Rock Me Slowly (3 page)

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Authors: Dawn Sutherland

BOOK: Rock Me Slowly
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“Well aint you much prettier than the last woman we had. Right enough she was in her forties. You on the other hand are as sexy as hell. What on earth is a pretty little thing like you doing on a bus with a bunch of bad boys that like to party and cuss at every given opportunity. Or do you like that, you like the dirty bad boys?” Fuck, are all the guys as flirty as the two I have met? They are totally going to have me wetting my panties if they keep up this flirting.

“I can cope with a few men don’t forget gents I am here to work nothing more, nothing less. Now if you wouldn’t mind could you all introduce yourselves. My request seems to be highly amusing to the guy because he lets out a rather disturbing laugh. “Sugar, are you trying to tell me you don’t know who each of us are? Well you must be the only female on US soil that doesn’t know. You would never guess how many times we get offers to sleep with completely random girls. Okay, okay. I’m Mickey Bennett lead singer and hottest son of a bitch you ever did meet.”

“Yeah what the fuck ever Mick in your fucking dreams. You only get laid because you are the lead singer and just happen to get a stage boner every time you go on. “

“You’re just fucking whipped I get laid more times than you. And this dick beside me is Zack Harrison, Rhythm guitarist. To my left is Josh whom I believe you have already met. He is pretty much just a bit behind me in the amount of lays he gets in a month. The girls just fucking love a guitarist, something about how they are good with their fingers. Then we have our drummer Tanner Smith, who can beat the shit out of any drum beat. He is the fucking party animal. You will always see him shitfaced, just ignore him. Our bassist here is Blaine Ross. He is a mean mother fucker that you will grow to love. So that’s the band. I can’t promise you that I will keep my hands to myself.

Wow just wow, cocky much? I’m not letting him near me; I’m just here to work. I really need to keep repeating that mantra to myself otherwise, I could fall into the dark path of actually falling for them. Shit, shit, shit.

Chapter 3

I spend the next half hour in the bathroom getting ready for the start of tour drinks that the boys insisted I be apart of. I have curled my blonde hair and thrown on a mini skirt and a tight white top. I may just have to invest in more formal attire if we end up out on the town during the tour. I put my face on and I’m done, ready for the onslaught of the flirting that is so obviously going to happen. I am fresh meat for the boys.

I walk into the living area and I’m greeted by the boys all at once. However, Josh can’t take his eyes away from my body. The lust in his eyes is apparent and it only makes me shiver and clench in anticipation down in my core. I take several deep breaths and allow myself to calm the fuck down. I have six months of this pleasure/torture and I have to find a way to be able to manage it the best I can.

“What do you want to drink Sophie?” Josh asks seductively. Okay, he wants to play a game. I’m more than willing to rise to the bait. I can see that Blaine has already had a belly full and is currently horizontal on the floor.

“Vodka and diet coke if you have it please Josh.” I reply whilst looking through my lashes seductively. He wants me but I’m not going to make it easy for him. I will not be an easy lay for Josh or any of the other guys for that matter. I have every intention of getting shit faced tonight and I’m going to flaunt my sexuality in these guys faces every opportunity I get.

Josh heads over to the mini bar to mix up my drink and he returns to my side. I gratefully accept the drink and our hands briefly touch for a moment and dang, there is that feeling of desire pooling deep within my core again. Damn me wearing that little white top. I can feel my nipples standing out with the contact of the sex god.

“You know Sophie I can’t stop thinking about what it would be like to fuck your hot little pussy. I’m hard just thinking about it. What do you say we sneak away and have a little tete a tete.” I’m very tempted. The thought of having this rock star hovering above me is a hot thought. No, I need to keep my mind on the game here; I don’t want to lose my job.

“You couldn’t handle me even on your best night Josh. I would rock your fucking world more than the pathetic little groupies could ever offer you. I will leave you with that thought.” I bat my eyelashes for effect. I want Josh to want me, I want him to be so wild with desire that he can’t think straight.

I pour myself another Vodka and diet coke from the bar in the entertainment room, which is stocked with every possible drink you could ever imagine. I can already feel the alcohol rush to my head and my legs feel decidedly wobbly. I take a sip out of my fresh drink and walk over to where Tanner is sitting by his drum kit.

Tanner is pretty shitfaced from the numerous Bourbon shots he has knocked back in quick succession. No matter how drunk he is though he is still able to beat the hell out of his drums. I stand quietly and just listen to how fantastic he is. Every beat of the drum is perfectly timed and I can’t help but stare at how damn amazing he is. You can tell that he has done this his whole damn life. Tanner finishes off his showboating by performing an elaborate drum fill that has me clapping like a mad woman.

“You are pretty damn amazing Tanner. Where did you learn to play the drums like that?” I’m very interested in how a guy can play like that; I just wouldn’t have the coordination for playing an instrument like the drums.

“Well, my mom bought me a drum kit for my second birthday. My mom used to tell me that from the moment that I could walk and talk I was pulling out her pots and pans and bashing them with wooden spoons. Once I got that first proper drum kit I was in love. I played that damn drum kit every day; I lived and breathed playing the drums. My mom didn’t have much money back then but she somehow found the money to take me to have professional lessons. The money probably came from working two jobs just so she could give me everything my heart desired.” Tanner says wistfully. He was obviously a very much loved child. It is that love that has allowed him to chase his dreams.

“Tanner your mom obviously loved you very much. You can tell that you have been playing since you were a child; you are one of the most talented drummers I have ever seen in my life. I’m not bullshitting you, you are amazing.” Tanner rewards me with a dazzling smile that warms my soul.

“Thanks Sophie. It was cool chatting with you but if you will excuse me I think I need another drink.”

Tanner excuses himself and gets up from behind his drum kit and walks over to the mini bar to pour himself another Bourbon. I just know that before the night is out Tanner is either going to be horizontal on the floor or he is going to be puking down the toilet. I really don’t know how they do it, a few drinks and I’m ready to fall asleep on the nearest surface. Well tonight I’m going to be making an exception; I plan to get very drunk. It’s not every day that you get to be a part of a major US tour, is it?

I sit down on the large L shaped leather couch and drink my Vodka and coke contemplatively. The other boys are now congregating in the kitchen and I’m left alone with my thoughts and of course Josh. Josh is now sitting on the opposite side of the couch and is watching me very intently.

“Can I help you?” I ask warily. His stare is intense, is he eye fucking me?

“Oh, like you wouldn’t believe, baby.” His hand grabbed his crotch suggestively. That would be a yes, definite eye fuck! I shift nervously in my seat. He straightened up on the couch maybe noticing my reaction to his forward approach.

“So how old are you Soph?”

“24 how about you?”

“I’m 26 and in answer to your next question, yes I am very experienced.” He winked with a wicked gleam in his eye. Holy crap talk about letting your intentions known.

“How nice for you Josh. That piece of information is of no consequence to me though.” I lied. It thrills me to know just how experienced he is, so long as he wrapped it up every time.

“I would say that it would be nice for you Sophie. My sexual skills know no bounds and I could totally have you coming like a train.” Is he for fucking real? Does he seriously think that I’m about to give it up to him just like that?

“Look Josh that shit might work on your little groupies but it doesn’t impress me one little bit.” I lie again, who am I kidding? I feel seriously giddy at the thought of Josh being able to make me come. It’s been so long since a man was able to make me come undone.

Josh gets up off his end of the couch and walks over towards me seductively. He grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me up to my feet almost spilling my drink all over me. I place my drink down on the glass table and stare up into Josh’s big brown eyes, they remind me of chocolate.

Josh tucks my hair behind my ear which sends a delicious shiver down my spine.

Josh plays with my hair softly and it feels divine. “Your hair smells amazing. Would you like to have sex with me Sophie? I know we have just met but I can promise you I will make it worth your while.” Oh my god the audacity of the man! As if I’m going to just drop my panties for him right now. I push him away from me and place my hands on my hips to let him know just how pissed off I am.

“Are you honestly telling me that you want to sleep with me already? You don’t even know me!” Is this how the guys conduct all their communication with potential sleeping partners?
Oh look there’s a hot girl, I know let’s ask her if she wants to fuck me?
Give me a fucking break! “No wonder you lot have a reputation for being bad boys. You must have some amount of notches on your bedpost.”

“Sophie I’m telling you, you would love it. I can make you feel so good that you would be totally ruined for other men.” I cannot believe he just said that, what an arrogant pompous ass he is!

I don’t even grant him a response to that as I walk right past him and out of the entertainment room. I’m full of so much rage now. I guess this is what it is going to be like living with a bunch of sexual deviants.

I slam the door to the entertainment room and walk through to the private bedroom that Trev had showed me earlier. I just need a breather before I head back out into the madness that is living with a bunch of rowdy and sexual males. I run my hands through my hair in my frustration and take several deep breaths. It wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t find myself attracted to Josh, that’s the only reason I am finding this whole thing confusing. When I finally find myself calm enough to be able to be in the boys company I head out of the bedroom.

I walk back into the kitchen where the guys are huddled around the kitchen island playing some card game. I don’t pay any attention to what card game they are playing, I’m too aggravated to even consider joining them. I grab a glass of water and down it in one and then head back into the entertainment room to relax for a while before bed.

Josh is now standing directly behind me and has wrapped his arm around my chest whilst the other hand is now massaging my hip bone. His fingers are so damn close to the place that I’m desperately craving his touch. My breathing is erratic and I’m pretty sure he knows how aroused I am. Josh sweeps back my hair from my ear and bends down slowly to whisper something to me. Just the feel of his hot, alcohol smelling breath has me feeling lightheaded.

“You know Sophie you can only keep refusing me so long. I’m attracted to you and I know damn well you’re attracted to me. You and I would be so fucking good together. Can you feel that? Feel how hard my cock is for you. I want your legs wrapped around me while I pound into you and hear you scream my name.” Josh is now rubbing his cock up and down the side of my leg, making me very aware of his own arousal. He now has a fistful of my blonde hair and his other hand has moved from my hip bone and has started rubbing my sex through my panties. All I can do is let out a moan of pure pleasure.

Shit, I have to pull this back; I can’t just give into him. I’m sure he gets everything he wants, well not this time.

“Josh, no, I can’t do this, this isn’t right. Stop please.” I manage to say through laboured pants. Any longer and I would have been coming apart in his arms. I have to have some self-control, my job is very important to me and I can’t afford to jeopardise it. It was obvious Josh wasn’t going to be able to stop.

As soon as the words have left my mouth, Josh pulls away his hands and walks off towards the kitchen and I’m left withdrawn and confused to as what just happened. I want him badly but deep down I know he will hurt me. These guys are known for not only their antics on the stage but also for their antics for sleeping with different girls every night of their tour. Only I would have the ability to jeopardize my job here by being interested in a member of the band. I pick up my half full vodka and coke and down it in one. This is exactly what I need. I need to get as drunk as possible, as quickly as possible.


I have a reputation as a bad boy but that’s not the whole truth behind the story. How did I get to become that bad boy? My life has been full of ups and downs growing up. I would of done anything to have been blessed with a normal childhood and upbringing, but it wasn’t to be. God, life was tough and I can barely remember any happy memories with mom, it seems to be tarnished with all the bad ones. Mom really knew how to fuck up good and proper. What I wouldn’t of given to have someone that loved and cherished their children. I’m only glad that she didn’t bring another kid into the situation. I suppose she loved me in her own way but her way was totally screwed up.

I used to be a very angry boy. I could never understand why I was cursed to this life, constantly having to clean up after my mom, always looking out for her, it was meant to be the other way around. it was almost like I was the parent and mom was the child. I often wished things had been different. I desperately wanted a loving relationship with mom but it was as though I was nothing but an inconvenience to her at times. When I do finally settle down and have kids they will be the most treasured possession I will ever have and I will tell them that every damn day I’m on this freaking earth.

I must have been about seven or eight when I walked into my mom’s bedroom to find her fucking a guy half her age. She screamed at me to get the fuck out of her room. She didn’t care that I saw something that no little boy should have to see. I am a product of my mom’s promiscuous behaviour. I have no idea who my father is or even where I would begin in trying to track him down. He obviously wasn’t a stand-up kinda guy if he had to sleep with a prostitute. I hate them both.

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