Authors: Lynn Hagen
Brooke knelt beside Willow in stunned silence. He wasn’t sure what to say. Thoughts came and went. Questions rattled through his mind and then disappeared. The revelation had flat-out shocked him.
“You had Garrett’s son?” Deluca asked in a tone that said he was just as shocked as Brooke.
At least Deluca’s brain was working enough to ask the question. Brooke couldn’t say the same for him. He had met Garrett, knew what the man was like. Brooke highly doubted the guy was a caring lover. He didn’t even want to think of Willow with another man. But Garrett? “Did he force you?” Brooke finally spoke.
“No,” Willow replied as she tried to push to her feet. Brooke could hear the shame and anger in her tone and wondered exactly what happened that this sweet woman would sleep with a monster.
“Okay, wait,” Deluca said as he got to his feet. He reached down and pulled Willow up and then took a step back. “Please don’t tell me you love that piece of shit.”
Oh, fuck.
Brooke hadn’t even thought about that. What if she did? What if there was no future for the three of them because she was in love with the alpha of her pack? Brooke could feel his future slipping through his fingers before he ever had a chance to enjoy it.
He stood and walked to the bed, taking a seat. Rubbing a hand over his head, Brooke felt lost. For the first time in his life he and Deluca had found a woman to settle down with, and they just might lose her.
She shook her head as she looked between the two men. “No, I don’t love him.”
“Then tell me what happened,” Deluca said. Brooke could hear the scalpel-sharp tone. His best friend was getting pissed. Brooke didn’t honestly know what to feel. He was still stunned as hell.
“Don’t take that condescending tone with me,” Willow fired back. “You have no idea what happened. So don’t you dare stand there and judge me!”
“No one is judging you, Willow,” Deluca shot back, but some of his tension visibly receded. “You started this conversation. I just want you to finish it.”
Willow yanked the blanket up higher, sheer stubbornness on her face. “Why, are you going to help me get him back?”
“Who, Garrett?” Deluca asked in disgust.
Brooke groaned. Sometimes Deluca was just too damn thickheaded. “The baby, Deluca.”
Deluca snapped his head back toward Willow, the anger draining from his face. “I just want you to tell us what happened. We will go after…Kell?”
“Yes, Kell,” Willow replied. Brooke couldn’t stand it any longer. He reached up and pulled Willow into his lap, wrapping his arms around her. He could feel a fine tremor under his arms as he held her, and all Brooke wanted to do was keep her safe. She obviously didn’t have fond memories of the bastard, and he was glad, even if that made him a bad man. He wanted Willow. There was no room for any other man except Deluca.
“He used me,” she said. “I thought he cared about me. He said all the right words, made me feel like I was something special to him.”
“Garrett?” Deluca said the man’s name like it was a bad taste on this tongue.
“Shut up, moron,” Brooke said as he ran a hand over her arm. He knew she needed comfort at the moment. And he was right. She leaned into his touch, and Brooke felt her relax. “It was before I saw him for what he truly was,” she continued. “But when I became pregnant, Garrett went into a rage. He hid me when I started to show and told me that if I spoke a word to anyone about the pregnancy or the pup, he would kill me. I didn’t say a word.”
“And when you gave birth, he took the baby?” Brooke asked.
Willow nodded and Brooke watched as tears began to gather in her big, beautiful, green eyes. “I fought him, even though I was exhausted from giving birth. But he told me that if I didn’t give my bastard child up, then he would label me a traitor, tell everyone I had mated outside our breed, and have the women beat me to death.”
“Son of a—” Deluca said as he sat down next to Brooke, looking just as horrified as Brooke felt. Who would do that to a woman? Did her breed really beat someone to death for mating outside their pack? Brooke knew prejudice existed, but he had never thought it would be among the changelings. They were a hunted species. If anything, their attitude should be the epitome of peace and togetherness.
Maybe he was delusional, but if he were changeling, it wouldn’t matter to him. As long as there was love, that should be the only thing that counted.
“When I told him he could kill me because I wasn’t giving up my son, he threatened to give me to every available male in our pack.”
Brooke and Deluca once again sat in stunned silence. What monster would do something like that? What soulless creature would take a newborn baby from its mother and threaten the mother with something so heinous? And Garrett was the father.
Never before had Brooke heard of anyone that cruel, and he had met his fair share of monsters. How could a father do that to his son? Brooke couldn’t even begin to imagine his dad or pappy taking him from his mom. Both his fathers would kill anyone who tried.
“Do you know where he took the baby?” Brooke asked.
Willow shook her head. “I’ve been trying to find out for months. But the only two who know are Garrett and his beta, Orlando.”
Brooke felt a heavy weight settle in his stomach. “Freedman told me your pack was raided. Garrett was among the changelings who were arrested.”
“Then I’ll never know,” she whispered as she clutched the thin blanket tightly with her hands.
Deluca pulled Willow’s delicate hands into his. Brooke couldn’t believe how small they looked compared to his best friend’s. “We’ll find him. I promise.”
Willow nodded. “I believe you. Brooke promised me you two would keep me safe, and you came for me.”
“We’ll always come for you,” Deluca replied as he placed a kiss on each hand. “Now tell me why you are so afraid to have sex with us.”
“What if I become pregnant?”
Brooke stiffened, feeling anger simmering around the edges. “Do you think we would become monsters like Garrett?” He was instantly crushed by her implication.
“I don’t know you, Brooke. Am I supposed to automatically assume you two would jump for joy? After what just happened six months ago, do you blame me?”
No, he didn’t. But that didn’t take away the hurt. Brooke had grown up in a home with values. Family was everything to him. There was nothing more sacred than raising a family and keeping them safe and happy. He still talked with his mother and fathers, and tried to make it home any chance he could.
But Willow didn’t know that. If she became pregnant, nothing on earth would stop Brooke from making sure Willow and the babe were well taken care of. Most people would think he had lost his mind moving this fast, but Brooke knew what he wanted and he didn’t hesitate when he knew something was right. He had imagined having a family with her from the moment he had set eyes on Willow, and that feeling hadn’t dissipated.
“Harmony!” Willow struggled to get up from Brooke’s lap.
Brooke tightened his hold. “She is with us. Harmony and Trisha are with Benito and Miguel.”
“Trisha is here?”
Brooke nodded. “When the werebears attacked the village right after you were taken, Trisha ran to Rick for help.”
Deluca chuckled when Willow looked confused.
“Rick, or as you know him, Enrique.”
“Oh,” Willow replied. “But I thought Trisha would hate me. She worshipped Garrett.”
“She was very pissed off that Garrett took you. I think her worship days are over,” Deluca replied. “Although she seems to have become attached at the hip to Benito.”
Willow scowled.
“Don’t worry. Benito is treating her like a little sister,” Brooke reassured her. “But Miguel is another story.”
Willow narrowed her pretty green eyes at him. “How?”
“It seems he is enamored with Peanut. From my understanding, he risked his life to get her away from the Death Squad, and now no one can separate the two.”
“Oh, hell,” Willow sighed as she pulled a hand from Deluca’s and rubbed her forehead. “I don’t even want to ask about the Death Squad. It seems I missed a lot.”
* * * *
Willow was getting a headache from trying to keep up with what had happened after she was forced into that car and taken away. She wasn’t sure what to think, but was relieved that her little peanut and Trisha were safe. She had worried about them while she was in the detention center. She thought for sure Garrett would take Peanut and put her wherever Kell was.
It was bad enough she had one child to hunt down. Willow didn’t want to think about having two to search for. Just the thought of Kell made her arms ache to hold him. These men had promised to help her find him, and Willow believed them.
They had promised to keep her safe and had come after her when she was in the detention center. She still couldn’t believe they risked their lives and freedom to get her out of there.
Maybe they really did care about her that much. It was a strange and scary feeling. No one had ever looked out for her before. It had always been her and Peanut—and Trisha when she came around. She had no man to keep her safe.
And now she had two.
“I want to kiss you,” Deluca said as his strong hand rested against her jaw.
Her lips parted at Deluca’s words and she fought to breathe as he moved closer, and then his heated, demanding lips covered hers, setting her blood on fire. Strong arms held her in place, Brooke’s arms, as Deluca gently pulled the blanket from her tight grip, exposing her breasts for both men to see.
Brooke pulled her closer, his hot chest bare against her exposed back. A jolt of electricity shot through her at the feel of the man’s heated flesh against hers. Deluca slanted his lips across hers, his tongue pressing, demandingly against her mouth. She could smell Deluca, that faint masculine scent that was all outdoors and predator—even if he was only human. The man held strength inside of him that had Willow’s cunt clenching and her juices flowing to be closer to him.
Willow felt as though Deluca were feeding her a drug. It was exhilarating, scary, but his touch felt like lightning and heat. Her fingers curled over Brooke’s strong arms, gripping them as Deluca ran his hand through her hair and then brushed it away from her shoulder.
Brooke dipped his head, kissing her along her neck as Deluca continued to kiss her. Her eyes closed on a ragged moan at the demanding thrust of Deluca’s tongue and the feeling of Brooke’s lips skimming across her shoulder.
The dual sensation was like nothing she had ever felt before. Their touches were tempting, promising passion even as they pulled her into a lust that threatened to take her under.
Willow gasped for breath when Deluca leaned back and took that strong, spicy kiss away. She wanted more. She didn’t want to give up what they were giving her. Having the two of them—even if it was just kissing—made her body feel as though it were coming alive for the very first time.
With a slow and sensual grin, Deluca got up from the bed and stood in front of her, unsnapping his jeans and slowly revealing to her his tanned, well-defined flesh that begged to be touched, worshipped. Her eyes drank him in as he pushed his jeans down and kicked them aside. He stood there with his cock hard and fully erect. The sight was so erotic that she damn near whimpered.
Willow licked her dry lips, wanting, needing to touch him as the intense arousal began to build inside her body and made her cunt throb with need. Her pussy was wet and her clit was throbbing at the thought of all that tanned flesh pulsing between her lips.
Willow wanted him in her mouth, wanted to suck his cock as she had his tongue, draw on him until he couldn’t help but to come in her mouth. She shivered at the thought of tasting his seed, of swallowing it down her throat.
Deluca moved closer, his hand brushing her hair to the side, and then he grabbed the base of his dick, guiding it to her mouth. Brooke’s fingers teased at her sensitive nipples, sending a morass of sensations down to her throbbing clit and soaked pussy. His fingers teased her nipples enticingly, making her head spin and her body ache to be fucked. Her entire body felt like an exposed nerve that pulsed with need.
Deluca moved his hand from her hair and placed the palm under her chin, tilting her head back to take his thick length fully into her mouth.
He allowed her the freedom to suck at him, to draw the pre-cum into her eager mouth from the small slit in the head of his cock. But Willow was still holding back, afraid of these two dominant males. She pulled back, Deluca’s cock slipping from between her lips.
“Don’t be afraid, Willow,” Brooke whispered into her ear, speaking her fears out loud. “I promise you we won’t hurt you. Deluca and I will bring you nothing but pleasure.”
“Open for me, sweetheart.” Deluca skimmed the head of his cock across her lips, painting them in pre-cum. Willow instinctively licked away the salty, spicy blend of Deluca and then parted her lips, taking the head of his cock back into her mouth.
“Son of a bitch.” Deluca was breathing hard and rough as his light-grey eyes centered on Willow’s mouth. She moaned and opened even wider when she felt Brooke’s fingers slide between her legs, pushing her thighs apart. The thin blanket parted, and Willow knew she was fully exposed for Deluca to see her pussy bared to them. She bucked against Brooke, uncaring anymore about what she looked like to them or how wanton she became.
“Behave,” Brooke slapped her pussy with the tips of his fingers, sending spikes of electricity through her already heated body. She moaned, writhing in his arms as she sucked and licked at Deluca’s cock, desperately wanting him to taste his come.
“God, sweetheart, the dark-red hair between your legs is fucking gorgeous,” Deluca said as Brooke spanked her pussy again. Her ass slammed into Brooke’s hard cock as she wiggled in his arms, feeling as if she were going to melt in his arms.
Never before had she had her pussy spanked and she found that she liked it. It was a thrill she would greedily encourage anytime the men felt inclined to teach her to lie still.
Brooke’s hands moved down her thighs, almost making her cry out for his hand to return. And then he did exactly that. Brooke’s hand slipped back up her thighs and his fingers began to massage the folds of her cunt. Willow spread her legs further apart, begging wordlessly for Brooke to slip his fingers into her juice-soaked pussy.
Brooke slid his hand further down her body until his fingers pressed against the opening of her pussy. Yes! They drew lazy circles, but never delved inside.
Willow whimpered in agony. God, that was good, so good, but she needed more. Why was he teasing her like this? She almost screamed when his fingers, thick and hot, entered her soaked pussy.
Deluca repositioned himself in front of her and pushed into the heated depth of her mouth with slow, measured thrusts as Brooke held her in place with one arm.
Willow was mindless now as Deluca’s cock stroked over her lips and Brooke’s thumb swirled around her clit. She could feel the sensations building to a blinding peak as her skin tingled, the pressure increasing in her clit as Brooke stroked around it, his other fingers delving deeper into her body.
“Suck it, sweetheart,” Deluca encouraged as his hand tightened on her chin. “Take me all the way in.”
Willow screamed around his shaft as pleasure burst inside of her. She was desperate as she pushed down onto Brooke’s fingers, her climax tearing through her as her body shuddered and Willow looked for any anchor to hold her to earth.
“God, that was beautiful,” Brooke whispered in her ear before moving around underneath her. Willow wasn’t sure what he was doing until she felt the head of his cock inch into her soaked pussy.
Willow stiffened.
“Don’t stop. Please, sweetheart, don’t stop,” Deluca begged.
“I would never hurt you, Willow,” Brooke whispered into her ear. “I would never abandon you or our child if you conceived.”
God, how she wanted to believe him.
Deluca pulled his cock from between her lips and stood there, taking in ragged breaths as if he were trying to get his body back under control. He ran his hand down his face, and then blew out a long breath before kneeling in front of her, catching her chin between his fingers and forcing Willow to look him in the eyes.
“Brooke is right, sweetheart. If either of us gets you pregnant, you better be prepared to have a long and happy life with us.”
Willow searched Deluca’s light-grey eyes, hoping, wishing, and praying they were telling the truth. “He said all the right things as well.”
She hated to see the hurt in Deluca’s eyes. She could also feel Brooke growing soft inside of her, but Willow had been hurt before, in the worst sort of way, and wasn’t willing to go through the agonizing pain again.
“What can we say or do to convince you we would never hurt or abandon you?”
“Let me mate both of you,” Willow said without thought or hesitation. It was the only way she knew neither would hurt nor leave her. The bond between them would grow strong and deep, ensuring that what they felt for each other now would never lessen or wither away.
“And what would mating us do?” Brooke asked.
“Bind you to me.”
“Then do it,” Deluca said with conviction. “Bind us to you because we are not going anywhere.” When Deluca got up and turned, Willow saw a long, jagged scar on his back.
“He got that scar from someone who was reminding Deluca that he wasn’t immortal.”
Deluca turned and gazed at Brooke. “Yeah. I was pretty damn full of myself when I was younger. The knife that gave me this scar slowed me down and made me think before I acted.”
“Are you thinking now?” Willow asked. “You have to be sure, because once I mate you both, there is no going back.”
Brooke’s arms tightened around her as Deluca knelt between her legs. “Sweetheart, I’ve thought of nothing but being with you since I first saw you. I’m sure.”