Rising Storm (10 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Brooks

BOOK: Rising Storm
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"When you catch up to this SOB you better whoop his ass before you take him to jail," Katelyn murmured to him as they approached the figure.

Marshall thought the guy better pray Katelyn didn't find him first. He watched as she leaned down and pulled the blanket back. Dani started crying louder and buried her face in Mo's chest to hide her eyes from the view.

Katelyn released some very unpleasant words and he knew it had to be bad. He looked over her shoulder and gasped. He had never seen a body so mutilated. The poor dog must have suffered tremendously.

"What happened?"

"Dani and Mo were out riding and the horses suddenly started acting skittish. Dani almost got thrown, so they came back to the stables and got me. We all came out looking for the cause and found him lying here. I think he was heading for the small pond to get some water. The blood trail shows he came from the woods. There were ATV tracks there. He was probably dumped as dead. We would never have found him if he was actually dead. Those woods are thick and we never go in them." Ahmed pointed to where the dog had crawled out of the woods.

The leaves were green, the wildflowers brought beautiful color to the countryside, but now it was all marred by the image of the dog under the blanket.

"Did the tracks lead anywhere?"

"No. I lost them."

"Thanks for looking. Let me take some pictures and gather some evidence. Ahmed, can you show me the blood trail and the tracks you found in the woods?"


"Katelyn, can we take the dog back to your clinic and have you perform an autopsy for evidence?"

"Yes, that's fine." Katelyn had lost the spark in her eyes. Now, her lips were drawn tight and her arms folded over her chest. She was upset and, by the way she kept staring at the blanket and chewing on her lip, he suspected she was getting angry, very angry.


Marshall spent hours collecting evidence from the scene. Dinky helped him canvas the area as Noodle took the dog to the vet clinic. Mo, Dani, Ahmed, and Katelyn had stayed and watched, their heads together the whole time.

Marshall needed to revise the situation. He was sure any one of them would kill the person responsible. It also looked like they were plotting something. Southerners had their own brand of justice and he needed to make sure they remembered he was the law and he’d make sure this man, or men, got what they deserved.

"Okay, we're done here. It's a nice night out, let's go eat at the café and talk this over."


The night was pleasant so the group took a seat at the table in front of the café. The sun had almost set and the town was basking in the last orange rays before night fell. The days were becoming much longer now. It was almost nine at night, yet the sun was refusing to give way to the moon.

The café was mostly empty as closing time approached. The shops had closed and families were sitting on their front porches visiting with one another. Kids were running around the houses farther down Main Street, hoping their parents didn't realize the time.

Miss Daisy came out with her ever-present pad and took their orders. Everyone sat quietly, reflecting on the afternoon. Miss Daisy was back with some bread and a big pitcher.

"Here you go. You all look like you need this."

"Thanks Miss Daisy. I know I sure do. We found another dog at the farm, but this time he didn't make it," Dani told her.

"Oh, the poor dear! Marshall, you better catch this guy and soon. He deserves a horse whipping." Miss Daisy had the look now too.

He better call Nuggett and start combing the area or he'd have the residents out looking with pitchforks. He grabbed the pitcher of the Rose sisters' special iced tea and poured a glass for everyone.

"So, how is the investigation coming?" Mo asked next to him.

"I'm working with Sheriff Nuggett over in the next county. I’ll need your help with some of this. We've created a map of both counties and where any calls have been made or any incidents have been reported. We're hoping to find a pattern and then guess where the fights could be. Some of the land is yours and some belongs to the Wyatts. I don't think we need to call in Will. Ashton Farm is farther away from the county line and so far the incidents are staying close to the line and haven't ventured far into either county," Marshall explained.

Everyone nodded and talked about the best time to look at the map. Katelyn kept glancing at Marshall out of the corner of her eye. They were all sitting close to each other and she could feel his leg brush up against hers every time one of them moved. To hide the blush staining her cheeks from the very vivid memory of their naked legs intertwined she took a large sip of the tea.

She looked around the table and saw that Dani was giving her a look. She raised her eyebrow and Dani shot a glance to Marshall and then smiled. Oh, God. Dani saw her checking out Marshall. She took another sip and refilled her glass. It gave her something to do that didn't involve looking at either of them. The tea tasted so good. One of these days she'd remember to ask Miss Daisy what she put in it.

"Here you all go." Miss Daisy brought out the dinner and placed it on the table.

"Okay. Enough of this sad talk. We don't get to hang out much, and I want to enjoy this beautiful night and try to get that horrible image out of my head. So, how about we change the subject? Marshall, are you dating anyone now?" Dani asked. She smiled when she saw the stunned looked on his face and Katelyn let loose with a nervous snicker.

"Um, no. You pregnant yet?" Katelyn got a close up view of a full smile that left her breathless.

"Touché." Dani saluted him with her glass of special tea and when she took a large sip everyone at the table had the answer to the pregnancy question.

"Your horses had a good showing at the Oaks and Derby this year, Mo."

Marshall shifted in his seat to look at Mo sitting next to him and Katelyn was thankful. The shift had brought his upper thigh to rest against hers and it felt so good. She took another drink and looked at his back. His strong, wide, muscular back.

"How are things going at the clinic?"

"What? Oh, good," she answered Dani and got a smirk back in return. "It's grown as Dr. Truett refuses to advance with technology. You know what they say about old dogs…"

"Very true. We took Brutus, my cat, to him once and while he didn't do anything wrong, I’d feel much more comfortable with you handling any surgery. "

"Thank you, Dani. Hopefully, he'll never need it." Hm. She really needed to learn how to make this drink, because she was feeling really good right now and very, very happy.

"She's a great doctor. Bob gets to come see her next week for his check-up."

She almost sighed when he turned toward her. His thigh left hers, but the full length of his leg rested gently against hers. She could feel the curve of his calf and heat radiating from him. She leaned back and felt his arm. When he had turned he had apparently put his arm across the back of her chair. His hand cupped her shoulder and he started to draw little circles with his thumb on the back of her shoulder. The heat traveled straight to her…Oh.My.God.

She downed the rest of her drink and coughed. Marshall smiled at her and rubbed her back gently, which totally didn't help. Marshall turned away from her and back to Mo and Ahmed. She poured another glass of tea and took a sip to stop the coughing. She looked up and Dani was bright red, holding in her own laughter.

"I thought you were nice when I first met you."

"Sorry, I'll be good, I swear." Dani crossed her heart, but Katelyn didn't believe it for a second.

"How are Kenna and the baby?" Maybe if she changed subject Dani would behave.

"Doing great. Little Sienna is rolling over and just started eating baby cereal. Kenna and Will just dote on her constantly. I never suspected such a big man could be so gentle. It took him a little while to stop holding her like a football, but now he takes her everywhere and she happily rides along."

Katelyn turned toward the guys when she heard their laughter but got distracted by Marshall again. Her eyes were drawn down to the handcuffs nestled against his back. She took another drink of her tea and thought very dirty thoughts of what she wanted to do with those handcuffs.

"Katelyn? Are you okay? You're all flushed," Dani said loud enough for everyone to hear.

The whole table turned and stared at her. Could they tell what she was thinking? Was Father Francis going to pop up and tell her to hurry to confession, because God knew after the thought she just had, she’d be saying Hail Mary's for a month.

"Should I take you home?" Marshall asked.

She was pretty sure that smile wasn't one of comfort, but one of invitation.



Marshall woke up and the room was still dark. Katelyn was nestled against him, her head using his arm as a pillow. He didn't know what he had done, but whatever it was it had worked. Katelyn was naked in bed with him again and it would be hard for her to sneak out of her own house.

He hadn't intended to spend the night with her. He was actually just hoping to ask her out on a date, but when he pulled up to her house she looked at him with such passion that he couldn’t help himself. He had leaned over and kissed her, and then things escalated. They had gone up the back stairs to her room, kissing the whole way. It was a night he'd never forget.

His stomach growled and he tried to quiet it to no avail. Katelyn said that her grandparents were at the far end of the house, way away from her room and that they slept like rocks. Meaning, he should be pretty safe. He'd just head down the back stairs to the kitchen and grab a quick bite. He pulled his arm out from under Katelyn's head. He missed her contact almost immediately, but it also felt good to get some circulation back to his fingers.

He felt around for his pants but didn't feel them. He got up and, as his eyes adjusted, he looked around the room. Katelyn had a very feminine room. It was painted a pale yellow and had white furniture with pictures of flowers adorning the walls. On the far side of the room was an antique-looking desk and next to that he found his pants. Ruffles had them in her big fluffy pink bed. By the way her teeth were bared at him, she wasn't going to give them back without a fight.

He decided it would be better not to wake Katelyn so he slowly opened the door and stuck his head out into the dark hallway. Not a sound reached his ears. He slid out the door and down the back stairs. He turned at the bottom of the stairs and peeked into the kitchen. He grinned and breathed easy again, it was empty.

He snuck into the kitchen and as he passed the doorway he cursed as his toe connected with something hard. He looked down and crossed himself. He had run into the freaking cannonball! At least it didn't go off. He rounded the table and headed for the large stainless steel refrigerator.

He opened it up and blinked at the light. He grabbed a bottle of water and was taking a sip as he tried to decide what he wanted to eat when the main kitchen light came on.

"Oh my! That's not what I expected when I came to get a snack, but bless me, I won't complain."

"Mrs. Wyatt!" He practically jumped into the fridge and tried to hide behind the door.

"I was just going to make some warm milk."

Marshall turned, reached back, and grabbed the milk. Using it to shield himself he slid over to the island to hide safely behind it.

"Here you go ma'am."

"Why, thank you dear."

He waited until she turned to get a mug and then made a break for the stairs. This was the most embarrassing moment he'd ever had to endure. It made Army hazing look like amateur hour.

As he snuck back into bed with Katelyn, he hoped Mrs. Wyatt wouldn't say anything. Surely she wouldn't want to embarrass Katelyn. He slid his arm back under Katelyn's head and pulled her near. Having her next to him somehow calmed him. Most nights he was plagued with insomnia or nightmares from the war. But, with her near him, it was as if she kept them all at bay. He felt at peace. He closed his eyes and fell asleep instantly.

Chapter Eight


Katelyn's head pounded. Someone had to be operating a jackhammer in her room. Her eyes ached and it felt as though she was chewing on cotton. She was also very warm. She cracked her dry eyes and looked right into the sleeping face of the man she had spent the night dreaming about.

Apparently it was more than just a dream. She bit her pillow and groaned. Why did this keep happening? She looked down and groaned again, this time with frustration. The sheet was covering all the good parts. Well, there weren't really any bad parts.

"Good morning, Doc."

"Oh, you're awake." She looked around her room and was seriously considering going down the trellis outside her window.

"I'm surprised you're still here." He eyed the window too and she felt herself blush. "But, I'm glad you are. I was hoping you'd do me the honor of going out on a date with me."

Knock, knock

"You’ve got to be kidding me! Quick, get under the bed." Katelyn shoved hard and caught a glimpse of the really good parts as she pushed him off the bed.

"I'm not going to hide under the bed like some teenager."

"Fine, then just lay there. No one can see you unless they come around the bed."

She saw him roll his eyes, but he stayed put. She grabbed her robe and went to answer the door.

"Good morning, dear!"

"Hi Nana, Papa. What are you all doing? Why do you have a vacuum? And why do you have a gun?"

"I'm on my way out to do some shooting. I just wanted to say good-bye to my precious, sweet, and only baby girl." Her grandfather showed her the twelve-gauge Parker Invincible shotgun and smiled.

"And I thought I’d just do some cleaning," her grandmother nearly sang as she plugged in the vacuum.

Her grandmother hadn't cleaned as long as Katelyn had known her. But that didn't stop her grandma from turning on the vacuum and attempting to vacuum the room. Katelyn bit her lip and looked nervously about as her grandfather smiled and her grandmother went straight to the far side of the bed. This was quickly turning into her worst nightmare.

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