Rock Me Gently (12 page)

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Authors: HK Carlton

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Rock Me Gently
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He stopped her. “I’ll take off my shirt if you take off yours.” He grinned.

“What, ya got a girl’s name on you that you don’t want me to see? Maybe some naked woman?”

“No. But tit for tat, baby, you show me yours.” He grinned evilly while pulling lightly on the elastic holding her peasant blouse off her shoulders. “And I’ll show you mine.

“I already showed you mine,” she said unable to keep a straight face.

“Nah-uh. You know exactly what I mean. You show me your tits and I’ll show you my tats.”

“Why, Mr Westlake, I cannot believe that you would use that kind of language. Do you use that mouth when you teach your students?”

He lowered himself until his face was just a whisper from hers. “I’m not Mr Westlake here, I’m just Jase and you’re just Lainey and do you really wish for me to tell you what this mouth can do? Or better yet I’ll show you.”

Still sticking to his bargain, he didn’t kiss her mouth. But he’d never said that he wouldn’t kiss her elsewhere. He kissed his way over her jaw, brushing his lips softly across her ear.

“Ahh, Lainey,” he whispered. “I wanna taste you.” His words and his warm breath teased her skin, sending goose bumps skittering down her arms. With his tongue he traced around the outside curve of her ear right down to her lobe where he tucked his tongue between it and her neck. He flicked it softly yet quickly in the little nook, inciting shock waves of desire right between her legs. She wanted to feel his tongue there, flicking her clit.

Scoring her jaw with his teeth, he then gently eased her head back, exposing her throat. He kissed his way down, nipping at her collarbone before softly sucking the swell of her breast bared by her blouse. Lainey pulled the elastic of her shirt lower, encouraging him to continue. She’d never been one to verbalize what she wanted but she could certainly guide him. She thought she would scream if she didn’t soon feel his lips close around her nipple. It tingled and hardened.

Jase followed the line of the blouse with his tongue. She wound her hands into his hair holding him to her. He fitted his hands around her breasts, kneading them. She arched her back, pushing her tits more fully into his palms. They were a perfect fit. He circled his thumbs around the stiff buds. “I wanna touch you, Lainey. I wanna kiss you. But not out here in the open. Let’s go home.”

“Ohh,” she whimpered shakily, clinging to him. He had her so wrapped up in a sensual haze that she didn’t care if they were out in public. She wanted to feel his lips, his tongue. She needed him to come inside her and fuck her until she couldn’t think. Clamping her legs together, she almost groaned at the delicious pleasure the action produced.

He stood and reached down to her.

“Hey, Dub, is that you?”

“Oh, fuck!” Jason said, turning his back on whoever had called to him.

Lainey also twisted, pulling her top up. The interruption curbed her arousal in a hurry, but not his. Lainey grinned as Jason shoved a hand into his pocket trying to conceal the massive hard-on he sported.

“I thought that was you. I told Boy-o that was your Hummer in the lot.” 

“Hey, boys, what’s up?” Jason’s voice sounded raspy but Lainey thought it was very sexy.

“Hope we didn’t interrupt ya, Teach,” Boyd said.

Henry pointed to the woman sitting with her back to them on the blanket and raised his eyebrows rapidly and mouthed,
”Is that her

Both boys waited, wide-eyed.

Jason nodded, knowing he was only setting himself up for more ribbing. But what could he do?

The teens broke out in broad knowing smiles.

“Havin’ a nice little picnic, are we?”

“Well, we just wanted to say hey,” Henry said, taking his cue to leave. “We’ll let ya get back to whatever it was you were…doin’.” Kids were too freakin’ smart for their own good.

Boyd snorted. Henry elbowed him. “Yeah, we just wanted to say hello, maybe introduce ourselves to your date. She might like to meet some of your students, don’t ya think, Teach?”

Well, there was no dignified way to get out of this. Lainey must have realized it too. She patted her hair and stood up, adjusting her top before turning. Cheeks blazing, she looked directly at the boy she knew. “Hey, Henry, nice to see you again.” 

Henry’s mouth dropped open and his face then bloomed with color. 

“Mrs Markham, uh, yeah, hey,” he said, looking off over her shoulder, unable to meet her gaze.

Boyd’s eyes narrowed, as he must have recognized the name. “Hey, yeah, you’re Jill’s mom. Boyd Tanner.” The cocky kid stuck out his hand, introducing himself.

Lainey smiled tightly, and shook it.

“Well, we’ll let ya get back to it,” Boyd grinned at the other three uncomfortable people.

“See you tomorrow, fellas,” Jason said, following them a short distance, as if making sure they were actually leaving.

Boyd pulled up short and said out of the corner of his mouth. “Ya could’ve at least sprung for a room, Dub.”

“Boyd!” he warned.

The kid shrugged. “Just sayin’, man, anybody could walk by and see—”

“Shut the fuck up, Boyd,” Henry said, between his teeth as he dragged him away by the shirtsleeve.

Jason took his hand out of his pocket and ran both hands through his dark hair, then over his face, before looking back at Lainey. But when he did they both burst out in embarrassed laughter. Lainey wrapped her arms around his waist.

“This is going to be all over school by tomorrow,” Lainey moaned.

Jason pulled her head against his chest. “Don’t kid yourself. Boyd’s probably already posted it on the latest social media site and by now fifteen kids have ‘liked’ it.”

“Well, just as long as I get to tell Jilly before she sees it or someone else tells her. I can just imagine what four letter words he used to describe what they just saw.” She rolled her eyes.

“Like what? Lick? Kiss? Suck? ‘Cause that’s all they saw. Luckily I stopped you before they—”

, did you? Before they could see the impressive four letter word you were trying to conceal with your hand in your pocket?”

“Impressive?” He grinned.

“Well, it definitely feels impressive.”

“Oh, baby, you just wait.”

“Can we go home now?”

“You bet.” He jumped and started throwing the leftover food into the cooler.

They practically ran back to the Hummer.

They drove toward town. “Your place or mine?” Jason asked.


He nodded as Lainey’s cellphone started to ring. 

Lainey dug in her purse for it. Placing it to her ear, she answered, “Hello?”

“Where are you? Your car is here and I was freaking out. I came in the house and you aren’t anywhere to be found. I looked all over. I thought you…”

“Slow down, Jilly, I’m fine.”

“Well, where are you? Your car is here.”

“You’re home?”

“Fuck!” Jason threw his head back against the headrest in disappointment.

“What was that?”

“Nothing. Did you just get home?”

“Yeah, where are you?”

“I’m with a friend. I’m on my way home, though. I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”

“Who are you with?”

“We’ll talk when I get home. Love you.” She ended the call before having to answer any more questions.

Jason looked sideways at her in the passenger seat. “I guess that means I’m dropping you off at home?”

“I’m sorry, Jason.”

“Not half as sorry as I am.”

Not long after, Jason pulled the H3 into Lainey’s driveway. Jumping from the truck, he ran around to open her door and give her a hand down.

Lainey was still a little shaky. Jason felt her tremble when she took his hand to step down. He liked knowing that he had her as rattled as she had him. He opened the back, took the cooler out and set it outside the front door for her. He turned, taking a deep breath.

“I guess I’ll go.”

“Thank you for a great day,” she said.

“You too.”

He leaned down and kissed her cheek, but this time she turned to him at the last minute. He stilled as she kissed his lips then pulled away, only to return for another and another before sinking into a real deep kiss. Sighing, he savored the taste of their first real kiss. Lainey curled her arms around the back of his neck as she stretched, flattening her breasts out against his chest. God, she felt incredible. He cupped his hands around her sweet little ass and pulled her against his eternal hard-on. She gasped. He seized the opportunity to tease her lower lip with his tongue, sweeping it deeply into her mouth. She met him, thrusting and sliding sensually.

Groaning, he pulled free. “God, Lainey, stop, you’re gonna drive me crazy. I can’t take it. I feel like I’ve had a hard-on for days.”

Dazedly, she looked up at him. “Wow!” She breathed heavily.

“Yeah. Wow! Kiss me like that again and—”

He didn’t get to finish before she attacked his lips again, giving him the most raw hungry kiss he’d ever been lucky enough to receive. It was all open-mouthed teasing.

She whimpered and tilted her hips forward like she needed to feel his hardness pressing more firmly against her. It only accomplished driving him even closer to doin’ her right here and now. There would be no sweet seduction. Just fuck, come, sleep, do it again. Her hips were driving him insane. He realized he was rocking and she was meeting him thrust for thrust. They were like two horned up teenagers saying goodnight on her mother’s porch.

Abruptly, she looped her foot around the back of his leg. She shifted, leaning slightly backward, bringing her heat in contact with his straining shaft. He could feel the sweet warmth and imagined how slick and ready she must be. As soon as he backed her against the door frame he pulled her ass more firmly into his hands, then coaxed her other leg around his hip.

“Ahhh,” he tore his lips from hers. “Let me in.”

She didn’t know if he meant inside her or the house. Either way, she wanted him there too. She was so hot and wet. But there was something that she was supposed to be remembering.

Just then the door opened.

Jason dropped her guiltily and turned away.

Lainey tried to make her legs work and hold her own weight. She looked at her daughter who stood with her mouth hanging open. Then her eyes snapped with anger, then hurt. “Well, isn’t this interesting. Both my parents are sluts.”

She slammed the door. Lainey jumped at the suddenness of the noise. But then anger kicked in. Slut! She thought not. She’d been with one man her entire life. Being with someone else was all very new to her. And she didn’t need her daughter to accuse her of being loose just because she was going on with her life when Thad was the one that had screwed things up.

Lainey put her hand on the doorknob, determined to give her daughter a good talking to when Jason took her elbow.

“Don’t go off on her.”

“Why the hell not? I have never given anyone reason to call me such a thing, especially my own daughter.” 

“She’s hurt, Lainey. She’s obviously never seen her mother with anyone but her father. And I’m her freakin’ teacher, for Christ’s sake. That’s gotta be weird. We said it ourselves. Granted it might have been better if you’d had a chance to tell her before she saw us together, but at least now she knows. Do you want me to come in with you and we’ll talk to her together?”

“No, I don’t think that would be a good idea right now.”

Running his hand over his mouth, he then nodded. “I guess I should go. Can I call you later?”

At her nod, he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

She watched him climb into the Hummer and drive away before she went inside.

“What the hell are you doing?” Jill shrieked as soon as she opened the door.

“I was going to talk to you—”

“He’s my freakin’ teacher.”

“You told me to ask him out.”

“But I never thought you would.”

“No, you thought I’d never be with anybody again.”

“Neither did you, Mom, face it.”

“Things have changed.”

“Yeah, I can see that. The whole fuckin’ neighborhood saw that things have changed. It’s not bad enough they used to see all the whores Dad traipsed in and out of here, they have to watch PDAs from you and my fuckin’ history teacher?”

“Watch your mouth. And he’s just one man. There will not be a parade like there was with your father.”

“How the hell am I supposed to face him tomorrow morning?”

“The same way you always have. This is not about you, Jill. He’s not going to treat you any differently. So neither should you. Yeah, it might be a little weird and awkward for a while but soon he won’t be your teacher—”

“Yeah, and then I’ll be running into him in the kitchen in his boxers!” She flounced out of the room dramatically.

Lainey pictured that very thing. Jason in boxers… And that’s as far as she got.

* * * *

Lainey sat at the kitchen counter reading the paper when Jill stormed back in with her laptop.

“As if you didn’t make things awkward enough, look what Boyd Tanner tweeted for the whole wide world to see.”

Just saw Westlake and his breast girl, er, I mean best, parkin’ at the park. JW is alive and well and still has the moves! Rock on, Teach!

“Breast girl? I don’t understand.”

“Yeah, you wouldn’t! How could you do this? As if we weren’t dragged through the press backwards before, you have to go making out all over town with my fuckin’ teacher? What’s wrong with you? I expect that shit from Daddy but not you.”

“It was an accident being seen at the park. And it’s not the press that’s spreading the gossip.”

“No, worse, my classmates knew all about your business before I did. As if Lisa and Tammy didn’t give it to me plenty the other day when they saw you ‘having coffee’, now the whole school is gonna get in on it. How long has this been going on?”

“Well, seriously only a couple of days.”

“So since you went for my interview?”

“Well, no, not even then. At least not for me.”

“So he’s been into you since then? Is that what you’re saying?”

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