Read Road Tripping Online

Authors: Noelle Adams

Road Tripping (13 page)

BOOK: Road Tripping
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“Not alone,”
she said, the cheerfulness in her voice a little forced. “But I’m sure you’re
very good at taking care of people.”

A couple of the
guys hooted at this, and the greasy leader leered at her. “In more ways than
one. I’m really good at taking care of a lady...if you catch my meaning.”

Only a doofus
wouldn’t catch his meaning. Subtlety was clearly not his strong point. But Ashley
smiled agreeably. “Good to know. Unfortunately, I already have plans for the
night. My boyfriend is inside. And he can take care of a lady pretty well

Greasy Leader didn’t
look angry or offended. He certainly didn't look like he was about to force her
to let him “take care of her.” So Ashley figured she had handled the situation
the right way.

With a dirty
laugh, Greasy Leader said as he waggled his thick eyebrows, “Babe, you might
reconsider your plans. I bet I can take care of you much longer, and many more
times, than he can.”

Ashley almost
choked at this, but she managed to keep her composure. “We’ll see.” Then
whispered, as if in confidence, “I better at least give him a chance.”

Ethan finally
came strolling back to the truck. She saw his stance and his walk change when
he took in the situation and assessed the motley group of men.

Figuring she
better clue him in right away, Ashley called out as he approached, “There you
are, honey. I was just telling these gentlemen that you have big plans for me
tonight.” She met his eyes, tried to signal to him the right response.

Whether he got
it right by instinct or by reading her eyes, Ashley didn’t know. But Ethan
definitely got the response correct. He came over and slipped an arm around her
possessively. “Sorry, boys,” he said in a friendly but uncharacteristically
crude voice. “I definitely have plans. She’s not going to sleep tonight until
she comes at least three times.”

More hoots and
guffaws at this. Ashley blushed deeply and looked embarrassed—and she didn’t
have to pretend at all for that.

“All right,”
Greasy Leader said. “But if he doesn’t do his job right, you know where to find

Ashley gave him
a flirtatious smile and a wave of her hand, and then she and Ethan got back in
the truck.

“Whew!” she
breathed softly as Ethan tried to surreptitiously hotwire the truck once again.
Her heart was still pounding painfully.

Ethan got the
engine going and was about to put it in reverse, when someone tapped on the
passenger window. Still nervous, Ashley jumped in her seat at the sound. She turned
to see Greasy Leader’s head behind the glass.

She rolled down
the window.

“Three times,”
he said in a voice that brooked no objection. “Your spot is just down the hill,
so we’ll have a good view. We’ll be watching and listening—and if he doesn’t
get you off three times like he promised, then I’ll step up to the plate and
finish the job for him.”

Ashley’s jaw
dropped open. Ethan let out a short burst of a noise that could have been a
fake laugh. “Won’t be necessary. Three’s easy. I have her going a dozen times
some nights.”

Greasy Leader
seemed to appreciate this, and he gave another obnoxious roar of vulgar
laughter. “All we expect is three. Give us a good show, why don’t you? It’s
been boring here tonight.”

Ethan backed
the truck out of the spot, almost running over Greasy Leader’s toes as Ashley
reached to roll back up the window.

“What do you
think?” she asked, her voice a little bit quivery.

He shook his
head. “I don’t know whether to take him seriously or not. If you want, we can
just drive away now.”

Ashley thought
for a moment. “I don’t think that’s a great idea. They’re in a good mood, but
I’m pretty sure they could turn violent if they got mad. We don’t want a
motorcycle gang coming after us.” She sighed. “It’s like a really bad movie
from the seventies.”

“So what do you
want to do?” Ethan asked quietly. “It’s your call.”

Ashley pressed
her lips together. What she really wanted to do was just go to sleep in Ethan’s
arms, but some options weren’t open to her at the moment. “I’d rather play it
safe,” she said finally, her breath hitching a bit. “No use to ask for more
trouble. You're injured, I'm exhausted, we have nowhere else to go, and I just
want a good night's sleep. Maybe we should just give them what they want.”

expression was as peculiar as she’d ever seen it. She couldn’t even begin to
understand how to read it. “Three orgasms for you,” he said in an unnaturally
guttural voice. “That’s what they want.”

She nodded. “So
we give it to them.” Her voice was casual and almost steady. But that was not at
all how she felt inside.

She and Ethan.
A sleeping bag. The back of a pickup truck. A clear night underneath the stars.

And an
association of motorcycle enthusiasts waiting to make sure she came three


When they reached their spot, Ethan
put the pickup truck in park and sat staring out the windshield in silence.

Ashley, who was
now trembling a little, asked, “Well?”

“How do you
want to do this?”

She managed to
keep her voice light and airy. “I assume we’ll get in the sleeping bag in the back
of the truck together. We’ll arrange ourselves in an appropriate position.
You’ll get the truck rocking, and I would scream my head off about how
incredible you are.” Despite everything, she almost giggled. “Three times.”

shoulders jerked with what looked like stifled laughter, but he turned in his
seat until they had locked eyes. “You’re all right with this?”

Ashley raised
her eyebrows.

“I don’t want
you to be forced into an unwanted sexual situation because of our ridiculous
circumstances. We won’t do this if you don’t want to.”

This piece of
sensitivity made Ashley’s chest feel a little too full, but she made herself
ignore the mushy feelings and instead waved his concern away casually. “I just
want to go to sleep. If all I have to do is fake a few orgasms to get some
rest, then I’m perfectly happy to do so. It’s not like it’s really a sexual
situation. We should just think of it as a piece of theater.”

Ethan gave her
a half-smile. “Theater it is. You ready?”

She wasn’t
anywhere close to ready, but she got out of the truck anyway.

They laid out
the blankets and sleeping bag in the truck bed. Then positioned themselves a
little awkwardly—Ethan on top, in the appropriate misogynistic way. They had to
please the motorcycle gang after all.

“Should we keep
our clothes on?” Ashley whispered, although they were fairly isolated, and it
was unlikely anyone could hear them unless they spoke very loudly. There were
trees all around, and the bikers only had a view of the truck because of the vantage
point the hill provided for them. “How much do you think they can see?”

Ethan shook his
head. He was propping himself up so that he wasn’t touching her very much, but
his body was literally on top of her. It made Ashley feel even more like oozing
away. “I don’t think they can see very much. It’s really overcast. If we get
the truck moving a little and you scream a few times, I think that’s all they
can expect.”

He started to
take off his shirt, and Ashley felt a pang of concern when she remembered his
injury. “Are you going to be able to manage this with your arm?” she asked
softly, lying very stiffly on her back and trying not to accidentally touch his

“Of course,” he
said easily, smiling a little. “Just don’t reach out and clutch my noble wounds
in your ecstasy.”

Ashley grinned
back, glad at the break in tension. “It will be hard to restrain my lust.
Watching you get the truck rocking will certainly be a big turn on for me. But
I’ll try to contain my passion.”

Then they were
ready for action. Three orgasms—coming up.

Ethan moved
over her and lowered himself until he was supported by his forearms. “Is this
okay?” he murmured, keeping his face as far from hers as was possible. It was
still too close. She could feel his breath on her cheek. “I’d straighten my
arms, but it still hurts.”

Ashley nodded,
blushing deeply. She could feel his body on top of her, even where they weren’t
actually touching. She had spread her legs so he could lie in between them.
Their bellies were pressing against each other. He was holding his chest over
hers, but occasionally her breasts would brush against it.

But the
connections made by their pelvises were the most disconcerting to Ashley.

She took a few
deep breaths, nodded. Hoped he couldn’t tell that she felt like she was on

Ethan didn’t
start moving, but instead continued scanning her face. “You’re sure you’re
comfortable with this.”

She was
definitely not comfortable, but it wasn’t because of the reasons Ethan thought.
How was she supposed to tell him that she was most uncomfortable because she
wished they were doing this for real?

She couldn’t
tell him. “I think it’s you who’s uncomfortable. What’s the problem? Don’t
think you have enough power and stamina to get the truck moving hard enough or
keep it rocking long enough? Performance anxiety?”

Ethan chuckled,
his laughter sending vibrations throughout Ashley’s body in very delicious and
terrifying ways. “You wouldn’t believe the ways in which I can rock this truck.
Better than your wildest fantasies.”

Ashley snorted
and looked unimpressed. “You might be surprised at how wild my fantasies are.”

Okay, that
sounded a little bit more sexual than she had intended. She’d always been kind
of old-fashioned, after all, and she wasn’t in the habit of talking that way. She
thought she saw something hot flicker briefly in Ethan’s eyes, and she felt
herself blushing again. So to cover up her embarrassment, she added, “Anyway,
all you have to do is move. I have the challenging job. I’ll probably be hoarse
by the time this charade is over.”

“Ready?” Ethan
asked, tensing his body a little.

“Ready.” She
smiled up at him, trying to look brave.

Ethan began a
slow thrusting motion that immediately started to shake the truck forward and
backward. Ashley felt kind of like she was in a rocking chair. Nothing too
scary there. And the body contact was still pretty manageable. So what if she
might burst into flames?

After a moment
of getting into his rhythm, Ethan prompted, “Your turn.”

Damn—her turn.
She could do this. She could do this. She could cry out in erotic pleasure with
the best of them.

“Oh,” she
groaned, almost choking over the embarrassment.

Ethan cocked an
eyebrow at her inquiringly, managing to look composed and smug despite their
situation and his constant thrusting motion.

“Don’t say it,”
she grated through her teeth. “Or I swear I’ll hit you.”

He stifled
another grin and kept quiet.

“Oh, yes,” she
tried again, a little louder. “So good.”

Ethan nodded
encouragingly, still clearly trying to keep from laughing. Seeing him look so
relaxed and good-natured distracted Ashley a little from her awkwardness. She
loved to see him look happy, and it had been so long since she had.

So she tried
even harder. “Oh, God, yes, baby, that feels so good!” That was a pretty good
effort, Ashley thought. She sounded throaty, sexy, and passionate.

“Don’t come too
soon,” Ethan murmured, the corner of his lip twitching. “I don’t want them to
think I don’t take my time. This is my reputation on the line, after all.”

Ashley giggled,
but kept up her cries of desire. “Yes, just like that! You’re so good. So

“Better than
good, I think.” He sped up his tempo a bit. “Really, Ashley, have a heart.” He
was still smiling, but his face was now damp with perspiration. The night was
hot, after all, and he was exerting himself.

“Incredible,” Ashley
exclaimed, her voice trembling a little from her mirth. “You’re absolutely
incredible. Feel so amazing, so good, better than anything.”

She almost lost
it when she saw Ethan’s pleased expression over her more elaborate descriptions
of his performance. It took a moment to contain her amusement. She could feel Ethan
silently shaking with mirth too, which fueled her humor even more.

His approval
spurred her on to higher flights of vocal fantasy. “Yes, yes, my stallion,” she
shouted. “So hard, so big, so good.” At Ethan’s expression, she quickly
corrected, “So incredible. My stallion.” Then she got a bit carried away. “Ride
me like there’s no tomorrow.”

Ethan choked a
little and broke his tempo; his face descended to the nook between her neck and
shoulder as he shook with repressed hilarity. He was touching her everywhere
now—she could feel the heat and strength and motion of his body. She became
acutely aware of her nipples against his chest and the growing sensations
between her legs.

When he had
gotten himself under control, Ethan increased the urgency of his rhythm. The
truck was really rocking now. “I think you can come now,” he told her, a bit

So she came, or
made it sound like she came. “Oh, yes, oh, yes, oh, yes, Baby, baby, baby!” She
built up the momentum of her voice with each word.

Ethan slowed
his motion down a bit, gave her a dry smile. “One down.”

“Two to go,” Ashley
finished for him. “I did pretty good, didn’t I?”

“Not bad,” Ethan
allowed, adjusting his position so he could wipe the sweat off of his forehead.
“But if I’m your stallion, then
should be the one riding me. Even in
bliss, correct use of metaphor matters.”

Ashley scowled
at him. “Next time I’ll call you a pony. Then see what happens to your
reputation with the motorcycle gang.”

“Ready for
another go?”

Ashley sighed.
“If we must. Go ahead and pleasure me some more.”

BOOK: Road Tripping
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