Rockstar Romance: Julian (Contemporary New Adult Bad Boy Rock Star Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 3) (91 page)

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She opened her eyes and saw that Noah had walked around to the side of the bed and was now standing beside her. He watched Jesse nurturing her with his tongue, then turned his slumbering eyes toward her. Arousal had taken the vibrant edge off of the blue shade, making them look deep and velvety. Noah reached down and took her hand out from under Jesse's, bringing it up to wrap around his own hard cock so she could mimic the flicks of Jesse's tongue with rhythmic strokes.

Jesse drew her taut, swollen bud into his mouth and gave a hard suck, bringing a short scream from her throat and causing her to bend her knees higher and spread her thighs further so only the tips of her toes touched the mattress on either side of him. He took the invitation, suddenly lunging forward so he rose up over her. He paused to kiss her, and then slid deep inside. Madison's hand fell away from Noah as Jesse gathered her against him and reared back until he came up onto his knees so she straddled him. He wrapped his arms tightly around her so that her breasts rose and fell tightly against his chest as she rocked in his lap.

The position brought them face to face and she stared into his eyes, leaning forward to briefly rest her forehead against his. Sweat beaded on his skin and she licked it off of his shoulder, following the flick of her tongue with the graze of her teeth. Behind her she felt Noah rest one knee on the mattress and then his tongue was on her back, trailing down her spine until it reached Jesse's arms. She rode Jesse harder, bringing him deeper inside her until she felt like she couldn't accommodate any more. Finally she stopped and pushed down on Jesse's shoulders to still him.

She climbed off of his lap and turned to Noah, using one finger to beckon him closer. Jesse moved out of the way and Madison used her hands on Noah's chest to guide him onto his back with his head rested on the pillows. She straddled his chest on her knees and leaned forward to take both of his wrists. The gesture brought her breasts directly over his face and he lifted his head slightly to suckle on of them, briefly grazing his teeth across her nipple.

Madison took one of his hands and brought it up to the post above him, wrapping his fingers around it and squeezing to show him she didn't want him to move.

"You started this," she murmured, and repeated the move with his other hand so that he gripped the posts on either side of him, "Now you're going to finish it."

She gave him a hard kiss, biting his bottom lip, and then slid backwards along his body so he could feel the heat of her core and the brush of her breasts from his chest down his belly. When she got to his hips, she rose up on her knees and grasped the base of his erection so she could hold it and tease the tip between her thighs. It slipped through the slippery fluids, but she kept her hips just high enough to prevent him from entering her, reclaiming her control and delighting in the deliciously tormented look in Noah's eyes and the groans that poured from him as she continued to use him to stroke herself.

Using her other hand, she reached behind herself and grasped Jesse's wrist where he stood at the edge of the bed. She led him until he stood beside her, and then dipped her head to take him into her mouth again. Noah grunted, the sound telling her that watching her with Jesse pushed him even closer to the brink. She could hear the wood of the bed creak and he strained against the posts, wanting to touch her, but behaving admirably.

Jesse's hand came to the back of her head, gathering her hair out of the way so he could guide her into a fast, steady rhythm. She moved Noah's cock against her to mirror the speed until she heard Jesse let out a gasping moan and felt him release into her mouth. Slowing her pace, she sucked the hot, salty streams from the tip and swallowed luxuriously, smiling as Jesse fought to steady his breath. Suddenly Noah's hands grabbed her hips.

"Let go," he growled and Madison complied, gasping as he impaled her.

His sounds were wild and unchained as he drove into her harder and faster; moments later, she felt him pulse and he roared as he spilled into her body. The feeling was enough to topple her over the edge and she gripped him, milking him with the tight tremors of her body until she collapsed, shuddering, in his arms.



Two weeks later, Madison settled in front of her computer to check the website. It was Halloween; time for Noah and Jesse to post their special about her house. Considering the amount of investigating that they did the first night, and the fact that the final night hadn't fared much better in terms of exploring the house beyond the secret passage where the three of them hid from the rest of the crew, she was very curious to see how they pieced together an evidence video.

Taking a sip of spicy pumpkin coffee, she clicked the link and immediately had to put down the mug. The screen filled with the stark white lines of an audio analysis, the peaks spiking in time to the indistinct whispers and low moans of the recording.

The caption read "Disembodied Voices" and she covered her mouth to muffle her laugh.

The screen changed to the feed recorded by a camera apparently set up in the doorway of the parlor, aimed toward the stairs. In the darkness, she saw a shadowy image move past, pause, and then bound up the stairs. It was dark and there was no audio attached, but she knew she was watching her own nearly naked form rush up the stairs to her room. Seconds later, two more shadows crossed in front of the camera and went up the stairs.

"Shadow figures," a voiceover of Noah said mysteriously.

Madison bit her bottom lip as the screen changed again to show the feed from a camera positioned at the end of the hallway. The recording appeared to show the door to her bedroom swing shut on its own, then the screen returned to the audio analysis for a few more minutes of muffled moans and whimpers. She writhed against her seat, pressure building between her thighs as she listened to what others would think was evidence of spirits—and what she knew to be evidence of very talented spirit hunters.

When the video ended, she picked up her phone and scrolled through until she found Noah's number.

"What are you up to tonight?" she asked when he answered.

"Nothing," he said back, the heat in his voice ratcheting up the excitement in her belly.

"Want to come trick-or-treating at my place?"





Hot Summer With The Alpha Billionaire


“Hurry up!” hollered a voice through the bathroom door as Emma lazily continued on with her shower. It was a well-known fact among this group of friends that a closed door was nothing more than a formality.
Since when did the bathroom become the new living room?
Emma pondered, lathering up while three of her best friends communed around the vanity mirror. It's not that it bothered her; these women were like sisters, friends since high school, but it was an interesting question, nevertheless.

The group had decided to reconnect with a summer-long vacation together in an upscale Newport, Rhode Island home rental. It was the first night of their getaway, and after a day of touring some of the ritziest mansions in the area, the girls were headed out to unwind with a night out on the town--or at least a night at the nearest bar.

“I'm coming out, ladies! Cover your eyes or prepare to drool,” Emma teased with a grin. It's true that Emma was definitely the most beautiful of the bunch, with a slim waist, curvy hips and legs that went on for miles. It didn't hurt that she also had ridiculously perfect, feminine features; long, wavy auburn tresses and a come-hither smile that could make any man hard. Emma flung open the shower curtain and stepped out as Lisa entered the room, clothed in only a bra and thong and in the midst of a veritable fashion crisis. She held four different outfits in her arms and wore a panic-stricken look on her face. “I can't decide. It's been so long since I've been out on a Friday night.”

Lisa was the high-strung member of the group. After college and law school, Lisa landed herself an enviable position in a prestigious law firm, and hadn't really taken a day off since. She'd become far more comfortable in an office or boardroom than a nightclub, and changing gears to vacation mode was taking its toll. Emma took pity. Standing nude in front of the shower, she offered her outstretched arms to her friend.

“Come here, Lisa,” she soothed, pulling Lisa close and rubbing her back reassuringly. To an onlooker, the scene might have appeared like something out of an adult video; Emma naked and glistening wet, her tits pressed against Lisa's lace-covered breasts, and a roomful of partially clothed women watching the scene. But it was no big deal here.

“It's okay. Just take a deep breath and calm down. We'll have you dressed to the nines before we leave,” Emma offered with a smile. Feeling Lisa's pulse return to normal, Emma pulled away gently. “Now, do you mind? I'm naked here!” she scolded mildly with a grin. Lisa was feeling calmer now.

“You know I never mind you naked, Em,” Lisa returned with a smile. “Okay, so which one says 'I'm here on vacation and looking for a good time?'” she queried, holding out her selection of outfits to her friends. Emma and two others--Kristy and Sasha--voted for the knee-length, backless sheath.

An hour later, the group headed out on foot; the bar they had spied earlier was only two blocks away, and the light breeze that had blown in at sundown made the sultry heat of the evening air bearable. Emma was quieter than usual. She strolled along with the group, nodding to keep up with the conversation, but her mind wandered elsewhere. It had been six months to the day since she left her long-time boyfriend, Adam. They had been together for nearly five years, but no matter how often they talked about taking the relationship further, Adam insisted he just needed a little more time before he settled down for good. Unfortunately, when Emma found him with his face buried in another woman's nether regions, she'd realized that he wasn't about to commit any time in the near future either. Her ego had definitely taken a blow, but eventually she realized that perhaps she wasn't as much in love with Adam as she had thought. After losing her parents and only brother to a car accident 10 years ago, she realized after the breakup that what she really longed for was a family.

The group reached the bar and grabbed a table away from the assemblage of patrons occupying the stools around the bar. Lisa ordered the first round of drinks--some strange tropical concoction that Emma was sure contained more alcohol in a single glass than she'd consumed during the past five years. Outside of the comfort zone of her friends, Emma seldom strayed from the straight and narrow, always too concerned about others to prioritize her own selfish wants and needs. She hated it when others labeled her the 'good girl,' but she couldn't really argue the title. But, she planned to let loose and have fun with the gals tonight, so as soon as the drinks arrived, she downed hers quickly and signaled for another. If she had to consume enough liquor to inebriate a horse in order to ditch the good girl title, so be it.

Half the group was on the dance floor by the time Emma had downed her second drink; only her and Lisa remained at the table, and Lisa was eying a tall, dark and slightly dippy-looking guy two tables over. Emma had just started her third drink, but stopped mid-sip when someone caught her attention from across the room. She wasn't entirely sure what it was that was so captivating at first; she'd had her fair share of good-looking men. It wasn't that he was handsome--which he was--but he sat all alone at a table in the middle of the crowd; not off in a corner like so many solo bar-goers are apt to do. And he didn't seem the least bit perturbed by his solitary state. In fact, he sat so casually and comfortably, Emma surmised he would look no different if he were lounging in his own living room.

Even from his seated position, Emma could see that he was tall, but he didn't appear disproportionately so when every inch of him she could decipher was solid, sinewy muscle. His raven black hair was cropped short, emphasizing the solid line of his jaw. He was dressed casually, but Emma could tell that his clothes were not discount store finds. This man was covered in designer threads from head to toe, from the button-up, silk dress shirt and fitted dark-wash jeans to the gold money clip she could see peeking from his jeans pocket and his black leather shoes. Emma's gaze made its way back up the stranger's body, but when her emerald green eyes locked onto his royal blues, she quickly realized she'd been busted. She had a decision to make in that moment; she could look away bashfully and get back to downing tropical concoctions, or she could opt for a little fun instead. Since tonight was all about letting loose and having fun, it took less than a blink of an eye for her to commit.

Emma held the stranger's gaze as she rose from her seat. She grabbed her drink from the table and downed her third concoction of the evening, a single drop escaping her lips to drip down her neck and disappear into her cleavage. She leaned forward to let Lisa know where she was going, and then sauntered over to the sexy stranger across the room.

“Hi there,” she began in a sultry tone, beginning to feel the effects of her liquid courage. “How are you this evening? I couldn't help but notice you're all alone over here. Would you care for a little company?” Her racing pulse and sweaty palms were evidence that she'd been out of the dating scene for a while--five and a half years to be exact--but God it felt good to get back in the saddle.

Marco was more than accustomed to sexy, flirtatious women, but there was something very different about this one. She didn't strike him as a gold-digger and she wasn't brash in her flirting, but conversational instead; almost too chatty, as if she was a bit more nervous than she cared to let on. He noticed her the moment she walked into the bar, sticking out from her group like a sore thumb given that she was leagues ahead of them in the looks department.
Damn, I've known plenty of fine women, but this one is fucking drop dead gorgeous,
he thought. “I'm fine, thanks. Please—have a seat. What’s your name, Beautiful?”

“I'm Emma,” she responded as a thrill coursed through her body in response to the stranger's seductive Italian accent.

“My name’s Marco,” he responded in kind. “I haven't seen you here before. Are you new to the area?”

“My girlfriends and I are renting a house here for the summer. We just got here today and spent the day touring some of the most beautiful mansions I've ever seen,” Emma replied enthusiastically. “You should see them. My favorite was a 70-room Italian Renaissance-style palazzo. It was designed to imitate what you might find in a 16th century Genoa palace.”

Just half an octave higher and I'd sound like an overexcited schoolgirl,
Emma thought. She took a deep breath, determined to invoke her sexy, flirtatious side. “So, Marco, what is a man as delicious-looking as you doing all alone here on a Friday night?”
Oh my God,
did I just call him delicious?! Jesus, Emma,
she silently reprimanded herself.

Marco didn't seem the least bit put off by Emma's remark. “Well, I'm not alone now, Emma, am I?” he commented smoothly. “Actually, I just finished wrapping up some business at one of those mansions you visited, and I thought I'd grab a drink to unwind,” he replied.

“Oh, do you work in one of those homes?”

“Well, not exactly,” he responded as he deliberated just how forthcoming he should be. It was entirely possible that she was a money-hungry vixen with a good eye for a man with loads of cash, but Marco had a gift; he could read people better than anyone he knew--a useful characteristic in his particular line of work. And while Emma had all the equipment necessary to take a guy for every dime he had--and have him give it up happily for a chance at that incredible body-- his gut told him she wasn't digging for anything other than a little harmless fun. And by the nervous energy radiating from her, Marco figured it had been awhile since she'd gone looking for even that. “The mansion you just mentioned actually belongs to my family.” His gut had never steered him wrong before, so Marco decided he might as well wow this beauty a little. Perhaps she would like a private tour.

Emma's jaw dropped at Marco's little revelation. Her first response was to laugh at his joke, but one look at his face and she could see no humor was intended. He was either one hell of an actor or she had just run into a bona fide gazillionaire. She was only looking for a little fun and excitement; not trying to hook up with Mr. Moneybags. “Oh...” was the only response she could muster past her lips.

Marco was sure his gut had been right; Emma seemed more put off by his apparent fortune than hungry for it. She didn't ask whether he had other homes, what he did for a living, what kind of car he drove; in fact, as he pondered her lack of response, Emma looked more ready to flee than to dig in with a set of money-hungry claws.

“What other sightseeing do you and your friends plan to do this summer?” he asked, hoping a change of subject would squelch her intention to leave.

“Oh, actually, we haven't made too many plans; sort of winging it, I guess. Sash wanted to visit the National Museum of American Illustration. She's an artist, you know? And Lisa was hoping to see Fort Adams State Park,” she answered with only half her mind in the conversation. As much as she wanted to flee, arousal coursed through her every time Marco spoke, distracting her and drawing her attention to the sexy way his muscles flexed and relaxed as he moved in his seat.

“I've visited that park many times,” he said, leaning closer. “The view of Newport Harbor is amazing, but my favorite part is the underground tunnels,” he said in a quiet, husky voice. “And what will you do after your summer of sightseeing is done, Emma? Where is home for you?” he asked, no longer just trying to distract her, but genuinely interested in learning about Emma.

“Minneapolis. Lived there all my life, actually. I'm a nurse, and I work with a few community outreach programs. What do you…uh…do, Marco?” she stuttered, a little uncomfortable with the inquiry, but curious nevertheless.

“My family has business interests in a variety of industries: acquisitions, management, international trade—I help out where I’m needed,” he replied nondescriptly. While he may have been willing to confess that his family had money, he certainly couldn't tell her that his fortune was funded by the Mafia. Even if he
allowed to divulge his family's business, it certainly wouldn't help him get in Emma's pants if she knew the man sitting across from her was in the mob.

“Sounds complex,” Emma replied, increasingly less concerned with Marco's family and more so with the heat spreading throughout her body, settling between her thighs.

“Do you like the water, Emma?” he asked out of the blue. “I have a boat not far from here with a beautiful view of the ocean. You wanna get out of here and check it out?”

It wasn't exactly the proposition Emma was hoping for; her fiery pussy was demanding far more than a watery panorama, but putting aside the arousal coursing through her, she really was enjoying Marco's company. “I suppose I can leave the gals here to fend for themselves,” she joked, gathering her purse and waving goodbye to let Lisa know she'd be finding her own way home. Marco placed a hand on the small of Emma's back as she stood and began heading toward the exit. The heat from his hand sent shivers down her spine and made her pussy ache even more.

And there his hand remained during the walk to the nearby docks, leaving Emma painfully aware of just how Marco's touch was setting her body ablaze with every step. She babbled on about herself; her fast-paced job in the emergency room at Abbott Northwestern Hospital; her outreach work with underprivileged kids; the one-bedroom apartment she moved into six months ago and proceeded to decorate according to a Feng Shui guide she found at a local bookstore. She even told Marco about the rise and fall of her long-time relationship with Adam.
Jeez, could I possibly sound any more pathetic,
Emma wondered. But, preoccupied with Marco's hand on her body, she found it difficult to put a proverbial cork in it.

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