enter the words
The Horns
into the command prompt, press enter, and it will ask you to click yes to proceed. Once you click yes, there is no coming back.” I say.

How will I know it worked?” Tatanka asks.

Oh, you'll know! I suggest that after 10 minutes you destroy that laptop. You wouldn't want some guests paying you an unexpected visit.” I say.

You are a true friend my brother. Too bad your skin just ain’t right for these parts.” Tatanka presses his fingers to his mouth forming a whistle. He exhales releasing a call into the open air, it sounds like an Eagle to me, but then again what do I know?

Soon a young boy rushes into the room, clearly winded from a long distance sprint. “Litonya, you go with this white devil, and show him off our land. Then you run back here as fast as you can.”The small boy nods, and we leave Tatanka to his business.


To Lovell In A Handbasket

The hum of the helicopter's blades buzz above Alex and Eve's heads, below them is the majestic Bighorn Mountains, evergreen trees congregating in dense uneven clusters. Thick, green grass covers the earth, speckled with purple wildflowers, an errant bolder every few hundred yards. Small creeks snake back and forth flowing towards the valley. “I see a bear! Oh wait there's another one. Look Alex!”

Alex leans over, peering out at the black animal resting below, and begins chuckling. “Eve, I think around here they call those cows.”

“Ok, so maybe you're right, but it's still very pretty here.” Eve says.

It is. Makes me wanna grab a banjo, and skin me a deer!”

You're really one to talk... You were born in Missouri.” Eve says.

You had to go there woman?”

Are we almost there? My ears feel like they are full of water.” Eve says.

That’s the altitude change getting to ya. Don’t worry once we touch down, the feeling will go away. Try yawning, it tends to help.”

The mountains slip away into the horizon, the terrain of the Bighorn basin is very different from the lush green mountain pastures. The soil is barren in most spots, with the exception of irrigated fields of crops, and the landscape is coated with Sage brush. They fly quickly over multicolored bands of dirt, long eroded by the hands of time, leaving behind jagged terraces of sandstone deposits.

The road leading to the airstrip is chained off, with a large sign informing any visitors that this land belongs to the United States Air Force, and access is denied to unauthorized personnel. A portly man steps out from a drab-colored building, partially shielding himself from the blowing sand, and waves up at them. “They all wear those sunglasses; they all wanna be top gun.” Alex says.

Welcome to Wyoming Alex, and looks like you brought a visitor. Follow me inside, and we can talk.” Erik says.



Been a long time Alex. Good to see your staying in shape, wish I could say the same.”

It's the branch you chose that did it to you. You should have come to Africa with me, but I suppose Susan would have had a fit.” Alex says.

Do you really blame her man? Things changed fast after Katie was born. Susan was okay with me being a military man, but she wanted me at a desk job.”

I would love to catch up man, but we are pressed for time. Do you know where I can find her?” Alex says.

Erik rubs his forehead nervously, looks at the floor, and lets out a deep breathe. “You took an oath Erik, all of us did, and sometimes you have to hold the line even if you disagree about where it is drawn.”

“I can't do it Alex... That's my wife's family, and if anything goes wrong. I won't be able to look my wife in the eyes for the rest of my life.” Erik says.

Tell me Erik, they aren't sending in a force, just little ol' me, and I am not going to let anything happen. I swear to you, I will take a bullet before I let anyone else get hurt. I will give you 24 hours. Create an excuse, and get your wife's family out of there. Take them fishing, or an unexpected shopping trip, whatever you need to do. I will head out there, scout the area, confirm she is there, and then bring her in once everyone is gone.”

Please Erik, that's my mother, and I want her alive. Alex doesn't even have a gun on him, please help us.” Eve says.

It really is a small world after all. Alex, I don't know how you plan to pull this off, especially with her here, but looks like you are going to have a bunch of pissed of women if you screw this up. I will write the address down, there is a rental car outside for you to use, and you can't make a move until I get the others off site.” Erik says.

You got it man, no screw ups, but I suggest you move fast.” Alex shakes Erik's hand, and gives him a encouraging nod. “Let's go Eve; we got a lot of work to do.”

Thank you Erik.” Eve says as she gives him a big hug.



Eve's stomach has been increasingly tightening since landing, and the reality of the situation wears heavily on her heart. She can't shake the doubt in her mind about Alex, and how much is riding on getting this right. The hot dry air from the valley isn't helping her adjust to her new surroundings.

She thinks back to her childhood, and tries to remember the names of her distant cousins. Her mom had always been the black sheep of the family, and she chose to step away from her family's faith. She can recall overhearing her grandmother preaching about their eternal damnation, and how they needed to go back to church.

There were times when her mom made half-hearted attempts to regain her faith, but all of that was shattered after the accident that took her father's life. Trixie had found a new faith, one that didn't call for forgiveness, but strict self-discipline. The military brought out her deep sadist desires to watch others suffer, to atone for the pain she was feeling. Eve knew in her heart, that no amount of pain would ever ease her mother's suffering.

“What are you doing? This is a motel.” Eve says.

Exactly, time to get a little rest while Erik takes care of his end. Aren't you hungry?” Alex asks.

Not really...”

Well sit tight I'll be back in a few minutes.” Alex walks into the dusty old hotel to secure a room for the night. Eve shuffles in the car seat, attempting to make herself somewhat comfortable. Just as she starts to relax the hunger pains capture her attention. Perhaps Alex was right; she needed some food, and a little rest.

Alex returns, and like a true gentlemen he opens the door for Eve. “Aren't you laying it on awfully thick? This isn't the old west, and chivalry is dead.” Eve says sarcastically.

“You are wrong again Eve, this is in fact the old west. Bufallo Bill called a town just west of here home, they named it after him. Now, how about something to eat?” Alex persistently asks as he unlocks the motel room door. Eve enters the room, and looks the rustic décor over.

I take it the dead deer on the wall is supposed to tie the whole room together?”

Eve, just make the best of it will ya? This isn't a town with a lot of options, it was here or a cabin on the campgrounds. Then again, we can always head over there; the cabins are single beds only.” Alex shoots a wink towards Eve.

I am sure you would like that wouldn't you?” Eve says.

Can't blame me for trying... I am going to get us something to eat, you stay here and relax.”

I'm starving, but I don't feel like eating anything.” Eve says.

Well, how about some ice cream? Even a weak stomach can handle some ice cream. Butterscotch and vanilla malt, if I remember correctly?”

I'm impressed. You do know something about me.” Eve says.

It was our first date, how could I ever forget?”

Yeah... It was, wasn't it?” Eve replies with a nostalgic laugh.

I will be right back; don't fall asleep on me now.” Alex steps out into the parking lot, and makes his way to the car. Along the way he spots a young man selling fossils near the motels office. The young man couldn't be more than 23; his appearance is disheveled, and reeks of marijuana smoke. “What ya got for sale bro?” Alex asks.

I got ammonites, trilobites, and devil's toe nails. A buck each man.”

I want some roofies.” Alex says.

Roofies? I don't know nothing about no roofies man. I gots these fossil I gotta sell man, have you seen these under a black light man. Will blow your mind bro!”

Hey! Where is the nearest ice cream shop?” Alex asks.

Just down the street man. Called the sweet tooth shop, they gots the best ice cream in town bro.”

You're higher than a kite right now, your eyes are bloodshot, and you can't form a concrete thought to save your life. You and I both know you have some roofies, so stop beating around the bush, and sell me a few. I know you might be saving them to possibly get laid tonight, but I actually need them, so help a guy out eh?” Alex says.

I feel you man, I do, a man has to do what he has to do, but in the grand scheme of things we are just specs of dust. That land somewhere, but that somewhere is like important and stuff. So we need to stick together man.”

Give me the roofies, I will give you $100 to buy more weed, and I will bring you back ice cream.” Alex says.

No shit man! Dude, I love you man, can I have peanuts? No. Not just peanuts, but I mean like everything on it. Bacon...gummy bears....sprinkles...and...that one stuff. I can't think of the name. OH YEAH! Avocado bro... Yeah the green stuff.”

You got it man, give me the pills.” Alex says.



Alex sits in the rental car with a malt between his legs, and crushes the tablets into a fine powder. Erik was right; there is no way to resolve this with Eve present, and desperate times call for desperate measures. Alex looks towards the motel room window nervously, and pours the powder into the malt. Alex gathers the food hastily, and opens the motel room door.

“Who were you talking to?” Eve asks.

Just getting directions.” Alex hastily replies.

Ha! A man actually asking for directions, I should have gotten it on video.” Eve says playfully.

Laugh it up. Being snarky has always been your strong point. Here eat something before your blood sugar gets too low. I am starting to really worry about you.” Alex says.

My knight in shining armor here to protect me as always.” Eve says as she grabs the malt from Alex's hands. Eve takes a spoonful into her mouth, and the taste of butterscotch reminds her of a much happier time.



Here ya go pumpkin!” Ben says.

I love you daddy!” Eve says.

Nothing but the best for my little trooper. One strawberry shake for you, and a butterscotch malt for me.” Ben says.

Ewww. Butter ice cream, strawberry is better.” Eve says.

You know, I said the same thing to my dad, but he knew the secret...” Ben says.

What secret?” Eve asks.

Taste it. Then you will know the secret.” Ben says. Eve hesitantly reaches across the table, and scoops up a portion from her father's glass. Slowly bringing it towards her, reluctantly she shoves the spoon in her mouth. Eve looks across the table at her father, a raised eye brow of doubt, that quickly turns to a smile of approval.

I like it.” Eve says.

I knew you would, and now you know the secret.” Ben says.

What's the secret daddy?” Eve says.

The secret is... Just because you think you know everything, well, you don't.” Ben says.

Did grandpa know the secret?” Eve asks.

Yes he did, and now you do too.” Ben says.



Alex, have I ever told you why I love butterscotch?” Eve says.

No, please tell me...” Alex says.

Cuz, my daddy did...” Eve says as she falls unconscious onto the pillow. Alex covers her with a blanket, kissing her gently on the forehead, and tucking her hair behind her ear. Alex walks across the room, and reaches into his bags side pocket. Alex withdraws his hand gun, and places it the fold of his back.

I'm sorry Eve.”

The red dirt hills of the Bighorn basin rise tall above Alex, as he pulls around a bend in the road. The desert scene has quickly given way to a lush green canopy of cottonwood trees. The trees tower above him more than forty feet in the mountain air. A river flows near his side, like his canine companion George, sometimes disappearing from sight, but always returning faithfully.

Alex spots an abandoned oil field site, and takes note of the address marker. “Almost there.” Alex says, with a tone of uneasiness. Of all the missions he has ever served upon none give him a sense of easiness about the situation, but never has he had so much to lose. He has never been pulled into so many different directions before.

In the distance he can see an old farm house, windows covered in fine dust, and showing signs of neglect. Not intentional neglect, but one of necessity. The place had the look of a warm home, but a clear distinction between what was dreamed and what was harsh reality. He had seen this before, in Africa, those people did their best, but money was an ever present oppressor.

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