Risk It All (Risqué #2) (10 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Finn

BOOK: Risk It All (Risqué #2)
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‘It didn’t work with him,’ Blaser said. ‘But we were great together.’

‘A long time ago,’ she said. ‘And I’m not talking a relationship. I’m talking about sex. I can’t have sex.’

His laugh startled her and when she caught sight of his smile, she folded her arms, wishing she could get away from him. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘But if you think that sex is what’s driving me… Lyssa’s told me to be patient with you and not to pressure you. I’m not interested in jumping your bones, at least not until you’re ready for it.’

‘Jumping my bones,’ she repeated. ‘What is it with Lyssa anyway? You all talk about her like she’s some sort of messiah, the girls in the club love her too.’

‘She’s a sex therapist and she takes her work everywhere with her. If you give her a chance, you’d like her.’

Suzette and Lyssa hadn’t been back into the club, but Colt had and although he couldn’t be classed as friendly toward her, he also hadn’t given her a hard time. Either Blaser had told his brother to back off or Lyssa had used some of her influence.

‘I didn’t decide not to give her a chance,’ she said. ‘She just… she’s so direct and… I don’t know, maybe it’s just because I don’t have any previous experience with therapy.’

‘You get used to her. I know that you and Colt have never been the best of friends, but he’s giving you a chance. It would be great if you could do the same.’

‘Give Colt a chance?’ she said. ‘He could come to dinner with us tomorrow, him and Lyssa.’

‘Colt at a table with Mattie?’ Blaser said. ‘I’ll ask him, but I doubt he’ll be open to it.’

‘Would you at least invite Gus?’ she said as he pulled into the apartment parking lot. ‘He’s family too, right?’

‘And you’re trying to diffuse any tension between Mattie and me because he’s making a move on my girl and I might take exception to that. You’re smart.’

Climbing out of the vehicle, she fished her keys from her purse wondering if she’d inadvertently discouraged him. But when she started up the stairs without saying goodnight he followed on her heels.

‘Bri, babe, I’m sorry if—‘

When she got to her door, she spun around and grabbed a handful of his tee-shirt to yank him forward. Shoving onto her tiptoes, she forced her mouth to his, cutting off his words and making her own intentions clear. Pushing closer, she relaxed her hands on his pecs and he walked her back until he squeezed her against her front door.

This was the same mouth that she’d learned how to kiss with when she was a kid. Every part of her remembered the first kiss they’d shared as teenagers. Blaser’s mouth was more practised than hers then, but he was three years older. Some kind of anxious energy had transferred to her that night and she recognised that same sensation here and now. As a teenager, she hadn’t recognised it for what it was: unsated sexual tension that wanted to explode. Much as they both wanted to heighten the intensity of this kiss, they had to smother that instinct because there was no chance of anything more than a kiss happening tonight.

With a gasp, she lifted her head and smiled at the flames flickering in his eyes. Movement to her left made her glance around to see a grinning neighbour.

‘Dax,’ Blaser said in acknowledgment, but Dax just shuffled past them holding up his hands.

‘I saw nothing,’ Dax said with a smirk on his face.

Dax ran away down the stairs and she took a breath, still squished between Blaser’s solid form and her door.

When Dax had disappeared and they were alone again, he asked her, ‘Why did you do that?’

‘Staking a claim,’ she said, matching his smile. ‘I want to, Blase. I mean I wish that I could… I have no intention of involving myself with any other man. My reluctance… it’s not about you… you know? I don’t want to play games, I want to be straight with you. Intimacy isn’t as easy for me as it used to be… there’s so much that we should talk about, that… I don’t know if it’s a good idea for us to… do this again.’

‘You said you wanted to.’

‘Yeah,’ she said. ‘Because it’s you and… it’s us.’

‘Ignoring what happened to you won’t make it go away,’ he said. ‘You have to work through it, forget about our relationship. You need to process it for your own sanity, don’t let those bastards control you anymore.’

Being in this secure stance the world couldn’t get to her. Blase made her feel so safe, while he was here nothing bad would happen to her, and she’d always known that. He’d been the one to make everything alright in her life for as long as she could remember.

‘After my failed attempt with that guy a few months back, I made a promise to myself that I would get to know a guy properly before I was intimate with him. If the guy wasn’t interested in taking the time to get to know me and be patient with me, then he wouldn’t be worth my time.’

‘Again, proving how smart you are.’

Steeling herself for the answer, she almost didn’t want to ask but she had to. ‘Are you interested?’ she asked. ‘I know that we already know each other pretty well, but… will you be patient before demanding that we get naked and sweaty? I can’t tell you how long it will take. It could be a day, it could be a year. I want to be with a man I can trust and rely on, Blaser. I’m so tired of bullshit.’

Stroking his hands up her arms, shimmers of heat followed the path of his caress which stopped only when his hands were on her face, holding her eyes with his.

‘I’m interested, very interested,’ he said. ‘Naked and sweaty can wait. I’ll keep myself for you… not that I’m inundated with offers.’

‘You’re not oblivious to how hot you are, Blaser. Women fall over themselves around you.’

‘Like I said, I haven’t had time for women.’

‘I’m flattered that you would take the time for me.’

‘You’re special.’

‘You have always told me that I’m different,’ she said. ‘What makes you so sure that this is right?’

‘I’ve known it since before you looked me in the eye,’ he said.

Such a statement was profound given how old he must have been when that clarity struck him. Older and wiser, he still trusted that instinct and she understood that innate connection too, so she couldn’t believe sexual attraction alone had tempted him.

‘You’ll come to dinner tomorrow and promise not to leave me alone with Mattie?’

‘You’re scared of him?’ he asked with growing suspicion. ‘What happened in the locker room tonight?’

‘Nothing indecent, I just… I know what his business is, or rather what it’s not.’

‘Legit,’ he said. ‘He’s not going to get you involved in any trouble. I promise you. No one will get away with hurting you, not ever, you hear me?’ She nodded. ‘Ok, I’m going to kiss you goodnight, then I’m going to watch you go inside. Tomorrow night I’m going to pick you up at seven thirty and we’ll ride to the restaurant together with Gus.’

‘One big happy family,’ she said and he exhaled a laugh.

‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘Enough about them and back to my plan.’

Lowering his mouth to hers, she parted her lips and held herself close to him savouring the sweep of his tongue and his embracing arms around her. Being encompassed in his strength let her relax in a way she’d been unable to for a year. Her attraction to him was as tangible as it ever had been; that had been obvious since Erika moved aside and Bri caught sight of him in the apartment doorway. After so many years apart she’d been unprepared for their physical connection to remain so visceral.

‘If I don’t stop now,’ he said, trailing his lips to her jaw. ‘We’ll still be here when Dax gets back.’

‘Where would he be going at this time of night?’ she asked.

‘I don’t ask questions.’

‘I’ve heard him going out at this hour before, he’s usually gone quite a while, we’ve got some time.’

‘And when you’re ready, I plan to take advantage of that,’ he said and took a step away. ‘Goodnight babe, go inside.’

‘I’ll see you in daylight,’ she said and unlocked her door while he watched her go inside.

On closing the door, she went to the kitchen window which she’d covered with drapes and watched him descend the stairs. In his profile, she witnessed the breadth of his smile. Special was certainly a word that she’d use to describe him too.

Chapter Eight



‘What’s Mattie playing at?’ Gus asked the next night while standing in Blaser’s living room buttoning his shirt. ‘Asking out your girl… wait, is she up for grabs? You might have given me the heads up first.’

‘Don’t even think about it,’ Blaser said, lounging on his couch. ‘Mattie played the family card, so we’re playing it right back.’

‘You know he’ll have a reservation for two, champagne in a high hat, the lot,’ Gus said, reeking of mischief.

‘You like to see your brother get his comeuppance, don’t even kid yourself.’

‘Won’t hear me objecting. I like getting a front row seat to seeing the arrogant jerk put in his place, he thinks he’s all that.’

Blaser stayed on the couch when there was a knock at his door because Gus went over to answer it. Bri thrust an envelope forth, but when Gus took it from her, she paled, clearly she’d expected Blaser to answer his own door.

Gus looked in the envelope. ‘I don’t know what Blaser told you, but I’m an even five hundred for the night. It’s more if you want to cuddle after.’

‘It’s rent,’ she laughed and examined his shirt. ‘Why are you half-dressed?’

‘I’ve not been messing around on you, sweetheart,’ Gus said. ‘I missed a button.’

‘Can I come in?’ she asked him. Gus stayed in her path and looked over his shoulder at Blaser for the permission she sought.

‘Yes, she can come in, move, idiot. I’ll kick you out if you piss her off.’

Gus laughed and moved aside, Bri came in wearing a brown dress that clung to her hips and flared to halfway down her thighs. Long, tanned legs were his focus and his mouth began to water. She came straight to him, dropped onto the couch at his side and rested the length of her body on his with her arm relaxed on his thigh.

When he lowered his arm from the back of the couch and slid it around her shoulders, she wriggled closer. He hadn’t been sure how open Bri wanted to be about what they’d discussed last night, but she was making it damn clear who she belonged to and that was alright by him.

‘Let me stick this in my place,’ Gus said, holding up the envelope. ‘I’ll write you a receipt.’

Gus dashed out and pulled the door over but didn’t close it. ‘I was supposed to come and pick you up, Doll.’

‘I thought that you might want to keep business and pleasure separate,’ she said, turning her body into his so that her breasts were pressed into his ribs.

‘You show up looking like you do and all a guy thinks about is pleasure.’

‘Is Gus ok with this?’ she asked.

‘Gus still likes to watch when his brother is humiliated, so yeah, he’s fine with it.’

‘Humiliated?’ she said and he regretted his choice of words. ‘I don’t want to upset Mattie. I’ve already got people after me, I don’t need to add to that.’

‘Have you had any more trouble that I should know about?’ he asked, touching a shining strand of hair that coiled over her shoulder.

‘That you should know about? No.’

‘I don’t like that distinction,’ he said, noting how she was facing him but managed to avoid eye contact. ‘Tell me.’

‘Marshall called,’ she exhaled. ‘Gary heard that… I’ve been made at the club.’

If that were the trouble she was worried about, then he could breathe a sigh of relief. ‘You’re safe at the club,’ he said. ‘I pay security well to make sure all of my girls are safe. But I’ll put word out that they should keep a special eye on you.’

‘To make me different from the others? They already think that you show favouritism toward me.’

‘After three days they’ve picked up on that?’ he teased. ‘They’re smart girls.’

‘Don’t tease me, Blase,’ she said, turning away.

From the way she moved he thought that she was going to get up and leave, so he was ready to reach for her, but he was in two minds about whether grabbing her would upset her. Except, instead of going away, she rested her back on his torso and closed her eyes.

‘I’ve missed lying in your arms,’ she confessed, bringing his arms tighter around her. His dick had reacted to the words before his ears heard them. Knowing that they were about to have company and that now wasn’t the time to push her, he changed the subject. ‘Gus is as suspicious as I was.’

‘Suspicious of what?’ she asked, twisting around enough to look up at him.

‘Mattie asked you out because he wants to seduce you.’

‘No, I told him I wasn’t interested in romance with him.’

‘Did you tell him you had romantic interest in me?’

‘I sort of skirted the issue,’ she said, laying her temple on his arm.

The peek of those eyes beneath those long lashes sent more of his blood south until he was solid in his jeans.

‘No skirting next time,’ he said, pleased that her chest was against him again. ‘Your actions tonight told Gus that you’re my girl. Did you mean to do that?’

‘He’s family,’ she said. ‘Maybe we shouldn’t flaunt it at the club.’

‘I have a rule against dating employees.’

‘What about tenants?’

‘Our tenants have always been male,’ he said, taking the liberty of touching her knee when she crossed her legs toward him. ‘It’s never been an issue until now.’

‘I hope it won’t cause you any problems.’

‘We’ll work through it. But once Mattie knows, all the club employees will know. Word gets around.’

‘I’m not ashamed to be with you,’ she said. ‘I’m happy for them to know. But I don’t think we should change our behaviour and parade our relationship in front of the Risqué girls.’


‘Though once we start sleeping together I might not be able to keep my hands off,’ she said, toying with a button on his shirt.

‘I’ll schedule extra break time for both of us.’

‘Dating my boss might come with perks,’ she said.

‘You ever done it before?’ She shook her head. ‘Then this is new territory for both of us. I’ve never dated an employee.’

‘Is Mattie going to cause trouble for you about this?’

‘Let him try.’

‘He’s the money in the family, isn’t he? How much sway does he have?’

‘Mattie needs me running this block or the place would go to shit. Gus is great at doing what he’s told, but not so great at taking initiative.’

‘But you have the garage and the club. So even if he takes this place away from you…’

‘We’ll be fine,’ Blaser said. ‘I can take care of you now, legitimately.’

‘That’s not what I’m worried about,’ she said. ‘I can pay my own way and shoulder some of the responsibility, but… I don’t want to cause more rifts in the family. We’re going to have to deal with a lot of grief from Gary. I would hate to disrupt your family too, and if Mattie kicks you out of here, then all of the family will know why.’

‘Don’t worry about my family,’ Blaser said. ‘The only one that we need on our side is Ruge, everyone listens to him, don’t ask me why but they do, and Ruge is going to be fine with this.’

Now she did sit up and edge away from him. ‘There’s something… something that you should probably know about before you talk to Ruger about us.’

‘What’s that?’ Blaser asked, shifting to the front of the couch and resting a hand on her knee. ‘Doll?’

‘He might not… I know something about…’

‘About what?’ Blaser asked. Stroking her pinkie finger, the contact didn’t prompt her to lift her head which caused apprehension to tickle his instincts. ‘The Warners will accept our relationship, no one is going to cast me out. You don’t have to worry about me, babe. Is that it? Is that what you’re worried about?’

‘Blaser’s the business brains in our family,’ Gus said, pushing open the door and nodding out. ‘Come on, let’s get moving.’

Gus’ interruption meant she didn’t finish what she was saying and when she shot up to her feet with determination in her spine, he knew that the mood of the moment needed for this particular confession was gone. As he stood up, he linked his fingers through hers and she let him take her out to the truck. Gus got into the back giving Bri her place at shotgun.

The restaurant was located in a nicer part of town, in the direction of Lyssa’s townhouse where she ran her practice from. Colt had refused his invitation, just like Blaser had said he would. As long as Mattie’s associations were illegal Colt wouldn’t give him the time of day and he wouldn’t want Lyssa associating with their cousin either.

Mattie would be inside the restaurant, no doubt ready for the seduction and Blaser was pleased Bri had been confident enough to ask for his and Gus’ company. Mattie was either trying to be funny or sinister. Either way Blaser wouldn’t have Bri deal with it alone.



Inviting Blaser to this dinner with Mattie may have been a mistake that she would live to regret. From the minute she caught sight of Mattie in Marco’s, she could tell that he was angry. The private table lit by candlelight was another clue that he had intended for this to be more romantic than he'd admitted to her. But it was because a part of her suspected that his motives weren't entirely familial that she'd asked Blaser to come with her in the first place.

Asking Gus to join them had been a smart move. Having only Blaser here would have put Mattie on the defensive and it would have seemed predatory. Now, with Gus here, the misunderstanding seemed more innocent.

‘I should've called ahead and changed the reservation,’ she mumbled to Blaser who placed a soothing hand at the small of her back to guide her through the tables at Marco’s.

‘Let him fume,’ Blaser growled from the corner of his mouth. ‘Look at this setup. I'm going to skin the bastard.’

‘Don't even think about causing a scene,’ she said just before they reached the table.

Gus had got there before them and was already talking to the maître d’ about a second table.

‘I didn't realise this was a communal affair,’ Mattie said when they reached him.

‘When you said family, I just assumed...’ The innocent tone was an act, but she hoped that he bought it. ‘Is it a problem?’

‘No problem,’ Blaser said before Mattie could reply. He swept her around and into a seat that was already at the table while the staff got the second table set up beside it.

‘Easy,’ Gus said when the staff went away and Blaser took a seat next to Bri.

‘I'm surprised you're here,’ Mattie said to Blaser. ‘Your precious club will survive without you for a whole night?’

‘Every man deserves a night off once in a while.’

‘Once in a while is right. When was the last time you took a vacation? Prison, was it? You weren’t sentenced to hard labour in there, were you?’

Bri knew what Mattie was trying to do, he was trying to paint Blaser as a workaholic who wouldn't have time for her.

‘I love a man with a sense of responsibility,’ she said and leaned over to kiss Blaser's cheek, much to his surprise, and probably the surprise of everyone else around the table. But she didn't see them, she only saw Blaser and the grateful, wondrous glow in his eyes that he didn't display in his smile.

‘I thought you two weren't together,’ Mattie said. ‘You look enraptured.’

‘We weren't flaunting it,’ Blaser said, bowing to kiss her hairline.

‘You're sleeping together?’

Maybe it was the disgusted incredulity he failed to disguise, or maybe it was the worry she had that Mattie might try it on with her at another time. But the response she gave was a total lie.

‘Yes,’ she declared.

The water that he’d been drinking might have come out of Blaser's nose, but she was too busy watching Gus laugh. ‘Classy restaurant and gutter talk,’ Gus said. ‘This is a great night already, Matt. How about you tell us about the last woman you fucked?’

Oh, Bri regretted getting riled. Tension brought her shoulders high and she hid herself behind her menu. A hand on her knee brought her attention to the right where she met Blaser's gaze. With that look, he reassured her, telling her that he accepted the lie and understood it. She appreciated his understanding, but that didn't remove the embarrassment. It might be a different story if she knew she could go home with him and ride him senseless, then it wouldn't be a lie anymore. But she couldn't, she just wasn't there yet.

And it was as the men discussed the menu then made their selections that she made her decision, she really needed to embrace help, and there was only one qualified person she knew who could offer that.

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