Read Rm W/a Vu Online

Authors: A. D. Ryan

Rm W/a Vu (43 page)

BOOK: Rm W/a Vu
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“Seeing the mountains,” I reply breathily as his hand continues to knead my ass cheek. I bite back a moan when his long fingers graze my inner thigh, and I try to keep myself from fucking him in the backseat of the town car; somehow having his driver as an audience doesn’t really appeal to me. “And skiing. Absolutely everything about this trip is going to be great.”

For the rest of the ride to the airport, Greyston and I canoodle in the backseat. We don’t get any farther than a little over-the-clothes groping, which can only bode well for what I hope to happen soon enough. When we arrive at the airport, Greyston quickly adjusts himself before we step out and collect our bags from the driver. Inside, we print our tickets and check our suitcases before heading to security.

The entire time we wait to go through the metal detectors, I’m worried about those random searches where they pull you into a private room. I know it’s just a precaution, but I still don’t want it to happen to me.


I breathe a sigh of relief when I realize I’m being called forward through the metal detector…and in the opposite direction of that private room. I remove my shoes and put them in the bin with my carry-on before stepping through. Silence is heard as I make it to the other side, and I collect my things as Greyston is called next. With both of us clear, we head for our gate, grabbing a coffee along the way. By the time we arrive, we’ve still got a thirty-minute wait. I’m growing terribly anxious, but only because I’m just so excited.

“How long is the flight?” I ask, sipping my coffee.

“Three hours.”

I nod once. “That’s pretty good. What are we doing when we get there?”

“Well, we’ll pick up the car and then drive to the cabin to unload our luggage. After that…well, we can go skiing, check out downtown Whistler…whatever you want.”

Smirking, I turn to him. “Anything?”

He leans forward and brushes his nose over mine, his lips barely touching down on mine. “Absolutely anything.”

“Good,” I whisper. “Because I have big plans for this week.”

Even though we’re in the middle of the airport, Greyston closes the gap between us and presses his lips to mine. It’s definitely not the most passionate kiss we’ve ever shared, but it’s enough to get my libido going.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I groan, ending the kiss. “Sorry,” I grumble, reaching for it and looking at the screen. I smile again before answering. “Hey, Mom.”

“Hi, sweetheart. I just wanted to call and wish you both a safe flight.”

“Thanks. I’ll be sure to call you when we get there, okay?”

“I’d appreciate that.”

I can hear the worry in her voice, and I have to remind myself that this is the first time I’ve been so far from home without either of my parents. Up until recently, I was their only child, so it would only be normal that she’d be a little uneasy.

“Do me a favor while we’re gone, though?” I implore.


“Take it easy, and try not to worry too much?” She laughs lightly, probably in an attempt to throw me off.

There’s a brief pause between us as I wait for her response, but she finally speaks up. “Okay,” she says. “I promise.”

“Thanks.” Suddenly, there’s an announcement coming over the intercom for pre-boarding passengers. “Our plane’s about to board now, Mom, so I’ll talk to you in a few hours, okay? I love you. Tell Dad the same?”

“Of course. I love you, too, honey.”

After hanging up, Greyston and I start to grab our belongings and head for the gate while the few pre-boarders disappear behind the doors past the attendants. My anticipation mounts with every step we take. I’m practically vibrating when I hand my ticket to the female attendant.

Greyston and I find our seats easily, and he’s kind enough to take my carry-on and put it in the overhead compartment for me. I stand back and wait for him to slide in next to the window, but he shakes his head. “Actually,” he begins, “you can take the window. I tend to get slight vertigo if I catch a glimpse at how high we are.”

Learning this about him shocks me. “Really?”

He runs his fingers through his hair, his expression adorably nervous. “Yeah. It’s ridiculous considering how much I fly every year. I only booked the window seat because I figured you might enjoy the view of the mountains as we fly over them.”

“That’s so sweet,” I assure him, popping up on my toes and kissing him lightly. “Thank you.”

We take our seats and fasten our seatbelts as we wait for everyone else to get situated. Out of respect for Greyston, I close the window for now, and he smiles in response before kissing my temple and placing his hand on my thigh, just below the hemline of my skirt. His thumb moves back and forth over the skin above my knee, and I loop my arm through his and rest my head on his shoulder. His scent surrounds me, and I sigh in contentment.

Soon enough, after everyone has found their seats and the flight attendants have delivered their safety spiel, the plane pulls away from the gate and taxis down the runway. As we ascend, I think quietly to myself, and I realize that, while I thought I loved Ben, I was never truly content with him the way I am with Greyston. Ben and I had good times, don’t get me wrong—this observation isn’t based on our final weeks, mind you—but even with all the good in our relationship, nothing ever felt like it was
. I never once envisioned a future with him. I didn’t imagine what it would be like to live together, to get engaged and married—to have
—and while I haven’t really thought about Greyston and I getting married—until now, anyway—I have thought about a future with him.

“You’re awfully quiet, sweetheart,” Greyston murmurs against the top of my head. “Penny for your thoughts?”

“Keep your money,” I quip, tilting my head up to meet his gaze. “I was just taking a trip down memory lane, realizing for the first time that I’ve never been this happy before.” I pause as he presses his lips to my forehead. “I used to complain for the longest time that my parents were more than a little inappropriate, but, now that
happy, I see now just how in love they still are—and that’s rare to find nowadays. I want us to have what they have.”

Greyston’s eyebrows rise. “A baby?”

I laugh, unable to control the volume. “No,” I assure him, and then I shrug a little. “At least…not any time soon.” This doesn’t seem to cause him further panic, so I relax.

“I want to be as happy as I am right now, but twenty years from now…and longer.”

He still seems a little stunned…but not afraid. No, definitely not afraid. “Y-you think about that kind of thing? With me?”

Now it’s my turn to be both a little freaked out and stunned, and when I speak, it comes out a strangled whisper. “You don’t?”

Immediately, his features soften, and he turns in his seat as much as possible. “Oh, no, I
, I just didn’t think you did because…well, you’re so young. While I’d hoped you would—” He stops himself, shaking his head. “It’s just, I wasn’t sure you wanted…
. No, that’s not right, either.” I smirk, trying really hard to keep it from becoming a huge smile. It’s nice to see him flustered for a change, but I don’t let him suffer too long before I rescue him.

“Well, I think about it…actually, I’ve
thinking about it a lot more since Christmas, if I’m being entirely honest. I may be young, but I know what I want, and I want you. Always.”

His eyes reflect his happiness as well as his desire, and he leans in, pressing our foreheads together. “You just had to say all of this on the airplane, didn’t you? I can’t even begin to tell you what hearing all of that is doing to me.”

Smiling, I decide that now is as good a time as any to officially start our vacation. “I know this is only slightly off topic,” I begin quietly, “but I was wondering if you could help me out with something.” Greyston regards me with quiet curiosity, and I continue. “I’ve been looking to acquire a membership into a very exclusive club.”

“You’re pledging a sorority?” he asks, clearly not picking up on my suggestive undertones. “I don’t understand how I’m going to be able to help you with that.”

 Slowly, and without breaking eye contact, I unbuckle my seatbelt—now that it’s safe, of course—and lean closer, letting my lips brush his. “Not that kind of club.” His eyes widen with realization, and I smile triumphantly. “You interested?”

He looks around the cabin of the plane; it’s not overly crowded, but it is over half-full. “I don’t know…”

“Wait a minute.” I pause and watch as he turns back to look at me. “Are you telling me you’ve never…?”

“It’s an
, Juliette,” he says as if that’s reason enough to not have sex on it.

“Yeah, and?” I counter, feeling pretty satisfied in myself for suggesting something even
never done. Suddenly empowered, I stand up and begin to exit our row, facing him and putting his face directly in line with my lower half. “New experiences, remember?”

Before heading to the washroom, I lean down and kiss his cheek, lingering long enough to whisper in his ear. “I’ll wait five minutes. If you don’t show up, that’s fine. We can wait until we’re in Whistler. I just thought this could be fun.”

I head to the washroom and close the door before checking my watch. My heart pounds as I attempt to pace around the tiny space, and the longer I wait—even though it’s only been less than a minute, I begin to wonder if I should abort this mission before Greyston has a chance to decide. It’s pretty risky, after all, and as I take a look around, I can tell that this will probably be pretty diff—

A light knock on the door jars me from my apprehension, and before I can open it a crack to see who it is, the door quickly opens and Greyston joins me in the tight space. The look in his eyes is absolutely wild with desire. He doesn’t allow me the opportunity to say anything before he flips the lock on the door and pulls me into his arms, crushing his lips to mine as he backs me against the countertop.

Any thoughts I previously had about this maybe being one of my worst ideas I’ve ever had immediately dissipate when he palms my ass and lifts me onto the counter. My hands work furiously to unbutton his shirt as his tongue sweeps over my lower lip, and I moan softly, pushing the shirt down his shoulders a little because I know that we don’t have the luxury—or the time—to get completely naked here. I let my hands roam freely over his muscular chest before moving down to his belt. As I undo it and his jeans, he slides his hands up my thighs and grips the thin sides of my thong. Slowly, he slides it as far down as he can before he has to take a step back to remove them entirely, and I open my eyes just in time to see him slip the scrap of fabric into his pocket.

He smirks devilishly. “Figured I needed some kind of souvenir to mark our initiation.”

“Smart man,” I tell him, reaching out and grabbing his open belt. “Now get back here.”

Not wasting another minute, Greyston steps forward, and my legs part, forcing my skirt a few inches up my thighs. I can feel the bulge of his erection behind his jeans when he presses against me, and I work quickly to undo his pants.

Warmth rolls over me as his strong hands move up the outside of my thighs, and I release a soft moan when he curls his fingers and drags his nails back down them lightly. I’m just about to beg him to fuck me when, out of nowhere, the plane rocks. My hands fly out to support myself against either wall, while Greyston’s hands clamp down on my legs.  We both laugh nervously. Thankfully, it passes soon enough, and we quickly resume our heated make-out session.

He struggles a minute to push my skirt a little farther up, so I lift myself up to assist him, and his hands take the opportunity to roam over my ass, freezing the instant he grazes the naked flesh between my legs. I hold my breath and wait for his reaction; I had been so caught up in the sensation of his hands on me—and just how delightfully
we were being—that I forgot about my last minute decision at the mall yesterday. He drops his eyes and takes a very small step away, his back hitting the wall as his right hand moves up over my thigh and between my legs to explore the newly bare flesh there.

“What did you

Based on his question alone, I suddenly find myself a little nervous that he doesn’t like it, but as his hand continues to move back and forth, his fingers slipping between my folds and gliding with ease over my sensitive flesh, I’m reassured. “Do you like it?” I ask him, breathing heavily as he eases his fingers into me with a guttural groan and lowers his lips to my neck. I throw my arms around his shoulders, holding him in place, and rock my hips against his hand. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

His free hand comes up and lifts my shirt, tugging the cup of my bra aside so he can palm my breast. “Greyston,” I gasp when he curls his fingers inside of me and finds that hidden spot that pushes me closer to the edge of release. Needing more, I slip my hands between us again and push his pants down over his ass, carefully working them over his erection. I dig the condom from the pocket of my skirt and hand it to him.

Understanding, Greyston raises his head from my neck and removes his fingers from between my thighs. He rolls the latex over his length, then pulls me to the very edge of the counter and lifts my right leg until my foot is flat against the wall behind him. Once I’m positioned, eases me back until my shoulders rest against the mirror behind me. Then he grips my hips firmly before slowly entering me as I bite back a groan, trying not to alert the flight attendants of our indiscretion.

“Jesus, Juliette, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he tells me, his eyes trained on the site of his cock disappearing inside of me.

Curious, I shift my weight and look down, wanting to see what he sees, and when I do, I cannot bring myself to look away. Watching him thrust in and out of me is the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and I can feel my entire body tense in preparation of my climax.

“I’m…not…” Greyston growls between thrusts. “
I’m not going to last much longer.”

BOOK: Rm W/a Vu
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