Rockin' the Heart (Hot Wired) (18 page)

BOOK: Rockin' the Heart (Hot Wired)
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No move to seek her sanctuary, he waited for her to speak. Instead she sought the solace of the evening view and dragged in a couple of deep breaths. Similar to liquid-courage
maybe she pursued oxygen-courage.

A few raindrops pelted the glass
, and the sky flashed with the electrical storm.

Whatever plagued her, he decided to show her mercy
and leave her in peace. “Sweet dreams, Sam.”

slugged him, but she dismissed the view and settled her attentiveness on him. She slung the strap over her shoulder. “Consider the sham over.”

Behind her l
ightening ripped open the landscape like a jagged tear, emphasizing the importance of her words.

Did she mean what he hoped she meant?
Reading too much into her words would be foolish, but the implication of her intense focus suggested more.

lingered to study her, but her directness detailed nothing. He’d been prepared to give her time to think it over. Praying he wasn’t misunderstanding, he asked, “Are you sure?”

No, but I don’t like the scenarios of what ifs you painted.”

Thank you.”

Don’t thank me yet.” A cheeky grin coiled on her face. “I have rules.”

. He adored her practical side. “I’m listening.”

It’s over if you call me any of those idiotic endearments.”

Heath bit back his grin.
“You wanna catalog the ones you’re particularly opposed to?”

Baby, honey, sugar, darling, sweetheart, pumpkin, sweetie—you know…
of them.”

I guess I’ll stick with brat.”

I am your brat.”

Goddamn, yes she is
. “My

Those dark blue eyes he fantasized about gazing into as he made love to her went soft.
“You got any of those stupid names you don’t like?”

Pookie.” Lame-ass word, but the sweet nothing came out of nowhere. Frankly she could call him whatever she wanted, and he’d answer. But that sounded too pathetic to admit.

You’re safe. That’s not at the top of my list of endearments.”

She twirled a lock of hair between her fingers. An edgy move he
’d never noticed her perform before. He couldn’t decide if it was a good sign that he affected her this way.

Any other rules?”

Scrunching her nose she thought about his question.
“I’m not sure telling the band about us just yet is wise.”

Why?” Secrecy could disrupt the band’s camaraderie, abuse trust. In their tight-knit union, they worked in tandem to disperse distractions.

Air fled her lungs
, and she gave in before he could debate the suggestion with her. “You’re right, can’t keep a secret of this magnitude from them. That would cause problems. I was just hoping to evade Jase-issues. Heath, maybe we aren’t such a good idea after all and shouldn’t do this.”

No, Sam.” Determined not to allow her to permit Jase to govern her life, he interrupted her. “He’s your brother, not your keeper.”

He’s a good brother. Your best friend. I love him and owe him.”

I can’t argue with anything you just said. Except you don’t owe him your happiness, brat.” He invaded her space and saturated his lungs with her atmosphere. His bag clunked to the floor at their feet, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, cuddling her in a loose hug as her hair cascaded over his arm.

Like always she melted against him, sagged against
him, and circled his waist with her arms. She rubbed her cheek against his chest. “I love the way you smell.
against me.” Face buried in the center of his chest, her lips fluttered against him, and he thought she whispered, “Better than narcotics.”

When had she tried narcotics?
Delivering heart attacks with lawless offenses were her specialty. If he wanted an excuse to protect himself, any of her hell-raiser misdemeanors would suffice. The narcotics conversation was for another time, so he didn’t ask. Palming her cheek, he tilted her head back with his thumb beneath her chin. Her frank gaze denoted sincerity.

I’m gonna touch you a lot, brat.” Likely more than made her comfortable because he was an affectionate type of guy. “Even in front of people.”

Is that your rule?”

A grin
twitched the corners of his mouth. “If you want to call it that.”

I don’t want to come between you and Jase.” The change in topic confused him a moment. Given no reply to his statement, she left him with no other alternative but to surmise she agreed to the touching. “I couldn’t live with the guilt.”

Let me worry about Jase.”

Uh uh.” She shook her head. “He’s

There would be
consequences when Jase discovered the truth. He’d made it clear he wasn’t onboard with their fake relationship. How nuclear would he go when he learned their romance had progressed? His best friend’s resentment could cause impediments not just with his relationship with Sam, and their friendship, but also with the band. Compelled to protect Sam, it’d be unfair to ask her to stand against her brother to be with him and then coerce her into allowing him to do things his way.

Against his better judgment, he agreed.
“Very well. We’ll tell him together. But soon, Sam, we can’t wait and take the chance of him finding out by accident.”

I agree. Tomorrow on the jet we should tell everyone.”

Tomorrow is D-day then.” Caressing her jaw with his thumb, he asked, “Can I have a goodnight kiss?”

She tilted her head back and delivered his request without hesitation. No tongue, just a slow rake of her lips against his. Normally, he
’d delineate open-mouthed embraces as foreplay and only used with sex as the end result. But there was something terribly sexual about her tame kiss. Erotic without intent, he breathed her air into his lungs and became infected with her essence.

Eyes wide-open and
smoky-blue this close up, she held his gaze. Heath sifted his fingers into her hair and gently guided her head back with the dark brown strands and severed their connection.

Our first time making love comes only once. I want to savor the build up without rush. When I make love to you, I want your fantasies to be exceeded. I
ruin you for any other man, Sam. Prepare yourself for ruination.”

Surprise ghosting her features, Sam blinked. He retrieved the bag with the vibrator and offered it to her.

Hooking one finger beneath the straps, she accepted the package. “This gift is highly inappropriate.”

When have you ever known me to be politically correct?”

She canted her head slightly,
assenting his point. “Good night, Heath.”

Sweet dreams of
, brat.” A flash of a teasing smile, but she strolled away without comment. He waited until she reached her bedroom door and called out her name. When she paused and looked at him, he said, “Think of me when you use my gift.”

You’re bad, Heath Fangor.” She bit her bottom lip.

I’m gonna fantasize about you using it and getting off while thinking of me.” He’d barter his right nut to watch her, but this type of teasing served as part of the build up. “Don’t disappoint me, brat. I’ll ask tomorrow.”

A slight tinge of pink highlighted her cheeks.
“I could lie.”

You suck at lying.” Even as a kid she’d never been able to pull the wool over his eyes. “I’m likely to request details, so pay attention to them.”

Like what type of details?” The hesitation with which she delivered her question captivated him.

Instead of answering her
query, he smiled and decided to let the anticipation of his play build. “See you in the morning, brat.”


Sam took longer in the shower the next morning than necessary. In the bright light of morning, doubt nagged her. Deciding to truly date Heath meant she took a chance wrecking so much in their lives. Her friendship with him if they didn’t make it was the least of her worries. His friendship with her brother was at stake. The band could also play a dynamic role, but most of that depended on Jase. She prayed those two things didn’t become collateral damage.

Excitement zinged through her too.
They weren’t playing any more. This was a chance of a lifetime to see if the man she’d fantasized about was as good as she hoped. Logic insisted fantasy was always better, but hope was a bitch to eradicate.

On the short flight to Houston, Texas, she
’d claim some of Heath’s time with personal questions. The basics she knew. She planned to chip away the more personal stuff.

Good morning,” Heath said when she exited her bedroom. Her ‘boyfriend’ sat at a table hidden by food. A cup of java rested in front of him, steam spiraling from the mug.

grunted. “It’s too early, nothing good about that.”

He sipped his coffee and eyed her over the rim.
“We’re going to have to work on your grumpy personality.”

Like he isn
’t used to my morning bad-temperedness

Grumpy was a mild term for what she was. In the mornings, she
’d rather cut a person’s throat than waste the energy growling at them. Coffee wouldn’t be enough to elevate her mood. Her pick-me-up came in the form of an energy drink.

What she could guarantee him, i
f he kept up his banter, he’d soon be thanking her for not cutting out his tongue. “Word of advice, if we’re going to last beyond today, I’d suggest you lay off the chirpy morning witticism.”

Unperturbed amusement flashed across his features.
“Give me a morning kiss. That’ll improve your mood.”

How you figure?”

It’ll make me happy.”

Sam rolled her eyes.

“I also have a gift for you, but it’s gotta be bought with a kiss.”

She wouldn’t point out that a gift was given, not purchased. Afraid he’d inquire about the usage of his
gift, she walked around the table to join him.

She moved in to plant a quick kiss on his cheek.

“Rebel,” he said, laughter tingeing his voice, as he turned his head just as her lips would’ve planted on his cheek. Their mouths connected, and he clasped the back of her head to hold her in position.

Gazes padlocked, hers wide with shock at h
is underhanded tactics and his silver gaze pleased with his success. Zero opportunity to navigate the embrace, he took charge.

This kiss…oh, gawd, this smooch was nothing like their good night one. Open mouthed
, he scuffed his tongue against hers in an abrasive and random spirit that reminded her of two bodies rubbing together in a sensuous dance.

Nary a single protest entered her mind
, and she dissolved into the embrace as her lids slid shut. The sense of sight eliminated, her other senses took over. Bitter black coffee on his tongue fit the man’s personality, bold flavors that appealed to dark appetites. The crisp fragrance of his tea tree shampoo mingled with his masculine, musk-scented soap.

A small moan of desire rumbled from her
, and he drank it down with quick swishes of his tongue. His fingers tightened on her scalp, and he clutched her hip. One tiny tug and he relocated her to his lap, leaving her straddling his thighs. Without thought she rubbed her core against his erection. Her thin pajama shorts allowed her to feel all of his length as she dragged herself across him. With their lips locked, her breath stuttered out of her into him. Sweet baby Jesus, he felt good against her sweet spot.

He navigated wispy
kisses along her jaw to her ear. “Did you play with my gift last night?”

Shocked, her eyelids snapped upward
, and she inhaled sharply. He nuzzled behind her ear, and she randomly pinpointed the upper spike of his cross tattoo peeking from the collar of his shirt. The glimmer of the diamond stud in his ear glinted through his damp, black hair curling at his neck. She dug her fingers into the fine hairs, gripping his other shoulder as she flattened her breasts against his chest.

God, the man felt divine. Quiet strength, in a solid package that created a fine specimen of male.

“Sam, answer me.”

Angling her head so he could continue to perform that delightful lick-nip combo on her neck, she grudgingly whispered,

Fuck.” He shuddered beneath her, a full-body shaking that vibrated against her clit. “Wish I could’ve been there,” he said right before seizing her mouth with his again.

A long while later he pulled away from her
lips. Sam tried to dive back into his mouth, but he held her away with the strands of her hair wrapped around his palm.

Your gift.” He retrieved something off the floor and held up a can of BuzzMe, an energy drink she depended on in the mornings. “I believe you call it breakfast.”

Any other day she
’d call him a godsend for providing her morning stimulant. Today, she found that Heath was the best pick-me-up for the job.

She tried to regulate her breathing, but only managed to make herself lightheaded.
“I can’t turn off that fast, Heath.”

Do I
like I turned off?”

fraction of movement verified he remained rigid and caged inside his jeans.

That erection is for me.

Yeah, she was a hell-raiser, but not in the sack. Her sexual history consisted of two men, one of them being her best friend. And even with Omega she deferred to his pace. With Heath she felt safe and emboldened to be herself.

Rolling her hips, she gyrated against his pelvis.
The can slipped from his hold and struck the floor with a thud, rolling and striking the chair with a
. Heath imprisoned her hips, clamping her in place against him, and halted her swaying.

That’s how I’ll move when I fuck you, Heath.” Where had
come from? She didn’t talk that way.

A long pause extended between them.
She’d almost decided she’d made a mistake with her brazenness when he slackened his hold. “Demonstrate again how you’ll fuck me.” She complied, and he gazed in the vicinity of where her crotch rode his lap. “Sexy moves, brat.

His hands dragged up her back in a slow caress of encouragement. Their tongues tangled together
, and she continued to ride him. The slight lift of his hips swiveled his cock against her clitoris. Heat coiled in her abdomen, spread out through her body.

Oh, fuck.” The beginning contractions of a climax attacked without warning. It was too fast. She never got off this sudden. She struggled to back down by halting her movements, but Heath caught her hips once more and took up the pace, pressing against her. “Heath….”

Oh, God! Oh, God!
Heath, stop!

Unable to
voice her demand, she panted and dug her nails into his skin as he pitched beneath her.

Give it to me, Sam.”

Oh, God, he knows
I’m almost there

She shook her head hard enough strands of
hair struck her face. Between her pants she couldn’t get the word ‘no’ out. Going to pieces in his lap entirely clothed seemed wrong, but if this was immoral, she never wanted to be right again.

It’s mine. Give it.” The demand, coupled with a hard rub of his jean-clad erection against the heart of her core sent her over.

Sam cried out as
the climax saturated her. Heath cupped her face between his palms and stared straight into her eyes as the orgasm ripped through her with all the fervor of a boat tossed about at sea in hurricane force winds… without navigation and at Heath’s mercy.

Goddamn, yes!” Wonder creased the corners of his eyes. “That’s it, brat… milk me for all you can take.”

ranked as the most intense climax of her life, and he hadn’t even penetrated her. Vulnerable beneath his regard, the languid motion of his hips extended her pleasure. She hadn’t known she could go on for so long.

Finally, the bliss released her from its zealous authority. S
he slumped against his chest, her brain a mess of incoherency, and her body a red-hot mass of twitching flesh.

If an orgasm fully clothed with him
decimated her like this, the likelihood of surviving a night of sex in his arms diminished.

Heath stroked her hair as she oriented herself
and pressed soft breathy kisses to her forehead. “I’ll savor this moment for the rest of my life.”

So will I

Regardless how the
ir involvement played out, this instant would be docketed as a significant memory. Divided if she should offer to get him off, thank him for what happened, or crawl off his lap without comment, she wasted time breathing him in after stabilizing.

The jangle of her phone saved her from making a decision. “That’s Jase’s ringtone.”

Silent, Heath released his solid grip, and she scooted off his lap. Discomfiture mocked her, vilified her as slutty. So what if he’d said he’d savor the memory, didn’t mean he wouldn’t be disgusted by her behavior.

She peeked at him between her lashes to gauge his thoughts, but he
’d already palmed his cell and texted someone. Proof he was much more experienced than her when a woman climaxing in his lap affected him not in the least.

Disappointed that he could shift
his concentration without effort, her inability to swing focus evidenced her incompetence at disassociating sex from emotions. He may savor the experience, but not as much as she would.

Breath lodged in her
throat like a cold lump of grease, and tears burned her sinuses. She had to get away from him. The quicker the better, but she wouldn’t give him the privilege of recognizing her awkwardness.

Steps hurried
, she bolted to her bedroom to retrieve her phone. Diving face-first across the bed, she snagged the cell off the nightstand. “What, Jase?”

“Good morning to you, too, sis.”

“Don’t start with me this early.”

Jase chuckled. “
Chill, Miss Grouchy. I’m holding Fang’s cat hostage. I’ll return him when y’all arrive at the jet.”

Allowing Sam to walk away unsettled Heath.
Jaw locked, he fisted the arm of the chair until his joints ached.

He’d witnessed the insecurity in her eyes. He knew her well enough to know intimacy went with all forms of sexual behavior. She
probably thought she’d loved each of her lovers. Heath
he was
in love
with her, and taking their romance slow was proving difficult, maybe beyond his scope of abilities. He wanted a relationship built on trust, commitment, and love, not sex. He’d pushed the climax on her, gave her zero opportunity to refuse the pleasure. He hoped she didn’t regret it. But the way she took off, he couldn’t decide how she felt.

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