Roger Ailes: Off Camera (25 page)

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Jackson, Santita, 161

Jarrett, Gregg, 209

Jarrett, Valerie, 205

Javits, Jacob, 40

Jealous, Benjamin, 209

Jennings, Peter, 90, 91

Johnson, Lyndon, 34, 52, 92–93

Johnson, Peter, Jr., 175

Johnson, Tom

and CNN versus Fox, 93–95

early positions, 92–93

friendship with Ailes, 94–95

hired by Turner for CNN, 93

Jones, Brian, 137–38, 142, 166

Jones, Van, Fox attack on, 197–98

Kalb, Marvin, 25, 85, 117

Kaplan, Rick, 121, 126, 191

on Ailes, 98, 152, 211

at CNN, 93–94

Keane, Jack, 243

Keller, Bill, 116–17, 120, 122, 123, 233

Kellogg, Amy, 225

Kelly, Greg, 140

Kelly, Megyn, 170, 173–75, 242

Kelly, Ray, 140

Kennedy, Bobby, 34, 147

Kennedy, Bobby, Jr., Ailes documentary with, 36, 39, 148–150

Kennedy, Douglas, 147–151, 175

hired by Ailes for Fox, 147–48

Kennedy, Ethel, 149, 150, 151

Kennedy, John F., 31, 33

Kennedy, John, Jr., 150

Kennedy, Ted, 36

Kerik, Bernard, 122

Khrushchev, Nikita, 33

Kilmeade, Brian, 76, 142, 190

Kilpatrick, Carolyn, 27

King, Alveda, 211

King, Dean, 227

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 26, 34, 164, 227–28

King, Susan, 223

Kissinger, Henry, 76, 151

Kitty, Alexandra, 184

Knight, Gladys, 151

Koch, Ed, 58

Krauthammer, Chris, 125, 186, 225

Kristol, William, 125, 225

Krugman, Paul, 200–201


Kucinich, Dennis, 151, 187

Kurtz, Howard, 199

KYW-TV, 22

Lack, Andrew, 69, 96

Lamb, Brian, 68

Lane, Charles, 225

Latinos, at Fox News, 145–46, 176–181

LBJ Broadcasting, 93

Lehrman, Lew, 41

Leonard, Bill, 101

Levitt, Steve, 128

Lewinsky, Monica, 88, 91

Lewis, Brian, 213, 215–16, 217–18, 223

Liberals/liberal media

Ailes attacks on, 122–23, 146, 159

Beck (Glenn), protests against, 210–11

cable news stations.

complaints about Ailes/Fox, 96–100, 116–17, 168

fair and balanced, outrage at motto, 115–17, 120–22

Fox branded as racist, 197–98

Fox commentators/guests/reporters, 54, 76, 125–27, 145–48, 151, 157–58, 161, 168–69

Fox News producers, 128

and golden age of TV, 118–120

Media Matters on Fox News, 204–6

New York Times
, 122–23

Obama administration and Fox.
Obama, Barack/Obama administration

in Philipstown, against Ailes, 108–12, 214

political quotient (PQ), 128–130

Turner (Ted) attack on Fox, 91–93

Liddy, Gordon, 36–37

Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
(Franken), 98

Limbaugh, David, 87

Limbaugh, Rush, 105, 111, 205

Ailes as mentor/friend, 63–64, 151

TV show, Ailes as producer, 61–64

Lindsley, Joseph, 214

Lippmann, Walter, 117

MacCallum, Martha, 172

McCarthy, Larry, 50

McConnell, Mitch, 57

McGinniss, Joe, 34, 35, 44

McGovern, George, 36

Maddow, Rachel, 233

relationship with Ailes, 159–161

Magee, Kevin, 140

Malcolm X, 27

Man in the Arena campaign, 34

Manson, Charles, 45

Martin, Father Jonathan, 175

Martin, Roland, 158

Martin, Trayvon, 207

Matalin, Mary, 171

Matthews, Chris, 67–68, 243

on liberal media, 119

Media Matters, on Fox News, 204–6

Media Research Center, 205

Meetings, daily at Fox, 135–143

Mencken, H. L., 124

Metzenbaum, Howard, 55

Microsoft, MSNBC, 69

Mike Douglas Show, The
, 23–30

Ailes-created stunts on, 24–25, 28, 32

Ailes leaves show, 33–34, 55

counterculture guests on, 25–27

Miller, Judy, 225

Mishkin, Arnon, 242–43

Moles, at Fox News, 213–15, 228–29

Mondale, Walter, 43–44, 156

Moody, John, 153, 175, 208, 225

as Fox News senior VP, 74–75

liberals criticism of, 74–75

Memo, The, story, 215

Moore, Michael, 98

Morgan, Piers, 231

Morris, Dick, 38, 126, 225

as Fox contributor, 58

in opposing campaigns, 58

Mother Earth
, 39, 198

Moyers, Bill, 127


beginning of, 69

forerunner to, 67

liberal label of, 100

motto of, 116

O’Reilly attack on Zucker, 86

Multimedia Entertainment, 62

MundoFox, 180

Murdoch, Elizabeth, 185

Murdoch, James, 17, 186

Murdoch, Lachlan, 185

Murdoch, Rupert, 105

on Ailes, 183–86

election night (2012), 240–41, 244

hacking scandal, 17, 186

hires Ailes for Fox, 69–71

Turner compares to Hitler, 91–92

Murdoch, Wendi, 105

Muto, Joe, 214, 215, 228–29

Napolitano, Andrew, 191, 225

National Public Radio (NPR), Juan Williams firing, 143–45

National Security PAC, 50

Nelson, Ben, 130

Neville, Arthel, 155, 167, 172

Newman, Laura, 23

News Corporation, 232

Ailes position within, 185–86

News of the World
, 17

fiasco, 94

New York Times

Ailes attack of, 122–23

and fair-minded coverage, 120, 123

liberal bias accusation, 120–22

Nichols, Rolando, 180

, 46

Nixon, Richard, 31–37

Ailes as presidential adviser, 35–36

Ailes runs campaign (1967), 31–37

Ailes view of, 15, 36

Man in the Arena campaign, 34

pitch to Ailes, 32–33

Novak, Bob, 125

Nussbaum, Bernard, 67

Obama, Barack/Obama administration, 195–210

Ailes at Christmas party, 201–2

Ailes on Obama laziness, 222–23

Ailes on via
This Week
, 200–202

Baier interview, 202

calls Fox “not real” news outlet, 198–99

election night (2012) and Fox, 239–246

Fox banned from press pool, 198, 201, 202

Fox campaign coverage (2012) bias, 242

Fox campaign coverage (2008), complaints about, 195–96

Henry as Fox correspondent to, 203–4

political quotient (PQ) of, 128

Van Jones, Fox attack on, 197–98

Obama, Michele, 161, 198

Ochs, Adolph, 115

Oil-for-Food scandal, 227

O’Keefe, James, 144

Olbermann, Keith, 86

O’Reilly, Bill, 83–86, 125, 175

on Ailes honesty, 84

on-air mistakes by, 209–10

early positions, 84–85

Factor, The
, 85–86

Hannity, negative relationship with, 86

hired by Ailes for Fox, 85

Obama interviews, 202

political/social stance of, 88

popularity of, 85–86

O’Reilly Report, The
, 85

O’Rourke, Andy, 42

(documentary), 75

Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism
(Kitty), 184

Palin, Sarah, 140, 209

as Fox commentator, 219–220

Parker, Kathleen, 126

Pataki, George, 42

Payne, Charles, 167

Pelosi, Nancy, 128

Pendleton, Austin, 13–19

Pendleton, Frances Manchester, 13, 18

Phares, Walid, 140

Philbin, Regis, 189

Philipstown, N.Y., 107–13, 110

Pickens, T. Boone, 231

Political campaigns, 33–60

ads by Ailes, 48–50, 56

Ailes as first consultant, 38, 54

Ailes view of, 42, 45, 52–53, 56–57

Al D’Amato, 40–41

George H. W. Bush (1988), 47–54

George H. W. Bush (1992), 60

George Voinovich, 54–57

Harvard postmortem seminar (1988), 51–54

last Ailes campaign, 59–60

liberal protests of Ailes, 55

presidential debates, Ailes on, 45

Richard Nixon, 31–37

Ronald Reagan (1984), 43–45

Tuesday Group, 43

Powers, Kirsten, 126

Pryor, Richard, 28

Putin, Vladimir, 132

Putnam County News and Recorder
, 109–10, 112–13, 214, 240

Rather, Dan, 91, 96, 207

Rayburn, Gene, 79

Reagan, Nancy, 43–45

Reagan, Ronald, 34

Ailes and campaign of (1984), 43–45

Regan, Judith, 122

Reid, Harry, 205

Reina, Charlie, 215

Republican Party

Ailes as power broker (1982), 41

Fox allegedly wing of, 199, 219, 233

Southern Strategy, 34–35

Revolving Door ad, 50

Rhodes, David, 233

Rice, Condoleezza, 172–73

Rich, John, 244

Rittenberg, Paul, 187

Rivera, Geraldo, 67, 154, 176–78

early positions, 176–77

friendly fire reporting error, 207–8

hired by Ailes for Fox, 177–78

Rockefeller, Nelson, 31

Roger E. Ailes Newsroom (Ohio University), 28–29

Rogers, Tom, 67

Rollins, Ed, 52, 145

Romney, Ann, 222

Romney, Mitt, 204, 213, 217, 223–24

election night (2012) and Fox, 239–246

Fox campaign coverage (2012), 242

Rosen, Hilary, 222

Rosen, James, 172–73

Rove, Karl, 105, 126, 240

election night (2012), 240, 242

Rubio, Marco, 181

Russell, Bill, 46

Russert, Tim, 67

Safer, Morley, 97

Sahl, Mort, 38

Sammon, Bill, 139, 142, 158–59, 175

Santorum, Rick, 139, 178, 217–19

Scarborough, Joe, 126

Schieffer, Bob, 84

Schiller, Vivian, 144

Schmitt, Harrison, 58

Schneider, Mike, 82, 153

Schumer, Chuck, 41

September 11 attacks, Fox coverage, 96–97

Sharpton, Al, 161, 211

Shays, Chris, 130

Sherrod, Shirley, 209–10

Shine, Bill, 136, 138–39, 175

Simmons, Russell, 142

Smith, Howard K., 119

Smith, Shep, 120

on Ailes, 156

on-air mistakes by, 207

hired by Ailes for Fox, 76–77

perception of as liberal, 77, 242

political quotient (PQ) of, 130

Snyder, James, 128

Soros, George, 210

Southern Strategy, 34–35

Special Report
, 203

liberals on, 126

political quotient (PQ) of, 130

success of, 91, 100

Spitzer, Eliot, 126

Squier, Bob, 48, 53, 68

Steinberg, Jeremy, 187

Stern, Howard, 63, 173–74

Stewart, Gordon, 110–12

Stewart, Jon, 159, 172, 205–6, 209

Stockman, David, 43

Stossel, John, 191, 225

Straight Forward
, 68, 84, 79

Streisand, Barbra, 26

Swanson, Dennis, 188

Tabacoff, Dave, 84

Tapper, Jake, 198–99

Television News, Inc. (TVN), 39–40

Terrorism, war on, Fox coverage, 96–97

Thornburgh, Dick, Ailes and campaign of, 59–60

Tilson, Elizabeth.
Ailes, Beth (wife)

Times, Kathy, 166

Time Warner

acquires CNN, 69, 92

Fox News carried by, 92

Today Show, The
, 28, 68

Tomorrow with Tom Snyder
, 61

Traficant, Jim, 6

Trippi, Joe, 126

Trotta, Liz, 208

Turner, Bob, 62

Turner, Ted, 71

CNN, beginning, 64–65

compares Murdoch to Hitler, 91–92

Tynan, Ronan, 105

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ailes speech at, 213, 222–29

Urban, Joe, 12–13

Van Susteren, Greta, 83, 173

hired by Ailes for Fox, 100

political quotient (PQ) of, 130

Voight, Jon, 105

Voinovich, George, Ailes and campaign of (1988), 54–57

Voinovich, Governor, 57

Voter News Service, 96

Wald, Richard, 99, 126–27

Wallace, Chris, 98, 154–55, 190, 202, 205–6, 225

hired by Ailes for Fox, 101

Wallace, George, 34–35

Wallace, Jane, 171

Wallace, Mike, 101

Walters, Barbara, 140

Ailes as guest
This Week
, 200–201

friendship with Ailes, 28

Warren, Elizabeth, 169–170

Webster, Doug, 13, 21

Weiss, Ellen, 144

Welch, Jack, 65, 69, 71, 151

Westin, Av, 96, 118–19, 127, 166, 190

Whitaker, Clem, 38

White, Marjorie.
Ailes, Marjorie (wife)

White viewers, as focus of news organizations, 166–67

Will, George, 125

Williams, Brian, 88

Williams, Juan, 125, 178

fired from NPR, 143–45

and Gingrich interview, 169

hired by Ailes for Fox, 145–46

Willis, Gerri, 191, 225

Wilson, Steve, 214–15

Wofford, Harris, 59

Women, at Fox News, 171–74

WOUB radio, 22

Wright, Bob, 65, 69

Wright, Jeremiah, 199–200

You Are the Message
, 13, 29, 45, 88, 170–71

Zahn, Paula, 82–83, 171

Zimmerman, George, 207

Zucker, Jeff, 86


Double Vision

Heroes and Hustlers, Hard Hats and Holy Men

Members of the Tribe

Devil’s Night

A Match Made in Heaven

Cooperstown Confidential

Rush Limbaugh


Inherit the Mob

The Bookmakers

The Project

Hang Time

Whacking Jimmy
(as William Wolf)

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