Rocky Mountain Cowboy (28 page)

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Cowboy
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“Now,” he said,
slipping his hands around her back to pull her closer. “How do I get you out of this thing?”

Jenny settled into his arms
. Her mouth turned toward his breastbone, and her fingers traced the muscles across his shoulders, down his spine, along his sides. Finally, they settled over his naked bottom. Tight, hard, wickedly curved. She dug her nails in gently and squeezed him repeatedly, reveling in his groan. Then her hands moved again around to the front of his hips, to his groin. The hair that framed his masculinity was springy and soft. She raked her fingers through it slowly, then cupped him tenderly.

, she circled her fingers around his thick shaft, marveling at its size, its strength, its heat. A drop beaded on the tip. She captured it with the pad of her thumb and rubbed it over the velvety soft head. Above her, Hawk’s breathing quickened, rasping audibly in and out of his lungs. The tip of her tongue sketched patterns over the pectoral muscles on his chest, stabbing gently at his hard male nipples.

Her wandering fingers and lips had completely sidetracked his intention of ridding her of her bodysuit.
When he finally attempted it, she took a moment to show him how to help her out of the stretchy red satin.

e got it as far as her hips, then dropped to one knee to tug it down her legs. When that was done, he removed her silk stockings, then her heels. One hand wove through his thick black hair as the other braced itself on his shoulder to maintain her balance when he lifted one leg than the other to slip off her shoes.

When he was finished, h
is mouth found the curve of her stomach, her navel, the smooth, soft skin over one hip bone, the curly dark red hair over her pelvis. Her hands framed his head and pressed it against her lower stomach. His name came out in a whimper, a whisper. His mouth, his tongue, even the gentle tug of teeth were pure torture.

undone, she stood before him, trembling. He went to both knees before her, gripped her bare bottom and pleasured her until she cried out with shattering, sharp ecstasy. Her legs collapsed beneath her and Hawk caught her around the hips and waist, lifted her, then cradled her in his arms.

With a husky growl, he
adjusted her body to face him completely. “Wrap your legs around me!” His command was urgent and raspy. The moment she did, he cupped her bottom in both hands, bent his head to bury his face between her breasts, and thrust himself inside of her. Jenny wasn’t even aware that they moved until she felt her back against the wall.

put one arm behind her, absorbing his fierce thrusts as he plunged into her over and over. She might have felt alarmed by the ferocity of his passion except that hers matched his. She wanted him just as much, just as passionately. And he wasn’t hurting her, far from it. Though his body was tightly coiled with passion, his control and protection were evident in every driving motion.

Arching against him, she pushed back against his
surging hips, rocking and writhing, murmuring incoherent pleas of excruciating need as she tried to get inside his very skin.

“Whatever you want, princess, however you want it,” Hawk growled almost incoherently, his hips rolling against hers, his rhythm quickening
. In the next instant, Jenny exploded in a mind-shattering climax that ripped through her whole body.

Hawk met her sharp cry with a hoarsely uttered shout as he came hard inside her, every muscle and limb taut and quivering with release. Pulse hammering, he held her pressed
against the cool wall while her inner muscles throbbed and clenched around him, draining him until he was utterly spent. Pressing his forehead to hers, he sucked great gulps of air into his heaving lungs.

“You okay, honey?” he finally managed to gasp. “Was I too rough?”

“No, no....” Jenny was trying to catch her breath, too. “My goodness, that was....”

“Mind-blowing!” Hawk finished for her.

“Oh yeah, absolutely!”

She didn’t have the strength to stand on her own when he released her from his sweat-slick arms. She would have melted into a boneless puddle at his feet had he not scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. Separating at last, they rolled onto their backs and stared sightlessly at the ceiling, tightly griping one another’s hand as they waited for their pulses to stop racing, their skin to cool, and their breathing to return to normal.

Hawk recovered first and scooted back up against the headboard. Jenny eventually managed to crawl into a sitting position beside him. Curving an arm around her, he nestled her next to him.

She rolled her weary head onto his damp chest. “This is how I was hoping the day would end. It would have been awful if we had let the Caldwells ruin it.” Hawk was quiet as she let her fingers wander idly over his damp chest, then down his stomach to the nest of black hair at his groin. “
Anyway I want it, however I want it
, huh?” He felt so good, she couldn’t get enough of touching him.

He felt himself growing firmer, and though he wasn’t ready to take her again, he didn’t want her to stop petting him, either. Her touch was something he craved. Without dislodging her long elegant fingers, he leaned over to get the two goblets and the bottle of champagne by the bed. “How about a glass to toast our good fortune?”

She lifted her head and gave him an inquisitive look. “Our good fortune?”

He popped the cork, which shot across the room, then poured the bubbly liquid into the two glasses. “To us.” He clinked his crystal goblet against hers and smiled. “That we’ve had the good fortune to be alone together like this.” His expression turned somber, though the smile lingered in his eyes. “I know the circumstances were terrible,” he said. “But you’ve been the one good thing to come out of your dad’s death.”

Jenny dropped her eyes to hide all the raw emotions surging inside her. It still hurt to think of her dad, but her grief was giving way to something new and a little frightening. She was falling in love, and she was frightened of all the uncertainties involved. There was a lot to lose if this relationship moved beyond a business one and failed.

Hiding her newly emerging feelings f
rom the man beside her, she made her own toast. “Without your support, I would never have been able to deal with Daddy’s death.” That much she did know for certain. “Thank you, Hawk.”

They finished
their champagne in silence, then refilled their glasses. Jenny raked her hand through her long tangled auburn tresses, and Hawk sifted a handful of it through his fingers as she sipped her second glass of champagne. “You have such beautiful hair,” he said as he brought a fistful to his face and rubbed it along his jaw. “It’s so soft and silky. It’s the same color as my horse.”

“Your horse?” she protested indignantly. “My hair reminds you of your horse?”

“No,” he chuckled. “It’s just the same red color.”

“It’s not red. It’s auburn. There’s a difference, you know.”

He grinned helplessly. “No, I didn’t know, but I stand corrected. It’s auburn, not red. My apologies. And you certainly don’t remind me of my horse. You’re gorgeous. And he’s… well, he’s good-looking, but.... he’s a horse and you’re….” He was at a loss for explanations as he watched her get ready to punch him. Holding up one hand to ward off any assault, he broke into a laugh and tipped her glass to her mouth. “Drink your champagne, while I just shut up before I put my foot in my mouth any further.”

“Good idea, cowboy.”

It was good to laugh with him like this. Laughter should be a part of lovemaking, though she’d never found a man who could make her laugh with him in bed, as well as burn and melt. Playing with one another and teasing each other had its own kind of intimacy, the kind that made you friends, as well as lovers. Hawk was generally easy to talk to, to be with, and to laugh with. It was part of his charm, and only added to her growing feelings for him. Looking at him, all warm and hard and naked next to her, she realized she wanted there to be a future with this man.

“How about sharing that piece of cake with me?” he asked, interrupting her wistful thoughts. “We left the reception too soon to have any this afternoon.”

“You were never really at the reception,” she reminded him.

Hawk took a bite, then presented the piece to her to bite into. “It’s definitely nicer eating it this way.”

“Umm, true,” Jenny murmured as she licked her fingers. Then, with a final swallow, she finished her champagne and handed her empty goblet back to him.

“Would you like more? There’s a little left.”

“No, thank you. I’ve had enough bubbly. It tends to go straight to my head.”

“Really?” Just as she reached for a napkin to wipe the corners of her mouth, Hawk leaned over and licked the frosting from her lips with the tip of his tongue. “Umm, I can think of a place
or two I’d like to see it go.”

Jenny started to giggle as he tipped his glass and poured the remaining drops onto her tummy.

“Lord, give me patience this time,” he groaned as he bent his head and licked away every glistening drop. When he was finished, his mouth moved upwards to the round, plump curves of her breasts.

His slow skilled worship of her body left Jenny trembling and flooded with pleasure
yet again. Slowly, she slid down the pillows as he continued to bend over her in a painstaking onslaught of her senses. When she started to wiggle and writhe beneath him, he placed one leg over her thighs and rubbed his knee against her springy auburn curls, finding just the right angle and pressure to elicit even more squirming from her.

Jenny let her eyelids flutter closed. She felt every splendid inch of him stretched alongside of her. Peeking down from under half-closed lashes, she stared at the erotic picture they made with him half-draped over her, his dark skin against her paler skin. Her eyes met his. He was watching her, his own eyes heavy-lidded with desire.

Until a bit of laughter crept into his expression, deepening the grooves on either side of his mouth and eyes. Before Jenny could guess why, he scoped a fingertip full of frosting off the plate by the bed and rubbed it over the peak of one breast.

She shrieked and arched off the mattress, but Hawk simply pressed his bent leg into her hips to pin her back down. Then with two fingers, he mercilessly smeared what was left of the cake over her other breast and down her tummy, around her navel.

“Hawk! You brat!”

“Brat? Geez, I haven’t been called that since kindergarten.”

Jenny wiggled and squirmed, but he kept her pinned beneath him and licked every bit of cake and frosting from her. His lips and tongue feasted on her. Caught helplessly under him, she reveled in the greedy, insistent path of his open mouth. Desire rose hot and wild along every nerve ending, every inch of skin. Her voice was thick and guttural as she begged him to end his torture and get on with it.

“Get on with it, huh?” he laughed against her skin, the vibration sending even more shivers across her flesh.

She reached for him, her nails digging into smooth rock hard flesh.

In response, he plunged a finger into her, whispering erotic details of exactly what he was going to

get on with”
into her ear. She begged again, shamelessly, frantically. Her fingers slid down his spine and dug into his buttocks. She swiveled her hips, rotating them against his, goading him. He was fully aroused against her upper thigh, and she couldn’t believe his restraint.

His mouth traveled to hers once again and his tongue plunged instantly inside, doing exactly what she wanted his body to do. His kiss was long and deep— hot, fierce, carnal. Desperate to be completely and fully joined with him, she writhed wildly against his engorged shaft, using her body and her hands to place him at her entrance. When she dr
agged an agonized groan from him, she thought she had finally convinced him that was what she truly wanted.

Instead, the devilish man lifted his mouth from hers and gave her another sinfully crooked grin. Then, startling her, he flipped her onto her stomach. “Everything tonight, princess. Blame it on the dress and the underwear, the champagne, the cake, the dancing… you.”

Jenny groaned. He wasn’t finished playing! Lying on her stomach, face down into the sheets, she felt completely vulnerable and yet wickedly excited as he pressed his rigid shaft between her buttocks. It was something new for her, but she relaxed, trusting Hawk to be gentle and skillful. Daringly, she wiggled until she had him completely wedged between her cheeks, then squeezed him with muscles that had grown stronger from all the riding she’d done the past several weeks. The response from him told her that he liked her brazen movement. He pressed into her just a touch more urgently. The erotic sensation of him against her like that made her quicken, inching her closer to a decadent climax. Trembling, she looked over her shoulder at him.

Hawk slipped an arm under her waist and lifted her onto her knees. “Hard and fast or slow and....?”

“Any way! Just get inside me, quickly, deeply,” she interrupted with a gasp.

Hawk showed her exactly how he wanted her as he plunged into her slick, hot feminine passage. His penetration and the grind of his pelvis against her bottom was just as mind-blowing as their last position against the wall. When he rose behind her, grabbed her hips, and began driving into her, she climaxed so hard, she drifted on the fringes of unconsciousness. The pillow under her head muffled her scream of ecstasy.

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