Riss (17 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

BOOK: Riss
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Good. Then I’d very much like for you to stay away from any locked places you see in my head. If you really want to know, I can’t stop you, but I’d very much like to have something I can surprise you with.”

Riss nodded.
He wasn’t sure, but he thought she was enjoying this too much. After her dinner, they walked through the house to see what else they may need to fill it. Their home was wonderful.

Chapter 14


Michael looked over his list and leaned back in his chair.
Things were moving along nicely for now, and he had to smile. In just over a year he’d have his men just where he wanted them. And all of them would be the better for it. Especially Tholan.

Tholan would be the hardest to bring to this. He
’d been so upset all those decades ago when he’d caused his charge so much harm. She’d long since died, but Tholan still kept the pain of it in his heart. And Michael was afraid that it was what kept Tholan from being the kind of man they all knew he could be.

The woman that they
’d picked for him was going to not just shock the man, but he’d be harder to convince that she was meant for him. She was the descendant of his charge, a woman, who, much like her ancestor, was hard to make stay still.

Do you think he will hate me for a time?” Michael looked at Boss as He sat in the chair across from him. “I know that you think it wrong, but she will be the best thing for him.”

Tholan will be upset, but I do not think he will hate you for it. Especially when he falls in love.” Boss nodded. “When do you want them to be introduced? Soon?”

Boss looked around the large office and
at the pictures of the woman with their protectors. They were in no kind of order, just their pictures. And beneath those were pictures of the protectors that would come to them.

You have them in a good order. Agon will come next. Then Galin.” Boss looked at him. “Galin will be hard. Someone will need to understand his humor. Do you think she will?”

Yes. There are times that I’ve visited her that I thought that she and he will not suit. But that is the point, is it not?” Boss nodded and then got up to stand in front of the wall of pictures.

After Galin, then I think Arryn. After him, Valyn.” Boss changed the two pictures that were not in the order He said and looked at Tholan’s. “He will be last. It will be good for him to think he is not into this scheme of ours. I think when his time comes, Tholan will not thank us at first but try to deny it harder than anyone. I think I will enjoy that most.”

Tholan will need to make some changes soon so that he is in the rotation.” Boss nodded and sat back down. “Who do you want to take his job when we send him to earth again?”

Boss laughed
, and Michael was nervous. Whoever it was He had in mind wasn’t going to be someone that Michael would like, he just knew it. And when He told him, Michael groaned.

You cannot be serious. Him? You would have him work on the rotation and the schedule? I don’t think you’ve thought this through.”

Oh, but I have. And he will be perfect. Tholan will be so frustrated when he trains him he might welcome a wife from earth.” Boss laughed again. “And how can he refuse me? I’m Boss.”

Michael was sure that Tholan would have plenty to say
, but he doubted very much he’d come to Boss about it. Michael could see a long road ahead of him when the time came. Yes, sir, a very hard road indeed.

About the Author


Kathi Barton, author of the bestselling series Force of Nature, lives in Nashport, Ohio with her husband Paul. In addition to writing full time Kathi likes to spend time with her eight grandkids, three children and three children-in-laws. She writes to rel
ax and have fun.

Her muse, a cross between Jimmy Stewart and Hugh Jackman brings them to life for her readers in a way that has them coming back time and again for more. Her favorite genre is paranormal romance with a great deal of spice. You can visit Kathi on line and drop her an email if you
’d like. She loves hearing from her fans.
[email protected]


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