ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Captured by the Alien Dragon (Alpha Male Alien Abduction BBW Romance) (Bad Boy Shifter Fantasy Romance) (47 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Captured by the Alien Dragon (Alpha Male Alien Abduction BBW Romance) (Bad Boy Shifter Fantasy Romance)
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I bent my head, found a nipple and sucked on it hard. The little nub got hard under my tongue, and I lashed it without mercy, licking and pulling at it with my teeth. She gasped and her back arched. She was where I wanted her. I pulled back to let her breathe. She was still trembling from her first orgasm. The way she wriggled under my fingers was reminiscent of a time before but much better. This was indescribable. This was what I really wanted. I looked down on her body. Her cheeks were flushed, and her breasts rose and fell as she panted. I just wanted to remember this moment forever. I closed my eyes so I could etch it on my eyelids and see it when I slept but pleasure shot up my cock. Maddie had my cock in her mouth, gripping it with one hand, moving her head around in a way that made the room swim. She took my balls in one hand and massaged them together.


I grabbed the couch armrest to steady myself. “Oh dear God.” Tingles of pleasure coated my spine as she leaned forward in her assault. The warmth of her tongue on the underside of my cock took me into her mouth as far as I could go. If I could have made it last forever I would have but I knew it wouldn’t. The way my pulse rushed in my ears and my balls tightened, I knew I had to pull away. I was almost at the point of no return.


I pushed her back. “I have to get inside you.” My hands trembled as I turned her over. She bent her knees, positioning herself so I could slide easily inside. The couch was too small for my body but her chest against the couch and knees on the seat cushions gave me perfect leverage. I loved how big I was compared to her petite frame.


My voice was desperate as I gripped her waist. “You’re so beautiful,” I whispered reverently. The need to lose it was clawing at my resolve and I slowed to be gentle. I eased into her, burying my face into her hair as I slid deeper. She pushed her hips backward to feel my thighs against the curve of her bottom. Every thrust made my balls slap her dripping cunt, and she bit the couch to keep quiet. I pressed my lips to her shoulder, and I wanted to melt inside her.


Slowly first, we moved together, in sync. We met in the middle as we found a pace. My fist found her hair as I pumped into her. “No one else,” she moaned. “I don’t want anyone else.” She whispered as her head fell forward. I released her hair and found her hard clit between her legs. One hand on the back of her throat, the other rubbed slowed circled on her slick clit, spurring her need to come apart. I sped up as she shuddered against my body, legs trembling and heart racing.


"Cum now," I said my voice a hard rasp, as I pounded into her, driving into her with all the strength I had. She cried out, her muscles wrapping tightly around my cock, and I gave way with a final rush that sent flashes of light across my eyelids. She wailed into the couch, fighting the scream as the feel of me between her legs became too much to bear. The orgasm was too much, draining me as I splintered apart and collapsed against the couch cushions. Both of our brains struggled to work - my thoughts scattered and I held onto her long enough to say, “You’re mine.”


I pulled out, kissing her barely conscious body and dressed her. Then I carried her light frame back to her bed.


“Mine, mine, mine, mine,” I whispered as I closed the door, and I may have imagined her whispering back, “always.”




You know that feeling when you wake up and think that last night was too good to be true it must be a dream? Well, I felt like that, right before I panicked because Emmy wasn’t anywhere beside me. She normally snuggled up to me like I was her teddy bear. We couldn’t afford too many, and so she got accustomed to using me as her own. Where was my child? Who was she laughing with?


I jumped out of bed with a short heart attack occurring. Nothing could stop me from finding my child. What I found was shocking. I forgot all about Liam. There he was, playing with Barbies, talking in high voices as Emmy offered him imagined tea.


My adrenaline plunged at the sight of her. She was safe, and that calmed me. I leaned against the doorframe, taking them in. Side by side I could see their similarities. Her dirty brown roots a mixture of our blonde and black mixture. Her eyes were brown like his. They had the same arched nose. She giggled as he wiggled his doll, pretending that the tea’s too hot. Against my dingy carpet, in the light of day, my antique lampshades and thrift store couch looked old. It looked ugly, and he seemed too good to be true. This was what a dream looked like. Right?


She noticed me first.


“Mommy! Mommy!”


Per usual, I took her outstretched arms and pulled her into my arms.


“Good morning my love!” I said, kissing her wild hair.


“Morning,” she said squirming under my tickle fingers.


“How’d you sleep little monkey?” I asked, allowing her to swing from my front to my back.


“I slept, great Mommy.”


“Did you dream?” I pulled her with me onto the couch.


“I did. I did!”


“Were they good?”


“They were!” She cheered before sliding to the floor with Liam.


“I see you met my friend.”


“Uh huh.” She nodded without looking at me. “He’s my new friend.”


I loved how Emmy saw everyone as a possible friend. She said it as a fact. She said it, so it was fact. He was her friend.


“Is he now?” I said, smoothing down her wild curls.


“Uh huh.” She brushed her doll’s curls as I brushed hers.


“Is he nice?” I pretended Liam wasn’t there. I ignored his presence. Ignored how sweetly he looked at my child. Ignored any possible recognition he could see of himself in her. I ignored the way he eyed my body and the way he smirked knowing what we did on this very same couch.


“Uh huh.” She repeated.


“Did he feed you breakfast?”


“Uh uh, nope,” she said. “He said we had to wait for you.”


I finally looked at him, watching him eye our affection.


“She wanted pop tarts.”


I chuckled at her childish mischief. Of course, she tried to trick him into that.


“Not before you take your vitamins.”


She ran into our small bathroom to get the Flintstone chewables.


In her absence, I admitted, “we don’t have anything else. I try to make sure she eats vegetables every night for dinner, but we can’t afford much better for breakfast.”


I couldn’t look him in the eye. He stood, moving the dolls to the side and bent to kiss my forehead.


“Last night was amazing.”


He was redressed, his clothes still smelling faintly of alcohol. He probably used the washing machine downstairs.


He leaned down closer and kissed my lips. “I will see you tomorrow. At 7:00. Don’t be late.”


I couldn’t ignore my morning breath or that his lips on mine were enjoyable. As he walked to the door, I yelled out something to stop him.


“Don’t forget to say goodbye to Emmy.”


She came running out of the bathroom. “Done,” she sung.


“Hug your new friend honey,” I said moving towards the kitchen. Emmy liked her pop tarts toasted.


“Bye Mr. Liam!” She sang, swinging from his neck. She was so small in his arms and so trusting.


Why couldn’t I be that way too?




The suit was tailored, dark blue and sharp looking. It was the sort of outfit that a woman would pick out for her man to wear to a formal event. The short man before me held pins in his mouth and a tape measure in his hand. He stretched it and moved with precision. The tailored look was the only way to go. This wasn’t my wedding but I wasn’t going to show up any less spectacular.


I only have one shot at this. Every time I tried, she shut me down…except for last night. Last night she let me in. She let me past the wall in her heart and I was not going to rappel back over. My mind faded. I wasn’t being fitted for a suit. I was with her. Sharing her space. Enjoying her company. Remembering the moments we shared. Her body under my fingers was a dream and the sounds she made were music. Last night made me think about our first time, two nights before graduation. It was almost four years ago.


While we were playing I asked Emmy how old she was. The beautiful little angel held out three fingers. I asked her when her birthday was and she said February 23
. I did the math and it was perfect. We graduated May 15…she could be mine. When Maddie and I made love, words failed me. I never felt so connected with a person as I did with her in my entire life. We were in sync, we were breathing the same air, she was within my soul and I was within hers. Out of all the women I have had sex with, she was the only one I couldn’t forget. She touched me. She gave me purpose. She gave me reason and I just knew no one could replace her. I thought we were inseparable. I thought we would make a difference, no matter where we were or what we wanted to do. But she didn’t agree.


She said the distance would kill us. She said we should just be friends and then the next day she told me being friends with me would infringe on her friendship with Cara. None of it made sense and the more I tried to make her stay, the more she wanted to leave. Now, in hindsight, it still didn’t make any sense. Did she quit school just for Emmy? Did she know she was pregnant when she broke up with me? Had she cheated on me? Why didn’t she tell me? Why didn’t even Cara know? It was like this never ending rabbit hole of unanswered questions and it boiled my blood.


“Did you hear what I said?”


“Huh?” I asked. My future brother-in-law was saying something.


“I said which color do you think is best? Cara wanted to add a touch of color. Should I go for the red square or the blue?”


“I don’t know,” I said irritated that he disturbed my thinking. “Don’t you practically live in Hollywood? You should know.”


“But she’s your sister. You should know.”


“Exactly. My sister. We didn’t paint our fingers and talk about which color makes your skin pop best.”


He sneered. “What is your problem?”


“I don’t have a problem,” I said rolling my shoulders.


“It is perfect Mr. Shields,” the tailor said. I looked down at his bald head, forgetting that he was there. All around me, he had been working, and I was stuck in my mind.


“Did you get that girl to say yes?”


“What girl?”


“Cara’s best friend. I think her name is Maggie.” Why is he asking me about her? Why is he even speaking her name?


“Her name is Maddie.”


“Oh ok,” he said defensively. “So did she say yes?”


“Why do you care?” I demanded.


“What the hell is your problem?” he asked turning from his reflection.


“Nothing,” I said, bristling. Nothing. She was one hundred percent under my skin.




That money pit of a truck pulled up, and I climbed in, hoping, wanting to hear his compliment. When it came, it fell flat. Something was wrong.


“You look nice,” he said, barely glancing in my direction.


“So do you,” I said taking in his attire. His thick arms bolstered the material, stretching it to its capacity without ripping them to shreds. He looked amazing, but his face was anything but chipper.


“Yea,” he grunted before pulling out.


“Thanks,” he said five minutes later as an afterthought.


He looked angry. I wondered if he knew. He had to know. Why else was he giving me the cold shoulder? Thankfully the ride to the reception hall, like everything in Small Town, was just a short ride away. The radio played quietly as background music to the tension in the car. The hall was lit brightly, lighting the entire block. The music was jovial, and I knew before I even stepped in that the food would taste good.


We entered together, and although he held me, intertwined at the elbow, he was distant. We were standing beside one another and standing on the other side of a chasm. Was it filled with my lies? I immediately sat down, leaving the introductions to Liam. He was the celebrity. I was just a nobody. I found that out the hard way when my friends dropped off like flies in the wake of me not going to college. Cara found me as she greeted guests.


“Madkins! You came!” she exclaimed, reaching to kiss both of my cheeks. “I am so happy!” She was practically jumping for joy. “Remind me to kiss Liam for thanks.”


“I will,” I said returning the kisses.

BOOK: ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Captured by the Alien Dragon (Alpha Male Alien Abduction BBW Romance) (Bad Boy Shifter Fantasy Romance)
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