RoadBlock (16 page)

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Authors: Amelia Bishop

BOOK: RoadBlock
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Shane watched his father’s back as he stomped out and slammed the door behind him. He turned to his mother, hoping for some support there, but saw only disappointment. “Mom, say you are on my side, please?”

“Sweetie. I know you, and I love you. Your father and I have known you preferred the company of men for a long time, that’s not the issue. You are still expected to mate, and we’ve had many offers for you! We’ve been reluctant to say yes, because we knew you’d be unhappy if we forced it on you, but we had
you would someday agree to marry.”

“How could you expect me to marry, knowing I would never love the female? How could you think that was okay?”

“It is what we do, Shane. It is how we survive.”

“So no one will support me in this?”

“Of course we will support you. You are our son. But you have to understand, this is a difficult thing for us. Especially for your father.”

“Is it so awful for him to know I like men?”

His mother laughed, a cold hard laugh with no joy. “It is ‘
so awful’
for him to think you would give in to your own desires.” She took a deep breath and reached out to grasp Shane’s hand in hers. “Your father was like you, Shane. He also preferred men, and resisted marriage. But his family forced his hand, and mine. We married as friends, as partners, knowing we’d never share a true love. He is both proud and jealous of you for insisting on this.”

Shane stared at his mother in shock. His father was gay? And had been forced to marry his mom? “Oh god, mom, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t feel too much pity for me. I’ve had a good life. Your father is my best friend, and has been a wonderful partner to me. I have three beautiful children, and two grandchildren already. I am healthy and have plenty of money. There is much happiness in my life.”

Shane smiled at his mother and laid his head on her shoulder, as he had done when he was a child. Touching was still the easiest way for wolf-clan shifters to reassure each other, and his mother wrapped him in her arms, surrounding him with her love.

Hours later they were drinking wine and playing cards in front of the fireplace when Shane’s father walked back in to the cabin. He said nothing, but sat next to Shane and wrapped his large muscled arm around his son’s shoulders. It was enough. Shane felt tears prick his eyes and leaned into his father’s embrace. “All right, son. These lands are yours already, and you’ll have what’s left of your grandfather’s trust. But you’ll have to earn your own living out here- the clan won’t sanction disbursement to a non-married adult. Technically, you should be able to collect until you turn thirty-five next year, but I’m sure a few of your uncles will petition to end your benefits early when they find out why you’re gone. Your shares will be split between your brother and sister. I’m sorry.”

“I understand. Thank you.”

“I love you, Shane, you know that.”

“I know, dad. I love you too.”


              As Shane watched his parents leave the next morning, he was filled with a mixture of excitement and sadness. His old life was over, his ties to the Arizona wolves severed. He’d still see his family, of course, but now he’d be a sort of outsider, not involved in decision making, not informed about the politics of clan life. He had a hard time feeling bad about that. But he
miss the disbursement checks he’d been living on since he turned eighteen. His share of the clan’s casino profits was substantial. He had savings, of course, and he’d withdraw all those funds today just in case any of his uncles took issue with him leaving and tried to seize his accounts.

The idea of finding a job was both frightening and exhilarating. The idea of being alone here was just plain horrible. His thoughts turned to the shifter markings he’d stumbled upon yesterday. When he’d asked his mother about it, she had told him of the fox clan who had owned all the lands here once. Apparently his grandfather had been friends with the grandfather of this lone fox shifter, and had purchased the lands in a friendly deal, providing the foxes with much needed cash and also assuring them the lands surrounding theirs would always be protected from development. His mother had told him the foxes she’d known were dead, and only their son remained of their line. Shane decided to try to find this fox later, introduce himself. The possibility of making a friend nearby was too good to pass up. If nothing else, it would keep his loneliness at bay until he found some wolf shifters.






Wondering if Harlan and Shane get together?

Taming the Fox
, available on Amazon!




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