Road to Victory (Dogs of Fire Book 5) (4 page)

BOOK: Road to Victory (Dogs of Fire Book 5)
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He took my arm. “Can I give you a ride somewhere?”

“No, I’m good. Thanks.” I tried to pull away, but he gripped me harder.

“I’d really like you to let me go,” I ordered, but I felt a prick in my arm and gasped. “Ouch. Did you just… pinch me?”

“Must have been my pin. Here, let me help you,” he said.

Pin? The word blended together in my mind and I stumbled. “What the...?”

He dragged me into the alleyway behind the bar and sneered as he slammed me against the wall. “Hey!” I squeaked.

“You don’t even know who I am, do you?”

“Brian… Combes,” I slurred.

“That’s not what I’m talking about.” His hand grasped my throat and I couldn’t breathe. “Fuckin’ bitch.”

He squeezed harder and I scratched at his arms, the adrenaline forcing a little of the haziness away, but my arms still felt like rubber flailing in water. Clothing ripped and something hard was between my legs, pressing against me. I cried out but he squeezed my throat harder with one hand and grabbed my breast with the other. Pain registered somewhere in the back of my mind as the cool night air told me I was now naked from the waist down.

Then suddenly, Brian was yanked away. With nothing to hold me up, I slid down the wall, crumbling to the to the cold cement ground. Then everything went black.


* * *



Thirty minutes earlier...


“How far out are you?” Mack asked.

“Just got home. You need me?”

“Kim’s here.”

“So?” Knight asked, wondering what the issue was. Mack was obviously there too. “Is there a problem?”

“I don’t know what’s up with her, but she’s flirtin’ with every douchebag who looks her direction.”

Knight sighed. Dani had told him Kim sometimes spiraled and went looking for trouble, but he hadn’t seen that side of her yet. Apparently now it was time. “Shit, seriously?”

“It’s like she keeps cuttin’ her finger and dunkin’ it in the shark tank. They’re continually circlin’ her.”

Damn it!
was the wrong place for a good girl to be looking for attention. “I’ll call her,” Knight said.

“Good. I’m shuttin’ her the fuck down, so she’s gonna be pissed at me.”

“Fine.” Knight put on his jacket and stepped into his boots. “I’ll be there soon.”


Mack hung up and Knight called Kim. Mack was right, she didn’t sound right. After he rang off with her, he headed to
. He needed to get a handle on Kim.

There was definitely something deeper than friendship between them and he wanted to explore it, but the timing wasn’t right yet. She was still closed to trusting him, so for now, he needed to find out why she was so damn destructive. Her life seemed perfect. She had money, came from a good family, and had lots of friends who cared about her, so why the hell was she spiraling out of control? Picking up random assholes in a club like
was what his FBI brother called “Risky Behavior 101.”

He parked his bike and threw his helmet in one of the saddlebags. As he rushed inside, he saw movement in the alley and heard a woman’s whimper. Wondering what the call-girl had gotten herself into, he veered off to investigate, stalling. It wasn’t a whore, it was Kim.

Knight saw a man shorter than Kim, pushing her against the wall and he forced down rage at the visual of another man touching his woman, however, ice infused his veins when the asshole slammed her head against the brick. Fabric tore as the man ripped off Kim’s dress.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Knight bellowed.

With his heart in his throat, he made a run for Kim, praying he’d get to her before any damage was done. Reaching the assailant, Knight yanked him back, distracting him enough to stop beatin’ on Kim, but she appeared to be totally out. Knight grabbed the guy by the back of the neck and slammed him face first to the concrete. “You fuckin’ stay down or you’re eatin’ the curb,” he threatened. The guy just groaned.

“Knight, man!” Flea called.

“What the fuck did you do to her?” Knight shouted. He grabbed the guy by the back of the neck and slammed him face first to the concrete again, this time knocking him out. He wanted to do a hell of a lot more, but the piece of shit barely even took the first hit. Regardless, he gave the asshole a kick to the gut.

“Knight, man!” Flea called.

“Gimme a sec,” Knight shouted. He didn’t want anyone to see Kim with her ass hanging out, so he took off his jacket and laid it over her. “Okay, I’m good.” He checked Kim’s vitals as Flea approached. “Get that guy in the basement. I’ll get Kim.”

“You got it,” Flea said.

While Flea took care of the trash, Knight tried to wake Kim.




TARS FLICKERED BEHIND my eyes. I tried to open them, but pain forced me to flee back into the darkness.

“Kimmie?” Knight’s deep voice called.

“I—” I groaned. Everything hurt.

“Sugar, you okay?”

He touched my arm and searing pain shot from my shoulder to my wrist. I cried out, “Stop!”

“Can you open your eyes, sweetheart?”

His voice sounded muddled to me... like he was speaking in slow motion.

“Talk to me. What do you feel? What can I do to help you?” he asked.

“I don’t...” I couldn’t finish my thought because I couldn’t remember what he said. “What are you asking?”

“Sugar, open your eyes for me.”

Heavy footsteps broke through my fuzziness and I shrank back in terror.

“Stop,” Knight ordered in a whisper.

“Sorry, man,” Flea said. “She okay?”

Despite whatever was covering me, I couldn’t seem to stop shaking.

“I have a sleeping bag in my office,” Knight said. “Get it for me.”

“No problem.”

The retreating sound of footsteps made me relax again, but I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I’d never been this foggy.

“Kimmie, honey, I really need you to look at me.”

Knight’s voice was urgent, so I tried to do as he asked... what did he ask?

“Baby, look at me.”

I forced my eyes open and Knight’s concerned, but fuzzy, face came into view.

He smiled. “Well, hey there, beautiful.”

I was... what was the word? Freezing. Yes, freezing. “I’m so cold.”

“I know, sugar. I’m gonna fix that in a second, but first I need to look you over.”

I hissed in pain as he lifted something off my body. “Everything hurts.”

“Can you be a bit more specific?”

“Pesific?” I slurred.

“Yeah, honey, what specifically hurts?”

“My arm, my chest, my head... everything.”

He chuckled. “Okay, sugar. Everything. Got it. Now, don’t move.”

Knight’s gentle hands ran over my body and I forced myself not to shrink from his touch. I closed my eyes, wanting to escape, but the pain was too much. I tried to swallow and gasped. “Throat.”

“We’ll get you some water,” he promised. “I don’t feel anything broken, so I’m going to help you up, okay?”

I gripped his arm. “No.”

He leaned closer to me. “We’re alone, honey.”

“Mack’s going to kill me.”

“Well, he’s not gonna do it right now. I made sure.”

“I’m naked.”

“I know, honey, you won’t be for long.”

“Got the sleeping bag, Knight. She okay?”

I peered around Knight to see Flea, eyes down, holding a sleeping bag. I grimaced at the expression on his face... freaked was the only way to explain it. His cheeks were ruddy, he kept glancing at me and then looking away just as quickly as though he couldn’t bear the sight of me. I hid behind Knight again, unable to process Flea’s sudden disgust of me. Knight reached out his hand and Flea chucked the fabric at him, obviously attempting to keep his distance.

“I’m gonna wrap this around you,” Knight said.


Once I was swaddled in the sleeping bag, Knight lifted me and I groaned as my chest settled against him. My breast stung at the contact. “Ow.”

“I got you.”

I settled my head on his shoulder and whispered, “Please don’t call Dani?”

“I won’t, honey.”

“Why are you calling me ‘honey’?”

He gave me a sexy smile. “Trying to calm the feral beast?”

I tried to stifle a chortle, but his humor helped to calm me in a weird way. One of the things I loved the most about Knight was that he’d always called me “sugar.” He might call other women “babe,” or variations of it, but he saved sugar for me and I loved it. What I wasn’t prepared for was “honey.” In that moment I couldn’t quite decide which I loved more.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“Fuck, Kim, you got nothin’ to apologize for.”

I closed my eyes. “Mack’s going to kill me.”

Knight let out a low growl, but didn’t say anything further as he carried me into the club and back to his office. Setting me gently on his sofa, he pulled the blanket further around me and stroked my cheek. “You’ve got a nasty cut on your chest, sugar. I’m gonna get something to clean and bandage it. Don’t move.”

I nodded and lay down, my head pounding.

“Move the hell out of the way, Knight,” Mack snapped a few minutes later.

I groaned, hearing the angry voice of my friend outside the door.

“You fuckin’ upset her, and we’re gonna have a problem,” Knight warned.

I watched as Mack pushed through the door and knelt beside me. “Hey.”

“Hi,” I whispered.

“You okay?”

“Yes.” I forced myself not to sob, but I felt tears slip down my cheeks. “I was leaving, Mack. I swear. I was going to grab a cab when the guy attacked me. I’m sorry. I should have waited for Pug. Are you mad at me?”

He stroked my hair. “No, babe.”

I pressed my lips together. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, Kimmie, I’m sure.” He gave me a worried smile. “We’re dealing with the asshole, Dogs style. He won’t hurt you ever again.”

My brain raced, reliving the attack. I lost my composure and burst into tears. I wanted to find out why he’d attacked me and where he was, but I was too overwhelmed (and foggy), to think straight, much less talk. I just wanted my friend to hold me and make everything better.

“Move away, Mack,” Knight said.

“Knight, I swear to Christ, you need to fuck off.” Mack pulled me closer, cradling me gently.

Knight swore and stormed out of the office, returning quickly with a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. “Get dressed, Kim. I’m gonna take care of that cut and then Katie’s going to take some blood.”

Katie Jameson was Flea’s sister and a registered nurse. She occasionally helped out at the club for extra money and it was just my luck she was there tonight... said me never.

“Why?” I challenged.

“To make sure you’re okay. After that, I’m gonna take you home.”

My foggy mind accepted this, although, I felt like I should probably protest or ask more questions, but I just didn’t have the strength.

“I’ll take her home,” Mack argued.

“I’ll take a cab,” I countered.

will take you,” Knight said. “Don’t fuckin’ push me on this, Kimmie.”

I glanced at Mack and then at Knight. Something passed between them, but I wasn’t sure what.

“Me or Knight, babe,” Mack said. “But no cab.”

Knight was certainly the lesser of two evils, considering the fact I’d probably get a lecture from Mack if I was his captive audience. I wrinkled my nose and sighed. “Knight.”

Mack nodded and rose to his feet. “I’ll leave you to change.” Knight stepped back to give Mack room who scowled up at him. “Out.”

“I’m not leavin’,” Knight said. “I’ll turn my back, but I’m not leavin’ her.”

“Get the fuck out, Knight,” Mack ordered.

“Fuck off.”

“It’s fine, Mack,” I said. “Just let him do his thing.”

Knight had clearly gone into protection mode, and if Mack got in the way, there’d be a major issue. Mack swore again, but did as I asked.

“Pull those pants on first, then I’ll take care of the cut.” Knight closed the door and studied me. “You need some help?”

I shook my head and he turned around.

“Why are you so mad at Mack?” I asked as I gingerly pulled on the oversized pants over my torn dress, tightening the string until the fabric buckled over. They were still too big for me, but I was pretty sure they’d stay up.

“He should have made sure you were okay. He should have made you wait here until I could come... or forced you into a cab.”

“Knight, he tried to get me to take a cab. This is my fault.”

“None of it’s your fuckin’ fault, Kim,” he countered.

“Please don’t be mad at him,” I whispered. I really couldn’t handle having two of my favorite people at odds with one another.

He sighed. “Sugar, it won’t last forever.”

“Okay.” I took a deep breath. “I’m ready.”

Knight faced me again, his expression softening. “You need me to wait for Katie?”

“I trust you.” I let the sleeping bag fall to my waist and gasped as the fabric skimmed the cut.

“Okay, honey, this is gonna sting a bit, but I don’t think it needs stitches.” He smiled, reaching over to stroke my cheek gently. “Ready?”

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